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Happy Friday Loser Friends! Please keep me in your prayers today. I woke up with a horrible sinus headache and am so nervous that I am sick. What is wrong with me? My only child is graduating from high school. I know I’m going to be an emotional wreck tonight. I’m tearing up now just thinking about it. Please tell me it will get easier.



Baby ~ Hoodia is an herb found in Africa (I think). The natives take it when they go on long walks/hunts and don't have a lot of food to eat. It is suppose to make your stomach feel full. It does work, but the only problem I had was I eat when I'm not hungry because I like food. LOL The herb is very expensive if you get the real stuff. There is a lot of products that aren't expensive, but they only have a portion of Hoodia in them...not 100%. One bottle is about $60 and it only last about 2-4 weeks.


I wanted to throw Nick a big party, but he didn't want one. So, we took him and his girlfriend (who graduated last night) out to dinner. In July, we're taking Nick to Universal Orlando and staying at the Hard Rock Hotel. That is is graduation trip. Most kids go with their friends to the beach or a cruise for their trip. Nick wants to go to Universal with his parents. LOL That's fine with me! ;)


We're driving down to Port Canaveral tomorrow EARLY! Our friends from Scotland arrived in Orlando last night. I can't wait to see them! I'm also going to get to meet several Cruise Critic and Lose Before You Cruise members. I'm very excited!


I'll check back later today to see if any of you have posted. I'm taking my laptop with me on the cruise so I'll try to check in if I can find some hot spots.


Take care!

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Hope you're feeling some relief... not sure if drinking water will help you or not... has there been any "change" in atmos. pressure that might affect you? ('cause I believe I remember you get a bit of sinus problems in past). Congrat. on Nick graduating. I'm sure you're very proud but also a bit "sad" that your "guy" is now going off to college etc. I'm starting to get a bit "saddened" that Alex will be officially be in high school next year (his present school goes straight through but they separate the grades in 2 yrs each so 9/10 would be sep. from 11/12. Add that the fact that he's going to a boarding school (though a day student) and I'm realizing that I won't be seeing much of him (don't expect him home before 8PM the earliest). We've got pictures on the wall of him when he was about 9 months old and at 3 on his first cruise (along with others) and I'm getting a bit teary. At least he still chooses to spend time w/you... I think Alex will be the same way. Hope you have an uneventful drive to the pier. It's great that you're sailing w/your friends (with all the cruises we've been on the last couple of times we've just not "clicked" with anyone... find that cruises have changed over the years).

Baby, Where's your water.

As for me I've been feeling a bit out of sorts. Trying to make better (oops originally types batter lol) food choices (meaning trying to stay lo=carb) but don't know if I will be "good" this weekend.. will have hopes to be but I'm not going to beat myself up.


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Well, definitely running behind schedule! Just finished packing and need to get some details taken care of before Joe gets out of the shower then it is off to the city. Skipped the shorts and packed the rain slickers and umbrellas but should still be a great time!


No personals since I really have to get moving but wishing that everyone has a wonderful, safe and fun holiday weekend! Will try to check in when we get home Monday!


Have a great one!

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Oh well, guess it's just me and baby to keep the posts going ....

Donna, Have a great weekend... hope the weather is cooperative and that you'll be able to make final payment for your upcoming cruise with positive thoughts.

Sheila, Hope everything's fantastic on Mariner.

Baby... have a great weekend. Know it's just a "regular one" for you since you're "up north". Don't forget your water!!

As for me.. Libby's out w/Mike trying out her new bicycle. Then I think we'll run some errands. Tomorrow Libby will march in the local parade with the Girl Scouts ... that's why I have to run over to Costco today... promised to get a bag of candy for the girls to hand out while marching.

OK.. and I have to grab some water for me too!! (lol -- I really don't like drinking the stuff)


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Good morning all,


Carolyn, how did the parade go?


Baby, How was your weekend? Where is your water?


Belle, thinking about you!


Sissy is hoping that they have turned a corner with her step mom so we are keeping our fingers crossed.


Overall, Chicago was great. He did very well so is a lot more confidant about travelling at this point.


