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November 1st...D_Day..Want to join me?


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The tests were "normal"... on the thyroid I had "stopped" taking pill for a day or two so don't know if it had any "effect"... that in itself got me "nervous" about the "creep"... think it's totally a "combo thing"... sure the stress and some of the "pity eating" has added a bit but am amazed "how fast" the rise is and then when I do try (and wholeheartedly for at least 3 days) seeing very little immediate results (even though I know that the initial drop is mainly puff). So today is day 2... my problem is evening at day 4. It's dark and gloomy. I'm getting totally stressed out from Mom's "pain" (don't know if it's real or not w/all the meds she's on... I'm at the point now where I "JUST DON"T CARE" <and yes I get to start yelling it> 'cause I've had it... Diane keeps on insisting she "doesn't want Mom to be one of the drooling ladies in the wheelchair, Mom can't deal with a bit of "discomfort" <I believe when it hurts she screams no matter what... when in the hospital and asked pain between 1-10 she says 10 or 9 no matter... so the give her morphine etc... after I'd speak to nurse to have her press Mom "how bad is the pain really" >.

She's been complaining SO MUCH to everyone there about the pain they just want to "shut her up" <I think> and she stays in bed and doesn't get dressed... then I hear her complain that she doesn't do anything/go anywhere/gets despressed... it's always on ME and I'VE HAD ENOUGH... granted I haven't seen her since end of August (had plans to travel in a few times but something "came up" Alex/me sick, weather <terrible rains/winds> so I'm sure I'm looking a bit neglectful and since I question the doctor's choice of meds it looks like I'm "uncaring" since I feel very uncomfortable about her use/dependance on vicodan (and it's effectiveness or lack of pain relief).

As for me I'm going to MD to get orthotic ordered today, hopefully it will "work" to alleviate my foot pain. It seems that my foot isn't very stable and it's very easy to twist it etc. even when wearing sneakers. Will ask MD what I can do to "help it"..(maybe there's a shoe that will give support etc.)

Will try to drink extra water.

Tomorrow I've got gyn appointment so maybe he can give me a bit more "advise" about what's going on or perhaps steer me to endo or naturalist that might be helpful.

How long are you planning to stay in NYC after your TA? Will the Mercury dock in NJ or NYC? Have you seen all the "attractive pricing" for TAs that just came out this week for RCCL and X for this spring and coming fall.. their very tempting... wish I had someone to travel with but unf. it's during the time that Mike's busy traveling and I must be home for transportation and be w/kids so it's not "an option". I've come to realize that even though Mike says "oh you can go away,, I can handle the kids" it's never going to happen 'cause it will always be something... so why hope for something that will never be.

Baby, hope you had a wonderful in NYC... where's you water?

Belle, hope your father's stable and on road to recovery.

Sheila, back on track... I'm sure you're holiday/birthday eating damage will be gone in a flash when you get back on track. Are you still doing WW? What made you switch from South Beach and does it "work for you"? (since I know you weren't just a faddy w/SB... following it for a while).

Mike's downstairs getting Libby's "healthy' breakfast <cinamon toast crunch... I'm such a "good Mommy"..lol>

She's "dead to the world" (fell asleep on floor took a bit to get her in bed). It will take a while to get her dressed and all... luckily I got her bag all ready.

Later all.


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How is everyone day? I'm happy cause I lost the 3 lbs that I gained from all of the cheating I did. :D


Donna ~ Well, you made the right choice with the top. You'll look great!!! I normally wear formals on formal night, but decided to switch to cocktail when I found the great sales! LOL I'm sort of worried about not wearing an actual long formal, but know that most everyone else will be in cocktail dresses.


Carolyn ~ Your DM sounds like my DGM. It is really hard dealing with her because she complains all of the time and just sits in her chair all of the time. I sure hope that you can get your medical issues resolved soon. When are you cruising again? I switched from SB to WW because I plataued for MONTHS and MONTHS even though I was following SB and exercising. I thought I'd try something else and it worked. I haven't looked back since!


