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November 1st...D_Day..Want to join me?


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Thanks, Sheila, for the Chanukah wishes! I


I haven't exercised in too many days, also. I am going to do them right now! Drinking water. Weight still 1/2 over awful pound. Will try to post on Thurs. weigh-in. Hope to be UNDER awful pound.


Take care

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Hi All,

Well the cards are sent . The presents wrapped, the cookies delivered. Now I can straighten up the house a little more and then I'll be on vacation for a week. I've got 30 days til I leave so I need to get serious again. Water,water water sit ups carrots etc. I'm ready.. Now Just waiting for the docs to arrive. Then I'll be dancing too.:)

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Hi All,

Well the cards are sent . The presents wrapped, the cookies delivered. Now I can straighten up the house a little more and then I'll be on vacation for a week. I've got 30 days til I leave so I need to get serious again. Water,water water sit ups carrots etc. I'm ready.. Now Just waiting for the docs to arrive. Then I'll be dancing too.:)

Lucky you!! I still have cookies to make and presents to wrap! I'm so behind this year!!! Where are you cruising to?

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Great Cruise..Wonderful Time..Great Weather!

Only gained 5 lbs in the 27 days! Good for me!


Now "Busy" with getting ready for Christmas..

didn't do very much before I left for the cruise.

Still have to "shop and wrap"....

Plus still don't have everything wash and iron and

put away. Plus have to clean house and buy food for

Christmas Dinner, Thankgoodness going out for dinner

Christmas Eve.


I promise to come back and "talk" about the

cruise and to see whats going on with you ALL!


Merry Christmas

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Hope you all read this before Christmas.

Want to wish you a Very Merry Christmas

and Happy Hanukkah. Hope you all have

Great Holidays!


Thank You for the Welcome Back's! Been home almost

a week. Want To Go Back!! Left HOT weather, back to

cold weather here. Plus being waited on hand and foot!


Can you believe I've been Christmas shopping last two days,

finishing up tomorrow. Wrapped some so far. Never

done shopping this late before. Lot of Gift Certifcates this year.

Like to give gifts but this year they are best.


Know Donna and Carolyn are/did have a good time on their trips.


The rest of us to spend Christmas and Hanukkan at home.

Please have wonderful days with your family and friends.

Love from me at this Holiday Time!

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Hi all,

A quiet weekend planned. Went to get the mail just now and guess what I got!! Boy I guess I'd better hit the bike and the water really hard this week. Now the time is really going to fly. Of course the folks sent a "goodie" basket for Christmas. :eek: Can a person live on celery and water.? HaHa well I'd better get the house work started.

Happy Holidays to all.

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Just got access for a few min utes so I thought I'd pop in and wish everyone and Merry Xmas etc. We're in Kauii , have lovely weather... of course DS Diane had to "mess things up" for me and called us w/o thinking about the time.. it was 6 AM. Oh well, she's always SO selfish.


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Hi girls! I hope all of you had a great Christmas and Hanukkah!! Mine was OK. I got some gift cards so I can buy more clothes. :D


Carolyn ~ Have fun in Hawaii!! You're so lucky!


Kip ~ I really need to start living on celery and water. LOL I've over-done it on the holiday sweets and I still have a house full! I brought some to work today and will probably continue to do that all week. They need to be banished from the house!!


Belle ~ How was your Christmas?

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Hi all,


Got home late last night and totally wiped out! Very rough start but an absolutely great cruise! Still gladto be home but that won't last since I just started unpacking!


Hope everyone had the best holidays ever!



Better get back to it and will check back later.

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Pre-embarkation or the cruise that almost didn't happen


Came real close. Most friends are aware that they should never book a return flight with us but this was on the way out so this was a first. First my suv had vapor lock on Thursday night and got stuck at a gas station 20 miles from home which totally messed up packing time and required an additional trip out at midnight. This also led to a battle about luggage which Joe sort of won (I took one less bag as he demanded but most of the stuff left behind was his and

he didn't dare say a thing about it since the main reason that it didn't go was that he never gave it to me to pack. Normally, I would have gone and done it myself but not a chance after his attitude). 45 minutes of sleep at my desk then it was off to the airport at 6:00 AM Friday. The plane took off and came back to MKE with a problem with the landing gear when we were half way to KC. Joe says we landed on the military runway (will have to take his word for it) and I did see all the emergency equipment present though I was in a state of shock since I never once considered the possibility of two emergency landings in one lifetime! The first one was after dark at ORD so much more impressive though Joe was really taken by the new piece of emergency equipment at MKE and had to find out all about it.


