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November 1st...D_Day..Want to join me?


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Baby ~ I didn't realize you were still sick! Are you better today? Thanks for the tips!! I didn't hardly eat anything I cooked last night. I did taste my spinach dip, but it was only to see if it was OK. Feel better!


Belle ~ I know you're so excited!!! We're definitely going to miss our cheerleader! I hope your Dad gets better before y'all leave.


Donna ~ Thanks!!!!

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It has been a very busy week for me. I had to go back to my orthopedic surgeon for some problems with my knee. ( I had my 2nd knee surgery two years ago) and my "screw" is disintegrating and causing some discomfort. So I will go in on Dec 5th to have it cleaned up. It is same day surgery and will be up right after surgery. Told my Doctor I wanted to make sure it (knee) would be good in time for cruise. I'd go anyway great way to recuperate. Also had to go to the breast center. First Time. Not thrilled at all but Doctors are very positive i'ts nothing. Through all of this the scale is still going in the right direction. Yeah. I will not be on L.A. for a month because of my surgery(something about anesthesia) so although I'll be diet free I'll really have to watch my self so I don't go way overboard eating bon-bons on the couch watching day time T.V. Between Thanksgiving, surgery andChristmas I only have 35 working days left ontil my cruise. So I probably won't make my goal for cruise weight but I'll try.

Anyway I hope all is well with every one else.


Belle Prays for your Dad.

Sheila hope your ears are better. Ear infections can be a bear.

Carolyn prayers with you and Mom. Hope your sister figures out what's really important before she runs out of time.

Have a good weekend --HAPPY THANKSGIVING

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Shiela Libracon= Kirsten -friends call me Kip. Knee should be just fine. Better than it is now at least. I've hit a plateau and will have to work extra hard this weekend to get past it. Plus I want to get a jump on the 30 days off L.A. for surgery. Will be tough to stay on track. So any ideas Advice would be great. I will be off of work for seven days. I'll Try not to eat to much.(haHa) Have Christmas projects to get done so that will help. With Thanksgiving coming I think that I will make an exception and enjoy that day As I have been working through some other health issues. Other than exercise I have kept on track with the food and water. I hoope every one else is doing well. :)

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Leaving in the morning.

Got my bags packed, there under 50 lbs each..(3)

just hope their scales don't weigh them to much

more than mine. Have some lbs leadway thro.


Have 2 small carry ons, more like tote bags.


Best news the test my father has been taking

have been negative. Thank god! Going for

PT for another problem. Will still worry about

him (still has problems) but not as much with the

good tests. Thank you for the prayers.


Thank You for all the Good Wishes for my cruise.

After I get thru the Plane Flight, the fun part begins.

I like to fly but the airports/planes aren't what they use to be.


Donna and Carolyn enjoy your trips.

Shelia and Baby you had yours and have more to come,

infact so does Donna.

Can you believe have nothing planned for next year..

pockets empty!! LOL


Kim good luck with your surgery. Speedy recovery.


Take care you all. Love to ALL

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Hard time posting out here and then when it does, I get it twice!


Belle, Glad the results are good so far and you can relax a little while your gone!


Sheila, Feeling better?


Baby, Where is your water? Are you better now!


Libra, sounds like your doing well even with the knee surgeries.


Carolyn, Hang in there! Less than a month now?


Ok, last "free" weekend before we leave for me to get all the little stuff done so better get going! Will try to check back later!

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Have a superfantastic wonderful trip.. you'll be missed.

So glad the results for your Dad came back negative.. will help you relax (a little bit.. though I'm sure you'll be thinking about him).

Donna, Good luck making it through the holiday and getting ready for you cruise. BTW, how are things w/your Mom? (Hope she's "behaving" and doing well).

Linda, How's it going?

Sheila, Glad you made it through your "bunco" night well. You're an inspiration to us all. Now if I can get out of house for a bit to try to exercise I'll be thrilled... don't think it's in the "cards".

Gotta get kidlets to sleep. Drove down/back to visit Mom in hospital. She doesn't remember last week as all. Got terrible shakes in hand/arms. Sister's sitting by bedside (on her terms of course) and insisting Libby and I stay longer than we should have. Libby was getting a bit "scared" when Nanna started choking and hid behind lounge chair. Diane didn't pick up on this at all (so wrapped up in her own stuff). Then the topping on cake... she was walking out of hospital to go to dinner w/friend who's putting her up for the few days the doctor finally shows up at the hospital. She speaks with him for a few minutes but doesn't go back to the hospital for him to see Mom... I can't believe it.