When is Belle leaving?

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No cruise in the works at all. Leave for Hawaii Dec. 17th though.

Got my printout of blood report.

Wondering if I should request any other "test" other than the routine CBC, T3, T4, THS that were run... and I should keep in account that even though they came back "normal" I was taking 150mcg of thyroid so I must need it.

(OK I'm looking for a crutch).

Got my gyn appoint tomorrow so I wonder if he'll suggest any other blood test drawn, I'll be bringing my printout to compare results from last year.

Maybe I need to try something other than lo=card. Actually I might have plateaud but also maintained and was "ok" with that. Then the foot and recoup time just did away with eating regime and I had the slight creep.



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Hi All.

I went to weigh in yesterday and lost yet another LB!!! yeah. I didn't exercise last night. Was way to tired. Ended up going to bed about PM. Today had to take my 17+ year old cat to the vet. He has a bit of a bladder infection again (had one a year ago) on top of the begins of kidney failure. Amazingly he has picked up a pound (must be the one I lost) Ha Ha. So now waiting for results on his blood test but the Doctor seemed optimistic. Most of it being simple old age. Work has been busy and trying to stay focused on my food choices. Hope all is well with every one else.:)

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Hey everyone...

well today's MD visit was a somewhat "positive" one...

at least he's sending me off to run some tests...

got bone denisity tomorrow (funny thing it seems like I've maintained or "grew" a 1/2" since I always thought I wa 5'5 1/2" and today I measured 5'6" in bare feet... laughed at that... and also (hopefully) I'll have ultrasound done too tomorrow (check on fibroids... would love to have them removed, haven't had them measured in a couple of years so it will be interesting to see) at least I didn't get the "tisk, tisk" about my frustrations. also got referral about endo but can't get appoint before end of Feb. March... ugh. Compared bloodwork from last year to this... change a bit in only in slight increase in cholestrol, but that probably is due to decrease in exercise... guess I'm doing "ok" self-medicating on thyroid (at least it's holding in somewhat "normal" range.. if I didn't "self" who knows what it would be doing).

Just made a ton of brownies for Alex's birthday tomorrow to take to school (my middle name is "betty" <crocker..lol>) in addition to a couple of boxes on Entenman's popems that I originally bought to have in house.

Hopefully he would be bringing home any tomorrow.


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Libra, great job on that lb! Our last cat made it to 19 and she did gain in the last couple of years due to her arthritis. The two we have now are crazy since she is about 16 lbs. (Maine coon) and he is about 7 lbs. (cow with a sensitive stomach). However, he still puts her in her place!


Sheila, I am seriously thinking cocktail dresses will be the next thing I buy. Of course, don't need to buy anything until I go down two more sizes so could be awhile! Glad the weight came off fast!


Carolyn, I do not trust them when they say "normal"! Glad you will finally be seeing an endo! They have a different perspective and it generally helps! Just keep in mind that TSH should be between .3 and 3.0 when you look at the results. I seem to be perfect at .5 and vary dosage to stay there. Next September in NYC will be following the Connie TA which comes back to NJ. We have such a large group going on to NYC that it looks like we will be chartering a bus and end up paying about $15 each for the move over to NYC.


Belle, a week from this Sunday? Did you finish shopping? How is your Dad doing?


Baby, Where is your water? How are the wedding plans coming along?


Nachosmom, How has this week gone?


Well, still being just good enough (or bad enough) to maintain. I am taking a different tactic with the upcoming cruise and have convinced myself that I will work out daily and see if I can actually create a good habit rather than a bad one. Crazy weekend coming up so hoping that helps jiggle a few lbs. loose.


Everyone have a great weekend!

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Welcome back... how was the BatMitzvah and time in NYC (don't have to give full report). Hope you had a wonderful time. Unfortunately the weather just got "wonderful" here Thursday and Friday ... (unless you stayed till then...)


