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Baby, that's wonderful... don't forget your water

Hope everyone's well...

I'm stuck in the "usual" @#%&!

(between Mom back in hospital and DS behaving the same... don't know which will "kill me"...)


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Baby, that's wonderful... don't forget your water

Hope everyone's well...

I'm stuck in the "usual" @#%&!

(between Mom back in hospital and DS behaving the same... don't know which will "kill me"...)


Good luck, Carolyn!

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I'm trying to "take care" of myself... while "enduring" this insanity (constantly recurrring "issues" w/Mom and DS (D) attitude (and personal verbal attacks on me that I can't escape from.. I've tried.. even hung up on her).

After having 3 days of low carb "carefulness" (and seeing the scale stay the same and then creep) I gave up (the stress added this) on the "usual" (some chocolate covered nuts) and then at home didn't really have much at dinner and then had 2 slices of bread and then 2 small icecream sandwhiches (could have been worse if there was a 1/2 gal in house.. keeping things in portion control). So yesterday I'm "back on track" (low carb and portion control too).Today's a nice day so hopefully I'll make it to day 2. I think I need to be reminded like Baby to drink water (maybe that can jump things). I'm getting very discouraged but I know I can't give up.

Hope everyone's have a great morning.


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Carolyn ~ No, you can't give up! Like you said, today is another day and you can do it!!!!!! As far as your sister goes, tell her the next time she verbally abuses you that you'll not speak with her again. If you have caller ID, just don't answer the phone. She's poison to you. {{{HUGS}}}

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Carolyn....Family issues are tough. Sometimes we have to step aside and evaluate the situation. You can try Sheila's suggestion. If that doesn't work, you can try reverse psychology. Whatever she says, tell her she's right. She will be so shocked, she probably won't know what to say next. If she continues to abuse, continue to say she's right. Don't say anything else. Eventually, she will get bored!!!


Sheila...cruise time coming up soon! Fantastic. Refresh my memory. What ship and itinerary?


We are enjoying beautiful sunny days. May they only continue! Took a walk yesterday and it helped the weight situation. Hope to do the same today. But I have "things to do"!! Should get started.


Have a great day!

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I've tried the called ID route (didn't originally have it but since we added the unlimited long distance vs. using cell phone for l.d. I've gotten to "like" knowing that the 2 rings is "usually" my DS... knowing the time etc.) when I know it's Diane the kids usually "cover" for me or Mike. Well, when I hung up on her she called back (can't get rid of her ... like a fungus lol) and Mike answer... she carried on and Mike tried to make "nice"... (I was getting POd at him since I wanted him to just say "she hung up on you so what don't you understand -- thus supporting me on my decision). Well the next day she calls up like nothing ever happened...

Baby.. wish I could say "yes" because it will just reinforce her bad habits and decisions... at least right now with "life stuff" (her taxes, spending etc) I've stopped lecturing and just spelled out facts.. especially since she's saying that she'll spend the extra $$ to have private help to take care of Mom (not having a cent in her pocket... I'm holding on to it 'cause otherwise it will all disappear and then my family will be holding the bag with debts). Now I'm waiting for the call for Mom's release back to Home from hospital. Wondering how long it's going to be before she goes back in to hospital.

Baby, the wedding date must be approaching soon. Must be getting excited.


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Carolyn, wish I had the magic solution for you. I find it so hard to believe she is a Rabbi. Doesn't she deal with other people's problems? Yet she can't deal with her own?


It is very common for elderly patients to go back and forth to the hospital. My late father kept getting heart failure and back he went each time. It is very nerve-wracking.


With all that is on your plate, it is important for you to take a little time each day...just for Carolyn. With a nice break (something you enjoy), you will be able to cope better.


Sheila, is the Mariner one of the new larger ships? Where is it going?


The wedding day is getting close! The invitations were mailed last week and the replies are starting to arrive. Now, I have to make lists and make sure that I get everything done!


Take care, all!

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Carolyn ~ Wow! I didn't realize your sister was a Rabbi. That puts a whole new perspective on the situation...not good either. :rolleyes:


Baby ~ The Mariner is a Voyager-class ship that holds around 3500 passengers. It is a large ship, but it is not one of the new huge ships that RCI just came out with. I bet your son is getting excited about the wedding. Are they going anywhere fun for the honeymoon?


Donna ~ PLEASE CHECK IN. I'm getting worried about you and Joe!

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Sheila... got it a bit "confused"... D is a cantor (still "clergy" though so you'd think she'd be a bit understanding.. but D was originally hoping to get into opera so you could definitely call her a "diva" of sorts... had my parents wrapped around her finger... every time anything needed to be done they'd jump <and support $$wise even after she had finished schooling... they unfortunately "enabled" her to be what she is today>). So there is a bit of a difference between cantor & rabbi (though today she's doing a funeral, she can marry people etc.).


