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November 1st...D_Day..Want to join me?


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Lost track of time and did promise more so here goes:


We had been on the ship for less than 24 hours and Noro was already with us. Reports were that it was brought on by a group of 100 that did a pre-cruise stay at Holiday Inn. However, both the port HI and Mission Hills HI were mentioned so not sure which one. Rumor said 41 of the original group came down with it. No way of knowing if these passengers were fine when they embarked but hoping that they were and didn't willingly expose the entire ship to Noro. I had noro several years ago after attending a computer conference and the CDC had told me that the good thing is that I would be immune for long time. However, they couldn't tell me what a long time was. Joe didn't get it then so I had my fingers crossed anyhow. By the time we walked down to the cabin, the bleaching had started.


By dinner Saturday night (first formal night), my nose and eyes were both running and I was sneezing on a very regular basis. I knew it was the bleach but Joe insisted it was a cold. Since the symptoms disappeared when the bleach smell lessened after the first 36 hours, I have to assume that my deduction was the correct one. It also appeared that the initial bleach concentration was reduced since the frequency of cleaning wasn't. All lower level ship personnel were required to do bleaching duty one hour before and one hour after there normal shift. Additionally, food service wait staff put in additional hours manning the buffet. Rolls, salt and pepper and butter were placed on the table and then removed and given out by the assistant waiter. They were never put on the table again during our trip.


I did finally realize that I felt much better on the open aft deck and we stayed out there on Sunday until we got off the ship in Cabo. I woke up to a horrendous noise on Sunday and it took a bit to realize that it was the dropping of the anchor which was directly below us. Joe can sleep through anything and he actually jumped up when he heard it. I told him it was the anchor and he promptly fell back to sleep while I went up to get coffee. I have to assume that we were either testing the anchor or only temporarily dropped it until it was time to get into position for tendering since we did more in closer while we had breakfast in the buffet.


We waited until the crowds were off to get on the tender and walked right on to one. Only plan for Cabo was to meet friends at Cabo Wabo so we walked around first (through the very large and friendly group of street vendors) and found a very upscale mall where we bought iced coffee and people watched from under a nice large umbrella eventually wandering off to find our friends at Cabo Wabo and have a margarita before returning to the ship. This was a short port day so we felt like we spent it well and we were ready for our second sea day.


Monday - sea day. Bleach smell had lessened tremendously and Joe had figured out that he should take what he wanted with him so he didn't have to keep running back to the cabin. Dining Room breakfast and my first fix of Egg's Benedict. A lounge, a book, music and friends make for a perfect day! A little running about and signed up for the 100 minutes Internet access since we brought the laptop. Used the wifi in Michael's Club to check mail and realized exactly how slow it was. TV is an absolute joke. We thought that it was on the Galaxy TA but attributed it to being a TA. However, this one was just as bad. Bad for Joe since he is a news junkie and needs to monitor the financial markets even while on vacation but good for me since I'm on vacation and really couldn't care less. However, Internet time ended up being used to track the markets since TV coverage was so poor but they didn't do anything that he hadn't planned for before we left.


Tuesday - Acapulco during the biggest religious festival of the year. We again waited until the crowd cleared and wandered off the ship. We thought we would walk around a little bit and then take a cab out to Condessa Beach. Still debating the divers since we had seen them on TV so many times. We hit the ground to intense heat and it just kept getting worse. We somehow managed to pick up a local who took us to the market place and did a bit of shopping while he entertained us with stories of his city and country. A few small purchases and a leisurely walk back to the ship left plenty of time for either beach or divers but we couldn't wait to get back on the ship to cooler air and a cold drink. Ran into friends once we got back on and decided we were much too comfy to go back out again. Sail away was at a cocktail party thrown by one of our CC friends on one of the over sized SS balconies which he had received as an upgrade. Very nice party then off to a leisurely prep for dinner since it was casual night. Looking forward to the beach in Huatulco. Did I mention that the goal of this trip was doing nothing?