Donna, ?? for you "off topic". I remember a while back you were considering a Dyson. Did you get one and if so how'd you like it? We have a 30% off Kohls coupon and did an "impulse" buy of Dyson... though we may take Kohls up on return policy.. we mainly have hard wood floors so don't know if we really "need" a Dyson.


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Thanks Carolyn! We had a wonderful weekend in NYC. The weather was cold, but clear. We dressed warm and walked miles! Lucky for us, we found a parking spot across from the B&B. It was good for the weekend, so we didn't move the car until it was time to leave.


We stayed on 81st between East End Ave and York. Very residential, which was a new and fun experience. We felt like New Yawkers!!!!!!


I wouldn't recommend the B&B to friends. Aside from the location, it was very minimal. They did try their best. The rooms were charmingly decorated, but soooo small. Breakfast was in the room, but you were lucky if you got what you ordered! You were also lucky if you got it on time!!!! Contact with the outside world was difficult, because there was a lack of service.


We ate in local restaurants which were good.


Friday, we walked all the way to Bloomingdales. DH bought gorgeous dress shirts, really reduced. I bought NADA!


The we walked back via Madison Avenue. We love to look in the gorgeous boutiques. Went into Valentino (wish I could afford the clothes!) Brooke Shield was trying on a gown. I didn't recognize her until the sales staff, fawning all over her, kept calling her Brooke.


The Bat Mitzvah girl was very good. It turned out that she had the same Havtorah as my younger son....13 years ago! The synagogue was small and intimate. The rabbi was much more casual than any I have experienced. Members actually asked him questions during his sermon.


Typical American Jewry...then we were bussed to a nightclub (they said it was the former Latin Quarter). The adults remained upstairs for cocktails. Then we joined the kids downstairs for candle lighting, horrahs, dancing and buffet. They had annimaters leading the dancing and lots of "loot" for the kids. Observation: I can see why the girls are such wonderful dancers. They have these annimaters teaching them. The girls are so much more sophisticated than the boys. They were all dressed in black, dancing up a storm. The boys were running around, collecting the loot!!!


In the evening we went up to Westchester (isn't that near you?) to have dinner with the other side of the family.


Sunday, there was an organized tour of the beautiful Jewish Museum on 5th Avenue.


Because of the Marathon, we couldn't leave the city until around 5pm. We arrived in Albany around 8pm and slept over. We stayed in a Fairfield Inn, not fancy, right? The big bathroom was so luxurious after the B&B, it was like culture shock!!!!


I'm going to post this before it's lost!

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Glad you had an enjoyable weekend... regarding your "Bloomies" outing (DH getting something and you NADA)... that would probably happen to me too. The last time I "popped in" there (since it was right off the subway stop w/kids) I took a quick look around and had a bit of "sticker shock" since i hadn't been in Bloomies for quite some time... add to the fact that it was mid-August so Fall merchandise had just arrived and nothing left regarding sale merchandise.

Was it a "large or small" B&B (more than one guest accomodated). Sometimes we'd consider doing the B&B route (in Hawaii) but realize that w/kids it usually works out better getting corp. disc. at one of the "major chains" when available. You were lucky to get street parking. I'm praying that we "luck out" when we visit my Aunt on the 22nd.. .usually we do but it takes patience.

OK.. I just started to relax a bit re: Mom <her medical care, though I've been calling her 3-6 times daily since we just switched phone plan in August ... temporary though... and I'm sure Mom's getting a little to "used to" my calling so frequently.. I'm not comfortable w/it, wish I could be like sister and not call for 2-3 days at a time but then it "bites me". As you can guess Mom's back in the hospital. Since she was "complaining of pain" they switched her from Vicodan on Thursday to Morphine... didn't take long for her to "have a reaction" (though if it was up to DS she was complaining, more to me though, on Friday). She became hypoglycimic and low BP (she's diabetic.. only has levels checked around 4PM daily 'cause I insist on it and usually has high BP). I'm sure she's not drinking enough and was sleeping alot and slightly incoherant. Got call at around 7:45 letting me know they were "sending her out". So "here we go again" (seems like I can never "escape it"). At this point I'm numb since DS left an "urgent crying message" last night around 6PM on my cell phone... I'm SICK of her crying wolf especially since she's only willing to take "some action" on HER terms... (sorry you "don't have a life" <to me when I say I "can't have a life" <meaning DS hunts me down like a bloodhound when SHE wants to talk yet when I'm talking to her she hangs up on me all the time.. wakes us up at 11PM at night since she "just gets home from work" (time difference and feels nothing about it) yet I can't call her in the AM 'cause I wake her up and she's got issues> Seems like I can't win.