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Sheila, at a synagogue service, there is a rabbi (like a minister) and a cantor (who has a wonderful voice and sings the prayers). In our synagogue, we also have an excellent choir.


I have never been on such a large ship. We have sailed only on Celebrity, so the largest holds less than 2000 pax.


You still haven't told me your ports.


I think we all are getting excited about the wedding! My son will be starting a new job on Monday. He has to take a few days off for the wedding (he lives in another city), so I don't know if he will be able to take more time off for the honeymoon immediately. They are thinking of going to Belize.


Our BIG TRIP for the summer will be a few days in Bar Harbor Maine. We have never been there and I hear that it is beautiful. After the wedding, that's all we can afford!!!!


Carolyn, your parents spoiling your sister explains a lot. Are you the older one? I genuinely tried not to spoil our sons. We live in an affluent neighbourhood and it was not an easy feat. We gave them the things we felt were important (Hebrew Day School, summer camp, sports programmes), but we held back on lots of material things. Sometimes, when I would hear what my friends gave their kids, I would feel guilty. But, when I asked my sons, as adults if they thought we were wrong, they agreed with the way we brought them up. I strongly felt that the best gift I could give them was the ability to stand on their own two feet.


Anyway, let your sister be a good lesson to you. Don't make the same mistake with your own kids!


Now...for the important business at hand...tadaaaa...I am down 1/2. This makes me a very happy camper! May the downward trend continue!!!!


Have a great day, all!


Wonder why Donna doesn't post? Maybe when Belle gets back. She is the glue that holds us all together! But the 3 of us are not doing so badly!!

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Carolyn & Baby ~ Thanks for the explanation. I don't know a whole lot about the Jewish faith. :o


Baby ~ I'm so proud of you for losing the 1/2 pound!!!!! You've done so well lately. :D


Our ports of call are: St. Thomas, Coco Cay (Bahamas), and St. Maarten. We have 3 sea days and that's wonderful!!!! We can't wait!

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Sheila, don't be so proud of me so quickly. Today I am UP 1 pound!!! And I wasn't particularly BAD. Go figure.


I have never been to Coco Cay or any of the private islands. I hear they are wonderful! You will ENJOY it all!!


Have lots to do...gotta go now but I did want to check in!

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Still here but things

are a little better.

Father may get to go home

soon. His mind is better with

the new medicine. Almost like

his own self. Mother a little

worse with forgetting but on

medicine too.


Have a board and care about 12-15

miles from our home for them.

All paper work, dealing with Dr.'s, rehab

and figuring how to get them there,

wheelchair and everything.....

Fun just begining! LOL


Like Carolyn said it won't be over just

a little eaiser being closer. But have

to keep coming down here for the

house, bills, cleaning.. everything!.. we have to

do to get house sold.


I forget..Shelia when is the cruise? Baby when is the

wedding? Carolyn sorry your still going thru it all.

I'm worried about Donna to. Last time she wrote

Joe wasn't doing well. Hope he's better.


Everyone take care. Thinking of you all!


Love and hug's to all!

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After a heat wave (July weather) for a few days, today is COLD. This morning it is in the 30's F. and the high will be in the 50's. We walked to a restaurant last night and was it cold and windy! The sun is out...so no complaints!


Took off 1/2 of the pound I gained. Not so bad!


Belle, good to see your post. Glad there is an improvement. I know your work is cut out for you. Your parents are lucky that they have such a spirited daughter! I am sure that you brighten their lives (I mean that!).


The wedding is shaping up! It's at the end of June. Replies are starting to come in. That is so exciting!


I couldn't find comfortable shoes. So, I brought an old pair to my favourite shoe store and they will touch them up where needed. My feet have to be happy!! They are a black fabric low- heeled pump....VERY OLD. The new ones have a pointier toe (I don't even like that). The newer ones have a differently shaped heel (I like the old shape!!!)


As soon as I get them back, I will take them and my gown to the store to check out the proper length. That's it! I have to decide what bling to wear!!! That part is fun and easy!


I am going to try a new hairdresser next week. I want to be sure about that. Also, I have to find someone for make-up. I did a trial over a week ago and I think I am allergic to their products. My nose ran for a few hours!!! I am hoping to find someone who will come to my house and use my tried-and-true-clinique! Keep your fingers crossed that she is available!


Today, I hope we decide on the out-of-towners' dinner the night before. (I think you call that the rehearsal dinner in the U.S.). We are trying to find a restaurant that will be fun, delicious and won't break the bank!


