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November 1st...D_Day..Want to join me?


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I just do a lot of talking with myself...I try to understand that worrying will not change it and what if anything can I do to change a situation...if it is out of my control I take a deep breath and let it go...when I was younger I didn't even think of it as stress...more just the way I did things...I eventually learned how destructive it was. My dad was an alcoholic and all my life I heard the serenity prayer but only thought of it as the AA prayer, when I got older I realized that it was the perfect prayer for me to deal with life and stress. Sissy

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Quick stop by before I go out and face all the blowing and drifting snow!


Sissy, the serenity prayer is a great one! Glad you found the gluten free soy sauce!


Sheila, back to 100% yet?


Baby, where is your water? Did you find the dress yet?


Linda, Sissy is right and we all have different perspective's (we love muts but don't usually go near that pool during the day). As to the comparison to RCI, it will be a little more laid back with better food though probably comparable service. You will also have less children which means you just might get the chance to enjoy the 24/7 hot tubs. Looks like Coral doesn't have the special balcony cabins that most of the Grand class have.


Hi to the rest! Joe is back so better post before he distracts me too much!


Have a great Friday!


Carolyn, Mike home this weekend? Any school decision?

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Hi everyone! We have lots of snow. How about you? I thought that if we returned at the end of February, winter would be about over. Ha! Mother Nature has other ideas. It is not too cold, though. The high today will be about 30. BUT...Tues they predict a high of Below Zero F. Yuch. I WANT SPRING!!!


Good news in the weight department. Down 1 pound from just before I left for cruise. No complaints there.


Last night we went to a Greek fish restaurant. I don't know if I mentioned it before, but in our city, the Greeks make the BEST FISH. The fish on the Galaxy was AWFUL...the worst I have had at sea. Celebrity doesn't usually do fish well, but this time, they surpassed themselves!!! Mostly, after a couple of bites, I just left it over. No complaint...it helped the weight!!!!!


But last night was a real treat. We had Mediterranean Sea Bass. Yummy! A very healthy meal. Grilled oyster mushrooms (delish!), fish, rice with veggies and steamed veggies and fresh fruit for dessert. I didn't even have a slice of bread (which you dip in olive oil). Am I making anyone hungry??????


Re: Gown


Wed. I began to look. Went to three places. First place...tried on one skirt and top...awful. Tried on skirt that they made. Nice. Swept the floor (did you notice at the Academy Awards how the skirts gracefully swept the floor?). Nice for walking down the aisle, but I think they make it so that you can hook it up for dancing. She said that she could make me a top for it.


Second place. Chi chi. Name dropping owner. Told her I wanted elegant AND comfortable. So she puts me into one of those bustier contraptions (like we wore 40 years ago!). I couldn't breathe. Forget it.


Third place. (Like your Neiman Marcus). Zero. Everything was strapless. Don't want.


This week, I want to go to 2 places near here. I am afraid that I will have to have something made...


Enough about me!


Sheila.. Are you ALL BETTER? Hope you are back to your cheery self!


Belle..Thank G-d your Dad is doing fine. That's the most important.


Sorry about the car. What a nuisance! Does your insurance cover it?


How was Arizona?


Carolyn..Hope your Sciatica is better. Mine is worse now that I am home.


Tell us about Alex. Where will he go next year? I was lucky. My kids went to Hebrew Day Schools ..the same elementary, but different high schools...all were close to home. I car pooled with another mother for elementary, but at the high school level, they took the public bus. Very convenient!


Donna...how is your DH doing? I type your name and automatically go down for another glass of water..like Pavlov's dog!!!!


The Galaxy was fine. Some people complained about shabbiness, but I hardly noticed. The dinners weren't great. Breakfast was delicious. Lunches..I made my own salads...just how I love them. Mocha ice ream (I added chocolate chips) for dessert almost every day. What could be bad?


Many days, I couldn't even find anything to order on the dinner menu. Then I would order grilled salmon. But it was inedible.


