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November 1st...D_Day..Want to join me?


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So much snow, I can't believe it. It's messy to park because the clean-up is slow.


Belle...I follow the weather in Palm Springs daily! Now it looks like the 70's, rather than the 60's. Either would be a big improvement to here!


I still don't feel great, but better than two days ago. I am eating more normally, but I am eating less...and...voila...down another pound! The trouble with this neurotic is that when the scale finally goes down, I think I'm terribly ill.


Sheila...I am keeping in mind your advice...to ease back. I think I shrunk my stomach (only a little!!)..so I can eat a little less.


Anyway, my #1 son is in the air, as I type, somewhere between Tokyo and Bangkok...and I am a Jewish mother...sooooo.


Drinking my water (glass #2).


Have a great week-end!


We will probably hear from Donna tomorrow.


I am concerned about Carolyn, too. She has so much on her plate, all at once.

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OK... I've been AWOL for a while since I've been without internet and things have been crazed... let me explain.

Mom's funeral was Jan 2. Then I got into a "funk" guess that's to be expected since vacation was a bust (for many reasons), jet lag etc. Over MLK weekend drove w/Libby to Aunt's apt in NYC (she's 93) to check on things since she wanted me to meet painter to discuss fixing things in apt (much needed). So we go in on Saturday night and plan to stay until Monday (hoping to get parking spot on street so don't have to pay $$ for lot). Meet with painter and he's suggesting that maybe she should get laminate for floor. Well she uses a walker and sometimes has a fall/roll. Luckily she hasn't broken anything. I'm not sure if it's going to be "took hard" underfoot vs. carpeting that she has. She thinks it's going to look too stark and bare. I'm also concerned about slipping and since she's a bit unstable I don't think she can really have area rugs. So Monday she's a bit uncomfortable w/stomach. THink it's nerves etc. She finally starts to go over some "important" papers w/me (finally ... the stuff like POA etc.). I confront her about something "suspicious" I found in her checking statement/register (missing # in register and then check being cashed for $5K to housekeeper). She gets a bit upset w/me for looking etc. and I leave w/Libby. Libby was bored that weekend and Stella says that Libby seems "sad" (it's true she's been a bit "off" for last couple of months being dragged around between running to hospital in Nov. Dec. and having me on phone constantly otherwise, running around to pick up Alex at school -- no real schedule to speak of) and she's wondering if Libby's depressed (wouldn't be a surprise under the circumstances). I breakdown and start crying. Well we leave and make a few stops along the way home (I finally got to see what Chico's clothes really look like, I'm in desperate need of some "normal" clothes so I'm curious how they size. I didn't have time (nor did I want to get disgusted since I hadn't been eating right) to try on but Libby approved of alot of things we saw so I hope to return to try on when things settle down. Get home and call Aunt (at around 7:30PM). She still wasn't feeling too well. Didn't eat since 9:30AM (except a couple of cookies around 3PM and tea) and decides to walk over to hopsital across the street (has security help her there). So I'm calling up from 9:30PM until next day. Can't get any info (dang hipa). Well after many test they "think" she has an abdominal obstruction from adhesions from surgery about 12 yrs ago and takes a good day to get her a bed. That's Tues/Weds. things get worse. She's still uncomfortable and not feeding her or letting her drink. Her housekeeper checks in on her Friday and then next Monday. Tuesday Stella gets moved to ICU. I get concerned and decide I need to see what's exactly going on (I had spoken to surgeon on Sunday AM prior) Everything "seems" to be ok. Then the sh*t hits the fan when Mike's on his way to Honolulu for business conf. on Friday. Get a call that they're needing to get her on respirator ... seems like she's having a hard time breathing. I'm not sure if this is necessary. Then I hear that she needs emergency surgery ASAP that night. So luckily Mike's got stuck in Dallas so he returns home. T-gd Stella makes it through surgery OK and I head to NYC early Sunday AM on train. Stay until Thursday. They still have her on respirator there's been some "bumps" along the way. And in the meantime I see a "suspicious" check made out to housekeeper in Jan. for $5K (second one that's not written in check register... what would "you" think of this). See signature doesn't really match other checks that were signed the same day. Alarm goes off in my head. Finally confront Suzanne. She's all cagy. Long story short.. she's off scott free since she had always written checks and Aunt just signed them. WOuld have to take her to court and Aunt would "die" if I prosecuted her "beloved" Suzanne (who hasn't visited Stella in over a week and didn't call me to find out how she was doing since surgery -- bet she was hoping I didn't find out about the check for a LONG time and that Stella took a turn for worse). Now I've got to take care of Stella's business. Her taxes are a mess. Hope her mail gets forward to me. Trying to get POA on all financial matters and now her kidney functions are a bit off, so she's going to get "loopy" too.