I was a nervous wreck when we finally left since they had pulled our luggage off the plane and it was sitting on the runway in case we had to ditch and drive to Chicago for the last flight that would get us there in time for sail away. They decided our original plane would make it with very little time to spare. We

landed two hours before sail away and were very lucky that we were sailing out of San Diego since it was a quick trip to the port and an unbelievably fast embarkation. Needless to say, Joe now agrees that travelling the day before is absolutely necessary.


Cabin was even larger than expected and the view was spectacular. Only a couple of surprises that weren't noted on the boards. Clear view into our cabin from the crew deck wasn't indicated but wasn't really a problem (rather funny when the future cruise sales rep asked us how we liked the view of the canal from our cabin as soon as we walked over to her desk though). The other was the noise on Sunday morning when we dropped anchor at Cabo. Definitely not the right cabin with a lot of early tender ports. Joe complained about the walk for the first few days but then figured out that he should take his sunglasses and whatever else he needed with him and he would save a lot of walking! Once we hit the Canal he was in love with the cabin and view so it did turn out to be perfect.


Attended the informal CC get together for a couple of minutes and then headed over to the pizza station since the last food we had was in the airport 13 hours before. Unpacked and made it to dinner where we found Cracker Ken and Eileen and Jay from Cruise Critic sitting with us along with a very nice and funny retired couple from Minneapolis. One celebration drink that we were actually on the ship and out at sea knocked us both out for the night!

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Welcome back Donna, glad you had a good time

even with the bad start and a so-so cabin.


We had a Great cruise too even thro there was a

few "downs". They cancelled Santorini because

of high winds. The island I wanted to see the most.


All of the other ports were outstanding! We lucked out

and had great weather. Smooth sailing.


The crew was outstanding, called us by our names..

graet service! Shows ect.!


Guess Carolyn is still gone enjoying the sunshine of



Sheila and Baby did you have a good time with your Holiday

with your family and friends?


Kip I think I/we all need that water and celery. I really did bad

the last few days and now the leftovers. Think I gained the 5 lbs

I gained then lost from the cruise. Took me 27 days to gain

it with all that food and only a few days at Christmas to

gain it. What's wrong with this picture? To many sweets and

junk food? You think?


Well we have to all start again, either tomorrow at weigh-in or

Jan. 2nd for sure!! Right?

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Hi everyone! I gained again this week...another 4 lbs. :(


Belle ~ I'm sorry to hear you had to miss your "most looking forward to" port. However, that will just give you another excuse to cruise there again. ;) Glad you had a great time. You also did well with only gaining a few pounds. WOW!


I've been looking into eating a "clean" diet meaning if it isn't grown, picked, or hunted, you can't eat it. It is suppose to be really good for bodybuilding and losing fat. Knowing me though, I probably won't be able to stick with it.


How is everyone?

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Belle, we were expecting to see you at some of our CC get-togethers on the Galaxy. I was worried that something had prevented you from going. I am glad to see that you were onboard even if we never did meet up.

We had a great time and met some great people as I'm sure you did.


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Hi All

Glad to see evryone had a nice cruise. Me I still have 3 weeks. The water and celery isn't going to well. I have been running all over town and eating whatever I could find. Not always healthy but smaller portions at least. I haven't given into any fast food yet, just a little popcorn and chocolate. Otherwise protien and vegies. Need more water though. Does tea count? been drinking that instead of diet soda. Well I finally finished shopping except for dress shoes. So the list is complete now I have to figure out how to pack it all. Nothing on the agenda for the next four days... exersice exersice exersice...water water water. TTFN



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Kip lucky you a cruise in three weeks! Bon Voyage!


Pasty..Sorry you were worried. I'm sorry we didn't

get to the CC party. Thank you for thinking of me.

I really missed meeting you and the others.

Remember we thought the party was

the day we were stopping in Mykonos on Wed.,

so Tuesday night I went to ask where my invitation was and

they said they had the party all ready. I know they had

a second party (because not to many show up for first one

to many people too tired..why did they have it first morning?)

but can't remember why we didn't make it.


Wasn't the cruise great but very tiring. Wasn't it great

seeing all those ports. Yes we met some really nice people

too. The crew was very nice also..great service.


The second cruise was great too. We enjoyed the b2b very much.


Yes Shelia did great on cruise but lousy at home on eating!

Gained this Chrismas season! See you had a hard time too.


How did everyone do on their eating this week?

We just have to get thru New Years parties then we're

back to DAY ONE..Starting Again!


I have a party New Year's Eve and Day..will be to much

food and drink around! What do you have planned?


As I said before..I wish you all a Happy Near Year for 2007!

(can you remember when we thought the 2000 years were so

far away and now it's 2007)

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Happy TGIF!!!! Yippie!!!!!!!!!!!! :D


Kip ~ Yes, you can count tea towards your water intake. It is better if it is caffeine-free though. I drink a lot of green tea and Earl Grey tea. I get so tired of water!