--6AM Monday--

Thought I sent this post (went to get kids asleep) and then did other things... still found it not sent this AM.

Just tried to call Mom. So the bottom line is that Diane did finally come in (well it was looking very grim when she did -- got special fare since Mom was in ICU). Well yesterday Mom developed some chest pains. They gave her nitro. When I spoke to pulmonologist (who diane thought was nephrologist) he was too jovial and he took us out of room to show cat scan. There was something that didn't look "quite right" but couldn't tell if it was pneumonia or tumor (oh great, now what). I'm concerned that Mom may be developing something like Parkinson's w/tremor (her older brother developed it late in life and I asked if it's "hereditary" -- think it's from meds... I'll keep asking). Diane's giving MOm pep talk since I know she's going to relapse when she doesn't have any visitors (and her past history, she's gotten very used to having Diane by bedside holding hand). and no tv to "keep her company". I haven't heard back from Diane since her leaving the hospital (isn't that "grand"...) think her flight's at 2PM and she should really allow plenty of time to return car etc. Mike's stopping by for a few minutes to just "assess" situation. Mom gets dialysis in the afternoon and hopes she responds well.

Gotta get Alex moving and Libby up. Mike should be back home tonight.

Donna, good luck with the packing. Hope things fit comfortably for you to have enough of your planned ensembles throughout your entire voyage (I'm so impressed how organized you are but I also that comes from being a cruise veteran).


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Belle ~ I know I missed you, but BON VOYAGE!!!!!! Glad your DF is doing better and the tests were negative!!


Carolyn ~ Hang in there!!!! Hugs to you and your DM!


Kip ~ I'm struggling right now trying to be good with the holidays coming up. My mind thinks it can cheat and I know I've gained. We'll just have to hang in there together!!! Good luck!


Donna ~ How are you? What are y'all doing for Thanksgiving? My ears are fine now. Thanks!


Baby ~ Are you feeling any better?

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Well, Diane's back in Chicago. Looks like "Mom's going to make it" (hopefully she'll be back in nursing home before day 20... otherwise I don't know how we'll "handle it financially". I finally got some of my tests back. My fibroids have grown considerably (wonder if that's part of weight gain) and I need to go for additional tests this Weds. (lucky they were able to squeeze me in cons. it's holiday weekend). Also I just found out I've got osteopenia so have to start w/calcium supplements and also weight bearing exercise (don't know how I can handle that at least 3 times a week) or take prescription meds (stomach problems). So right now I'm going to try the supplements.

But of course, no rest for weary. It's good to have Mike back home. He's helping Libby study for test now.

Hang in there everyone. Today I think I"ve past day 3 w/low carb... the bread and large pot of rice is "calling out to me"... don't know if I can stick with it.


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Which calcium supplements do you take? MD mentioned Caltrate Plus- 2 tablets plus the exercise, otherwise do the prescription (not sure if it's fosinex or what, didn't really go there asking... it was late and his office called back since originally I was calling for results of tests). Guess I need to "make time" for myself since I really don't want to take any more prescriptions than necessary. Funny thing, though, I haven't "shrunk" at all.


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Carolyn ~ I take Caltrate Plus (one tablet with breakfast and one at bedtime). The prescription you're referring to is Fosimax. My Mom takes it because she has osteo in her whole body. I'm trying to avoid that with exercise. I love to lift weights and I guess that's a good thing for the osteo.


Donna, Baby, Kip, & Linda ~ How are you all doing?


I went to the gym last night and talked to my trainer about how I can't seem to keep away from food right now. He said he's having a hard time also so I didn't feel too bad. I told him that we wouldn't measure my body fat again until March. He said I wasn't the only one! LOL

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Carolyn, Glad sis is gone and Mom is doing better. I'm sure Mike being home also helps. Sounds like a wake up call to start taking care of you!


Sheila, Someone asked my why I would go on vacation with all the parties coming up. My only answer was that if I had to gain 5 lbs. I was reallly going to enjoy gaining it! We seem to be programmed. I even caught myself looking at fudge recipes!


Baby, Where is your water and how are you feeling?


Libra, How are you doing?