We had a nice itinerary. Only 2 seadays. One rainy day..in St. Lucia. Disappointed because we had never been there and we hired a cab. The weather was so yucky, I was in a bitchy mood. Hated getting out of the car to see whatever in the pouring rain.


Dominica was gorgeous (and dryer!!). We had never been there either. Took a ship's tour which we enjoyed.


Tortola was a nice surprise. A very tranquil island. Beautiful. (First time there, also.)


Sissy...planting bulbs? We have a mountain of snow! Take those walks. They are the best. As soon as it warms up I will start. (Also great for stress!)

Please inform me...what is the serenity prayer?


Linda...that cruise with a balcony sounds wonderful. Enjoy.

Glad your daughter found a good job.Hope she like it!


Tell us about your trip to Israel.


Hope I didn't forget anyone...but I am getting tired of reading and writing!


Have a great day, all!

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Hi girls!! I had a great weekend doing house cleaning and seeing my DS in his high school play. He actually stole the show! He played Flute in "A Midsummer Night's Dream." Flute is an actor that plays a female named Thisbee (sp?). So, just imagine a 6' 2" 240 lb guy playing a girl. He was hilarious! I got many comments and phone calls regarding how good he was. It was nice to hear.


Sissy ~ I deal with stress a lot better now. I often say a prayer myself when I get stressed out. Most of the time though, it goes something like this, "Lord, please help me not kill these people." Am I joking...nope! ;)


Baby ~ Is there a problem with you not having something made? Can you buy that skirt you liked and then have a top made? How long do you have? Sounds like you had a good time on your cruise. I just hate it when it rains on a cruise. We had that happen the last time we were in St. Thomas and I was so disappointed. It rained most of the day in Barbados when we were there also. I'd like to go back there to see more of the island.


Donna ~ Joe must be feeling better! You sound less stressed yourself. I'm back to 100%. Thanks for thinking about me.


Belle ~ Are you enjoying Arizona? How's your DF doing?


Take care, all!

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Hey everyone...

things have been totally "nutz" lately (the usual crap... you all know the routine from me). We things were "ok" except for my eating. Things started getting bad w/Mom starting on Monday. Seems like the new MD (also new social worker at home.. all these "new" don't help) had a psyc. check on mom. They decided on upping her antidepressants (which don't seem to be doing anything for her). Secondly they were adding Xanax 3X daily (bad thing w/her on meth. which unf. this "new" doc decided to make 10mg every 4 hrs prn (or whatever abbreb.) since he's not aware that mom will say she's in pain even if it's bearable. Well on Tuesday AM saw that there was a bit of a problem w/Mom's speech etc. and when I finally found out that they were starting her on Xanax I went ballistic (she was almost comotose when she last had Xanax in Oct. when she got upset about something and the nurse encouraged her to take it... (bad thing when she had 2 pain patches on in addition to taking vicodan round the clock.. boy am I getting to be a pharm. expert). Well to make long story short doctor, nurses, hospice all dropped the ball and at 8PM after I ranted a bit I got a call back from the "on call" MD that they decided to send Mom (who now has a UTI and finally started on antibiotics as of Thursday evening, though I wasn't told about it directly) off to hospital since her BP had dropped quite a bit. So it's the same old routing... AGGH. At least I'm low carb and frustrated (so at this point in time I don't eat).

