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November 1st...D_Day..Want to join me?


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It's 9:30PM... haven't been on all day...

will probably post tomorrow..

but, Sheila, wanted to find out "how did Nick make out today"?

Hope surgery was unevently and he's on the quick road to recovery.


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Hi girls! I thought I posted on here to tell you all how Nick did, but I see I didn't. I'm so sorry!!! I haven't been on much in the past few days. I did post on the Countdown thread.


Nick is resting and not eating much. The doctor said he'd probably lose 5-10 lbs. He seems to be worse today. The doctor said to expect it because of the scabbing. He's actually snoring on the sofa right now. He has an ice pack on his neck because he said it feels better. I've been giving him pain meds every 4 hours so he's slept a lot. I made him his favorite breakfast this morning, pancakes, and he only took a few bites. He'll be fine though. Thanks for asking and keeping him in your prayers.


I went to my BF's DD's wedding yesterday and it was lovely. I ate too much cake though. :o I've had a long talk with myself and now am back on plan. I'm starting back to the gym tomorrow. I had to take this whole week off due to family obligations and Nick's surgery. I feel rotten for it, but what can you do with so little time?


I hope everyone is doing well. You ladies are such dears! Thanks for the prayers!

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Shelia ~ am so glad that your son is doing well. Having one's tonsil out at any age is no fun. Am glad to hear that he is on the re-bound. Have you both in my prayers.


Have had a rough weekend eating wise. Just haven't been able to stick with woe. Even dh who wanted to do this is having a really hard time. It's just way to confining. Last night we had hot dogs & mac & cheese for dinner. Didn't eat like I would have a month ago but still not on plan. Then for lunch today we went to a bbq place. If I had just eaten the turkey I'd have been okay but had to have some of the beans, a few ff(Connor got most of my fries) and some corn nuggets. Am going to try to get back to woe for dinner and then rest of the week until Thursday. Dinner at members of the church home and Sat. a wedding, our youth pastor is getting married. Don't think my woe will survie either of those.


Shelia, you talked about doing this before your surgery. What surgery are you have done and when? I would defineately check with your dr. before eating like this. I'm not sure how healthy it is and with facing surgery you need to build up your strength. I would think that WW would be much healthier for you, imho.


Hope the rest of you ladies had a really good weekend. Carolyn you must be getting really close to your cruise. I wish you a wonderful time, smooth sailing and most of rest, & fun for YOU.


Take care all,


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I couldn't figure out which "type" I am...

and the eating is really confining... not conducive for anything other than eating at home. I've got to wait 1 hr after taking meds in the AM so usually I wait a while before taking meds, and before you know it several hours have passed before I can/should eat. The kids want me to try it. Right now I'm just trying to drink alot of water. It's hard and I'm not sure if it's accomplishing anything. Otherwise I'm trying to stay low carb until I leave... then we'll see what happens. Usually I stay "good" for the first couple of days but I'm not sure if that's going to be the case this time around... I'm at the point right now as "I just don't care"... then I feel like I "missed something" so who knows.

Sheila, Hope Nick's feeling a bit better today.

Baby, where's the water

Donna, Enjoying/relaxing this weekend?

Belle, Out enjoying weekend with friends?

I started to put some things for Alex in suitcase. Trying to do things a few days ahead of time.


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How are ALL of YOU?


Shelia read the post yesterday but didn't write,

saw your son did alright. So glad. Will be sore

for awhile then will be himself again. Enjoy the quiet! LOL


Carolyn your cruise is soon..isn't it? What date?

Bet you can't wait. Is your foot a little better? Hope so.

Yes was with friends today. Birthday party at an Indian Casino..

different kind of party. Had buffet birthday lunch. Did

pretty good. Open gifts, then gambled a little. I broke even,

really better than that, played on their free money. Didn't

spend a dime.


Baby see your doing good with your water and exercise. I

even made the gym twice this week. We're both proving

miracles still do happen! LOL I don't know about

The Lake House. I like figuring movies out, couldn't really

say how this could of happen..magic?

I'm sure we will walk in Fira. Can't wait to see the view and everything.

We're like you, we eat out if gone for the day and can't get to

ship, will just have to play my ear. Even sometimes we've even skip lunch

because we're so full from all the food we've eaten.


Donna how are you? We haven't heard from you since the fourth.

Your job and dealing with mother..got you down? Take care of yourself.