However, it was a bit subdued. We got a call Sunday Morning while we were on the way to the aquarium that Joe's aunt (raised his mom) was murdered by her stepdaughter. Joe opted to finish it out and we didn't get home until 7:00 last night. We did cut a few things out since we ate up some time on the phone with various family members so we'll just have to go back later in the summer. Both aunt and uncle were in cancer treatment and the siblings each had a day a week that they came in and stayed with them. Joe's uncle went out for a walk shortly after his oldest daughter arrived and she and his aunt got in an argument. All of us knew that it wouldn't be much longer but are still in a state of shock. However, looks like we will be spending some additional time in the city this week and will be making the drive at rush hour rather than the ease of the train. More calls to make today so better get dressed and get moving.


Hope everyone has a great week!

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Hi everyone! I have to catch up and read all your posts. Glad that there are posts to read! We were away for the weekend, even though it was not a holiday here. We were in Toronto. Saw the bride and groom!


Hope Sheila got off OK. Her headache must have disappeared as soon as she was on vacation!


Carolyn, keep at it! Have healthy snacks in the house instead of the junk. It's better for the kids,too, if they are forced to eat healthy because that's all there is around! I am eating some plain (unsalted) nuts as I type. Not many, just enough for the nourishment and energy!


I can't believe that Alex is going to have such long days. Not to get home before 8pm every day. Wow! He is going to be well prepared for the Wall Street jobs where they work and eat and sleep!


Donna...water is here! Just read about the murder. OMG. How awful. Why did she do that? Were these relatives in Chicago? You and Joe...take care.

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Been home a few days..getting my parents settled in.

Now flying back tomorrow to pick up our car and

pack some things up. Will be back Sunday. I tell you

this has been an ordeal. Wonder if I'll ever get over

being tired.


Shelia is on her cruise. Hope she's having a great time!


Baby.. has the wedding happened all ready? If so

bet it was beautiful.


Donna glad Joe is doing better. So sorry about his Aunt.


Carolyn sounds like you've been busy as usuall with everything.


After Sunday hope to be able to talk more and get back to

eating better. I've only gained a pound or two but not eating

right. Not exercising either. Will try to do better. I Promise!

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Just the start of a very long day! Work then pick up Joe and meet Diane to go well into the city tonight in the middle of rush hour traffic. As of now, not going back tomorrow but that is subject to change based on his whim.


He had another ultra sound yesterday and the tech's attitude has been the cause for some definite concern. This tech has been doing his tests for at least 10 years and was the one to identify the problem in January. His comment was make an appointment with the cardiologist.


Belle, Fingers crossed that you finally get to settle in and things get more normal.


Baby, Water, water, water!


Carolyn, When are they out for the summer?


Good morning to everyone else and hope you have a great Hump day!

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Donna, I am so happy that you have returned to the fold! I enjoy reading your newsy posts and I always drink my water!


Hope Joe is alright. Let us know what the cardiologist says.


What is Hump day?


Belle...so good to see your post. You have had your hands full. The wedding is 3 weeks away. Replies should be in by today, but of course they aren't! Hope they all come in this week because I don't want to have to start calling people.


Carolyn...we would like to hear from you.


Have a great day!

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Baby, Hump Day is the middle of the work week! How many water's so far today?


Carolyn, how are things going at that end of the world? When are they off for the summer?


Belle, Hopes and Prayers that things are starting to smooth out.


Linda, Are you out there?


Last night was probably the hardest we have ever had and that was pretty much all of us. Joe's uncle is such a wonderful man and still has to face surgery for his colon cancer while grieving for his wife that is gone and daughter in jail. There was no way that Joe was going to handle the funeral today and we are both having a hard time without even being there. Our fervent hope is that we find out what really happened and why. Until then, the family is totally split. Needless to say the word diet hasn't been in the picture so better get started again.



Back to work!

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Yesterday my weight was up 1 pound, so. of course I didn't post! As a result, I was pretty good yesterday, ate a very light dinner and absolutely nothing after (probably the most important trick!). My son is in Israel this week, we were just the two of us and I didn't feel like cooking. so we ate out. We ate at a Lebanese restaurant (great Fri. night, Shabbat dinner!!!) had yummy chicken brochettes (Fri. night chicken!). We usually share there and have only 1 brochette each. The last time we went, I was very hungry and had my own order, including their delicious french fries....needless to say...I gained. This time all I ate was 1 brochette and salad. Had a few of DH's fries and a tiny bit of humus. After this long-winded disertation, all I want to say is that I am DOWN 1 and 1/2 pounds...so it is a good day!


Donna...water is at hand! So sorry to read about your tragic loss. Did your aunt and uncle both have cancer at the same time? It is incredible what life hands us. Where do we find the strength? And your cousin in jail....it's a horror story. My heart goes out to you and your family. Joe had enough to deal with his health, and now this.