Gotta go pick up Libby from basketball. It's nice being home for a day now. House is a total disaster w/Mike being Mr. Mom for 5 days and trying to do work too.

Hope all is well with everything. Belle... think we're "twins" now... but I've been through this once already. You get some good days and then others that are crap. Unf. I'm trying to protect Libby from the aftermath though. It's starting to take a toll on her. She's getting more sad and I'm getting a bit concerned about her school work. She's got a very academic teacher this year (which is a blessing) but Mike is slacking off a bit (watches CNN and primary stuff when he gets home) instead of paying a bit of extra attention to Libby when I'm away. It's hard on a 11 year old to have Mom away alot. It's a repeat for her of when she was in second grade except (luckily) now she's not sick.

Take care everyone. I'll post when I can. Don't have acess to internet when I'm staying in NYC>


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Sorry all, this weather has just put me in a really blue funk. If the sign shines it it too cold to be outdoors and as soon as it warms up it snows. Major challenges getting anywhere between blowing snow and black ice. Stayed home last night since it was snowing and didn't go near the door today with the wind chill setting records.


Carolyn, Prayers that this new challenge is quickly handled and you can get back to normal. As to Libby, that is the age to get moody so part of it is just growing up. Do try Chico's on and find out your sizing. The website has some great sales and doesn't take long before you get membership benefits of 5% discount and free shipping. I have loads of their stuff and never had a problem with anything. Excellent quality and really easy to build a wardrobe.


Belle, Hope the appointment with Mom went well. Your in our thoughts a prayers. What are you looking at for your Europe 2009?


Baby, still there or in Palm Springs already? Water and stay warm!


Sheila, your exercise appears to be working well! How are the eyes doing?


Well, this has been a take it easy weekend to see if the back pain will go away. That and muscle relaxants may have helped. At least to the point that I didn't have to finish the night out in the guest room last night. However, blue funk is hanging on and definitely have cabin fever. If the sun is shining, we have records wind chills and if it warms up (cloudy) we have snow. I have driven with zero visibility and on black ice this past week. Doesn't sound like next week is going to be much better with more snow on Tuesday and Thursday.


OK, better get the dishes put away.


Have a great week!

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Wow, is it cold out here! With the wind chill, it is well below zero! It will probably warm up here when we leave for Palm Springs! Can't wait to see those palm trees. The best thing about going south in the winter, is getting off the plane and seeing those wonderful palms!


I managed to regain 2 pounds this weekend. Not a happy camper. Still under the awful pound, though, so I shouldn't complain.


Saturday night, we went to an upscale Italian restaurant. We were the oldest diners there! It blows me over how the young spend so freely.


Carolyn, hope your aunt is doing better and you solve the problems easily. Libby is probably sad because her grandmother died and she is afraid that your aunt may also. She may even fear her parents' mortality. Give her lots of hugs and attention (girl time). I often wish I had a daughter. My mom and I used to love to "do lunch and shop".


Donna, I know exactly what you are talking about when you say the weather has you in a blue funk. I feel the cabin fever also. I am in way too much. I go out to do what I have to and then come home. I chose places where the parking is easy. Today, I plan to go to a mall which is truly "blah", but has indoor heated parking! There is a discount store (like Marshall's). Maybe I can arrange for someone to meet me for lunch there. Then I will do a little grocery shopping. (Such an exciting life!)


Sheila...you must have had a busy weekend! Hope you had fun!


Belle, hope all is as well as can be expected. Spoke to a friend last night who is already in Palm Springs and she said that the weather is improving.


Take care, all!

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Hello girls! :)


I had an epidural injection for my back on Friday so this weekend was a bust for doing much. My back is better today.


Belle ~ How are YOU doing?