Shoulder still there but went to the gym twice this week.


Linda you really do live a busy life. With all the church activies

you have to deal with. Just think of us saying..eat less Linda!

Now if I could hear you all saying that to me! LOL


Was going to go to the gym Mon. but have some paper and

phone work to deal with and it's my husbands birthday.

We're going to the show Pirates of the Caribbean and out

to dinner, a steak place I think.


You ALL have a GOOD week..Wishing you all a LOSS!

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Couple of you were asking about the cruise.


We go on the cruise Nov. 20th, fly out the 19th.

(cost to much now to go few days earlier)

Fly into Rome, Italy..have a 11 day cruise to...

Mykonos, Rhodes, Santorini, Athens Greece and

Istanbul ans Kusadasi Turkey and Naples, Italy.

Only 2 days at sea.


Then back to Rome, doing a b2b, then leaving on

a 14 day cruise to....25 days total..YEA!

Villefranche, France (not far from Nice, where we go)

Malaga and Cadiz Spain and Lisbon and Madeira, Portugal

and St. Maarten in the caribbean. Then in To San Juan, PR.,

be nice will only have a four hour time change coming home

plus we gain time sailing from Portugal to St Maarten.

(extra hours for crusing)

7 days at sea..can relax after all the sightseeing.


One reason taking this trip is ALWAYS wanted to go to Greece.

This was a package deal. Included air, taxes, ground transportation.

For us living in California we just can't get the air bargains you

can get. (we're just to far away) This was a great deal for us.

Specially with fuel and air prices going up.

Why going in winter was because the prices were better and

we had just taken the 2 week Hawaii cruise. Should be at

least in the 60's everywhere and 80's in the caribbean.

Just don't know how much rain there might be. Just take our chances.

That what you do on any cruise you take.


Oh yes going on the Celebrity..Galaxy. Know it's and older smaller

ship but that doesn't bother us.


Think that answers all your questions, maybe more than you

wanted to know. LOL If my chance there's more just ask.

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Haven't talked in days..now talking my head off!


While we're on vacation..just letting you know I'm leaving

July 31st till Sept. 4 or 5th.

Visiting my parents before

and after we rent a condo in Palm Springs. Ca for a month.


If you remember we usually go to the river for 6 weeks,

would be gone now but the owner died, the daughter

took over and raised the rents so high, cabins weren't worth it.

All of us so sad because been getting together for years up there.

We will just be visiting friends that live up there, they have

had us all for 2 bbq's already. They miss us too.


We're getting a two bedroom, two bath, A/C and pool

right out side my door for way less then she wants for the

old cabin. I know it's hot there (I like it) plus it's a dry heat.

Everything is AC and I have the pool. I just love it there.

So beautiful at night. Sit outside an see the million stars.

We have a few friends that are coming to visit us while we're

down there. So it will be nice. Sometimes alone, sometimes with friends.



This is another reason the winter cruise and lower prices. Had

this planned already.


Only thing..with all this planned this year..I'm AFRAID next year will

be staying home..I'LL GO CRAZY! LOL LOL LOL LOL See it's starting

already just thinking about staying home!!!!!


Ok I'll shut up now!


Computer acting up..try to post 3 times...Let's see if goes thru//

Hope you read this post and it doesn't go up in "cyperspace" never

to be seen again!

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Sheila...so glad that the operation is a thing of the past and that Nick is resting and recuperating. I am sure he is enjoying the ice cream and the attention (for a few days, anyway!). Then you will probably have trouble keeping him down!


Carolyn..happy packing! Isn't that the worst part of travel??!! At least you are driving, so don't have to worry about overweight (luggage, that is!). Also, you could take a garment bag for your "elegants", if necessary.


Donna...where are you? I am drinking my water.


Linda...hope you survived all of your events without tipping the scales in the wrong direction! Anyway, it's Monday...time to start afresh!


Belle, ma Belle. We all love your long posts. Don't ever stop writing! You have so many wonderful plans to anticipate. Iwish for you...no rain in the Med! It's a matter of luck, that's it. One month of cruising...that will be fabulous. We have been on the Galaxy and we are going on it again in February. The larger, newer ships have more to offer, but it is still wonderful. There really is no need to compare. A few years ago we sailed on the Zenith (really old!) and we had a great time.