On a somewhat happy note Alex DID get accepted to Choate. Now for the bad news... finally saw what the tuition etc. is and I was shocked that it went up over 5% and is about $2K more than his present school (which was still too high for my blood). Mike's ready to just swallow it and make the check out. I'm concerned about the unexpected expenses (know that books will probably be another 1K). It looks like it's Ivy League tuition for being a day student. 4 years BEFORE college. The kicker is that they'll have a "check out the school ) on March 30th. Well Mike gets into JFK very late on March 29th. (at first he wasn't supposed to be back until late March 30th but Libby has a Me and My Guy (used to be Beau) girl scout dance that she looks forward to every year (and so does Mike). nothing fancy but they get a nice picture and it's nice for them. So he rebooked his b-trip to Brussels to get in a day early (unf. the big=shots from CA. office will all be going out hopefully they'll be leaving the conv. early too so it doesn't look "bad" that Mike's leaving early). They have a dress code for the kids, seems like Alex might be able to sit in on a class or two (same as us). I really don't know much about this prep-school except that it's the top 3 in the country, very prestigious (and of course very expensive). Wish if Mike's Dad would cough up a few bucks.. (wishful thinking). Add to this that the kids will only have a week between Xmas and then the summer for vacations... which makes it all the more difficult. So I ranted (since I'm stressed about MOm, haven't talked to her at all today in hospital though I tried... unf. Diane DID speak to her and then had to give me her complaints... she's expecting me to run down to sit w/Mom and then stay there.. my worry is if I go down I might get stuck there... replay of what happened w/Dad) and then Alex got depressed. I'd love it if he'd try to public school (that is if he'd get the courses he needs-- is qualified for).

OK.. I've vented enough...

It's after midnight (before springing forward) and I gotta get Libby up early tomorrow for religious school. Hope to go down to hospital to check in on Mom. Luckily Alex is off the next 2 weeks. Mike will be going OOT Wed-Sat (predictable since Mom got in hospital.. always works out that way).

Hope everyone's well and enjoying their weekend.

Baby, is it "almost" time for the thaw? We hope to start warming up this weekend.


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Carolyn ~ Boy, does it ever slow down for you? I'm so sorry you're so stressed right now. How's your DM doing today? Take care!!


Donna ~ How are you and Joe doing?


Baby ~ Where's your water? ;) Any luck finding a dress?


Linda ~ How are you?


Sissy ~ You still hanging here with us?


Kip ~ How about you?


I had a good weekend. I got an epidural shot for my back on Friday so I didn't exercise all weekend except for hauling limbs yesterday. We had a gorgeous 82 degrees and sunny. It was so nice to feel the sun on my back and face. :D

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Well, it's above freezing, so maybe some of the snow will melt! Sheila, I am so jealous of your gorgeous weather!


Weight is O.K. Keeping it off. Would like to lose a little more.


Thanks, Sheila, my water is right here. You are taking Donna's place!!! Where is Donna? Where is everyone else?


Hope the epidural helps. I am still not great. Better than at the beginning. I realize now how excruciating that was. But I still feel the symptoms, although not continuously and not as severely. I am religiously doing my exercises and I hope to go to physio only once a week.


Carolyn...oh my! Whenever I read your posts, I feel exhausted! So I can imagine how you feel!


Congrats on Alex's acceptance. That is really a feather in his cap. You must be so proud of him!


Sorry to read about your stressful situation with your Mom. The sandwich generation, right?


Don't forget to take care of YOU. You won't be much good to anyone unless you do!!!!! Hope you can find some "me time" in your day. We are in your camp!!!


Looked for a gown yesterday. Went to one place. Didn't even bother to try anything on. Today, I will try another place.


Have a great day, all!

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Jeez, how the time flies...I have not been here for a few days. Have been trying to work on portion control this week, probably one of my hardest obstacles..if it tastes good I want a little more. Yesterday was a beautiful day and I walked about 2 miles with Robert...then he went on without me and ran 4 more miles and rode his bike a few miles after I don't know where he gets the energy, but he loves running, has been doing it for years. I have been working on trying to drink more water, in the winter when it is cold my water intake really decreases so need to regain that desire to drink even when I am not thirsty.


The serenity prayer is the one that they use in AA:


God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change

the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.


To me it really says a lot and allows me to just let go of the things that don't matter.