Carolyn ~ So sorry to hear about your dear Aunt Stella. I hope she gets better soon. I agree with the other girls, give Libby lots of love and attention. Y'all need each other right now. {{{HUGS}}}


Baby ~ I loved it that you said, "y'all!" You're still under the dreaded pound so that's a good thing! When are you going to Palm Springs?


Donna ~ My eyes are doing fine, thanks. Is your back better today? I find that if I rest, mine gets better. I always push too hard though and then I get where every step hurts. I hope yours improves soon! Do you still have all of that snow?


Have a great day, my friends! :D

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This winter is getting to be too much. You know when it will warm up? When I'm in Palm Springs, of course! It's I don't know how much below zero today (more with the wind chill). But the sun IS shining!


Good news...lost 1 and 1/2 of the weekend's 2 pound gain. Not bad. Now I weigh more or less what I weighed last year. Big improvement over the last few months!


I tried on a skirt that I bought a few years ago and it is tight at the waist. I need to wear it for a Bat Mitzvah in March. So...there's my yardstick. I should put up a big sign...SKIRT/ WAIST..maybe a few signs!!!


Sheila, I am happy that your back is improving. I missed my physio appointment last week (my bad) and I have one this week and also next week. I don't know what to work on first, my neck or my back!


Today is pedicure, so that will be a treat.


Have a great day, Y'all (couldn't resist!)Wish I WERE a southerner when I step out into the frigid air!

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Hey girls!


Baby ~ You're so funny! If you want some warm weather, head down here to Alabama. It is suppose to be 70 degrees today. This weather is causing my allergies to go nuts though. The temps are up and down, up and down. :rolleyes: I hope your physio goes well. And congrats on losing! Keep it up and that skirt will fit you in a few short weeks. :D

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Baby ~ More snow?! Wow! Y'all really have been hit hard! If it is any consolation, it is a lot colder here today also...just yucky weather all around. Glad you're still down below that "dreaded" pound. Keep it up..or should I say down? ;)


Donna, Belle, and Carolyn ~ How are you all?


My back is doing so much better since I had the epidural last Friday. I actually did an great workout last night with ZERO pain. That hasn't happened in a very long time. I'm so excited! :D


Have a great day, girls! I'm thinking of you.

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Just a short note, just came in to

say Hi. Started the weigh-in thread.


I've been really sick for two days.

I can say I lost but will come back

when I eat.


Carolyn sorry about your aunt and

all the things you have to do. It's

so hard at times.


Dealing with problems

with my mother now. Another Doc app.

today for her. That makes it worse for

my father, he worries about her.

Don't ask about me trying to deal with

people to get stuff done for them over the phone! GRRR


Donna hope your back is better. Sorry about

all your snow. I couldn't live in it. High 60's

here this week and last.


Sheila glad your back is doing better with the shot.

Glad your eyes are doing good.


Baby you have back problems too? What's going

on here? I don't want to join you all in that! LOL


Will talk more later..bedtime..feel better but not

up to par. Up early to shower and mother to Doc app.

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Honest, I have been sooooo good...and I gained a pound. Don't know how. Yesterday, while trying on clothes that were usually loose....they fit! And my weight is not bad at all. I'm frustrated!


Belle, sorry you were feeling so sick, but glad that you are on the mend.

It seems that everyone I know has back and/or neck problems these days. It must be our AGE!


Sheila, good that your back is better. Let it stay that way! How often do you get the epideral shots? They have never been recommended for me...just physio, heating pad, exercises and advil if bad.


Have a great day!

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Honest, I have been sooooo good...and I gained a pound. Don't know how. Yesterday, while trying on clothes that were usually loose....they fit! And my weight is not bad at all. I'm frustrated!


Belle, sorry you were feeling so sick, but glad that you are on the mend.

It seems that everyone I know has back and/or neck problems these days. It must be our AGE!


Sheila, good that your back is better. Let it stay that way! How often do you get the epideral shots? They have never been recommended for me...just physio, heating pad, exercises and advil if bad.


Have a great day!

