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November 1st...D_Day..Want to join me?


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Hope you ALL have a "lovely" day!


Will You Be My Valentine?


Try not to eat the food of the gods.......




Carolyn..I want the 8 weeks to go byfast

in one way but if it goes slow I can lose more


I know you'll come up with a good vacation this summer.


Shelia..You sound like you had a nice weekend.

You want to be my husbands cook..can't pay

you much. I don't want to cook anymore..he's

begining to "grumble"! LOL


Donna..Computer not working or just busy?

Has Joe come with a cruise yet?


Everyone be good to your SWEETHEART!

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Hi ladies! Happy Valentine's Day!


Carolyn ~ I have no idea how you can only do one load of laundry a week. You all must have a lot of clothes and towels. ;) Good luck planning your vacation.


Belle ~ Thanks for the poem. I love it! BTW, as I said before, I HATE to cook so your DH will have to be on his own. :D

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Happy Valentine's All!


Carolyn, We have at least 4 loads and there's only two of us! How is this cast feeling? How is Mom?


Belle, Plenty of time to get going in the right direction! Nuts around here but that appears to be a never ending story!


Sheila, Thanks for the reciipe. I have already printed it and will definitely try it. Does sound like you had a really good weekend! Any word on the tests that the doctor took yet?


OK, nuts around here and better get back to work but had to wish you all a Happy V Day!


Have a great one!

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Did you survive Valentine's Day?

I said no chocolate..that was good BUT

went out to dinner and ATE to much!

Did go to the gym today thro, did a

little treadmill at home tonight too.

Plus will get a little "exercise" tonight. (Wink)

Today/Wed. is another day! Back on track.


Donna..Did you get all the "Nuts" out of your office? LOL


Shelia..Quess my husband will have to starve then!

Did your husband like his Valentine "gift"?


Carolyn..Hope your feeling good today. Getting

stronger each day.


Baby..Where are you? Did you stay longer in LA?


Did you know you can call Los Angeles..LA

but you can never call San Francisco..SF.

It's either San Francisco or the "City". Around

here we all call it the city.

Your bit of education for today!


Wishing you all a good day.

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Morning all,


Belle, I'm sure you worked off the extra calories! Sounds like you had a great V day! Accountants finished last night and Bill leaves tomorrow morning for FL until March 1 so may just get some time off for good behavior this weekend. Fingers crossed our forecasted snowstorm doesn't hit until tomorrow afternoon and if I'm lucky, it will just keep snowing so I get a 3 day weekend! Gets too deep and I don't even take my 4 wheel drive out in it!


Sheila, How did your day turn out?


Carolyn, How is the new cast feeling? Are you getting around better? Did you have a good V day!


Baby, are you back yet? How was Summit and the trip? I keep looking at that one but Joe is lukewarm about it. Would have to find a great deal to get him to go for it!


Bad yesterday but I guess not too bad since I was down a new (as in old new) lb. this morning. I have to keep remembering that I have to mix it up or I go nowhere. Have a funny habit of hitting starvation mode way too fast. On the other hand, have to be very carefull I don't go the other direction. I just want these extra lbs. gone and preferably right now!


Have a great op day!

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Hi girls! We had a good V day. I did eat 2 pieces of Dove Dark Chocolate. However, I clocked 5.1 miles on the NordicTrack so it was okay to have the candy.


Donna ~ I hope you like the recipe. Let me know when you cook it and how you like it. I hope work improves for you soon.


Belle ~ John loved his V-day gift. ;) ;) ;) BTW, I didn't cook last night...John did...2 nights in a row! :eek:


Carolyn ~ How's the foot today?

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Didn't leave room yesterday... foot wasn't doing too well on Monday and I thought I better stay off it...

it's still hurting a bit... looked terrible when they took off/replaced cast on Monday... 2 more weeks and "maybe" I'll get to put it in "the boot" (don't really want to do that since it's terribly cumbersome).

So since I had to pick Alex up at school at 1:30today by myself Mike and I decided that I better stay downstairs instead of my trying to navigate stairs etc. with crutches and walker...

Back's starting to act up too, think I'll stay "in" tomorrow until I have to pick Alex up for soccer (at least I'll have Libby to help me tomorrow).


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Hi all! Read a few of your posts...can't read 3 weeks' (almost) worth!


Belle...anything you want to know...fire away.


Carolyn...hope that you feel MUCH BETTER very soon.


Shelia...sounds like you are all better!


Donna...was it you who gave the recipe? I have an easy one,too.


I brown lean ground meat in a little Pam in a Dutch oven. I add (chopped) a couple of onions, 2 celery stalks and a green pepper, a cup of rice and a large tin of flavoured diced tomatoes (you may need a little extra water). Bring to boil and then simmer on low light for about 25 minutes. Et voila! C'est tout! You can vary it how you like. You can add more and/or different veggies, less meat...whatever. If you don't have seasoned tomatoes, add whatever seasoning you like.