I also find it "interesting" that it was almost predictable that Mom was going to be admitted since Mike's leaving for Germany tonight... and Alex will be very busy w/school (kicks up a bit before T-giving holiday weekend which will be no-homework weekend) and the carpool has gotten very lopsided.. meaning we've had to drive Alex home 4 days last week. Will probably be necessary to drive kids in a few days this week and home a bit too. Libby'll be busy w/school with presentations this week and parent's observations (of course Mike won't be able to show up). I was hoping to go to Hadassah membership dinner at "the" local club but they have "dress code" and at this point in time I'm not sure what would be A)fitting me, B) if I'd be needing to coordinate the kids w/"behaving" (Libby wanting attention from Alex.. his wanting to do homework and they got "freaked out" last time I left them home alone when I went to Alex open school night... there were talking/noises outside that unnerved Alex.. was going around main level w/kitchen knife since they were "freaked" (we live on private road which is a bit isolated.. it VERY quiet). So Libby's putting up a fuss about my going out for evening. Now add in Mom's hospitalization.. seems like I can never relax and enjoy myself.


Guess I better call the ER to find out if they got her a room yet.

Later all.


PS. it's not helpful that it's foggy and gloomy yet a bit warm (around 60's). Also need to make sure that Mike's got enough clothes to go this PM.

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Carolyn, bought the Dyson last year and love it! Joe keeps dragging it down to the lower level since it also works great on the tile down there. I think I finally decided to just toss the other two vacuums stored in the closet down there since they don't get any use at all! Sorry she is back in. About what we are going through which is why Joe insisted on the cruise. Between Mom and work, I actually forgot how to switch on the lamp on my desk. When he got done laughing, he booked! I only call once a day! Absolutely refuse to call more than that since she has her moods and can be on the phone for half an hour telling me the same stories as last week.


Baby, First, where is your water? Sounds like you had a great time in NY! I'm thinking Joe is quite happy that we will be there post cruise since I will not be in the mood for shopping for clothes. Haven't mentioned that it will be close enough to Christmas to start that shopping and don't intend to!


Sheila, How is your weekend going?


Belle, Next Sunday? Have everything bought and ready to go? How is your dad doing? Hope everything is OK there.


Libra, still doing well? Will have to learn more about that program after we get back! Will probably need to kick start after being gone 17 days.


NachosMom, find any vacation to get you a bit of extra motivation?


OK, Spreadsheet is done all the way down to the shoes! I am absolutely going to remember to bring it with this time since it is the full plan for the entire time we are gone. Did leave a little wiggle room in case we get any weather surprises. Everything has been moved to the new closet and all I have to do is add the stuff I am still wearing (mostly Travelers) and put it in the suitcases. All I have to do is iron tonight and the guest room will be ready for the dgd's. Downstairs needs a final mopping before they get here and it is done too. Next will be getting all the lotions, electronics, etc. staged and then Joe (unless I can soften him up during the game tonight and get him moving early). I still need to pick up a few new undies but I'm figuring he will need a few things so will take care of it then. Actually better get him moving now since we are heading out to brunch then grocery shopping.


Have a great Sunday!

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Carolyn, if the kids are afraid to stay alone, can you find a babysitter? I know they aren't babies, but if that will work, why not? You deserve (make that NEED) a night out.


Donna...Xmas in NYC is such fun. I used to go. The lights, decorations, skating, shows..everything is exciting and alive!