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Good morning, ladies! :)


Belle ~ I'm so sorry your so sick. At least you're feeling a little better. Don't forget to take care of yourself. Good luck at the doctor's with your Mother. {{HUGS}}


Baby ~ You probably ate something that had a lot of sodium in it. That would explain the gain and being bloated. You will probably be fine tomorrow. Don't get too impatient with it. (I know; easier said than done.) I get a series of 3 epidural shots between every 6 months to one year. The last series didn't take. So, I got another shot at the 6 month mark. That shot has worked. If I do good with this one, I won't need the other two in the series. Make sense? When you start popping Advil like it is candy, have been through physical therapy and physio, they might recommend the shots. The steroid is not good for your bones so they don't like for you to get them unless you absolutely need them. If I don't get the shots, I'm in pain all of the time....some days worse than others. I hope you never get to that point.


Talk to you all later! Have a wonderful Valentine's Day with the one you love. ;)

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Guess what?

My husband and I are going away for

a week. I need it! Parents are holding

theirnown at this moment. Plus we will

be only about 6 hours away. Can

make it back if something happens.

Just planned this today. Leaving Sat. morn

(Feb. 16th)) and coming back next Sat.


It's in the mountains, in a valley. A condo

with fireplace, jetted tub. Five days alone,

then last two days, friends are joining us

that we haven't seen in a year and a half.


Sheila will you please start the weigh-in thread.

Just say......


Belle's gone out of town

Don't frown


She will back next week

Then you'll have a poem you seek


Thanks Sheila


Baby if you leave before we get back,

Have a GREAT time. Know you will.

When you come back will see if you

went to some of my favorite places.


Donna hope you and your husband are

feeling well and your weather is better.


Carolyn wishing you not to much stress

this week. I know it's easier said than done.


I know if I wasn't getting away now, I

would "Explode".."POP".."Go Crazy"

Whatever you want to call it!


You all be good..know your all wishing me

a good relaxing time with my husband

because your all so sweet. BIG SMILE!

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So glad Belle got away and we are next. Joe made all the arrangements to get away after the initial forecast of another 12+ inches of snow today. May or may not be fortunate but, it has started as rain so we shouldn't get near that amount. Will leave for TPA on March 5, board the refurbished Inspiration on 3/6 (our anniversary) then head to Disney on 3/10 and fly back on 3/12. Hoping that we will be on the good side of winter weather when we return because we are both extremely tired of this stuff! It has been so bad that most of our counties are dumping sand since they can't get any more salt and they have already used the entire winter supply! Average snow for February: 6.9" This February: 26.9" and still going!


Sheila, Glad the shot is working and hope you can take a pass on the other 2.


Baby, Bet you can't wait to get out of there and down to warm!


Carolyn, How is your Aunt doing?


Belle, Glad you got away and hope your able to just relax and enjoy it!


The muscle relaxants seem to help the neck a little and have helped the back a lot. I don't really like some of the side effects so will try to start weaning off of them next week and see how it works. Meantime, have to get on my work computer and try to get some work done since the latest project has put me way behind.


Have a great Sunday!

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Today it is raining and later, when the temperature returns to freezing, everything will be a sheet of ice.


Donna, I know exactly how you feel about the winter! Great that you will go south to celebrate your anniversary. Have a happy one! How many years? Water is right by my side!


Belle, so happy that you and hubby can get away. I am sure it will be your "medicine"!! Hope you are having fun!


Sheila, how was the weekend?


I am off to physio this morning...for my neck and shoulders. My back is not great, but the neck and shoulders hurt more. I tell her that I wish I could leave my body there for the day and pick it up later!!!!


Now for the nitty-gritty. Weight is not bad at all! Down 2 1/2 pounds from the awful one, which is the best I have been in months. Although we ate out every night this weekend, the only time I gained was after 3/4 of a veggie pizza on Friday. Last night we went to a restaurant where I love the pasta. (I think I wrote that the last time I told them to hold back 1/2 the order, so that I could take it home. Well, last night, I opted for the fish instead. GOOD CHOICE!!!! Weight came off instead of on!!



Take care, all!

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Belle ~ I'll be happy to start the weigh-in thread for you. I've jotted your poem down and will post it. I'm so glad y'all are getting away. Have a fantastic time!


Donna ~ I hope your neck/back keeps improving. You'll need to be in top condition now that you've booked a cruise. Lucky you!


