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November 1st...D_Day..Want to join me?


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Sheila, Thanks for the encouragement...

Not sure if it was Sheila or Donna who had the info re: thyroid and soy.

I'm on synthroid and trying to pick up a WOE... a LONG time ago I'd make a HUGE pot of steamed veggies w/slices or ginger and garlic and TOFU. Thinking about doing it as it would give me VOLUME w/o extra "stuff" but not sure if tofu will be n/g for thyroid... any help would be appreciated.

That said I just past day 3 of trying to "get back to eating 'decent'".. hasn't been easy. We'll see if I can do day 4.

Hope everyone's well. Libby's whining and nagging me to get to her (she's been off since Friday... HELP...) so I gotta run.


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My computer is almost dead and then

my server wasn't working. Hope thus goes thru.


Leaving Sat. 24 th to visit my parents and if his (father)

surgery goes alright and when he is fine then we might

go to Az for a few days and visit friends and then

back to parents.


Will try to get on computer at friends in Az if

we get there.


If all goes well be back March 11th or 12th.


Everyone be good and take care.


Love to you all

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My puter keeps going off (staying at this moment)

but when I wrote (post above) tried to do it fast..

now see all the mistakes.


(1) Hope this not thus!


(2) Suppose to be ..and if he (my father)


When we get to AZ, not saying if because father

is going to be fine..thinking postive.

I will use their computer and see how your all dong.

Hope everyone will be talking.


Good to see you Carolyn.

Baby how was your cruise?

Donna would love to hear how Joe is.

Sheila know your doing your exercise as I type! LOL


Better leave, so can send before the puter takes

another break. Hope I can post tomorrow.

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Hi girls!! I've got a rotten cold!! YUCK! I'll be fine though....just a bump in the road compared to everyone else's issues. ;)


Carolyn ~ Glad to see you're back on track!!! It must have been Donna that mentioned the soy to you. I don't know anything about that. Keep doing good!


Belle ~ I mentioned this on the weigh-in thread, but you and your DF are in my prayers. I hope his surgery goes very well and recovers fast. You have a safe and happy trip. Enjoy the time with your friends.


Donna ~ Yes, we would all love to hear how Joe is doing!!!! If I still had your e-mail address, I'd e-mail you. I accidentally deleted it. Please post.


I'm going to have a nice weekend not doing too much. I'm looking forward to it!!

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First off, no time to catch up! I brought Joe home last Sunday afternoon and he is actually doing quite well outside of the pain meds not managing the pain as the rib cage heals. I have even managed to make a daily run to work to answer questions and pick up paperwork. However, I'm not totally sure where the rest of the time is going besides making sure that he doesn't do something he shouldn't. Surgery was an absolute success and he was well on the road to recovery when a lung collapsed and filled with fluid. Valentine's Day will need to be celebrated later since he ended up back in surgery after hours of misery while they thickened his blood to prep him. There was some question with the other lung when he left the hospital but the visiting nurse said it was absolutely clear yesterday. He gained 31# within two days of surgery and he is now down 16# from what he weighed when he walked in the hospital. I am a stay the samer and managed to start back on the treadmill last night for the first time.


Yesterday's schedule was totally messed up waiting for the tech to take blood then the nurse and we never buckled down but went back and started looking at cruises for late April/May. Nurse seems to think that he will be off Coumadin way ahead of schedule (he has been off the last 3 days and back on low dosage until tested again on Monday) so the Galaxy TA is being looked at again along with the Mercury Wine cruise which friends are taking. I will have to run out today and get a few groceries along with picking up more work since we are now expected to get another six inches of snow this weekend.


The amazing thing is how well Mom is doing ever since she realized that I wasn't going to be guilted into coming down and taking care of her. She is actually chipper and this is after being without power (still had heat) for almost an entire week.


How is everyone else doing?

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Computer working this minute..

So I'll type fast.