Baby, what is the special event you need a new gown for? That should be a fun shopping experience..and the best part is when you find that one beautiful perfect gown and you know you look great in it...keep looking you will find "The One"


Some news around our house this week, our daughter who has little Riley, the baby boy our other daughter was a surrogate for finally made the decision that they are going to adopt a baby girl from the Ukraine. They have already applied and the agency said they would have a baby in about 9 months. They will have to go to Kiev for 3 weeks in approximately 9 months to select the baby and then wait to finalize the adoption. They asked me to go with them, of course Robert wouldn't think of being left here, so it looks like in the dead of winter we will be in Kiev...they wanted to take Riley with them because they think 3 weeks with them away and then coming home with a little sister would be very difficult for him, he is very much a momma's boy...the agency does not offer care givers if you bring a child so they asked us to go to help with the children and to lend support. The agency will walk them thru this every step of the way with accommodations and travel and they will have an english speaking guide with them wherever they go in Kiev. Should be a very interesting, memorable and emotional experience for us all. It looks like I better start thinking of doing my Christmas shopping early this year because this could happen anytime from November to January.


Tonight we are going to a little play our 7 year old grandson is in. It is like A Bug's Life, he is playing a dragonfly with a speaking part...should be adorable.

Hope you are all having a good day today and it gets better as it goes along.


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Hello girls!!!


Baby ~ I was trying to help Donna out by reminding you of your water since she hasn't been around. LOL Good luck finding a gown today! Great job on maintaining your loss. Stay at it and the rest will come off eventually. Don't you just love me saying that? The queen of impatientness. LOL (Is that even a word?)


Sissy ~ WOW! That is fantastic news about your family! What an exciting adventure!!! One of my co-workers adopted 3 boys from Russia. They are adorable, smart, and sweet kids. They are now 12, 10, and 3. I'm so happy for all of you. Enjoy the play today!! My DS was in his HS play last weekend. He stole the show...if I do say so myself. Others said it also, so it must be true. LOL


Carolyn ~ I forgot to congratulate you on Alex's accomplishment! He must be one smart kid. Hope you're having a better time with everything that is going on. Hang in there!


Donna ~ How are you and Joe? Miss you!


I'm doing really well....my WOE and exercise is going great! I hope to show another loss on Thursday. I'm shooting for one pound a week, but will take more. ;)


I miss Belle!

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thought I'd pop in and "leave the light on"...

seems like we're all busy. Didn't know if I posted the Mom was "back in the hospital" the last week. Just checked out on Saturday (after our snow) and had stayed a week. I saw it coming for the whole week and no matter what I did do couldn't avoid it (seems like her "new" doctor who said she was dehydrated on Wed. then was out sick the next 2 days while I was leaving urgent calls, never having my calls returned). I've gotten numb by this.

Think I'm going to get to sleep early tonight (instead of eating).

Take care everyone


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Carolyn ~ I hope your DM is doing better and you're taking care of yourself!!


Where is everyone?


I'm doing pretty good. I could be better though.....I ate a little too much over the weekend. I didn't gain, but I might not show a loss this week either because of it. I really need to keep my head together cause we cruise in 10 weeks and I want to be down 8 more pounds. ;)


Hope all of you are doing well!!!

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I was feeling really guilty because I hadn't posted here for awhile...but see that everyone else must have a lot going on too. Our daughter is just getting over being sick the past few weeks and then her husband had to have a treadmill stress test and started having a heart attack while doing the test..they helicoptered him to Tulsa to a Cardiac Care hospital and they did a cardiac cath within an hour of arriving...everything is fine now..he is home and is taking the week off to recover. Robin being sick and her husbands problems threw us all in a tizzy, but things are smoothing out and getting back to normal again.


I have totally ignored what was going in my mouth unfortunately...but just found out today that we are leaving in 7 weeks to go to California for a few months...so want my clothes to fit and look nice so have to make myself climb back on the wagon and watch what I am eating for the next 7 weeks.

Have been working this week helping to organize private excursions for our 31 day transpacific cruise next year...we have great private tours booked for all but 2 of the ports. We have a huge roll call probably 125 already and the cruise is over a year away, of course there are a lot who have signed on the roll call, posted once and won't show up again until 2 weeks before we sail. This group is going to be fun, we have a lot of friends from other cruises that are on this one too.