Re: Hawaiin Cruise. We had a wonderful vacation. The main focus, however, is the ship, not the ports. If you have never been to Hawaii, you can get only a taste. And..L.A. afterwards was sunny and hot. There we saw a lot of relatives, but had time to shop (Chicos and Nordtrom's).

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Hi all! Read a few of your posts...can't read 3 weeks' (almost) worth!


Belle...anything you want to know...fire away.


Carolyn...hope that you feel MUCH BETTER very soon.


Shelia...sounds like you are all better!


Donna...was it you who gave the recipe? I have an easy one,too.


I brown lean ground meat in a little Pam in a Dutch oven. I add (chopped) a couple of onions, 2 celery stalks and a green pepper, a cup of rice and a large tin of flavoured diced tomatoes (you may need a little extra water). Bring to boil and then simmer on low light for about 25 minutes. Et voila! C'est tout! You can vary it how you like. You can add more and/or different veggies, less meat...whatever. If you don't have seasoned tomatoes, add whatever seasoning you like.


Re: Hawaiin Cruise. We had a wonderful vacation. The main focus, however, is the ship, not the ports. If you have never been to Hawaii, you can get only a taste. And..L.A. afterwards was sunny and hot. There we saw a lot of relatives, but had time to shop (Chicos and Nordtrom's).


So did you buy out Chico's? I have an outlet and I have to stay away from there since I always get in big trouble! How was Summit? We have never done the Millie class and are debating it.


Boss is gone and we are having really strange weather. I will wake up to ice or snow in the morning but have no idea which.


Joe is bugging so gotta run!


Have a great evening!

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Last night when we arrived, our driveway was DRY..wow..in February...alas, today..gusting snow, slippery streets to negotiate, snowcovered car to clean several times...yuch! I WANT CALIFORNIA!!!!!


I lucked out at Chico's...managed to do enough damage at 30% off! I bought their travellers line....for Greece...I MUST pack LIGHTLY!!!


I bought brown pants and a matching longsleeve v-neck, a short sleeve black and a black jacket...all in that easy to wash (I hope) and pack fabric.


We like the Millenium ships...the Millenium is the only one we have not yet sailed. But we also enjoyed the smaller, older ships.

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Carolyn..Take care of your foot..Put it up when

sitting down. Know it's hard..everyday life gets

in the way.


Donna..Is it good the Boss is Gone? Better at

the office? Carefull in the weather.


Shelia..Glad you had a lost today..your really doing

good on losing inches.


Baby..Welcome Back! Missed you! Glad you had

a good cruise. Have lots of questions.

See you stayed down in LA visiting relatives. Where abouts?

You were lucky the weather has been warm. Now that we're

going that way, the weather is changing. We leave Sunday and

it's going to get cooler before it gets warm again. My Luck! LOL


As I said leaving Sunday but will try to come on sometimes

when I'm in Arizona when I can. Coming back March 8th.

Now you all keep talking..Baby I might keep coming on

and asking you questions because couple we're staying with

is taking the cruise with us. They might have questions too.


I'm sure I'll be back on tomorrow and maybe Sat. between

getting ready and packing.


Take Care.

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Did you like the Summit? What did you like best?


What kind of room did you have? What floor?

We have an inside this time, no window..am

I going to miss it..hate the room? Heard they

don't have much drawer space.


Did you have late seating? WE do, love it.

Only thing I heard is most of the shows are before

dinner. Are they? I like better after dinner.

Did you like the dining room? Was the food good?

The service as good as they said?


How was it getting on the ship. This dock doesn't have

a waiting room? Where the Vision is, there is such a nice one.

Was getting on on fast even thro waiting in line?

What time did you get there? What time were you on board?


Was it smooth sailing going and coming? Someone said it was.

Did you think so? Ever bother you. At this point we have never

gotren sick in rough water.


The two ports with tenders..Was it bad getting off and coming

back..long lines?


Did you rent cars in Port? If so, how was it to

getting them. Shuttles working pretty good?

We have cars in three ports.


Quess I'll stop with the questions for now..remember this

is just Part One! LOL I want to know everything!


Oh one thing else. Can you put your tips on the Sea Card

or what ever they call it or do you have to pay cash?


Thank You in advance for asnwering my questions.

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Baby ~ Glad you're back and had a fabulous time! I'll have to check out the Chico's travel line. I'm going to need to pack light for our Great Britain trip.


Girls, I was a piggy last night. We had our Bunco party and I ate what I wanted. I did get on the scales this morning to check the damage and I didn't do any...yet. However, the scales are going to be hiding in the closet from now until next Friday. Friday is DH's weigh-in day. I'm doing to make him hide them again. I'm trying to convenience myself that I'm not chained to the scale. (Anyone seen that commercial? That's me! LOL) I'm going to by my inches lost and how my clothes feel on me for a while. Let's just hope I can keep that up! ;)


Carolyn ~ How are you feeling today?