Donna sorry Joe had a rough time but

so glad he's doing better. So good in

fact that your looking into a cruise for

2 to 3 months from now. That's great!


Sheila sorry your not feeling well.

Rest this weekend. Thank you for prayers

for my father. I'm thinking postive.

I lost only .2 this week but I'll take it. I've

lost 8 lbs in three weeks. Now not to gain

while I'm gone. Wish me luck!


Carolyn hope your sticking to your plan

like you want. We all know it's hard.


Baby want to hear about your cruise. We

don't care if you gained. Think we all

gain on cruises except Miriam.


Ok you all take care, will try to check in

when in AZ.

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Just got back..around midnight last night. Read only a couple of posts. Sounds like too much sickness. I wish you all (and your loved ones) good health.


Good new...gained 1/2 pound. Very proud of myself. The only thing I couldn't give up was the ice cream! Had to have some everyday!


Cruise was wonderful. Loved our stay in San Juan (never thought I would!). Did a lot of walking, climbing and swimming. Now I am so sedentary, but I am drinking tons of water today.


Beaches were great. Did a little sightseeing. Didn't get enough sleep!! Going out with our tablemates (our friends!) tonight for dinner. Won't be exactly the same, but will be fun!


Take care of yourselves!

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Belle ~ Have a great trip!! Hope everything goes well with your DF.


Baby ~ Glad you're back and had a great time!!!! Do we ever get enough sleep on a cruise? LOL


I'm doing better today....had a nasty virus over the weekend. Seems like everyone around me is sick. UGH!!



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Sheila, glad to see your post and glad that you are feeling better?


Where did Belle go?


I lost the 1/2 pound I gained. So, I am a happy cruiser!!!


Now I have to start looking for a gown for the wedding...do you know "Oy vay"??? This is the best incentive for losing! Will keep you posted!


Take care.


Where is everyone else?


Miss you all.

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Carolyn tipped me off that this is where you all hung out...nice to see familiar names are still here...Donna and I have been in touch almost daily on the board we started almost 5 years ago with Gayla59, Llinda, Davlinni, HollyB and Seagulls, Donna I didn't know you were still posting here.


I have decided to try to get back in shape and to lose some of the weight I have gradually put on...went on a cruise last week and was not real happy with myself...you know you can only stretch those Chico's travelers so far...LOL


Have been good today, the first day of a diet I am always mentally gung ho but by tonight I know my hungry stomach will be taunting me to cheat...but I have to keep my eye on the big picture. Hopefully it will get easier after the first few days of feeling hungry.


Carolyn, I can't believe you remembered about our miracle baby..Riley is a beautiful smart 3 1/2 year old little boy now...how time flies. They are seriously thinking of adopting a little girl...probably will be a Russian adoption.


Ok, off to fix dinner...grilled salmon, steamed broccoli and salad with Newmans lite limon dressing.


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Hi Sissy! Welcome to our little group. This is a wonderful support system. I have been posting here, on and off, since its inception.


Good luck with your "diet". Your dinner sounds delicious and healthy!


Good news! Down a pound. I am really excited. Had to post and boast! Don't only want to complain when I gain! (Like my rhyme?!?)


Sheila, are you feeling better today?


Where is everyone else?


Have a great day!


The sun is out. The days are getting longer. I love that!

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Hi girls! I'm feeling much better today...thanks for asking. ;)


Baby ~ Belle went to be with her DF for his surgery and then to visit friends in Arizona. So glad you are down a pound!!!! :D


Sissy ~ Hey! I thought you might find your way over here to this thread. I haven't seen HollyB on here in a long time. I think Donna still keeps in touch with her though. I'm sure Donna told you about Seagulls. So very sad!


I'm still trying to maintain control and get this extra 10 pounds off. It gets harder and harder!


Later ladies!!