Take care!

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Baby, WTG on the loss! Willpower and water do work! Less than 3 weeks till be big day, are you getting excited?


Carolyn, are they out for the summer?


Sheila, Thinking your home soon! I'm sure you had a great cruise!


Belle, thinking about you!


Sissy, hope things are going well!






All else?


Nothing new and exciting here at the moment. I finally restarted remote at work so I am off to there next to work on month end.


Have a great Sunday afternoon!

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Hi girls! I got home last night at 7pm. We had a great time, but I was sick the whole time. I also got a call on the way to the port that my Granny had passed away that morning. My parents debated about whether to tell me or not. They made me promise I'd carry on with my cruise and I did.


I just got back from the doctor and I have bronchitis and sinus infection. I haven't had this many problems in a long time.


Donna, I'm so sorry to hear about Joe's aunt. My goodness! Such an awful, sad thing to happen. {{HUGS}} to both you and Joe.


I didn't get to climb the rock wall because I couldn't hardly breath to climb the stairs, much less the wall. I was so disappointed. Maybe next time!


Belle ~ Good luck with everything! We're thinking about you!


Baby ~ I gained 5 lbs on the cruise. I think I have you beat. ;)


Carolyn ~ How's it going with Atkins?


I miss you all! :)

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It's a rainy Tuesday here. We have been having the worst weather. When the sun comes out, it's such a treat.


Welcome back, Sheila. So sorry you were sick. Thankfully, you still managed to have a good time.


My condolences on the loss of your Granny. Was it unexpected?


A gain of 5 pounds? Tsk. Tsk!!! You'll take it off in no time, I am sure!


My weight is up and down, as usual, but not terrible. We were at a wedding Sun. night and a Briss yesterday morning...so all that catered food......

Today, hopefully I will be good!


Donna, how are you doing? How is Joe?


Everyone else...hope all is well!


Take care.

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Hello ladies!


Baby ~ Yes, I still had a good time. ;) The illness was just an annoyance more than anything. I did have a fever and the chills on Sun night, but that's it. My Granny had a stroke several months ago and has been in a nursing home ever since. However, she was fine except for not being able to walk. So it was sort of unexpected, but she was 88 and lived a long life. She has been so unhappy since my step-grandfather passed away several years ago so it was a blessing. Thank you.


I did gain the weight, but was really surprised that I didn't gain more. :D When is the wedding? Are you ready?

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We came home on the 24th of May..

think I told you?

Then flew back to So. Cal to

pick up our car plus some family things.

Got back Sunday night. Going back down

the 14th of this month for a week to

clean things out (some of the stuff). Know

won't finish it all. See if neighbor still wants to

buy house with grandson. Would sure make

things easier for me.


Parents are getting settled in as best as they

can. They like the place and the people but it's

not home. It's the best of all the places I saw.

Been visiting everyday, it's 30 minutes drive each

way. I stay 2 to 4 hrs each time. I'm going to

have to take a day off once in awhile for my health.

I'm so stressed, tired..mind and body.

This has been going on since late in Feb.

It's not going to get better for awhile or never!

Now have Dr's appt.'s to take them too, tons of paper work,

phone calls for everything, house ready to sell, ect. ect.


Ok I've vented enough, thanks for listening.

Thank you all for the kind wishes and prayers.

One thing, I haven't gained thru all this but

haven't lost either. No exercise, so I feel bigger.


Now to you all....


Sheila..Glad you had a good cruise, sorry you were

sick on it. Sorry about your grandmother. She's happy now..

just think of her with your grandfather now.

Great picture of happy son and mother.


Donna..How is Joe? I've been missing so much. Did he

have a relapse? I hope he's doing better. Sorry about all

the things happening in his family.


Baby..The wedding is so close. Everyone getting excited?

Don't worry about the lb up or down. Your going to look

beautiful in your outfit.


Carolyn..How are you doing? Are the "kids" out of

school yet? You'll be busy this summer with them.

You'll have to fight them for the computer! LOL


Hello to anyone else that is reading this. Hope your doing



Will try to write more till I go back down again.

Take care..thinking of you all.

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Belle, so good to "hear" from you. It is exhausting and stressful. Just hang in and do your best. Your parents are lucky to have you.


Sheila....such a wonderful photo. Mazel Tov! (Are you familiar with that?) You must be so proud of Nick.


I was not good yesterday. Gained another 1/2 pound. I think it was because I was tired. Today, I will try harder!