Well, our celebration is being held tomorrow and I have most of the prep work done and the house ready for it. Of course, now I feel llike collapsing but not quite at that point yet since I have a few things left to do.

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and has a great evening and long weekend!

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Hope you are all having a good time!


Here, it's a regular Thursday. Just returned from a book review...A Tale of Two Cities...remember that?


Weight is AWFUL. Hope I improve soon.


Carolyn, glad your mother is doing better.


I take calcium every day and I take Actonel once a week. There comes a time when we each have to take it (unless we are very lucky).


I am feeling a lot better, thanks. But it is not "all gone" yet. It takes so long.


The good thing is that we are having some sunny weather and it's not so cold. Wish it could stay like this for the entire winter!


Sheila...I've never had my body fat measured. Does it help?


Donna...soon, soon! Are you doing a transatlantic? I forget!


Take care,all!


Gobble, Gobble!!!!

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Can't believe the weekend's almost over... parts "good" and parts very "stressful" (Mom's medical "stuff" she may have something (possibly some "cells" etc. from 38 yrs ago... they were going to release her on MOnday or Tuesday but DS wants her to be "checked out" by oncologist (though we won't do anything for treatment...) I just want to make sure Mom's out of hospital before 20th day since we can't afford to "hold her room" -- Mom's been doing well mentally up until today.. she's starting to "loop out" and they started to up her fentanol patch and I think they gave her morphine.. I'm not thrilled but she has a way of playing games, saying she's in pain and not tollerating things). I went to MD for followup test on Wednesday and I'm going for "out patient procedure" on Tuesday to hopefully stave things off for a while (fibroids-- think my pains etc. are from a cyst -- I'm concerned 'cause my Mom's problems 38 yrs ago she was told it was fibroids and then cysts and the several years <and radiation> later she was told she had had cancer... Mike's got several days left for this year for vacation (use or lose) so it will work out well to take care of things quickly.

The good part of weekend was that we spent T-giving w/aunt in NYC.. didn't do parade since it was threatening w/weather (wasn't so bad until later in afternoon but I needed to get turkey into over before parade ended). Then Friday we all went uptown and did lottery for tickets to Hairspray (Libby has been asking about doing this since we got back from NYC in August) and luckily there weren't many folks who showed up for the matinee so everyone "won" (front row tickets for $25 each-- granted at times looking up dresses but for $$ saves well worth it -- orch. seats usually $110 each). We all really enjoyed the show (including "jaded" Mike who usually pops into theater in London when he has time.. though usually getting the 1/2 price tickets).

Hope everyone's feeling well and taking care of themselves. Let's see.... Belle's gone.. Donna you're next. I think tomorrow I'll start doing laundry of what's needed for the week and if there's space in washer to add the summer stuff.

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Hi everyone!! I hope the Americans had a great Thanksgiving. I did and boy am I tired of eating! LOL It is good to be back on my WOE!


Donna ~ When are you leaving? I bought some stuff to make Christmas cookies (cookie cutter, etc.) on Saturday. I guess I'm gearing up. LOL


Carolyn ~ {{{HUGS}}} about your DM! I sure hope they don't find anything. I love the theatre and go when I can. We are very lucky to have a Shakespeare Theatre here that puts on awesome plays with "real" actors...meaning they are professionals that you see on TV and in movies. I'd love to see a play on Broadway though. I'm sure it is something special.


Baby ~ My weight is awful also!!! I like getting my body fat measured because it actually shows your true success/failure. Even though I had gained one pound, I had lost 3% of my body fat. I'd rather lose body fat than actual weight.


I hope Belle is enjoying herself.

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GUess this will be my last post until late Tuesday (I go in for outpatient surg. in the AM and then Mike will be taking care of kidlets... later on Alex will be on computer taking care of Latin project that will need finishing touches).

Had heard in the AM today that Mom should be going back to "home" tomorrow. She went for CATscan and all seemed to go "ok" (though they won't have results until tomorrow AM.. unf. I'll be "out of communication then" I'll have Mike with cell phone but don't know if MD will relay info to him. Hope it doesn't hold up her "release" 'cause we really want to get her back where she's comfortable (in her own private room and that way there's not worry about our "losing it" if she stays out longer than 20 days).

Gotta get Libby to sleep and make sure she's got her lunch set up for tomorrow.