Belle ~ I think everyone is having a hard time with the holiday snacking. Next week is a new beginning! All of my junk food is almost gone.....YES!!!


How is everyone else? I'm missing Baby, Donna & Carolyn. I'm sure Carolyn is having a blast in Hawaii!

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Oh my goodness! Suddenly so many posts. I have to read them!


Donna..welcome back! Glad that you had a wonderful vacation. Sorry about the mishaps...but isn't that travel?


Belle...hope you get to Santorini in the future. We loved it. Maybe one day you will go and spend some time there.


I am a little confused. Is Libracon, Kip? Try tisane instead of tea. Or hot water with a little lemon. (why don't I listen to my own advice???)


Sheila...you have to get back on track...you are our "star"!!!


I am drinking water now. I'm like a Pavlov dog...I don't dare post here without a glass of water on hand!


Once again, I am down 1/2 pound from the awful pound. I know it is pathetic, but that makes me feel better. I am still 2 pounds higher than 2 years ago. I must lose. The engagement party is a month away and I have to buy something special, which I have been putting off because I am unhappy with my weight. As soon as I finish this, I will exercise. I did it yesterday also. I am not consistent enough.


Yesterday, I had a lovely massage and that made me feel better,too. So many aches and pains...it's the age, I suppose.


A happy and a healthy new years to all!

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Sheila, the goodies will be gone soon and I am actually working my way back to the idea of cooking!


Kip, Your coming up fast! The caffeine free tea is fine!


Baby, Where is your water? Where are you? Did you have a nice holiday?


Belle, Sorry you missed Santorini but weather always plays a part. Actually, by the end, even Joe loved the cabin! I was in charge of the curtains and they were open whenever we were dressed. All it took for the distance was his realizing that he had to get organized before he left it and not run back and forth 200 times a day. The extra space was wonderful and the only better view of the canal on the ship was from the crew deck below us (though we had the air conditioning). We loved the crew on the Galaxy last year but found equal on Mercury this year. I really think it is the size of the ship and am hoping that we aren't disappointed in the Connie crew in September. Smaller ships just seem to be much friendlier and more intimate.


Carolyn, are you back for New Year's?


Linda, are you out there and doing ok?


Sort of hacking at a review with so much work to do but will post the second part that I wrote for some friends next.


Happy New Year!

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Did I fail to mention how interesting the midnight ride was. Windchill of -20 and Joe gets it in his head that he needs to fill the tank up the rest of the way (I didn't mention that I suggested that prior to pushing it away from the pump). He is worried that I will fall asleep following him in the rental so he is on the phone constantly and mentions that he is going to stop and fill the tank so our daughter doesn't have to do it. We have never had the vapor lock happen twice in a short period of time but I'm not even thinking about taking the chance and stall him. Stall worked since the gas stations closer to home are all closed up tight for the night. I figure she is 30 something and fully capable of pumping gas especially since Mom and Dad are buying her a very nice 19" flat panel monitor for Christmas after we disembark from the ship and get to Detroit. We are driving a four lane highway and he has just gotten up to 50 miles an hour in the right lane with the third car on the road slightly behind him in the left lane. Can't end the fun now! Two deer come flying out right in front of him. He still won't tell me how close they were but the first thing I heard on the next phone call was "Oh, sh@t"


BTW, that cool piece of equipment is called the space bubble locally and requires a single operator. It towered above us (version of a cherry picker) and was set up to shoot water or foam. The difference was that it had a nice sharp pointy thing on the front to puncture the plane fuselage and inject the necessary foam or water inside the cabin. While we were waiting to find out if we would ever leave MKE, he managed to find a couple of employees who filled him in on their new toy.


Exhaustion had caught up with us and we both slept late on Saturday morning expecially since the time changed during the night and the only reason we knew it was that we turned on the bridge cam while we were getting dressed. Could have hurried to the dining room but decided the buffet would work just as well for our first breakfast on board so off we went. Now, we have only been in a fore cabin once before and it was on Dawn Princess which has the buffet at the fore of the ship. Off we go when he realizes that he forgot his sun glasses and we turn around and go back. Finally get to the buffet and head out by the aft pool area to eat. Finish eating and he has forgotten his coffee mug so back to the cabin yet again. He is beginning to notice that this is not exactly a short walk but no complaining yet. We then wandered the public areas and did the natural comparing to Century and Galaxy while we killed time till our official 10:30 CC party in the Champagne Bar. Party was a major success and we met a lot of those that we missed during our brief visit to Navigator Lounge on Sail Away. I had become friends with one of the new CC posters on the roll call and it clicked in person so we headed up to the aft pool area after the party (Joe was ready for pizza yet again) and they had a margarita tasting so we bought a couple and chatted. We were still there when the announcement was made at 1:00PM that we had noro virus on the ship! Now the fun would really begin!

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