The last few years, we have always had cruises "in the works"...but nada after Feb. I think we will do some land for a while. If all is well, we would like to go to South America in Feb/08 (isn't that thinking ahead???)0


We share your problem with flight prices. From Canada, prices are double or triple. For example. We will be flying to Puerto Rico in Feb. At the time I booked flights, Continental was charging CAD$689 per ticket. By using points to fly to Newark, we will be paying CAD$289 to fly from Newark, return. THAT is a big difference.


Happy birthday to your husband. Is it today? Mine was yesterday. I can't believe that I am 64 years old. OMG! We have been celebrating all weekend. Lots of food, but I was good and lost the awful pound. (Yes, I was THAT high)

Friday night we took family to a Lebanese restaurant. Yummy!

Saturday night, we "dined" at a lovely French restaurant with friends, then walked over to the Jazz festival.

Last night, we went to one of my favourite Italian restaurants that has a lovely garden and ate al fresco. We wanted to go Italian after the BIG WIN, but it was quiet there. Lots of honking in the streets, though!


My DH gave me a yellow rose! My kids gave me a gift certificate for a massage!


I think I "talked" enough....have to get ready for my cleaning lady (when you do that, you know you are getting old!!!)


Have a great day, everyone!

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Baby ~ HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! You sure are a young 64. So glad you had a good one!


Belle ~ Your cruises in November sound heavenly!!! I would so love to do all of those things. Maybe one day when we're retired. Your trip coming up sounds great also. You ARE the traveling queen!!!


Linda ~ Trust me, I'm sticking with WW! I couldn't do that 6 week body makeover one. I'd die for sure!! LOL I don't know how you do it. I'm having a tummy tuck in less than 2 months!!! I'm so excited! I'd like to get off 5 lbs before then, but if I don't, I can do it later. Only thing is that after the TT, I won't be able to exercise except for walking for 3 months! :eek:


Carolyn ~ Are you packing yet? How's the foot? I know you're getting excited!


Donna ~ How are you and how's your mom doing?


Well, Nick isn't better today. His ears are now hurting a lot and I think he has a cold. Poor baby!! I'm back at work today, but my mom is checking on him throughout the day and will stay with him if needed. I'm sure he'll be back to normal next week, but it will be trying until then. He's not a happy patient.


Have a good day!!

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Thank you, Sheila, for the good wishes...and the compliment!


Sorry to hear about Nick. It's tough when you don't feel well...and it's tough for the parent to see. Hope he is better very soon. An earache is painful. Can the doctor prescribe something for that?


A tummy tuck, eh? You are brave! But you will look GORGEOUS!

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be interrupted yet again! I have been out here at least a dozen times and somebody always turns up and needs something. I even tried at home and Joe kept bugging me!


Belle, Sounds like you have some great plans laid out. We did the Galaxy TA last year and we loved the ship. It is Century class but a couple years newer and they definitely learned a few things before she was built! Still looking at your TA but also looking at a lot of other things. Joe just isn't in booking mode at the moment. Your August plans also sound wonderful and very relaxing!


Sheila, Sounds like you did pretty well in face of all that temptation! Sounds like his recovery is going pretty much normal and he's going to require a bit more babying before it is over. I didn't realize you had a date for the surgery - WTG!


Baby, :D Happy Birthday:D! I didn't step foot into Chico's until last year and it just clicked when I did. Glad you will get a chance to get there again. I found that I was really able to lighten the packing on the last trip with using most of their pieces. Yes, ppv is pay per view and about the only way I see the newer movies.


Linda, With all the time you are required to be in social food situations, you are doing great! I'm another one that is going to stick to WW (if I ever make it totally back there). You diet does sound to be a challenge so just do the best you can and use common sense.


Carolyn, Go and have a wonderful time! You need to just kick back and relax!


Mom is driving me crazy with good days and bad. Cranked out the preliminary P&L with lots of extra hours because I thought I would have to rush down there but she now appears to be better for the moment. I talk to her every morning (and occasionally again at night) and never know what to expect.


Yes, I need to change jobs but I really haven't found anything lately that I would even be interested in applying for. One of the main problems is that I will be end up driving 3 to 4 times further and that is much less tempting with gas at $3.19/gal today.


However, before I change jobs, I need to get back on track and start journalling again. Way too much cheating going on so this weeks goal is to stay completely away from junk and replace it with fruit and yogurt.


Ok, now it is back to work!


Everyone have a great afternoon!

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Why is everyone "apologizing" for long posts lately?