Maybe Donna will post soon. I hope all is well her way.


Sheila, you must be getting so excited.


Carolyn, how are you doing?


Have a great day, all!

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So glad you were able to "pop in", especially with your full schedule with your parents etc. Glad your father is responding to treatment, meds and his mental functions improving... with the elderly they really have to make sure that they eat enough, drink enough (dehydration can add a bit of "confusion"), and not over do things. I hope your getting to have a little bit of time "for you". I hope your parents home isn't as "far gone" as my parents' home was. My big advice is to contact a few realtors to see what they'd suggest for you to do to make for a quick and somewhat easy sale. Do the minimal in improvements... keep things simple and neutral. Hopefully there won't be a terrible glut in the market and you might be able to list fairly soon... sometimes timing is everything.


How's CocoCay compared to Labadee? (we've only been to Labadee... just this past July and then 11 years ago.. interesting how it changed and got commercial (for a private island). We've thought about going on Mariner to combine w/a short Disney visit "if" we got a special. Right now after summer cruise think the family has gotten kind of "cruised out". Since it was the first time on Voyager class ship (had previously done Brilliance 2X and Serenade for a shorty.. also Visions which we really did like) didn't like the way things were scheduled and such even though we never really felt the crowds. Also we've been cruising about 1X year for 10 years and have seen the "change" in RCCL (and also Celebrity) and not all for the better. That's why we're really looking forward to going back to Hawaii this winter (also since we can't find the bargains for 3rd 4th passenger the value for cruising isn't there -- esp. when we are able to use ff miles and hotel stays). What's doing with your son... is he finishing up his Junior year or is he a senior now?


OK where's your water? You sound so much like me as far as shoes. I wish I could recreate my old ones as far as style and comfort (hate the really pointy ones) but unf. now w/my back I can barely wear a little heel. Good luck with finding a suitable place for the "out of town-er's dinner". I'm sure you know some great places but making sure that they'll fit your requirements may be a bit tricky.

Wish Donna would post. I think I may have an old e-mail addy for her that I'll go through some old e-mails to find. If I hear anything I will post.


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Sorry I have been missing for so long but it appears that I have been doing the same thing from everywhere! I'm just a bit past overwhelmed! Most definitely not enough hours in the day! Add the fact that I spend the weekends and the beginning of the week feeling like I've been run over by a train and you've got the picture. He is doing but nowhere near what he had hoped for. Has some tests on his lungs being scheduled since they haven't been right since they were collapsed for the surgery. Finally appears that his BP is approaching normal but have gone through a lot of med adjustments to get there.


Biggest problem, he is stuck to me like glue from the time I get home from work and I get to do the heavy yard-work on weekends. Yesterday was pitchforking and unloading wheelbarrows full of mulch and grass cutting with the push mower (he can handle the tractor). Today, I can barely move but we will be off to breakfast when he gets up. Might actually make it back since Bill is gone for FL for 10 days but he has been making me just as nuts. He doesn't hesitate to bring up how nice he was so I could take care of Joe.


Every time I get mad at Joe I hear how he is sick and if I get mad at Bill I hear how wonderful a boss he is with being sure I can take care of Joe!


Fortunately, Mom is doing fine. Actually, she is doing better than she has for years. She has a non-profit resale shop next door to her and she has now made a habit of walking over there so she gets some walking about and exercise. Then she proceeded to shock me and go to the senior center and sign up for exercise classes.


Belle, Here is hoping for a quick sale of the house so you can get back to a routine quickly.


Baby, Where is your water? Enjoy every minute of this time since it is so very special! I have heard that Bar Harbor is wonderful so you should have a great time. Then you can start looking at Galaxy after refurb in April, 2008. I am waiting for the Eastbound TA schedule to come out before I book anything else.


Carolyn, I see Diane is making you just as crazy as ever! Hope the kids make today especially nice! I am totally lost, what summer cruise?


Sheila, When are you sailing?


Sissy is off in CA for the next couple of months and unfortunately dealing with the same type of situation with her step mother fighting the move to assisted living.


Linda, how goes it in Florida?


Now off to get a few things taken care of before I hear my name yelled again! Unfortunately, next up is dig in paperwork to find the on board booking from our December cruise since it isn't showing on the X website.


Good morning to the rest and hope you have a great Sunday and Mother's Day!