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Sheila glad you are feeling better. Seagulls, Jean was a very good friend of mine, she and I met on this board 5 years ago and then when we started our private board I got to know her very well...we met in Fort Lauderdale and in Chicago for girl's getaways and both times we were roomies. We said we were like sisters separated at birth we had so much in common...we both loved shopping at Steinmart and there were so many times that we would both come home with the same things it was unbelieveable...we IM'd several times a week for a couple of years. She was a spunky but gentle person and I will miss her.

The old hunger monster was there last night but I told him to take a walk..and funny thing I survived.

Baby, I know that it is more current not to diet, but to change one's lifestyle with a sensible food plan...LOL, but it seems I have dieted most of my adult life so it is my lifestyle...nothing drastic though, just smaller amounts of healthy foods. I have this Celiac thing to deal with so my choices have been limited lately.

I am going out for a walk today and I am actually a little excited about it..words that usually don't come out of me.


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Sissy ~ I should've know that you knew Jean real well. She was definitely a sweet person though I only "knew" her from here. Do you ever hear from Linda? She hasn't posted on the Loser board in a very long time. How are you dealing with your Celiac. I have a lot of intestinal issues and have wondered if it might be Celiac. I don't have all of the symptoms though. There's a "gluten-free" thread on here also. It is here: http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=441750.


Hang in there!!

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Glad you "found us" welcome. Is celiac something like Crohns? (gluten allergy or something like IBS but "worse"?). Right now address your immediate eating needs (to manage health and reduce pain) and I'm sure the rest should fall in place (listen to me... I really need to follow the "party line" <lol>).

Baby, Good luck with getting your wedding attire ready. What are the colors and when is the "big simcha"? (don't remember if you posted a date whether it was a spring or summer wedding). Keep your water filled and I'm sure you'll be fine. So glad you totally enjoyed your cruise and stay in SJ and only came back w/1/2 lb gain... and this was on a X ship? (know what you mean about the icecream on X... really missed it on RCCL).

Donna, Glad Joe's on the fast track w/recovery and your both exploring your upcoming cruise/travel options... hope work isn't "that" stressful and busy for you. .I know what you mean about how "Moms" are . They usually manage fine when you got an emergency to take care of (though through it all you're not too sure what to expect).

Belle, prayers are w/you and DF on upcoming surgery. Hope things go smoothly and you have a nice time w/your friends in AZ.

Sheila, Hope by the time you read this post you're over your "YUCK"!.

As for me I'm plugging away as best I can w/eating. Had gotten "fed up" with the scale and feeling crummy. Mainly my back (sciatica) was starting to flare up and I was getting "scared" (had it under control for several years but this time around think I overdid it w/snow-ice removal and foot/heal was starting to sting/tingle... the main signs in addition to the pain. I'm low carbing and have eliminated all "whites" for about 6 days now. Got the scale to move a little bit but now it's at a total standstill and now it's probably going to be had to get past it. Unfortunatley the last couple of days I've been feeling truly exhausted. I've gone to bed at a decent hour but still feel washed out. Even took a nap yesterday but it didn't help. Not sure what to make of it. Wish spring would come soon. Guess I'm still stressing about having kids on 2 schedules and Mike traveling alot. Doesn't help that we can only go away for week around Xmas and then a bit in summer. Don't really like to do the "main" family trip in summer 'cause it's too hot. Stressing about what to do "with (for) Alex" regarding school. Won't hear from Choate until March 10th and then we only have a month to decide whether to accept (w/a large check to hold space then). Know I don't want him to continue where he is (it's been good for him for the 2 years but he really doesn't have friends there and I'm not sure if it's the "right fit" for him... <he needs to be really challenged in Math and Science...he's getting it now but we found out that the teacher he has for Math may be going to Choate (which would be great if Alex decides to go there). Which leaves us to possibly putting him back into public high school (Mike's not for this). Well after some investigation (and phone calls to asst principal there) I've found out that Alex can go there to "check out" some of the classes (shadow a 9th and 10th grader) and he might be able to jump some courses. This is mainly due to the fact that that we had him take the SAT in Jan. (since it doesn't count) to see how he'd do (and compare it to last years scores in 7th grade). Well, he did great (a high school senior would be VERY happy with them.. now if we can only have this on him permanent record... don't think he can improve much) . At least now I've got some hard proof that he's "up there" and he really needs and is ready for "more than what's offered for the incoming 9th grader". So we'll see what they might offer him. I'd love for the kids to be on the same calendar. I also would be greatful that our checkbook would have a "break" from the last 2 years of writing out checks that have equalled college tuition. I know that he might be better off academically at Choate but unf. we're not eligible for financial aid but we'll have to tighten our frugal as it is spending if he went there and might not be able to take advantage of all the school has to offer (they've got a rigid dress code that we need to factor in when looking at the total $$ spent). Oh well at least I have 10 days before acceptance notices are sent via e-mail.