Baby ~ Woo! Hoo! Down 2.5 lbs! That's so great! We had a tornado hit our town yesterday. It hit right outside of our neighborhood and we are so lucky! So, my weekend wasn't too great....funeral on Sat. and tornado on Sun.


I did have a good WOE weekend. WOEX was doing a lot of house cleaning. :)


Have a great day, girls!

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I don't know how I did it, but I managed to GAIN 1 and 1/2 pounds yesterday! Oy vay, is all I can say. Hopefully, it comes off quickly, but probably not in ONE day.


A tornado! OMG! Thankfully, it didn't hit where you live. That must be one of nature's worst disasters.


Re: housecleaning...just be sure not to lift anything heavy and to be careful bending and stretching.


Have a great day!

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Hello girls!


Baby, I don't lift anything heavy when cleaning...that's what DH is for. ;) That weight is water weight, girl! How many times do I have to tell you that? :D


How is everyone else doing? I hope Belle is having fun! She so deserves it!


Hopefully, I'll be able to go to the gym today. We couldn't go yesterday because the roads were closed due to the tornado. The devastation is horrific!


Later, my friends! :)

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Baby, got that water? Sheila is right and water weight is your enemy! When are you leaving?


Sheila, How is the clean up going? We were lucky when it hit here since it didn't really block any major roads. Actually we were tremendously since it hit mostly open field. What came through would have caused major catastrophe in an urban area.


Belle, Hope you got to really enjoy the time away and come back to good news.


Carolyn, How are things going? How is your aunt doing? Things level off yet?


OK, crazy times and my work is now piled on my home desk so better get back to it.


Have a great week!

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Hello girls! I hope all of you are doing well. :D


I ate horribly this weekend because there was too much going on so I didn't get a chance to cook much. I did make a big pot of vegetable beef soup yesterday that is very healthy.


Donna ~ The clean up efforts are slow, but steady. We saw the hardest hit area firsthand on Sat. while we were volunteering. It is going to take a long time to get it all cleaned up and then re-built. How are you and Joe?


Belle ~ How was your trip? I hope you had a great time!


Baby ~ Are you still under the dreaded pound?


Carolyn ~ How are you and the family?


Talk you all later. :)

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Been home but busy.

Hope your all well.


Had a good time away but

came back to same-o same-o.


Sheila thanks for doing the weigh-in

last week. Glad your safe after all

the storms.


Donna you get to take a cruise. How nice.

Get you out of the snow. (High 60's here.)



Baby did you leave all ready without saying

goodbye. Have a great time in the 70 plus

weather. You'll love PS.


Carolyn hope things are at a better pace for you.

Your getting some rest.

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Belle ~ I'm glad to hear you had a great time on your vacation. It's not fun coming back to reality, is it? I missed you!


Baby ~ Have you slipped off to California?


Donna ~ When is your cruise?


Carolyn ~ How are you and your Aunt doing?


I'm doing well. I've been doing good with WOE and exercise this week. I dropped another pound so that's good. Two more to go to goal. That's going to be very strange. LOL


Take care! :)

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Hi all, just wondering if I could post every once and awhile with yall. Noticed this board because Nov. 1 is a big day for me. It is my birthday, and I want to be down 80lbs before then. That will put me at 230. Not my goal weight but one of my goals none the less.


Hope you all have a good day!!!!


Oh by the way I am Leah

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Leah, yes please join us.

More the merrier. Helps us all

helping each other.

Also I start a weigh-in thread

every Thursday. Please join us.

Good Luck on your weight loss

by your Birthday!

Come in any time and talk to us.

We try and help each other.

Don't forget your water.

It's important.


Sheila your doing so well. Almost to

goal. I admire all the exercise you do.

Don't you have a trip this spring?


Donna you leave Wed. the 5th for

your short cruise and Disney. You

two have a GREAT time. You and

Joe feeling better?


Baby no cumputer in Palm Springs?


Carolyn how are you doing? We're

thinking of you.


Everyone have a good weekend. My Father's

Birthday is Sat. He's still fighting to be here.

Plus/guess God's not ready to take him. He's

miserable but doesn't want to leave my mother/

his wife. Taking him his favorite cake...

Angel Food Cake with Strawberries and whip cream.


Talk to you all later. Take care.

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