Wedding is getting closer and I am getting excited. One of my friend's daughter got married last weekend, so it put me into the mood! After ours, we have two more friends' weddings this summer. Lots of celebrating!


Have a great day, everyone!

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Hi girls! I'm feeling better today, but still hoarse.


Belle ~ My heart just aches for you right now. You sounded so tired in your post. You really do need to take a break. I'm sure your parents don't expect you to visit every single day. Maybe you can go 4 days a week and rest 3? You're such a wonderful daughter. Take care of yourself, please.


Baby ~ Yes, I'm familiar with that term and thank you very much! :D Are you ready for your DS's wedding now? I know you're getting excited!


My WOE has been so-so. I'm still in cruise eating mode some, but not too bad. I'm waiting for this bronchitis to pass before I exercise again. I'm still having a hard time breathing and I know aerobics will do me in. LOL I do miss it though.


Here's a link to my cruise review: http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?p=10391419&posted=1#post10391419


Be back later!

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Hi Everyone!

Finally it's a beautiful, hot, sunny day! And...finally, I am down 1 and 1/2 pounds! it's the same 1 and 1/2 pounds that goes up and down, but isn't down better!!!!!


Maybe it's because I couldn't sleep last night. That happens to me sometimes. I get nudgy and can't find my comfort zone in the bed. So I got up and watched a movie I had seen in the theatres years ago....Regarding Henry...with Harrison Ford and Annette Benning.


Wedding is getting closer and closer! Have to make a list and check it out. I am sure I will forget something! Does it really matter? Everyone will have a good time. That's what counts. And...most important... is that the bride and groom will have a happy marriage.


Took my Actonel this morning (for bones) and have to wait 1/2 hour to eat. Time is up....gonna have breakfast!


Ciao! Have a great day!

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Belle, All our thoughts and prayers are with you right now. You do need to plan and take an occasional "me" day since the pace your working at is impossible!


Sheila, Great pic and I don't see any tears! So sorry about your grandmother and then being sick slowing you down a bit. Glad your starting to feel better!


Baby, Where is your water? I wonder just how much sleep your going to get over the next few weeks! You have to be bouncing off walls and ceiling now!


Carolyn, Are they home for the summer? Mike home or gone?


Just a quick hi since I am behind schedule. Will try to post more this weekend but didn't want to miss saying TGIF!

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Baby ~ Yay! The pounds are finally gone!!!!!! I really like that movie, Regarding Henry. It has so much meaning.


Donna ~ Funny...the whole week of graduation, I was a nervous wreck. Then, when the actual ceremony was upon us, I was totally fine. LOL Hmmmm! Maybe that nerve pill I took helped. ;) Thanks for thinking of me. How's Joe?


Carolyn ~ Where are you? How's your DM?


Belle ~ You holding up OK?


I'm so glad today is Friday! I need a break and a sleep-in so BAD! Have a good one!

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The sun is shining and we are going to go for a walk this morning.


I am up 1/2, but yesterday, I was down 1 and 1/2 and I guess that is too much of a drop for one day! Also, I made spaghetti for dinner last night......


Donna, my water is right here! How are you and Joe? Hope he is doing well. Thank goodness, I had a good night's sleep last night. I think I was extra tired from the night before. I am really getting excited. We are having an out-or-towner's dinner the night before, so I am now getting replies for that. It will be so wonderful to have all of the people I care about in one room! I will give a full report after the wedding...that is, if anyone wants a full report!!!!


Sheila, it must be difficult to believe that your son is no longer in high school! I remember passing my sons' school and thinking...it's over!! Now, years later, I can't believe that they ever went there! But he is going to a local college, right So, he will still be at home. An easier transition for you!


Hope all the others (where are you?) are doing O.K.


Have a great Saturday!

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Good morning! I had a good sleep-in today and it felt soooo good! I've been really tired since coming back from the cruise. I'm not usually one of those that relaxes on a cruise. There is too much action going on. ;)


Baby ~ Yes, you know we all want a full report of the dinner and the wedding. I can't wait to read about it! It is hard realizing my baby is out of high school. I'm sure it will be even more strange when he starts college in the Fall. If all goes well with his grades, he'll be transferring to a university about 1 1/2 hours away from home after the first year. THAT will definitely be hard!


I don't know what I'm going to do today...probably laundry and clean the house some. I really need to clean the carpets, but I'm just not into it. LOL


Have a great day!

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