Gotta run out to pick up Libby from school and take care of errands.


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Hi Ladies,

I've been "lurking" ever since we came back from Israel. I'm still struggling with depression and stress. Everytime I think I've got a handle on it(depression) life throws me another curve ball.


New year starte off okay but by the end of January I was making a trip to Washington D.C. The Uncle who helped to raise me passed away and I had two days to make arrangements to get to D.C. Much to hurried, much to much heart ache and too short a trip


Latest was DD#2 who moved back home right around Thanksgiving was in a car accident. She is fine and for that we are thankful. However, we were 4 payments away from not having a truck payment...she was coming home at 4AM( I know but she's only 21) and fell asleep at the wheel less than two blocks from our home. She was not wearing her seatbelt when she flipped the truck and totaled it. She walk away with a few minor cuts, several brusies, and some strained and pulled neck muscles. I know, and believe me, I've thanked God several times that she is alive and all we're mourning is the "loss of the truck". Insurance has settled and is still insuring us, we will get "new" truck this Friday. Truck is a 2005 but the price is right and so are the payments.


There are some bright spots. DD#2 just got a new job. She has gone back to being a dental assistant( person who sits chairside & works with Dentist). She sent out 5 resumes on Sundy and had 4 call backs on Monday. Today she had an interview with Dentist that is 1.4 miles from the house and he hired her on the spot. Am so happy. She has been working as a hostess at Smokey Bones resturant. Not a bad job, but not going to pay the bill and get back on her feet. I am just so pleased that she has this new job. She wanted to know if getting this job made up for flipping the truck. Told her no, but it was a step in the right direction.


My big news is that the church, this May for Pastor's Appreication will be giving us a cruise. They had to tell me cause I need to pick the cruise. My first choice was Alaska. But I really didn't want to fly and Joe needs a break after the Israel trip. Plane trip was really hard on him. So I started looking a cruises that left from Port, Ft. Lauderdale or Miami. I was also limited in time frame to some extent as Karen (my sister) is doing Greek Isle cruise in Oct. We both can't be gone at the same time because of Mom. I wanted to wait until after hurricane season was over. With all that criteria I didn't think I'd ever find a cruise but am going to book be the end of the week. A 10 night cruise to the Panama Canal. We don't do the transcanal but do the first three locks and then turn around in the Lake.

We will be getting a balcony cabin. Only down side is I'm a RCCL baby and I'm doing this cruise on the Coral Princess. Any of you ladies done a cruise with Princess line? I'd love to hear what you thought.


Weight has held steady. No big loss and no big gains. I really want to get back to a healthier way of eating. One of the ladies where I work is hoping to start a WW group in the office. I've already signed up. With Lent I've given up chocolate so maybe that will help. I've also started looking for different things to satisty my sweet and/or crunchy issues. Found a mini-shredded wheat that is Cinnamon(sp?) and does satisfy the sweet & crunchy all in one. No milk just eat a half cup plain.