Donna ~ Since the boss is gone, does that mean you have more time for yourself? Enjoy your day!!!


Belle ~ When are you leaving for Southern California & Arizona? We'll miss you!!!



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Belle, Lol! This is your first Celebrity? I can answer one of your questions, you can put your tips on your sea card. You can also get cash from the Casino (no 3% or any handling fee) which will go against your sea card and be billed as a purchase which means you will get the airline miles on your card. One of the things I love about X are that the cabins are pretty standard and the inside it the same size as the outside!


Baby, First off, where is your water? The travelers are great! I have quite a few and they wash and dry beautifully. Bought them before Galaxy and saved a bundle on laundry services. You will love them!


Carolyn, Do not over extend yourself! You need to heal!


Sheila, Big weekend plans


Ok, better run! Didn't stop for gas last night with the weather so iffy. Now I get to really suffer because the temp has dropped big time but can't put it off any longer!


Have a great Friday!

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Up 1 more pound today. That usually happens the day after I return. I guess I eat less on travel day. I have to get this under control...because it is not good.


On water glass #2...thanks to you!


Donna...how do you wash the travellers? By hand in the sink? How do you dry them? Do you hang them up? Do the hangars leave marks? How quickly do they dry?


Belle...wow! I had to make a list of all those questions!! But, Here goes...


I have sailed only on Celebrity...so I can't compare it to anything else. The Summit is a beautiful ship.


What I liked best...I really don't know...I will have to think about that one!


On this class of ship, we always take an inside, cat. 10 midship. We were right behind the main lobby....great location. We don't miss a window and never had a balcony.


There are lots of drawers, but they are small. All my tops were piled on a shelf, which isn't the best solution...but not really such a big deal.


We also did late seating. The big production shows were after dinner and the smaller one-man shows were before. We did miss some because we didn't want to rush.


The dining room is lovely and inviting. I tried not to eat too much!! Mostly I ordered fish. I found that when I had meat, it bothered me. I guess that was because we ate so late. We had an excellent maitre d' and waiter.


Embarcation, tendering in Maui and lining up for immigration were all awful. This is definitely their weak point.


I didn't notice a waiting room, because once inside, it went fast.


We arrived about 1pm.


Sailing was, thankfully, very smooth. I was worried about that.


We didn't rent a car, so I can't comment.


Tips...you can do either.


Hope this helps. You will have a great time.

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Happy Saturday all,


Reporting from the frozen tundra! Sun shining and -16 with very dangerous wind chills. Have to go out but will wait until they say the wind chills will be out of the danger zone which will be this afternoon.


Baby, First, water before you read! Used delicare (cheap version of woolite) in the bathroom sink. Brought with a couple of those thicker plastic hangers and a microfiber towel. After washing, rung out the excess water then wrapped in the towel and squeezed. Hung to dry and they turned out perfect. Not a wrinkle to be found! I have a coupon from them so will probably head out next week and buy a few more pieces. Thought of you last night when our regular waiter was telling us about his month long honeymoon in Greece. He said to be sure to leave plenty of time for Santorini! They ended up staying there for 2 1/2 weeks since they fell in love with it.


Belle, are you leaving today? Have a great time! You will have a great time on Summit. We are looking at her for the full canal transit in January if we can't pull the Med together for May.


Carolyn, Are you behaving? Mike still holding up? Are his cooking skills continuing to improve? Stay off the scale but make sure you get your basic healthy food groups in (which did not include Oreos the last time I checked).


Sheila, Anything exciting this weekend? Glad the Bunko party didn't cause any damage! Will see if I have the ingredients for the dirty rice now since it would be a good time to be cooking. Actually next up is starting a big old pot of soup.


Boss is in Fort Myers which helps during the week but not on weekends. Unless I want to hear from him via email, I will need to go in and restart remote access for that reason alone. Will try to set up getting together with friends for late lunch/early dinner and stop by work on the way back. I know they will be coming up to get lottery tickets so it is a good time to get together.


Ok, better go and figure out what soup I am going to make then call mom.


Everyone have a great weekend!

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Leaving early morning (Tomorrow,Sunday) for our land vacation

to Palm Springs and Arizona. Summit cruise not till April 9th.

So when come back from thus trip only have 4 weeks and

a few weeks till my cruise.

Wish my life could be lije thst..one trip after another! LOL


Baby..Thank you for all the information. Glad the inside is nice.

We have 11 Midship.

Probably have more questions when I come back.

Main thing.. glad you had a good time.


Yes Donna my first Celebrity cruise and it's our 13th.

Enjoy the boss being away.


Shelia..Why is Bunco like that? LOL You won't believe, I've been

really good at mine the last few weeks.