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Sissy ~ I am so sorry to hear about your DSIL and DD's illness. I'm so glad to hear that everything is fine now. You can't worry about yourself sometimes when worrying about others. You have a while now before your cruise so you should be able to take full advantage of the time you have until then. ;) Don't ever feel guilty about not posting here...we're not the posting police. LOL Hang in there!!!


Donna ~ I need an update on you!


Baby ~ See above to Donna. Where are you?


Carolyn ~ How's the family?


When does Belle get back?


Everything is going fine with me. :D

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Didn't know you had a cruise coming up in 2 months... where to and on which line? (know you usually do RCCL if memory is correct).


Glad things worked out w/your DSIL.. hope everyone's feeling better and you're doing OK (meaning are you trying to be careful of what you eat for you're "health" (not necessarily for weight loss) think you know what I mean). 31 day trans... WOW, wouldn't know how to pack.. will it be w/Princess?

As for me, I'm "battling" w/Mom's MDs regarding her meds... a real pain. I was really wrung out after our "family" consult (especially when the MD was paged and said he left for an "emergency" < he doesn't return my call>).

But since we have to go to Alex's "possible new school" on March 30th and I don't have "anything appropriate to wear" I've been careful for 2 days.. (it's a start.

Gotta get everyone to bed.

Hope to post tomorrow.


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Carolyn ~ Glad you are back to "being careful." I'm sure you can stick with it! I'm cruising on Mariner of the Seas to the Eastern Caribbean. I can't wait!!!! My DGM is in the hospital now trying to get her meds regulated. I guess that is a serious issue for the elderly. Good luck!!!!

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Sorry I didn't post for so long, but my weight was UP and I was not going to say anything until it went down to what I now call "acceptable". Today's weight is my "acceptable" for now. Hopefully, soon I will call something lower "acceptable"!!!!


Sissy: Thank you for explaining the Serenity Prayer. I know it, but didn't know what it is called. Isn't it the truth? And knowing the difference! That's what we have to remember!


My son is getting married at the end of June. So I need a gown. I don't want strapless and that is what they are showing. So it is difficult. Today I will revisit some of the stores I have been to and I will see if they got anything new in.


How was the little dragonfly? Such are the joys of life!


Wonderful news about a baby in Kiev. And you will be so involved. Another joy!


Hope your son-in-law is doing well. Is he the one going to Kiev?


A few months in California and a 31 day transpacific cruise, then Kiev. You will be one busy traveller! The joys of retirement!


Sheila: Drinking my second glass of water! You are doing great and you will look wonderful on your cruise. Are you going to St. Thomas? Don't buy too much jewellery!!!!!


Carolyn: Hang in there! Hope your Mom is doing better. That's so exciting about the new school. Will he commute or live there? You must be so proud of him.


Meanwhile, I am busy cooking for Passover. The second Seder will be here and I expect to be 21 people. I cook and freeze, but as the numbers grew, I started to make doubles. My kids want to be sure there are leftovers!


Gotta go now! Have a great day everyone...and let's all remember to eat healthy!

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Hello everyone!!!


Baby ~ You know you need to post on here even if your weight isn't acceptable. We're here to help you. ;) Yes, we're going to St. Thomas. We're also going to St. Maarten and that's where I do my jewelry shopping. Not sure if I'll get anything this trip. It has to blow me away. LOL I really don't "need" anything. I'm not a big jewerly wearer.


Still haven't found a gown? You have a while so you should be able to find something acceptable and very lovely. Just keep looking...I'm sure the perfect thing is out there. :D

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Hi All


Just booked cruise for Oct. 31, 2007 to the Panama Canal. Ended up with Princess. Not sure why I feel like such a tratior. All my other cruises are on RCCL:D . But they didn't have the itinerary I wanted and when I wanted to go so on to new line & new ship.