Tell me about your spread sheet. Do you map out what you will wear? I make a list by hand and I write the tops that go with each bottom. But, once packed, I seem to forget about it! I minimize shoes, so that is easy. I'll have one pair for each dress code. I take a small purse and wear it every evening...dressy or not. Next trip, we will be in Puerto Rico for a week prior to the cruise. So I will have to figure that out. Hopefully, I will be able to wash and hang to dry some of those Chico tops I bought.


This time we are cruising with two couples. One friend will underdress and one will overdress! I will dress how I want!


I am home with a cold. So I will check in here again.

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Well, I'm not even thinking about "night out" since Mom's now being admitted in hospital and going to ER... so I'm not getting to "party". On that note, my DS thinks I'm supposed to stay at Mom's side as long as it takes and leave my kids at home... "don't you have someone <friends> to leave them with" ... my answer.. Mike's going to Germany.. what if something happens to kids.. I'm in another state.. etc. "well you stayed for Daddy, you don't care about Mom" (well at this point, I'm fed up... but I don't say that to her and I think she has some nerve even saying it under the circumstances... it's the good old double standard she has.. so now I'm the heartless B*tch"....

CALGON take me away... Diane's going to be working on my aunt to poison aunt about me... I can't win no matter what.


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I tried that... (emphatic tone... No... I CAN"T do that.. I've got a JOB") the latest while we were waiting to see Mom after driving 2 hrs in pouring rain.. Diane accuses me of wishing Mom dead 'cause then my life would be easier.. she thinks that I'm a "doom seeker" that I'm anticipating something will go wrong w/my kids if I leave then up North so I can sit w/Mom holding her hand....

I tried to have Diane realize that I "might" do it "if" Mike was home but he's not.. will be in another country (6hr time difference) and what would happen to kids if "I" had an accident or "worse" (the hospital isn't in the "best neighborhood"... you get the picture).... especially if the authorities couldn't reach Mike easily... she didn't want to hear me out.. was livid w/me... and "she's clergy"... the latest afterwards she wants me to tell her whether she should fly back for the day to see Mom... I tell her it's "her call" 'cause if I tell her to come (it's not that serious, at least not at 8:30PM).... but things can change hourly... and if she finds things "ok" Diane will be mad that I encouraged her to fly back and won't be so quick to fly the next time which probably will be worse... Oh my... I give up.


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You and your sister should work something out...some kind of a schedule. You each have to find some time to visit your Mom. Would it be possible for your Mom to be somewhere closer to either one of you? Two hours driving (in each direction?) is a lot of driving. It would be so much easier if she were 30 minutes away. Are there any facilities near your home?


You are the "sandwich" generation. Responsibility for both the younger (your kids) and the elder (your mom). It is very difficult to juggle.


For what it's worth...I just want to add that when my father was alive I had "issues" with him. A wise friend advised me to make sure I visit him on a regular basis...so that I won't feel guilty afterward. I am very happy that I took her advice. It worked!


Good luck!

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Sorry I've been MIA.


Just busy and different things going on

with the family.

My father still taking tests. So still feeling

so-so. Oh the golden years!

Yes it's hard with us going away. If anything

has to be done, told him has to wait till I get home.

Want to be there. That is if it isn't an emergency

and has to be done while I'm gone. Don't think so.


Think I've got all my shopping done. Just have to

decide what I'm taking..I have but still taking things out

puting things in. Taking only three suitcase for us for 25

days. See if I can make it..all have to be under 50 lbs

incase their scale weighs them more. (did last year going to

France) Taking less clothes than I want, shoes too! (ouch)

What's bad, suitcases weight to much empty, with wheels

and poles! LOL

WE fly out next Sunday! Yea.


JUst thinking Donna and Carolyn have trips coming up in Dec.

You'll both be gone when I come back.


Donna sounds like your almost ready for your trip.

All your clothes ready.


Carolyn sounds like you'll need more time to get ready.

Sorry about your mother. Hope everything works out

for her. Your sister sounds like all she thinks about is herself.


