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South Pacific Aranui 3-new reviews?

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I hope those who are sailing on the Aranui III this summer will post info on their trips. I think the trip sounds terrific and so very different from large cruise ship.


My DH questions the water conditions as he has motion sickness if too rough. Is the balcony on the suites worth it? When would be the best months for best weather?

Thanks and have a wonderful cruise.

Cheryl & Hank

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Hello Cheryl:


I can answer a couple of those questions without being on the trip yet.


There is never any guarantee of smooth water however there are medications that would help your husband cope with any motion problems.


ANY balcony is far superior to ANY blank wall, porthole or window.


It appears that any time of the year would be good weather wise as the area is so close to the Equator for warmth.


They do have a rainy season and you could check on that on Trip Advisor.


But that's why we all carry rain gear wherever we go.


If this kind of a trip sounds good to you, book it now as they do seem to sell out far in advance.


It's a unique adventure and a trip of a lifetime.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello fellow travelers!


My husband and I have just returned from the June 4 -17 sailing of the Aranui 3, and what a wonderful time we had.

We started the trip with a stay in Papeete at the Hotel Tahiti Nui, which was lovely. We did one overnight on the island of Moorea at the Club Bali Hai, which was also great fun. We went by "fast ferry", the Aremiti 5, from Tahiti to Moorea. Did driving tours of both Moorea and Tahiti before setting sail. Had Friday night dinners at "les roulottes" on the waterfront in Papeete bookending our cruise.


We had a deluxe cabin which was quite spacious - a closet with hangers, a small chest of drawers, drawers in the bedside tables, two small drawers in another cabinet, a small fridge, a couch, table and chair, two mirrors, lighting for reading in bed. We were able to unpack our medium-sized soft-sided suitcases and stow them under the bed and couch. French doors opened up to a railing, and there was a large window. No balcony, but we wanted to socialize on deck with everyone else rather than stay in our cabin anyhow. The suites do have balconies.

The bathroom had a tub and shower, and a retractable clothesline. I understand the standard cabins have showers and no tub, and twin beds. People we met in standard cabins and dormitory spots were happy - no complaints that we heard.

Laundry was done by the ship 3 times during the cruise - no underwear or socks. There is also a self serve laundromat on board so you can do your own washing. You need Euros to use the coin-operated machines. You can get them in the Boutique. Bathroom towels and washcloths are changed every other day or so. Large blue pool towels are also provided.


We had no problems with sea-sickness. This was my first cruise, and I feel like the sea was relatively calm (but what do I know!). We brought Bonine but didn't need it.

The food was wonderful. The chef was obviously french trained. Breakfast was buffet-style, while lunch and dinner were served at table. Our trip had 164 passengers, so only one seating was required. Some vegetarians we met were very happy with their meals. They did eat fish; I'm not sure how a vegan might fare. Tables were for between 4 and 20; we dined with different people almost every night to meet new folks. Some people preferred to dine with the same friends.

Passengers were largely French and Australian on our cruise, with a smattering of Germans and Americans. Briefings and ship-board announcements by the crew on expeditions, etc. were given in at least 3 languages.


More later...

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Two Aussie ladies were in the dorm and had a great time. Remember, you're only in your sleeping quarters a very small amount of time! All the fun is to be had in the other areas.

I always bring earplugs with me anywhere I go so I can tune out and go to sleep in any situation.

Some things I was happy to have packed:

Camping Clothesline - hung it in the bathroom for extra drying space for bathing suits, etc.

Pack Towel - it was a lot easier to stuff in my backpack for shore trips than the big fluffy pool towel

Swim Shoes - most beaches on lava islands are rocky; stonefish and sea urchins have spines. My rubber soled swim boots were great. All the big burly crew members wear those plastic fisherman sandals that we used to call "jellies'. :) They sell them in the Boutique on board.

Soap Powder - I packed 1/3 cup portions of laundry soap powder in individual zip lock bags so I wouldn't have to buy it on board.

First Aid Kit - Luckily, I didn't need half of this: Bonine, Imodium, Cipro, Bismuth tablets, antibiotic ointement, Benadryl,ace wrap, bandaids, DEET, Skin-So-Soft (for no-no protection). There's a doctor on board for emergencies; he was surprisingly busy.

iPad - don't scoff - I was able to bring 10 books with me this way! Be sure to read Typee by Herman Melville; still the best guide book for the Marquesas, according to Frommer's...

Stuff for kids - I brought small toy telescopes, spinning tops, and kaleidoscopes I got at a party store to pass out to little kids on the islands. Others brought stickers, pencils, etc. Please don't bring candy. They don't have doctors or dentists on the small islands.


even more later...

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Hi DrSmudge:


Thanks for your comments on your trip.


I'll be on the ship for the August 6th cruise after staying two nights in the Hotel Tahiti Nui also.


On your ferry trip to Moorea, was there anything to do within walking distance (3-4 miles) of the dock on Moorea?


Did you find a "favorite" roulette for dinner?