Then I must be the "queen of hot air" lol

Belated happy birthday Baby... hope you enjoyed your day fully and the gift from your wonderful sons. Now, where's the water (I'm trying to drink more also... know that it's hard to do but hope that it will move the scale lower).

Sheila, Hope Nick feels a little bit better each day.

Belle, Galaxy is in my opinion a nice size ship for Med. I wouldn't want to be on one of the mega ships there... you're going for the ports and ambiance but that's JMHO.

Donna, hope all is well with you and work isn't that "terrible" this week. Also that there's no news/no emergencies w/your mom (know the feeling... even w/Mom in nursing home I jump through hoops to find out what is/isn't going on medically).

Linda, Hope you're holding up w/WOE ... I know it's hard.

Gotta run w/kidlets to start taking care of errands before we leave. MUST remember to pick up passports (go to vault), get major bills paid, got the sunblock & waterproof camera and traveler's checks, all the "little stuff"


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I'm glad we're all "big mouths" and love to "talk",

ok post..long posts! LOL


Carolyn..You leave this weekend? Have a wonderful cruise.

You deserve it. You've been on the Galaxy too? Know

Donna has and just read that Baby has too.


OK Shelia yours and Lindas turn to book it for a cruise

some day

Shelia..Sorry your son not feeling to good, did you

get something for his cold? His coughing must really

bother his throat.

So you have a date for your tummy-tuck? You'll

be so slim. Speedy recovery when it happens.


Baby..Do you think I'm following you? You do the Summit..

Then I do..you do Greece..then I plan it...You went on Galaxy..

(didn't know you went on or going again on the Galaxy,

knew Donna did) then I book it..

Your birthday the 9th..husbands the 10th! LOL


We celebrated with family earlier in month..just him and I

today. Saw the movie and then a steak dinner, glass of wine.


Donna..Sorry your so busy but happy your mother is doing better.

It would be hard to leave a job if you had to drive 4 times farther.

But sounds your doing to much work for what your paid..right?

I'm glad you liked the Galaxy. A smaller, older ship doesn't bother me.

I remember you had a good time. John (Jean in french) and I

never let a ship bother us. WE make the best of everything.

Think this ship will have unique places and exsperiences to enjoy.


Linda..How is life going this week? Busy with church activies?

Hope you can be good on Thursday and Sat. with your food

choices. I was pretty good with dinner tonight. Didn't each much today

because I knew I was having a little more to eat at dinner.


Well hope you all/me will have a good week making choices in food..

drinking water and getting some exercise in.

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Hi girls! Nick is doing better today so I'm not as stressed. The doctor said that day 5 would probably be the worst and he was right! Nick wouldn't even get out of bed. He was up this morning bright and early on the computer. I fixed him some oatmeal and he'd finished 1/2 the bowl before I left for work. Progress! Thanks for all of your prayers and concern. You all are amazing!


Belle ~ I doubt I'll book the Galaxy. I like the Voyager class ships on RCL. You never know though! LOL


My tummy tuck is scheduled for Sept. 6th. It will take 6 months up to one year before I'll actually see the complete results. You normally have swelling. I've kept all of my size 12 pants/shorts because I know I'll be in them until the swelling starts to go down. I was reading on the TT message board yesterday that one girl lost 5 inches in her waist! My surgeon said that he was going to do some lipo on my sides because I've never had a small waist to give me a nice hour glass figure. Isn't that nice?! I'm getting very excited!!


I mentioned that I went to my best friend's DD's wedding on Saturday. I had on a size 10 dress that is just too cute. I had to wear a "tummy holder-inner" because of my big, fat tummy. Anyway, my BF told me that I looked fantastic and I didn't need the tuck. I told her that if she saw me without the "holder-inner" she'd see I did. LOL I'm going to line up everyone that keeps telling me I don't need one and show it to them. They'll shut up then. That's how I won my Mom over. DH has always been supportive because he knows how much I hate it.


Hello to Donna, Baby, Carolyn, and Linda!!!

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It's a hot one today! I already did my 45 minute walk and am drinking water glass #2!


Now that I have reported, down to serious business! Who else could I tell this saga to?


Starting Thurs. night, after eating a pressed veggie and cheese sandwich followed by a decadent cookie, my stomach blew up. I tried on some clothes and bought two tops because the bottoms all looked and fit awful.