One reason we're taking this cruise now is I know I'll be taking

care of my parents in the near future. I'm an only child and

their 8 hours away.


Shelia your doing so good..My "woe" just isn't working

right now...wanted to be less for cruise but.....


Baby I'm glad you had a great trip. You got to see different parts.

I guess once in awhile husbands have to buy something but you

not getting anything. Is thst fair? LOL


Lib Hope your doing alright. Hope your cat is feeling better.


Well you "gals" take care.


Love from me

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It is one I think that there will only be 3 more Monday mornings before we leave.



Belle, hope the tests come out ok and nothing has to be done while you are gone. Every time I plan a trip, I do it feeling guilty but also realizing that the window of opportunity won't always be there.


Carolyn, DO NOT let the ding bat guilt trip you! You have a full time job and one of the most important ones that you can't just turn your back on! If your mother made any sense at all, she wouldn't want you to put your children (her grandchildren) at risk!


Libra, how are you doing this week!


Baby, where is your water? The spreadsheeet starts with numbering and listing the items that I intend to take and a column to record how many times used on the trip. I go from formal, semi-formal, casual down to day clothes.


I then put in the date, location, primary activity, and night's dress (guestimate). Day and evening have multiple columns. First a description of what I am wearing then a column for numeric value of the top, another for numeric value of the bottom and a third for numeric value of the shoes. Evening has one more column for the numeric value of the wrap/jacket. I can then filter on the numeric values and make sure that I don't have anything that isn't getting used enough. If I do, it gets deleted. Any new adds get the next number on the bottom. Also lets me quickly adjust and leave enough time for laundering items before I need them again. Don't know if I explained it very well. If you have excel, I can email it to you.


Ok, back to work!


Have a great day!

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Hi girls! I've been sick with inner ear so I haven't been online.


Carolyn ~ I hope your DM gets wells soon. How is she today?


Belle ~ How's your Dad? All packed?


Donna ~ I'm interested in your spreadsheet also. :D


Baby ~ Great advise to Carolyn!!!


Libracon ~ Great job on the loss!!!!

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AHHH!! Diane's at it "again"... worrying about others and then putting her family on "hold".

I finally spoke to Mom's doctor today (the one who's been trying to guilt me into visiting her when she was in hospital in June and July. Well, Mom's now got a "touch of pneumonia" (I'm concerned about this since we visited her on Sunday and Libby's now having a dry cough.. (she had pneum. 2 years ago and I worry about her). Mom had a pneum. shot about a year ago but I guess it didn't really help.

I ask this Doctor "should Diane fly home NOW" .. this is the MD that believes anybody should be staying w/family "no matter what!!" (she's Indian). But she knows how things are with us by now (this is third hospitalization). So to that she says "well if it was my mother I would"... and "this time it's more serious than other hospitalizations" (all true). So I call Diane who pages MD leaving her number... but doesn't get a return call (guess MD realizes I'm the one in charge... I hope this is true 'cause I'm concerned if they go to both of us).

Well I tell Diane everything... at first she says OK ... I'll come home... "but" I can't come until Monday (that's 6 days away... guess you're not "too" concerned") and then I'll fly back on Wednesday ("yea" good luck getting a flight that's not $1K... it's Wednesday before T-giving.. worst day to travel in the year). So while she's waiting she prices on Orbitz... gets $400-over $1K... it's Chicago to NYC). So she says "well it's not "too" serious I guess, I'll wait and see (guess she doesn't have too much $$ in her checking to cover and has already spent the check my Aunt just sent her ... probably for dog training). So she'll wait and she. She's supposed to be flying in on Dec. 17th so who knows if she's going to come in before then. I'm realizing now that she should really have a frequent flyer ticket on hold ready for her to "come" at any time... and then to use it to go on "moments notice" (if the fares are expensive... esp. since ticket is only 15Kmiles). Knowing her if it's from someone's account other than hers she'll use the ticket even if it's not an emergency since she'd rather use it that pay for one (don't trust her).

