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November 1st...D_Day..Want to join me?


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The sun is shining and it is a beautiful day. Didn't walk yesterday. Too lazy! Gained back another 1/2. Will be extra good today..promise. Going to journal what I eat.


Slept in this morning. Never do that. Son was in town for a friend's bachelor party. Came in after 4am! I awoke around 2am and couldn't fall back to sleep until I heard him come in....just like the old days! His bachelor party will be 2 nights before the wedding. Hope he won't be pie-eyed for the wedding itself!! It will be a hectic weekend.


Older son will be returning from Israel tonight. Looking forward to seeing him. Actually, looking forward to speaking to him. Spoke to him only once since he left...and very briefly. He was in a Bedouin tent. Forty kids and 2 leaders in sleeping bags! He was one of the leaders. It's a wonderful trip. It is 10-12 days, a free trip, called the Birthrite trip. There are many of them and any Jewish kid between 18 and 26 (approx)years old, who has never been to Israel on an organized tour, is eligible. I can't wait to hear all about it.


Take care and have a great day!

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Good morning! I hope all of you had a great weekend. Mine was....I didn't do anything and it felt great!! :D


Baby ~ Wow! I bet your older DS had a great trip. I'm sure he'll be talking and talking about it. My DH had his bachelor party the night before our wedding. :eek:


I'm starting back on my WOE and exercise with a vegeance today. I've gained 4.5 lbs, but it feels like a lot more. Sigh.

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Still here but going back to So. Cal on Thursday.

Try to clean house some more, a little bit at

a time. See what we can do about selling the house.

Was a bit under the weather for a few days.

Think just to tired and a "bug" saw me and said..

"there's a weak one..grab her"! LOL


Baby hope your son had a great trip. Sure your

other son is getting "excited and scared" about

the wedding at the same time. Getting closer!

Bet you'll be down a pound for the wedding.


Sheila I know you'll get those pounds off soon.

I know how you feel about seeming like more.

I have stayed the same but feel like I've gained

because eating the wrong things even thro less



Carolyn and Donna..How are you doing?

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What a treat! We are getting some beautiful weather! Wish I were at a beach!


Horrors! Gained 1 and 1/2 pounds yesterday. Up the awful pound. Today I PROMISE to take it all off. No joke. I will aim to remove the WHOLE **** THING in one day. I gained it in 1 day, didn't I????


Belle, good to hear from you. Hope the bug found another victim! Good luck with the house.


Son had a great trip! He and another were responsible for 40 kids. That's a tall order. Not very much free time. Very intensive. Wonderful experience for all.


If bridegroom is "scared, he sure won't tell me! But they have been living together since last August, so it really is as though they are already married. This is the first time either of them has lived away from parents, so it has been a "growing up" experience.


Sheila...you will lose the weight along with me. O.K? Let's make a pact and report tomorrow how good we were!!!


A bachelor party the night before the wedding????How did the wedding photos come out????????Were his eyes open????


Everyone else...a big "Hi"!!!

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Belle, here is hoping you solidly shook that bug off! Just remember to take care of yourself or they will keep finding you!


Sheila, I'm thinking you pretty much knocked out being sick over the weekend if your back to full fledged exercise. Sometimes a do nothing weekend is the only thing that will work. I'm sure you'll be ready for his school transfer when the time comes.


Baby, Water? When do all the out of town guests start showing up? How was DS1's trip?


Carolyn, they out for the summer? Everything going ok? I imagine you have lost the computer to them and they are battling over it.


Not much happening here. Joe has been threatening to cancel the September TA but then went off on a tangent about a Princess Med cruise in August. Ended up figuring out just how difficult it would be all by himself (course, I was pushing the buttons and doing the research) but the flipside is that he realized just how laid back the TA will be. We have until 7/7 for final payment and he has an appointment with a specialist on 7/2 so we'll be taking it down to the wire.


Meantime, serious attempt to get back on track. DSIL is getting married on the 30th and the dress I ordered won't ship until the 26th. I'm sure it will fit, but it it doesn't show up then it is to the store on the 29th and I will not be the least bit happy unless I start moving some of this. Now off to get ready for work so I can make some extra time for walking in the morning and afternoon. Right now, walking at lunch then treadmill at night but need to raise the level a bit higher.


Have a great one!

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Good morning! Nice to hear from Belle & Donna! We're missed you!