Well, I'm sorry I've written a short novela, but it is so good to know you ladies are still here. I'll keep checking in.


Carolyn are you sure we're not related? In reading your posts its almost like my life. Scary isn't it.


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Baby, where is your water and how was our favorite ship? I have had one heck of a time convincing him that he can't do that TA this May! WTG on the WL! Sounds like the cruise shook up your metabolism!


Sheila, Hope the bug is long gone!


Carolyn, Tough decision and will take a lot of thought. We managed to move to an excellent public school district but that is not always an option. How is the low carb going?


Belle, Thoughts and prayers are with you. Hoping everything went well and your enjoying a visit with your friends. Waiting to see if he gets his way and we will be at Beach Blanket Babylon on 4/26 followed by Mercury on 4/27 and Golden Princess on 5/4.


Linda, Glad your back and hope you stay, happy or sad! Glad she is ok and it sounds like things are looking up with her. The cruise is a fantastic gift! Fortunately, Sissyg has found us and she is pretty much the expert on Princess along with having done the same cruise on Coral Princess. I have to look them up but there are a few really neat standard balconies. I know the last balconies (one on each side) before the aft suites on Baha and possibly Caribe have angled balconies that face the bridge and are very large for a standard balcony cabin. We haven't sailed RCL in many years but from hearing reports, you will definitely enjoy Princess.


Sissy, Glad you found your way back! There is no such thing as too much support and it will help with missing her!


Joe's recovery is slow but I am slowly managing more time at the office. I just can't bring everything that I need home including my computer that blew up the day before his surgery. I am still reloading it and have had to steal my spare so I can work from home. Fortunately, a friend and co-worker started back yesterday after winning her bout with C and she is taking over a good portion of what I am now doing on a permanent basis. It will be really nice to eventually get to do my regular work during normal hours. Meantime, on the homefront, I am finding that doing anything outside of from scratch is impossible on a low sodium diet. Have also discovered that they tend to raise sodium levels when they make foods low fat so it is going to be a real learning curve to cook meals that are low fat, low sodium and low cholesterol. The learning curve is not how to do it but how to make it taste like it is worth eating. I will probably have every Mrs. Dash blend by the end of next week!


Ok, time to get ready for tomorrow.


Sweet dreams all!

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Hi friends! You sure were busy posting last night. ;)


Carolyn ~ Hey! Do you think you might be feeling so tired due to cutting out all of the carbs? When I tried that, I was a walking zombie. Just a thought. I hope you can make an easy decision regarding Alex's school. I know that is a tough one. He must be one smart young man. You are very lucky! Hang in there and I hope your back starts feeling better soon. I get a steroid shot next Friday for mine and I'm so glad!!


Linda ~ Hello!!!! So, glad to see you posting again. Sorry to hear about everything that has been going on isn't all good. I know you are so thankful that your DD#2 is OK. God must've been looking out for her. How's Connor doing? You haven't mentioned him in while. I'm sure he is a bright spot in your life. Good luck planning your cruise. That is really nice of the church to do that. Take care of yourself!!


Donna ~ Sounds like Joe is on the mend if he thinks he can take a TA cruise. LOL Good for him!! That's also great news that your co-worker/friend beat the big C and is coming back to work. I know that will be a tremendous relief to you. Good luck getting your computer loaded. I know that is a pain in the rear.


Baby ~ When is the wedding? Are you still looking for something to wear?


Sissy ~ How are you doing today?


I had a great day yesterday with my WOE and exercise! I sure I can see a loss next week. It might be pushing it for this week. ;)


Later, girls!!

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Good Morning Ladies,

Still sticking fast to my plan...I do have a little trouble at night, I have the 9:00 snack syndrome and it is hard to ignore...last night I ate about a 1/4 cup of dried fruit bits and that seemed to satisfy me.