Special note: X introduced 5 new menu's on this cruise. Actually, what they looked like was the older menu's mixed up a bit with a few new items mixed in. I assume that they were getting input on the reception of these menu's though it wasn't from us. The only really new thing that I had was Chicken Kiev one night and I'm not even sure that it wasn't on the old though I am sure that it was quite good.


OK, enough for now and off to remote desktop!

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Hi Belle, thanks for answering me. You and I were one of the last ones posting before we left so I am glad you let me know you were o.k. I don't know why they planned the get-together the first day either. We had to ask for the second one. We had a pretty good turn out. So many of us were doing private shore excursions together I think that encouraged us to meet up.

Our tablemates (Bob and Sharon) did the B2B and we were a little jealous. But I just look at it as weight I didn't gain (until I got home).

Happy Cruising and Happy New Year!


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Still working and not sure what time I will be done so thought I would wish you all:



while I still remember. Serious diet time starts in the AM and have made journaling a goal this year! Need to re-arrange this extra weight so the exercise room is ready to roll in the morning!


Hope everyone has fun tonight and a healthy, happy and prosperous New Year!

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Boy, do I have to get a grip. (What else is new?). This weekend I went shopping . Bought nothing. Tried on larger sizes. This will not do. Must take off the excess weight. Will report.


Good luck to all!

Baby ~ I'm in the same boat as you! My new size 8's are getting tight and one pair I received for Christmas (fit me when my Mom bought them the day after Thanksgiving) are way too tight! :eek:


I'm back on plan today and feeling much better for it. WE CAN DO IT!

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How is everyone today? I went into L.A. for my first time in a month (because of surgery) and guess what!! I didn't gain anything! I weighed the same a month later. Wow Now that is really good. Especially since it was over the holidays. Today was back to work and back on diet. Lot's of water and 40 minutes on the bike and 20 min of weights. I'm getting down to the wire here so I have to be real strick. check out the Ticker!!

TTYL Kip:)

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How is everyone today? I went into L.A. for my first time in a month (because of surgery) and guess what!! I didn't gain anything! I weighed the same a month later. Wow Now that is really good. Especially since it was over the holidays. Today was back to work and back on diet. Lot's of water and 40 minutes on the bike and 20 min of weights. I'm getting down to the wire here so I have to be real strick. check out the Ticker!!

TTYL Kip:)

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Hope you all had a great New Year's!

2007 is starting...Are we starting to eat on

our woes/diets/exercise often/drink LOT"S of water?


I have to get off my "butt" and get busy eating

and exercising right! After the holiday and being colder

it gets so easy to become lazy. (hibernate)


Was going to do a review of the cruise for you but

better if you just ask questions. I'll answer all.

Am I really lazy? LOL


Baby when are you going on the Galaxy? Have you been

on her before? If not, do you want me to tell you things

about what goes on, what places I liked, ect?


Shelia read on another post your having surgery? Nothing

serious I hope. Sounds like your on a good start for eating

right. Slow start for me.


Donna are you rested up yet?


Kip Great job, no gains for a month with the holidays.


Carolyn you home yet?


Pasty Are you around? Can you believe our cruise wasn't

that long ago but it seems like forever!! Love looking at our

pictures and remembering.


Remember if your really starting this week to lose weight..

join the the weigh-in every Thursday! Keeps you accountable.

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Donna good to see you at weigh-in.

Know your dress will fit by July...

you'll do it!


Shelia I know to that you'll have

the Holiday gain off in no time!


Baby, Carolyn. Kip come join us on

the Thursdays weigh-ins.


Hope everyone is having a good day, afternoon

and will have a good evening.

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Kip ~ Congratulations on staying the same. That is fantastic!!!


Belle ~ I just had a little lipo yesterday....the doctor had to remove a fat pocket around my belly button. We still can't figure out how that happened. LOL I'm fine, but sore today. Thanks for asking!


I've been weighing every day cause I'm trying to see if my WOE is working. So far, since Tuesday, I've lost 3.5 lbs. Not too shabby! LOL


I can start back exercising on Monday and I'm excited!