Then she calls me up around 9PM.. just touching base but to tell me that someone at her temple is not having contract renewed (though it had warnings)... and Diane's all concerned and told to "hold the person's hand since she's been confided in"... when I want to tell her some info she puts me off... this personal stuff w/others has higher priority so I guess she's not too concerned about Mom...

Oh well,

Gotta get sleepy Princess Libby fed and dressed...

As for me I'm kind of numb... I'm trying to take care eating... I've had PMS back this weekend (stress and all) and now have had killer migraine Monday and since Monday night killer cramps (still now)... usually they don't last this long. Guess I'll need to drink more water.

Hope everyone's well.

Belle, any news on your Dad.. Do you have travel insurance "just in case"?

(only if it's really serious)>


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Back later to catch up but before I forget, if anyone wants the spreadsheet, email me at donnaw7471 (at) yahoo (dot) com and I will send it on. Nuts this week but boss is leaving tomorrow afternoon and won't be back until 12/5 so I am keeping that in sight!


Have a great day!

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Belle ~ I'm feeling better, thanks! How's your Dad?


Carolyn ~ {{{HUGS}}} to you! Diane needs a reality check with what's important. How's your DM today?


Donna ~ I sent you an e-mail. TIA!!! :D


I'm hosting Bunco tomorrow night and will be busy tonight preparing as much food in advance as I can. Wish me luck that I won't sample too much!

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Bye,bye,Belle! Have a super time! I can't wait to hear ALL about it! Hope your Dad remains stable and your trip in uneventful in that way.


Sheila...what is Bunco? Don't eat the treats. You need them for your guests. If you eat any, you will run short and you will be soooo embarassed! If, by any small chance, there are leftovers, remember, you are not the garburator! (Boy, how many times do I wish someone reminded me of THAT!!!)


Carolyn, I wish I could say something that would solve your family problem. If it's any consolation, ALL families have issues. If it's not one thing, it's another. If it's not at one time, it's at another. Just hang in and do your best. Then, at least you will feel good about yourself.


I am still home, but feeling a bit better. I just washed my hair and I am waiting to see if that affects me adversely. So far, I feel better than when I woke up this morning.


I am itching to go out already!


Donna, before our Feb. cruise, I will e-mail you and discuss the spread sheet. If I do it now, I will forget about it by then!


Glad that you will have a nice long vacation...no office to think about...that will be so wonderful for you. Is DH's work as stressful as yours?


Have a great day, all!

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Find out more about my father tomorrow.

He's a "little ill temper" because he wants

to feel better, be like his "old self"!


Thank you for the best wishes for my cruise.

Can't believe leave Sunday. Haven't done well

with my woe. Think my mindset, (thro wrong is)

I'm going to eat on the cruise so........


Baby Bunco is a dice game but really a eating game..

right Shelia? LOl


Hope your Bunco Night was fun Shelia.

I was suppose to have Bunco here Wed. but too many

people couldn't make it, sickness and out of town.

So had to cancel. Was

happy somewhat..didn't have to clean house or make food.

Missing Christmas party because of cruise, will miss me..

just for me but also because I organize most of it.

I did a little bit of it but they have to do the rest. We have it

at our local yacht club. One lady belongs. Nice we have lots

of rooms. We play bunco in one, We have lunch in the other.

There's a bar and kitchen.



Carolyn hope things get better for you. Your doing right.

just let your sister feel her guilt later. Just don't deal

with her, it's her problem, not yours.


Donna I make lists to but think yours is more detailed.


Got almost everything ready, have errands to run tomiorrow,

not cruise stuff. Nails and toes done on Friday and Sat. will pack.

Sun up at 6:30 am, shower, hair..finish tote bag..picked up

at 8:30 am for airporter..catch at 9 am..plane at 2 pm.

Have to leave early for drive to airport and for the security check

at airport. Like to take later airporter but with security taking

so long sometimes, can't chance it.


Gee I'm sure talking a lot tonight!! Turn the "button off"!


Will write again before I leave.

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