DH still knows nothing of trip. I've done all the planning and am now working on the shore trips. I really think I'd make a great travel agent.


Weight is just holding steady at a way to high weight. Dr. said with the way my life is going he was surprised I hadn't gained more. After Lent(I gave up choc.) am going to get more serious with trying to make changes once again. Will do a combination of the six weeks body make over, DH likes that way of eating and I will add some WW. I just am not one of those people who likes cooking two different meals. Will be happy to add a salad once in a while, some sandwhichs, and maybe a few pretzels to munch. Good thing about six week is it makes me eat breakfast, more fruit, six small meals and of course lots of water. I think that adding WW will make me more human. I just get tired of eating the same thing everyday.


Shelia ~ You asked about Connor a while back. He will be two at the end of April. He is a real lady killer. Blond hair, blue eyes.... he is just learning to talk. His newest phase is to talk to GG everyday. I know I skipped just Grandma but he didn't call me anything for so long I'll take GG any day. He walking, okay running every place and is just a joy. He & Mommie were here for a week of spring break. Much as I love the little guy, we were glad he went home with Mommie. We were pooped!!

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Hello, girls!


I'm still missing most of you!! WHERE ARE YOU?


Linda!!!!!! ~ So happy to hear from you! Connor sounds like a little doll!!! Your trip sounds great! You're going to have so much fun. When are you going to "spring" it on your DH? ;)

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We are really lagging behind!

My weight is O.K. So I am happy about that.


I am over my head, preparing for Passover. We are having 20 people at our house for the second Seder on Tues. night. I cook and bake and freeze. In between, I visit the supermarket. I think I am there daily!


Sheila, do you know the expression: from your mouth to G-d's ears? That elusive lovely gown that is going to appear! This is a major stress. Over the weekend, I revisited 2 stores. Nada. Then I went far out to a recommended store. I thought the selection was AWFUL. I think I better forget about it until after Tues. Two of my friends have daughters getting married this year. They are both having their gowns made at the same place and they bumped into eachother there. They told the dressmaker that they will be sending me! That will be another stress.


Angel, your grandson sounds delicious. How old is he? You are so lucky to be a grandma!


You are surprising you DH with a cruise! Is it a special occasion?


How long is lent? We eat dark chocolate (2 squares) most days because I read that it is good for the heart (or cancer, or both)


Anyone else reading this? Let's hear from you!


Take care, all!

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Things not to good here! Where is here?

Southern Cal. We were home two days, rushed back..

My father was in hospital two weeks..cancer is worse, has

spread. Then he had other problems too. Heart, kidney..

Now in rehab just to get stronger, he was out of it.

To make matters worse, my mother has Altimzers (sp)

and it's gotten worse with the worry and stress.


Every day taking care of her, all day at hospital and

now rehab. I have to do all paper work, washing, cooking ect.

Husband trys to help but it's me they want. Only

child here.

Been here 16 days, don't know when I will be home.

Using a neighbors computer but can use to much. Will

try and come back and see if you have written.


Hope everyoneis well and doing good on their "dieting"!

I wasn't eating very much at the begining, not eating much now

either but eating the wrong things. Fast and easy.


Take care,

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Belle, so sorry to read what you are going through. It is such a difficult time for you. And you have it all on your shoulders. Just hang in and do your best. Try to find a little "me time" every day. You have to take care of yourself in order to take care of the others. My thoughts are with you. Hugs!

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Belle ~ So sorry to hear about your DF & DM! Like the others said, take care of yourself. We're here for you when you need us. Lots of love!


Baby ~ Go ahead and go to the dressmaker. It should be easier than looking all over town. Good luck getting your cooking and baking done. ;)


Hello to everyone else!!

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Belle ~ Daniel from the Countdown thread was asking about you so I told him what was going on. I hope you don't mind. I told him I'd let you know he was thinking of you. I was going to e-mail you, but wasn't sure if you had access to your e-mail account. HUGS!!!!!

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