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Hope all goes well, today and you have a speedy recovery. We are anxious to hear about you.


Sheila...what can we do about our weight? I am going to exercise after I finish this post! I don't take measurements, only get on the scale. That is all I have to go by. I would like to lose 5 pounds.


Sunday night, we went to a local Theatre. We go when we hear good reviews. The one act play was called Satchmo....(Louis Armstrong). It was cleverly done and we enjoyed it.


We saw a couple of plays when we were in London last year. We haven't seen a Broadway play in over 15 years! We did see a few fantastic plays in Toronto, however, and when something good comes to Montreal, we go, but it is so rare.


I am SURE Belle is having a wonderful time!


Donna...drinking my water as I type! When are you leaving?


Our city is emptying out! So many seniors disappear for the winter!


Take care, all!

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Baby ~ You really need to start taking your measurements or at least judge your success by how your clothes fit. ;) The scale is EVIL! LOL


Where do you live....what area? You don't have to tell me specifics. I know you live "up North." Must be nice for all of those seniors to head south for the winter. I guess they are all in Florida. I wish I could join them.


Donna ~ How are you?


Kip ~ Still hanging in there?


Carolyn ~ How did your surgery go?

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Carolyn, Hope you are resting comfortably by now. I'm sure Mike can handle everything!


Sheila, Your doing great so I doubt that the holiday did much damage! We are leaving on the 8th and will board the ship directly from the flight.


Baby, Where is your water? Measuring is really the only way to tell. This one is the Panama Canal - San Diego to Miami. Still a few loose ends to take care of but everything appears to be falling into place.


Belle is rapidly approaching the transatlantic part which starts on Friday so I'm sure she is having a wonderful time and will enjoy the easier port schedule coming up.


How is everyone else doing? The holiday temptation has already started and will be full blast by next week! Glad we are cruising so I don't wind up gaining 5 lbs. twice!


Ok, house is quiet again and the only thing that they left behind were their germs! I now have one heck of a cold/? ! Good thing is that we don't leave until next Friday and fingers crossed Joe doesn't hold off and come down with it next week. On top of that, I have an interviewe on Thursday which I will be in prime shape for. Yikes!


Oh well, 10 more sleeps and will stop worrying and start enjoying! Bra's and shoes arrived and are perfect so totally done shopping and ready to pack! Now if I can get Joe moving, I'll be quite happy!


Have a great afternoon!

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Hi everyone!


Carolyn, hope all is well.


Sheila, I live in the cold country to the north..in Montreal. Although my DH is 65, he is nowhere near retirement...so it's winter vacations, which I try to extend little by little! (I'm very good at that, says he!!)


How does one go about measuring? My clothes are tighter than they were.


Water is by my side!


Weight is AWFUL.


Donna, we did the same cruise. If you have any questions???


Take care of that cold! Lots of rest and lots of liquids.


Job interview? Good luck. Tell us about it! Hope it will be less stressful than the job you now have.


I must lose weight because I have to do some serious shopping. (I don't think I bought a single thing this season because I am unhappy about my weight).


We are invited to a daytime wedding. What does one wear to a noon wedding?


And....tadaaa...we booked our engagement party. It will be a brunch in Jan. Soooo...I have to wear something new, that's for sure! I have a gorgeous Anne Klein pantsuit that I haven't put on yet (that's me...I'm crazy that way). Or...I can buy a dress. I haven't bought a dress in years!


If I write about this, maybe I will keep my mouth shut (and I don't refer to words!!!)


Take care, all!

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Donna ~ How did your interview go? Are you feeling better? I hope the cold hasn't gotten you down too much. Speaking of holiday temptations...DH asked me to make him and DS and Red Velvet Cake for Christmas! :eek:


Baby ~ I measure using a tape measure (the flexible kind you use when sewing). I did a little table in Microsoft Word and measure every couple of weeks to see my progress. It is really encouraging when the tape measure shows you've lost inches even if the scale doesn't move. My trainer told me to forget about the scale and focus on the tape measure. He said noboy knows how much you weigh unless you tell them. However, they can see the inches. Measuring has really kept me sane through all of this. :D About the wedding.....to a noon wedding, I'd wear a nice dress with heels. Good luck getting in control of your WOE. I know you can do it!


Carolyn ~ How are you feeling?


I bet Belle is having a blast!! She's so lucky!

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