Belle ~ Bless your heart. Yes, that bug will find you when you are more tired. It does that to me or if I'm stressed. Hang in there, lady! We're here for you. {{HUGS}}


Baby ~ That 1.5 pounds that you keep losing and gaining is water! Means absolutely nothing! Do your clothes fit the same with or without that 1.5 pounds? If so, who cares?! ;) I'm going to try and lose this 4.5 lbs before our July 4th trip to Universal Orlando, but won't be upset if I don't. With all of the walking we'll do there, I hope I can just maintain.


Donna ~ Yes, the weekend of doing absolutely nothing finally made me feel better. Thank goodness John was off last week so he got all of the homefront chores done. Unfortunately, this weekend will be a different story. Why does Joe want to cancel your TA cruise? Is he not feeling well? Hope the dress arrives on time and fits. (I'm sure it will.)


Carolyn ~ Where are you? You've been MIA too long.


I did a great workout last night and I can already tell that I'm going to be sore. It is amazing to me how much your body can "go down" with 3 weeks of non-exercise. :mad:


Later, girls!

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Hi! Just returned from a walk...although it was a short one! But I already did my exercises today, so that is a plus. Down only 1/2, but will try to improve for tomorrow.


Lots to do. Have to make lists!


Sheila...thanks for the encouragement!


Donna...water by my side! Hope all goes well with the doctor and you and Joe can relax and enjoy the T.A. It probably would be the best vacation at this time.


Wishing everyone a great day!

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Hope today finds you ALL in good

health..Happy with a weight loss

this weigh-in Thursday!


Baby..Great that you had a walk

yesterday. Good for you. The wedding is

getting closer. Is it next weekend?


Sheila..Hope you weren't to sore from

your workout.

I got to go to Bunco today..first time

in three months. Was great to see everyone

(talked on phone but haven't seen)

and play the game. Even thro I didn't WIN!

They could of been nice and let me WIN! LOL


Donna..Hope Joe is feeling better and after

Doctor appt. you get to pay for the cruise and

have a great time in Sept. Hope your taking care

of yourself.


Parents doing so-so. Some days better than others.

Visited about three hours today. Been going everyday.

When come back, see them everyday for awhile, then

try to take days off here and there. Need a break.

But they always ask when are you coming back?


We're off again tomorrow, going to Southern Cal

for more cleaning. Address change, see about selling, ect.

Hope to be back next Thursday or Friday.

Shelia start weigh-in next week, Thank You.


Everyone take care.

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Belle...answering quickly, hoping you are still around to read this.


Glad you posted. It's heart-wrenching to read about your parents. I know you have a full plate right now.


Good that the weight is down. (Something to make you feel "up"!!). I am down another 1/2 today...but it is not great because I gained 1 and 1/2 a couple of days ago.


Have a full day today, so I got out of bed early...too early...I'm tired already and all I did was have breakfast!


Take care all!

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Good morning, friends!


Belle ~ I know you are so tired. Please let us know how things go at your parent's house. Are they adjusting OK? Take care sweetie! I'll start the weigh-in thread for you next week. No worries! Good news though...you've lost weight! :D


Baby ~ At least your scale is going in the right direction. I'm up a 1/2 pound so I guess I found the one you lost. LOL I'm really struggling right now. Sigh.


Carolyn & Donna ~ How are you doing?


Sissy & Kip ~ Where are you? ;)


Take care, all and have a wonderful day!

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Sheila, it may be back to you and me! Hope someone else posts!


Well, the 1 and 1/2 is finally off! Yesterday, I walked A LOT! This morning I have a physio appt. and I decided to walk there,too. Gotta get ready to leave soon. Didn't nosh so much yesterday...in fact, I don't think I noshed at all. Not buying any more of my usual snack foods...not in the house...can't have it, right!


How's the exercise coming along? You'll soon be back in shape.


Have a great day!

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Hey everyone

Alex's and been through w/school for over a week.

Been running around w/Libby (dance recital stuff)

Mike's been away since Monday

and computer's been slow

Had been "good" for 3 days(didn't see anything move on scale though). almost made it through 4th day and WHAMMO!

The usual. Then had the "feel sorry for myself" pitty time. (Horrible leg cramp last night that wouldn't go away). SO trying to get back on track. Not easy on a Friday though.

Hope everyone's well.


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Baby ~ Yeah for you!!!!! :D Thanks for the encouragement! I sure hope my exercise will help get me back on track. It is the eating that I'm struggling with. UGH! GREAT job to you for not noshing. (Love that term, BTW.)


Carolyn ~ Hang in there! Looks like you and I both are struggling with the eating. Here's wishing both of us luck!

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Good news...down 1/2. It must be the walking. I had some dark chocolate last night (very healthy, guards against cancer, heart, stroke...I never know which), so I was worried that I would gain...but, luckily, I lost!