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Hey everyone...

I've been home since late on 29th... it's been a bit nutty

esp. w/Mom and DS (for almost a week from time I got back.. Mom on new meds and going "nuts" from them... psycho w/delusions and "visitors".. very bad).. w/holiday etc. it took until early on Wednesday to get a bit of help. ANd I had to hear DS complain about all of this, was on phone constantly w/hospice, nursing home and social workers. Add to that the prescription ins. on Mom was going to be "pulled" on Jan 1st. for non-payment even though I had copies of cancelled checks... so I've been under a ton of stress. Not good w/tight clothes.

Just wanted to ask Sheila.. which WOE are you now trying... not sure which I should try but know I've got to try something.


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Well it's going to be a nail bitting 15 days. I ordered a Slim and Lift and went to pick it up and the post office screwed up and sent it back! I flew home from work to call and re-order and they said it may or may not make it in time! EEEEKK. So I got off the couch and down on my bean and started crunching away. These things are great if your back hurts from sit ups. I probably did 75+ and could keep going if my stomache muscles didn't give out first. I'll be looking to find a similar product just in case. Does anyone know where I might find one?

Keeping the water and tea flowing. I guess I could pray for a miricle.:o

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Haven't posted in a while (or it seems like a while!!!). Weight is still up the awful pound. So hard to lose. The good news is that I am concentrated on eating healthy choices. The bad news is that I get hungry and I eat! I haven't exercised in almost a week because now I have leg pain. I think it may be sciatica. I should make a doctor's appointment on Monday. Self-diagnosis isn't so smart, is it?


Now for all of you!


Kip, you will look great! What is a slim and fit? I am going down to get a glass of water, thanks to your reminder!


OK Water on hand!


Sheila, you are doing great!


Belle, we are leaving in Feb. We were on the Galaxy before.One question about the ship. Where are the shady areas? Are they on the sides of the ship? Or only at the rear? I can't seem to rescall. Yes, please tell me about your impressions of the ship. Also I would like to know what kind of weather you experienced. I am always afraid to do the Med so late in the season. What were your favourite ports? Where did you go and what did you see? I would love DETAILS!!


It's raining here today. So far a freaky winter. The grass is showing and the temps are record highs. I'm sure we are going to pay for this BIG TIME!!!


Have a great day, all!


Carolyn..how was Hawaii? Tell us about it

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Belle, Made it to WI but first chance to make it out here. The only good thing is that I haven't had to do any "work" work since I emailed the boss with a question and can't go any further without an answer. Left time for lots more closet cleaning/re-organizing which I have been at since New Year's Eve. I absolutely can not figure out 1) If I keep throwing stuff out, how come I keep finding more to throw out and 2) Why everything upstairs needs to go downstairs and everything downstairs needs to come upstairs!

Sheila, Wow, you are really back op with a vengeance and it appears to be working! Glad the surgery went well and you can get back to exercise Monday!


Carolyn, kind of sounds like what we came back to so just hang in there! How was the trip? Any must do's the next time we are there?


Kip, getting closed to the single digits! Just stick to it and you'll be happy with the results.


Baby, Get back out here and bring your water! We are in this together!


How is everyone else doing?


Ok, got an answer from the boss and I'm actually looking forward to sitting at my desk and working for the first time today!

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Hi all.

Just checking in. Baby, go to www.thane.com and look for the slim and lift you'll see what I'm talking about.