Linda, as far as Princess goes, we love it but have little to compare it to. We have sailed on both the sister ships Island and the Coral, they are beauties, I think of the two I liked the decor of the Coral the best. We took that very same partial transit cruise a few years ago and really enjoyed the itinerary. Our daughter and her dh and baby were along and one of my girlfriends from CA and her dh..so we had lots of fun and built in dining companions. We do personal choice dining because it works best for us, that way we can go to dinner when we choose...either when we are hungry or after we have had cocktails. If this cruise is a gift then you should consider yourself a very lucky person. I never write reviews because I think ships and itineraries are so subjective to an individual that what one raves about someone else will complain about. As an example...Princess has MUTS....movies under the stars...I hate this concept for the reason that all day long while you are around the pool they are showing movies....mostly kiddy movies with the volume turned up full blast..it has driven us to find other spots to sun rather than at the large pool. However some absolutely love this and seek out ships that are outfitted with the huge screen..just a matter of like and dislikes.


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Trip not going as planned.

father didn't have surgery..

(he's very unhappy, wanted it over)

just before starting..found

irregular heart beat. Woundn't

do surgery. Not has three appts.

for tests this Mon. Tues. and Wed.

he feels fine and Drs. said we can

fix it. he said go to Az. so we left, came to Az.

and then going back for his tests. I

talk to him everyday, doing fine.



Now another story begins...The first night we're

here, 'some people" try to steal our car.

Break driver side window, stearing column, key

area, car undriveable, (didn't know what they

were doing) left in middle of street, pushed

from driveway. Police came, got finger prints but

teenagers sure their not in system yet.

So now in shop getting fixed. Money we weren't

planning on spending! Could of put it toward

a cruise.

This is a nice neighberhood, cars parked outside all

the time, some reason picked ours.


Sissy, Hi! Good to see you.


Baby, Welcome Back! Tell us about your cruise.

Yea you gained so little and then got it off!


Sheila, Sorry you were sick but glad your feeling better now.

Thanks for doing weigh-in. Your doing great on

your weight and exercise.


Donna, Glad Joe is feeling better. Good luck on the cooking.


Linda, Welcome back. Great about a free cruise. Hope

you feel better. Glad your daughter wasn't hurt in accident.


Carolyn. Sorry so much stressf or you, have a bit myself right

now! Know how you feel. Hope you feel better soon too.


So eating a little more than I planned but trying to watch it.

Will get back on the straightand narrow soon.


Everyone have a good Friday and weekend.

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Belle ~ Wow! That's horrible about your car. My goodness! I would be livid. Will your insurance not cover most of the damage? Oh, I guess you have to pay a deductable. I sure hope your DF's test come out fine and they can figure out about his heart rate. I know he's disappointed. My GM had to have a pacemaker put in on Wed. She's doing fine, but still as cranky as ever. Good luck to your DF!

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I think when I read other posters on these boards it kind of gives me a reality check and keeps me from feeling sorry for myself or isolated when things go wrong.. you realize that each and everyone of us have so many ups and downs in life...I had to learn how to not let everything bother me so much, I used to make myself sick...used to let my stressful job rule my whole life and that is really hard on ones self and family. I really try to live my life with the serenity prayer in mind...I don't handle stress well.


Hey do you have a regular weigh in day? I started on Monday and have really tried to stay away from the scale this first week...so I guess unless you have an "official" day mine will be Mondays.


Bought bulbs yesterday and we are going to plant them today...they really do better when planted in the fall but, oh well, it didn't happen, so they will be there next spring.

Making a stir fry for dinner with rice noodles...found a gluten free soy sauce yesterday, Walmart brand...go figure, what a surprise.


WOW! Belle, Baby, Sheila, you have been here for a long time haven't you?


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Sissy ~ Hello! I don't handle stress well either. I'm also a stress eater so that's not good. I haven't found a way yet to handle stress. Any ideas? I've been posting here since 2002....so 5 years...not that long. I love it here. :D

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