Is there a convenient place to buy some wine/beer near the ship to take along?


Many thanks in advance.


I'm really looking forward to this adventure.



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Hi, Jim.


When you go over to Moorea, be sure to take the Aremiti V fast ferry. We walked from the Tahiti Nui. In the ferry boarding area at the Papeete waterfront, there are brochures (and a guy passing them out) promoting various tours on Moorea. There's nothing much within walking distance. We rented a car and did the Island Circle Tour. They have buses and Le Truck, but I'm not sure where they may take you.


Our favorite Roulotte was "Chez Marie".


There are a ton of stores around the Hotel Tahiti Nui, and the gas station right next door has all kinds of stuff, including croissants. There is a large marketplace within a couple of blocks where you can get all sorts of things.

There is wine with every meal (except breakfast!) on the ship. Hinano beer costs about $4 at the bar. Most people who brought stuff brought whiskey, vodka and gin, etc. The ship's policy is that outside liquor must be used in your cabin and not brought into the common areas (at least not obviously).


If you have time in Papeete, be sure to walk along the shorefront park - it's a beautiful public space.


I wish I were getting ready to go again!

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Hi DrSmudge:


Thanks for the super quick reply.


I was hoping there might be more to walk to on Moorea. In that I'm a solo traveler, driving doesn't allow me to do much sightseeing, Walking does. <G>


Yes, I understand about the fast ferry and it amazes me that there isn't a premium fare for the speed.


I will check out Chez Marie. Thanks.


What is their specialty?


I am flying out of LAX on Wed. night arriving PPT Thursday AM so I'll have enough time for wondering around Papeete before sailing.


Am also staying over Friday night after returning and flying out Saturday morning.


One of my favorite hobbies is just wondering around, observing people and their activities.


I'm sure FP will be a great area for that.



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All of the Roulottes have about the same menu - variations on Chinese food, grilled meat and fish, and poisson cru. We randomly picked Chez Marie and were happy. Also, there are a number of Crepe wagons there. No alcoholic bevs served so BYOB I guess.


At Hotel Tahiti Nui, ask for a room on the quiet side rather than the street side. If your room's not ready when you arrive in the am, they will let you go up to lounge around the pool. The pool area has bathrooms complete with showers, if you need refreshing.


See if you can make contact with others who might be interested in a day trip to Moorea - maybe you can split a car rental and driving duties. Maybe through role call?


Also, if you will be there on August 15th, it's a Catholic feast day, Feast of the Assumption. You'll probably be on some island, but be aware that they take their Catholic holy days seriously in French Polynesia. We were in Papeete on Ascension Thursday and everything was closed. Including restaurants.

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DoctorSmudge, Thanks for your informative posts. I can hardly believe that we will be leaving in just over two weeks. I arranged for a 5 a.m. pickup at the airport to take us to the TahitiNui for two nights before the Aranui departs. I hope we can get a room on the quiet side of the hotel, since I can't sleep on planes and don't want to be exhausted when we board the Aranui. Thanks for the information on packing, we look forward to more of your great information in the next couple of weeks, and we will report on our trip to those who follow.

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Oh how I envy you.


Wish we were going to be on the adventure together but I have to wait a few weeks before departing for the 8/6 sailing.


I see on other threads that there is a threatened Air Tahiti Nui strike by the pilots and hope that doesn't happen and affect either of us.


Have been doing a little reading up on that area but think I'll quit and just let everything be a surprise.


More fun that way.


You're probably getting ready to start some preparations for packing.


It won't be long now and I know you are going to have a super trip.


Enjoy everything and have a great time but leave some fun there for me. <G>



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I have just managed to swap days of work on the river boat, and will work here until July 12, then fly home on the 13th, have a couple hours at home in Houston until we leave for the airport for a flight to LAX, and a few hours to transfer to TahitiNui (ticketed on Air NewZealand which may operate the flights if there are still strike problems). We fly home the day after the cruise and I return to work up here on the boat on Tuesday. Sorry we will miss you Jim, but I will try to keep the followers of this thread posted on what happens.

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Here is a link to a video clip of our trip's Polynesian Night extravaganza.



I'd encourage you to take the dance lessons and/or ukulele lessons, even if you don't think of yourself as a joiner. Everyone who participated had great fun, especially the guys. I even bought myself a 12 string ukulele on Ua Huka...

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Thanks DrSmudge:


It looks like everybody was having a good time.


Do they have battery-operated ukuleles? That's probably the only kind I might be able to "play".


Only about 4 weeks before I leave.


Looking forward to an enjoyable time.



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WOW! Looks like Polynesian Nght is one not to be missed, thanks for the video drsmudge!

Greetings all, apologize for an extended absense, no excuses except busy at work - some recent travel to the Florida Keys and Coastal Maine.


Been catching up on the recent posts both here and on TA reviews.


Bon Voyage & safe travels to all who have upcoming Aranui cruises in July and August - thirst for those trip reports and maybe you can fit in some updates here on CC board.