Belle I have the same problem cleaning out my things. Everything in the living room needs to go to the bedroom or kitchen and so on and so forth. I don't think I'll ever get totally done. Water Ladies.;)

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Hello everyone! I hope you all had a great weekend. Mine was good. Got some cleaning done. My DFIL is staying with us for a couple of days so I've been doing a lot of cooking. I told him last night that he's just going to have to eat on our diet cause we ain't cheatin'. LOL


Carolyn ~ I'm so sorry things have been so stressed for you! I hope that everything with your DM improves. How was your trip? I'm sure you at least enjoyed it. I'm really not doing a certain WOE right now that I can label. LOL I'm basically doing the one that my trainer wanted me to do. I've resisted it for a long time cause Weight Watchers was working so well for me as far as losing weight. However, WW wasn't doing my toning any good. Meaning, I was losing weight but not firming up. I decided to give my trainer's advice some research and found out why I'm not toning. I was eating too many "bad" carbs and sugar. So, now I'm basically doing a combination of South Beach, Protein Power, etc. which is what my trainer designed for me. I'm already noticing a difference in my upper abs.


Donna ~ I hear ya! I'm always moving junk around from one room to another. LOL Glad you're doing well!!


Baby ~ Glad to see you back to posting. I've missed ya!! :D I have sciatica problems also with both legs. Sometimes it is hard to find a comfortable way to sit, lay, or stand. Hang in there!!


Kip ~ That garment looks pretty interesting. WOW!! Hope it works well for you. Let us know.

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I have been watching as a visitor for several months. I started on Nov. 1st at 212 and am now 177. A lot of hard work but confidence is much higher. I wanted 180 before our cruise that leaves on Friday. Met my goal. I have never been one for self control. If I can do it I believe that with the right mind set anyone can.

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I have been watching as a visitor for several months. I started on Nov. 1st at 212 and am now 177. A lot of hard work but confidence is much higher. I wanted 180 before our cruise that leaves on Friday. Met my goal. I have never been one for self control. If I can do it I believe that with the right mind set anyone can.

Weigh to go!! That is fantastic! You're going to have so much fun on your cruise!!! BON VOYAGE!

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Hi everyone and a special welcome to IndyHarley. Your success is an inspiration to us all! Thanks for posting and congratulations for achieving your goal.


Donna...wait, I will go and get some water. I just finished a hot drink so I may have to drink it SLOWLY!!


Libracon..thanks for the website. I'll pass!


Sheila, what do you do for your sciatica? My physiotherapist gave me a last minute appointment this morning. It felt good when I was there. Now I feel the pain. I called the doctor and I will go to see him tomorrow. He said to take advil. I did, but I don't know how much it helped. At least now I can sit at the computer. I couldn't before the pills.



I am really trying to be careful. Yesterday I was up 1/2 over the awful pound. I was really bad on Saturday. But since I watched it yesterday, it did come off. Hope to take off another 1/2 today. Engagement party is the 21st, so I have no time to fool around!


Have a great day, all!

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Hi everyone and a special welcome to IndyHarley. Your success is an inspiration to us all! Thanks for posting and congratulations for achieving your goal.


Donna...wait, I will go and get some water. I just finished a hot drink so I may have to drink it SLOWLY!!


Libracon..thanks for the website. I'll pass!


Sheila, what do you do for your sciatica? My physiotherapist gave me a last minute appointment this morning. It felt good when I was there. Now I feel the pain. I called the doctor and I will go to see him tomorrow. He said to take advil. I did, but I don't know how much it helped. At least now I can sit at the computer. I couldn't before the pills.



I am really trying to be careful. Yesterday I was up 1/2 over the awful pound. I was really bad on Saturday. But since I watched it yesterday, it did come off. Hope to take off another 1/2 today. Engagement party is the 21st, so I have no time to fool around!


Have a great day, all!

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Hope everyone had a good weekend?


Shelia.. Glad your doing good after your

surgery. Good for you on telling fil..he eats

what you eat! Your doing so good.


Donna..Good to see you at weigh-in. Hey

weekends aren't for working only relaxing!

(I think all my "junk" produces and makes

more junk for me to clean out!)


Kip..Keep up the exercise, doing good. Hope you

get your slimmer in time because you want it.


Carolyn..Sorry you came home to more proplems

and stress. Hope you had a great time on your trip.


Indy..Welcome and congrats on your weight loss.

Bon Voyage!


Baby..I'll start another post and talk. Sorry you haven't

been feeling well.

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