You all take care..when I'm in Arizona hope to come on

and read and write a few times.


Carolyn..Hope everything is doing good.

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Think I missed Belle's departure. If you read this, Belle, have a great time...and PLEASE send us some warm sunshine.


Cat. 11 is fine, as long as it's midship...in my opinion!


I lost two pounds (could it be because I am home with a cold and feel lousy? Anyways...it just goes to show that every cloud has a silver lining!


I just found out about the Chico coupons. Their computer wouldn't accept a Canadian postal code. Next time I'll work on them to figure it out! Although I did get 30% off, so I am not complaining.


I have a tube of soap that I take on trips. It will be good enough. What about using a regular hotel towel? Would that work?


We will be in Santorini for a full week...so we are very excited about that. If you take the Galaxy in May, who knows...we may see you in Greece!!!


Stay warm everyone!

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Hey girls! I hope all of you are warm and dry. It was cold here (for us Southerners)...about 40 degrees all day long (Sat & Sun). It's rainy and windy now. This is getting old.


Had a good weekend. Declined dinner/drinks with some of the Bunco girls on Friday night. Instead did one hour on the NordicTrack (5 miles). So, I was very good with my WOE all weekend. How did everyone else do?


Donna ~ I sure hope it is warmer for you today. My goodness! I don't know if I could live in a very cold climate. DH would never go outside and would drive me nuts!! LOL


Baby ~ What is the Chico's discount? I need to check them out. Congrats on losing 2 lbs! I hope you feel better!!!


Carolyn ~ How are you?


I hope Belle is having a good time. I'm going to miss her.


Have a great day! :D

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Bad cold....good weight! Can't have it all!!!


Stayed in all weekend and cancelled dentist this morning. I really feel lousy. The good side is that I don't have much of an appetite, so I am down 1/2 pound today.


What is a Bunco? Never heard of it.


Chico had a nice selection at 30% off. I tried on a few items that were not on sale, but I was just as happy with the sale items. The salesman (I love salesmen in ladies' shops...they are more fun and I think they are more truthful with their opinions!!) said that the items had just gone on sale that morning....who knows???


The weather is getting warmer here...it is heading up to highs in the 20's in the next few days. Spring is on its way!


Think thin and stay well, everyone!

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Happy Monday all,


Not really! My SUV decided that it didn't want to leave Walgreens this morning so Joe is calling the garage and the tow truck to figure out what is wrong with it. He picked me up and dropped me at work so now I will have to leave early and get a ride which is not that bad a thing.


Sheila, Chico's has what is called a passport club which I joined right before Christmas. I have received $25 off on $100 coupons in the last two catalogs. I didn't use the last one since I went in and everything was on super sale but I plan on using the current one this weekend unless they happen to have a super sale again. My closest regular Chico's is 60 miles away but I have one of their outlet stores 4 miles from work and another 12 miles from work. We are supposed to get up to 31 today so definite heatwave. WTG on Friday night!


Baby, their towel should work just fine. I use the microfiber on the ship because the bathrooms are so small that I want it to dry even faster.

Hope you kick the cold fast but the WL is nice. Looks like we will be booking Grand Princess for May of '07. Schedules aren't out yet but we want to be in Greece on the 24th of the month. I am watching for them to get the schedule out because I want one of two balcony cabins and they go really fast. If your there in that time frame we just might run into you!


Ok, back to work!

Carolyn, are you behaving? How is the foot feeling?

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Baby ~ I'm so sorry you are feeling poorly! Get better!! That's really cool about your Chico's. I like salesmen also. I hope you got some great things!


Donna ~ Thanks for the info about Chico's. I have one about 5 miles from my office. I'll have to drop in there and see what they have. Great idea about the microfiber towel!!

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I was surprised when I got on the scale today, because I ate a normal supper last night. Anyway....who am I to knock it????


Still have this cold. Hope to go out today....a) because the fridge is getting bare and b) because I am getting antsy.


Shelia...hope you do well at Chicos!


Donna, we will be in Greece in 2006....so I guess I will give you lots of info! We decided on land because we like to "park" ourselves and immerse in the local culture...in a touristy kind of way....to be truthful!!! We don't go that local!


What's May 24th?


Carolyn...where are you? Hope you are O.K.

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Good Morning all,


Sheila, Their travelers are great but I have some of the other pieces that also work really well. Unfortunately, their pants are too short but their capris work great.


Baby, Great Job and I hope the cold goes away soon! May 24, 2007 is our friends 30th wedding anniversary. We met them when we were on Horizon (you were on Zenith at the time) for our 30th wedding anniversary. It is hard to get together with them since they always cruise in March and we normally cruise in January so this is really a special occasion. Sorry we will miss you by an entire year but will look forward to your input!


Carolyn, Are you ok?


Back to work!


Have a great day!

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