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If it's from my post from yesterday, "summer cruise" for us was last year (impulse "somewhat cheapie" <since it's all "relative" when you add in tips and everything else... though we had a shipboard credit from having an open booking on Brilliance and then purchasing some stock after we booked cruise to get that since we had 2 cabins...> on Explorer -- first time on that type ship... it was just "ok" since we had a major problem with the diningroom w/seating time and table assignment). Realized we'd rather not do a cruise in summer anywhere "south" if we can help it. Also since we've got a ton of FF miles and a decent amount of hotel points we're better off doing land vacations as long as we can get the bookings. Gosh... you must be feeling like your getting "burnt out" from both sides (Joe and boss). Hope you can take a little bit of time out for yourself... but from your post it really seems like that's impossible right now.

So glad I was able to contact you.

Baby, where's your water?

Sheila, starting you get your outfits and lists done? I'm sure you have this down to "science"... have you done this itinerary w/Mariner before <I always hear about Captain Johnny, his "fun" announcements and buzzing around the ship on his scooter).

Belle, Good luck with everything.

Right now I'm just finishing up my M-Day coffee (Libby woke me up with a cup of "ice coffee" -- our bev. of choice this month -- she shares it with me though she likes it a bit sweeter <pink or yellow> than I but we've decided we're ok w/black) and need to take my synthroid and wait an hour before eating... going down to see Mom (wish I didn't but she got out of hospital (again) on Wednesday so it's an "obligation" ) and hope to go to zoo with kids if everything is "ok" w/Mom.

It's a beautiful day here ... hope everyone gets to relax and bit and enjoy the day w/loved ones.


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Belle ~ I’m so happy to hear that things are looking up for you and your parents. I know you are received to have found them somewhere to live near your home. I’ve missed you! My cruise is in 12 days!!! Whoo! Hoo!

Baby ~ Yay for you! The ½ lb is gone! I found it! I ate too much yesterday! I’m sure your feet will thank you for using your old shoes. I remember how much my mother complained about her feet hurting at my wedding. LOL Sounds as if you’re getting everything ready for the wedding. I like Clinique also….can’t beat it! Yes, I’m getting very excited. I just have to iron and pack now.

Carolyn ~ I think I like Labadee better than Coco Cay. I’ve only been to both of them once though. I really liked both of them a lot. Labadee just seemed more interesting with its rock formations. Nick is graduating high school on May 25th. He’ll begin college in the fall at a university about 30 minutes from our house. He’ll complete his first year there and if he keeps his grades up, we’ll transfer him to the University of Alabama for his major workload. He’s majoring in telecommunications and film. He wants to be a script writer and director. He’s not very studious, but very artsy. That’s why we want him to start out locally. Thank goodness the local university is a good one. Capt. Johnny is on vacation now and we won’t have him on this sailing. I’m going to miss him, but heard the captain filling in is great also. We’ll at least have Becky Thomson as our CD and she’s fantastic! I’ve only got a few things packed…snorkel stuff, etc. I’m way behind schedule. With Nick graduating, that is taking up more of my time and energy. LOL

Donna ~ I’m so happy to see you post! I’ve been so worried about you and Joe! I lost your e-mail address. I sure hope Joe continues to improve. I know it will be a long road ahead. At least your DM is keeping herself busy. I wonder if she’s becoming more active because she knows you have to take care of Joe now? I know that the stress of your already stressful job and added duties at home are really hard on you. Hopefully, Joe will be better soon and he can resume some of those responsibilities. Are you still thinking of the Sept. cruise? I’m sailing on May 27th and it can’t come fast enough! This whole month has been one thing after another….not as bad as yours though. Hang in there, sweetie! We’re here if you need us. {{{HUGS}}}

Glad everyone is posting again….except for Linda and Kip. Wonder where they are?

Take care, everyone! I’m thinking of you all!

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We saw younger son and DIL off at the train station. Then we took older son out for brunch. It was a cool, sunny day, and we ate on the terrace which was right in the toasty sun...perfection!


Sat. morning, DH brought me the most gorgeous bouquet of flowers and surprise...later in the day...another fabulous flower arrangement from the kids. So my house looks bright and cheery!


Donna...so good to read your post. First, I want you to know that my glass of water is right here!


It sounds like Joe is on the road to recovery. Hope all the tests have good results. Thank heavens your Mom is doing so well! Exercise classes? Wow! Good for her!


The only cruise in the picture is the fjords and arctic in July/08. This winter we will do something else. I have planned so many trips for the coming winter, it's a joke. But we will have to make a decision soon. We have never taken a transatlantic....maybe someday!


The wedding plans are shaping up. This weekend the kids were in town and they actually made a few decisions. Mostly, the two mothers have been planning everything.


Carolyn..how did your day turn out? Did you get to the zoo?


Sheila...sorry to give you the 1/2 pound! Since I posted, I gained it back and lost it again!!


Congrats on your son's graduation. It is wonderful that you have a good school nearby. So do we and both my kids lived at home for university. BIG SAVINGS!!


Have a great day, all!

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