Friday, after a delicious Lebanese dinner, I experienced gas pains. Although I don't think I overate, I experienced pains most of the weekend and my stomach was huge (Sunday night I had to unbutton my pants and they are usually loose at the waist).


Funny thing, Monday morning I was down 1 pound....I couldn't understand it. Yesterday, I was very hungry and couldn't stop eating. Even though I didn't eat anything terrible, I know I ate too much. This morning I am down 1/2.

Go figure! When I was good, I gained. When I was bad I lost! anyway, today I hope to be good because it is more comfortable when the weight is lower.

The pains have subsided, but they haven't disappeared altogether. I am taking new meds and I checked the label. It doesn't mention gas as a side effect. Next week I visit the doctor for my blood pressure, so I will ask him about it.

Thanks for listening!


Carolyn...you have the time of your life. Do whatever will make your trip special! Take time for yourself! Promise!


Donna...location, location, location. That is worth so much. Another job would have to offer an awful lot to warrant the extra travel time and aggravation.


Sheila...so glad to hear about the improvement! Now your son will get better every day. Nobody can advise you about a tummy tuck, because nobody knows the situation. You will look extra fabulous because you already look fabulous! (I've seen your photo!).


Belle, you can follow me anytime! Maybe one day we will meet!


Gotta go, take a shower and get ready for "my day". Lunch with a friend ( we agreed to share a sandwich!), then a facial (gotta stay young!).


Thanks, all, for the birthday wishes.


Have a great day!

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I can't wait (for you) to find out how you make out with your tummy tuck. I'm "like you". Well I think Nick was a larger baby (Alex was "only 9lbs). Well even when I get to my lightest weight (which unf. isn't now -- about 12lbs off) I sometimes have a bump (from the fibroid-- which right now seems like the size of a large grapefruit but the gyn assures me "it will shrink" <at first didn't offer any surgical options that weren't too risky, last time though made out that it "might be an option">) but have the terribly wrinkled ripple of excess skin below navel... but I'm able to keep things in w/girdle top pantyhose (have them from Saks that I got 15 years ago... bought a ton of them and still have about 5 pair unopened) that "does the trick" and since I haven't had "much luck" with surgery (some complications) I'm not "that vain" (and I don't mean to imply you are... please understand that) to take a risk since it could be considered "major surgery" if I can manage with support undergarments (my luck with the surgery w/tumor ---didn't have option of that but did have choice of where scar was.. now I have somewhat numbness on side and also get "wetness" when I eat by my ear.. heard this would be a possible side effect (syndrom) but now hear from others that this is a common complaint.

Think I need to get thyroid adjusted. Maybe I need to go to natropath. Will look into things when kids are set up with activities.

Everyone else, I hope you're enjoying the day.

I've gotta do errands and more importantly get that laundry up. Also I need to set Alex up with writing thank you notes since it's been 3 weeks. He doesn't have THAT MANY (about 20ish I think, including his friends.. which I feel he should do but for all the BarMitzvah's he's been to -- only 4-- he's NEVER gotten a thank you.. I think that's terrible, wonder if I'm just being "old fashioned")



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I just read more of your posts... I've got a small waist (when I'm "good" <low carb> -- not necessarily losing weight) it usually is in the 29ish range which I don't think is too bad for 48 yo. Would like a little bit of suction in hip thigh area but that might be complicated.


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Baby ~ You are so right! Nobody knows how this ugly gut makes me feel. So, I don't care what others think. I'm doing this for me. :D Thanks for the support!!! It means a lot to me. On your stomach pains/bloating...do you have IBS? I do, and mine does this all of the time. I've had a lot of it lately and I think it is because I haven't been eating like I should.


Carolyn ~ People can call me vain all they want as long as it makes themselves feel better. I hate compression garments and only wear them when I have to. Also, you can't wear one in a bathing suit or when you're wanting to wear something sexy for your DH. ;) My waist is 29" also. Heck, when I was a cheerleader in high school and exercised like crazy, it was still 27". I have a thick waist. Bad thing is, since I've lost weight, I'm not fat anywhere but my stomach. Oh, and I didn't think you were calling me vain. I like that we all can be honest with each other on here. I think all of you are great and I appreciate the support. :)

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"Think" that I have IBS too... (sometimes w/C and other w/o... don't want to be too graphic)... at times (most of the times it seems) I look like I'm about 4ish months pregnant and I know it "just ain't so". No matter what I do w/eating that "pot" just is there. So I "think" I know what your going through. Personally I don't like wearing the pantyhose but when you're wearing something "fitting" (snug skirt) you need to pull in the gut when that's all that is "popping out".