Water is here...I'll "toast" you all to healthy eating!!!


Carolyn, glad you posted. Hang in there. Sheila...you, too! The same for me!


So much to do today. Woke up early, read the paper...now I am tired!


Have a great day!

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Baby ~ That's great about the weight loss! Unfortunately, I've gained! I've been eating way too much and need to stop it. I've made another promise to myself. I don't know why I'm struggling so much this time.


How is everyone else doing?


We had a good weekend with family. It was hot though...the mid-90's. I'm already tired of the hot weather. We need rain desperately also.


Talk to you ladies later!

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Quick fly by before I head down and hit the treadmill. I have really cranked up the walking and it appears to be working so far. However, it is really eating up time from everything else!


Baby, Water and walk! Keep at it!


Sheila, Are you getting any of that rain?


Belle, Thinking about you and hoping that things are moving along quickly so you can get back to your life at home!


Carolyn, I am assuming that your fighting a losing battle to get near the computer!


Better change and get there next!


Have a great evening!

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I didn't post for a few days because my weight was BAD!. But, today it is GOOD, so here I am. There is a sale at a nearby boutique and now that I am down, maybe I will pass by and see if I can do some damage!!!!


Yesterday, I bought a lot of fruit. I ate a lot of cherries! They are delicious and I guess they make a good snack...better than my usual.


Donna, good to hear from you. Yes, water is here! haven't walked in a few days and I miss it. After this, I must do my exercises first. Then if it is not too hot, I will walk. Glad you are doing exercises. We have to make the time for ourselves. How is Joe doing?


Sheila, how is the struggle? Keep on trying. You will succeed!


Have a great day!

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Hi ladies! Hope everyone is doing well! Not too bad here. :D


Donna ~ That's great that you are making time for the treadmill. Yes, it does cut into your time a good bit, but oh so worth it! Great job! We got a good bit of rain yesterday, but not nearly enough. They've started talking about water rationing now. :(


Baby ~ I am doing so much better with my WOE and exercise. I've been working out really hard. I was up another 3 lbs on Monday, but now those are gone. I have been really bad and was up 8 lbs. :eek: Glad you are doing well with your WOE. Sounds like it is paying off!


Carolyn ~ Are you fighting the kids for the computer? I have to fight my DH for ours. I told him the other day that I need my own because he's always on it.


Belle ~ How's everything going with you? Got the house cleaned yet? Good luck with everything. {{HUGS}}


Take care!

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Weight has been fluctuating, but today it is good, so here I am...and I am on water glass #2!!!


Donna, it is VERY EASY to get to downtown from the airport. There is a taxi stand and you get into line and wait your turn!!!! I don't know the exact price because I don't live downtown, but my guess is $35 Can. dollars. Of course there is also bus service, but unless it is going to your exact destination, I wouldn't bother...especially if you are more than one person. Have Can. currency on hand and your change will most likely be Can. I will try to find out the exact cost for you. I am dying of curiosity. Are you coming here? If you do, we should arrange to meet. This is a great place in the summer.

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Hi girls! I hope all of you are planning a nice, relaxing weekend! I wish I was. LOL


My cousin and her family are coming over tomorrow night for dinner. I'm going to make something healthy. :D


My DM surprised me yesterday with a Dyson vacuum. Christmas came early! LOL She bought herself one last week and likes it so much, she decided I needed one. I vacuumed the whole house last night and that thing works great! With that said, I didn't do my cardio last night. :o


I'm going to try and be really good this weekend. My pants are starting to loosen up from my cruise gain and I don't want to mess that up.


What does everyone have planned?



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Baby, First, where is that water? A really weird situation came up when planning the September TA air where Air Canada popped in with super cheap flights so we are looking at the possibility of flying through Montreal. If we did, we would get there early afternoon and leave late night. The other one in the finals is Virgin Atlantic direct from Chicago which will let us fly for 25,000 miles each. Joe is mulling it over now so I'll let you know! The bad news is that he is backing out of New York post cruise but that is tempered by the fact that he was backing out of the entire cruise for awhile.


Sheila, Got my Dyson 3 years ago and have no idea what I did before it. Does a fantastic job. Now I have the Roomba to do the in between (and chase the cats) but still rely on the Dyson. Glad the lbs are moving off so just think focus.






Well, sticking to the 5 miles a day and some signs that it's working but not enough to move the scale radically. Weirdest was when I had to adjust the back on all my slings to make them stop flopping about. Now, best get back to work since rumor has it that the boss is leaving early today so I want to be ready to take advantage of it.


Have a great weekend!

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