So as I was catching up here and came across the posts about Scotch and Cabin Sute "G" , what a coincidence this is, we're also booked in Suite G and a taste for an occasional good scotch, a great scotch would be even better.:D


Our voyage is not until mid November, so we're savoring all these Aranui teaser posts. Can't wait to try out my Canon D10 for underwater (and above water) shots and videos. We're doing 2 pre cruise nights in Papeete and have scheduled an interior circle isalnd 1/2 day tour of Tahiti - which we missed on our last trip there in 2003 (Paul Gaughin cruise Society Islands).


Stay safe and well all!

Leah & the Doc

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Dr Smudge,

thanks for the nice video. I had to watch it on a smart phone, my work computer won't allow streaming video. I will be working here through next Monday, then fly home Tuesday, pack, and depart for Tahiti Wednesday, if ATN is not on strike. They are supposed to have a one day strike on Monday, so I hope it is not extended. I forwarded the link to my wife in Houston, hoping that she does not over pack with fancy clothes. Sadly I do not play any instrument, other than a piano, and that not very well.

We will Arrive next Thursday morning in Papeete, stay at the Hotel Tahiti Nui for two nights, and then join the Aranui Saturday morning. We arrive in Papeete on Bastille Day, so I guess many places will be closed, but on Friday we would like to arrange an interior circle half-day tour like Leah and Dock suggested.

I plan to take a laptop computer with us, and if there is wi-fi aboard the Aranui, I will post a few updates during the trip.

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It must be nice being a "short timer" for your departure.


Wish I was joining you but will be on the following departure.


It appears as though this new ATN strike is only a one day planned interruption.


Just enough to inconvenience people.


I also have a free day in Papeete on Friday and may look into the 1/2 day 4X4 trip in the interior.


If I don't "talk" with you before the trip, have a SUPER time and enjoy your anniversary.




Don't forget to leave the scotch in Suite G. <G>

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I contacted my Virtuosso TA to find out for you and share who the vendor & contact is for our 1/2 day 4x4 interior jeep safari island tour and as soon as she sends it I will posat here.

Left-over Scotch welcome in Cabin G LOL:D


Leah & the Doc

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Cap't MCD, Jim, John and.....

Hi everyone. I'll offer a suggestion for Tahiti/Papeete. We 'lucked out' and found some small neat little spots to spend the day that were clear off our radar...we stumbled upon them.

HERE IT IS: Get out of Papeete and go EAST. Am I ever glad we did. We were there earlier this Spring. West from downtown has genuine traffic jams. Dreadful. I'm serious. We rented a car/drove East, Clock-wise, laid around down on the South end of the island and drank beer/splashed with the locals. Darn fine little surfer joint on the beach West of Taravaro. Also, a neat little chillin' beach is a few Km down Tahiti Iti's West coast...Maui Beach. Nice sand. We went all the way down Tahiti Iti to Teahupoo for a look-see. Quaint.

But Our real gem was swimming on the South Coast BEHIND the Gauguin Museum at Milepost/ PK 51.2 I It is a teeny to-die-for spot 200yds East from the Museum's parking lot down a little road behind the gift shop...I'm not lyin'. They are building a beautiful bamboo-frame pavilion at this no-name beach. Change room and nuthin' else. Perfect spot.

Now about WEST of Papeete. Think downtown Honolulu. Nuff said. Enjoy. Locomotiveman

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Thanks Leah, I booked an 8 hour jeep trip for this Friday. Today is my last day on the river boat, and I am really looking forward to getting some real ocean under my feet. I will take my wife's laptop computer, and see how well I am able to stay in touch.

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Up until now it has been hectic, flying from Cincinnati to Houston, unpacking, haircut, last minute shoping, business affairs, and finally back to the airport. Although we were ticketed all the way on Air NewZealand, it was with code share partners Continental and Air Tahiti Nui, who do not have a baggage transfer agreement, so we arrived at LAX terminal 6, walked to terminal 7 to claim our bags, waited for a bus to terminal B, check in with Tahiti Nui, back through security, but finally we are ready to fly to Tahiti. LAX is not user friendly, it reminds me of Charles de Gaule in Paris, where you can not connect easily unless you stay with the same airline in the same terminal. More later.

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John, you should be in Papeete by now.


Wish I could be there also.


Will be in 3 weeks.


You're so right about LAX being a PITA.


I usually fly Southwest (WN) which doesn't have any transfer agreements with anyone else so it's a good thing I have wheels on my luggage.


Although having been an airline employee for over 25 years, I've been in many airports and know how to get from one area to another fairly easily.


The day I travel to Papeete (8/3), my WN flight arrives in LAX at around 2:15 PM and the ATN flight to PPT departs at 11:40 PM so I won't be in any hurry.


Quite the opposite, I'll be looking for a way to kill some time at LAX.


It would be just fine if my WN flight is delayed for some reason.


Hopefully, you'll be able to post some up-to-date information from PPT for those of us who are behind you.





Edited by Jiminkcmo
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