I'm wishing you an uneventful surgery and a speedy recovery. I know if I had the extra $$ I'd probably go for it.. since I know that I've done "almost" all I could on my own with dieting. Don't think any real exercise that I could "actually" do would work either (w/my bad back etc).


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Carolyn ~ After your stomach muscles have been damaged by pregnancies or muscles being cut, no amount of exercise or dieting is going to flatten your stomach. My surgeon explained to me that when you do something like crunches, you're actually making it worse because it pushes your muscles out instead of in. Make sense? I have to wear something to control my abs when I wear something tight fitting also. I just feel better.


I have both kinds of IBS with C and D! Fun, isn't it? NOT!

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OK Sheila... I'm having my pre-cruise panic two days early.

I've been really "good" w/Atkins (though not having much fat) the last couple of days... I've been drinking alot of water and since it's PMS time (unf. if my calculations are correct Tuesday, though now that I'm 48 I can't always count on it... and PMS or swell much sooner than in the past). I've been feeling really dizzy in the AM (w/a bit of nausea) so I can't cut out any salt... actually need it a bit since I've got low blood pressure. Feet and ankles are swollen. I feel like Pillsbury doughgirl... puffed out MAJOR (heat/humidity doesn't help). Since I don't work I usually live in exercise pants and t-shirts, don't have to worry about "smart casual". I HATE shopping (as I believe you ladies know by now). Started pulling everything out of closet to see what I could "make do" with (especially since I won't have a need for the clothes after cruise). Formal stuff that are hand-me-downs (beaded stuff that might be too dressy) are huge (and it's hard to tailor... even if I had time it would probably cost too much). My other stuff is too tight in waist and I feel like I look like 4ish mos. pregs. (not possible). Calves are puffed out, I DON"T want to wear the girdle top pantyhose since it will chafe and give me rash. I'm starting to break out more in my "mystery rash" (know stress aggrevates it). Mike's saying "don't worry" (easy for him to say, he's got like 10 pairs of pants.. maybe I've got "mommy jeans" that might fit me..hope I de-bloat by Tuesday). We NEVER cruise in the summer. I've got coverup shifts that I can manage to wear in daytime... I've NEVER worn shorts on cruise. I just don't know how I'm going to make it for 8 nights. I'm OK w/making do with formal nights it's the "stupid" smart casual... I'd be ok with informal but I think I'm going to be overdressed (which I won't feel comfortable about anyway)>

HELP!!!! (I'm even planning on re-wearing stuff... I really don't care)


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Carolyn ~ You're going on the Explorer, right? Good news! The Voyager class ships have done away with the Smart Casual nights! Now they only have casual and formal. :D Now, aren't you relieved?! BTW, drink lots and lots of water and try taking an over-the-counter diuretic to see if that helps with the swelling.

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Boss had a late flight so he just left. Lots of catching up to do!


Sheila, I'm glad he is feeling better and each day should be an improvement. I'm thinking Voyager class is even bigger than Princess Grand Class and we decided that we liked the smaller ships when we were on Grand Princess. You will be on SOS in 3 weeks. We were stuck attempting to get in the San Juan port while SOS sat inside the port trying to get out on its maiden run. We looked up at this monster ship looming above us and decided that we would never sail anything that big! Just proof that minds can change!


Belle, You will love Galaxy! Not the super shiny glittery of the newest ships but understated elegance and a homey feeling. This is your second X cruise?


Baby, Could be IBS. I am diagnosed with it on and off so have just learned how to deal with it. Where is your water!


Carolyn, Deep breaths! Good news that the smart casual has been taken out so now you should have plenty to work with. Couple days and you will be on your way to fun in the sun! You really do need to take better care of yourself and should probably set up a physical for when you get back.


Linda, How are you doing? Back on track now or still struggling?


Ok, I am NOW behaving myself! Gave up on planning any cruises since Joe is in one of his pia moods and finds something wrong with every single one of them. Threw all the information I had at him and refused to talk about it any more or look up anything else! I know he is up to something (besides purposely irritating me)! The hours spent coming up with alternatives would have been better spent on the treadmill so I am now done! Better get back to work!


Have a great evening!

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