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Carnival Victory 11-2 / 11-9 Review


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thanks for all the detailed information, I appreciate it.

The schedule that I have shows the ship leaving at 5:00 PM

so we should be back on by 4:00 the latest. ===> Even 4:30

That was my mistake(had it confused with Antigua).

So it looks like we pack it in not later than 2:30-3:00.

If the heat hasn't completely wilted you, and you want to stretch the day to the max

I'd aim to leave Crane not-before-3,honestly...


Even if you don't get back to the gangway until 4:15 you still have loads of time.

Sounds like you're on Carnival Destiny(she leaves routinely at 5, or a bit after)




Here's a picture of your ship about to pull away from the Barbados dock.


When you see the tug moseying up to her, that's about 10 mins. to go

before she pulls away

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The Crane was featured last night as the 17th sexiest beach in the world. We don't believe in coincedences here and we're usually up and out by 6:00. So.....The Crane is looking better all the time!


I watched the same show! I was just discussing this with DW. We are torn between Boatyard(with our kids) or Accra (because it's much closer and still very nice, or Crane which just speaks for itself.

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I watched the same show! I was just discussing this with DW.

We are torn between Boatyard(with our kids)

or Accra (because it's much closer and still very nice)

or Crane which just speaks for itself.

OK.. let me put this into perspective for y'all.



Comparison Scale of 1 to 10:


Boatyard scores around 3.5 - 4.5 compared to

Accra which scores around 8 - 8.5 compared to

Crane which scores 10 - 10.5


get it?




You choose.

Boatyard is literally within sight(1.25 miles?) of your ship

Accra/Rockley is about 3 miles away(15-20 mins. by car/taxi)

Crane is 14 miles away (about an hour)


You have to decide the priorities, I can't.


If you don't party too hearty the night before

rise early and get breakfast done and out of the way by 7:45

leave the ship by 8:15

you can easily do Crane fully, but it'll be taxi there and back

for the day of your life you won't forget in a hurry.

You'll notice I've never posted any spectacular shots of Boatyard

I mean it's 'okay' and it's close, but there is better

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Because of the kids factor, and ease of getting to and from...

Accra seems to be your best bet, all things considered, honestly.


Were it not for the kids, Crane is definitely it,

but sea conditions are rough and surfy, so lil kids will have a hard time.

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I'd say Rockley("Accra" as we locals call it)..because it's not that far away from the Port(15 mins. by taxi)

and it's definitely The best beach on the South Coast of the island.



APLMAC, thanks for the info, this is our first time to Barbados. I have forwarded your info to our group of 14 and the girls will definitely be beaching it at Rockley on our 2/1/09 cruise. Are there any casinos near that beach?


I have a question about diving. Several gents in our group would like to dive. Where would you recommend? Also, one of the guys in our group would like to email you with questions about diving. I told him I would ask you for your address. If you feel comfortable giving it to me great, if not, I understand. You could email it to me at "ENQUISTL at COX dot NET". His name is Steve W.


He is a big diver but has not been to Barbados before and any help you could give would be greatly appreciated. I'll let you know how much we enjoyed Rockley upon our return (but we don't want to talk about being back home, do we!!!!) Thanks, Kaboochi

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We saw the same show! The Crane Beach is amazing, unfortunately, we don't think 6 of us including a toddler want to do that dash and the long ride. Anyone who does it, please report back...would love to hear more about it.


Aplmac, the "go to" man for all things Barbados (Bajan), We decided to go to Rockley beach as you suggested in an earlier post. My DH now wants to know where we can get a flying fish cutter. Also, any idea of the cost for a cab ride, and chair/umbrella rental to "Accra"/Rockley? Many thanks, good man.

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Because of the kids factor, and ease of getting to and from...

Accra seems to be your best bet, all things considered, honestly.


Were it not for the kids, Crane is definitely it,

but sea conditions are rough and surfy, so lil kids will have a hard time.


Thanks again for your help. My "kids" are 18 & 20 and will likely want to hang with others from our group, most of which will end up at the boatyard. I went there before and agree on your rating. While it's convenient and full of activity, it's hardly as good as you can do in the Caribbean. I think at this point it will come down to weather. If it's going to be a good beach day then we're going to journey to Crane, if not then we'll stick closer.

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And I'm still having fun...

when CigarDude goes to Accra for the day, he'll be facing South as he looks out to sea,there. Yep, I plan on doing that!


To his right side will be West and if he heads down the beach Westward-ho..

he'll come to some steps at the very end, that lead up to the new South Coast boardwalk

providing an easy pleasant stroll all the way down to Coconut Court Hotel, almost.. Got to have somewhere to cool off and get a drink or 12. :D





Along the way, he'll pass these spots..



The new South Coast boardwalk -BARBADOS




I'm really looking forward to this trip! I saw the same show on Travel Channel the other night about Crane Beach. We'll make a last minute decision when we dock but we'll probably go to Accra since it's so close. That will leave more time on the beach and/or shopping and/or whatever else we can come up with while on your piece of paradise! ;)

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Saw you pic made the CC home page! Deservedly so! As always we remain grateful for the wealth of great info and pictures of Barbados. This thread has certainly helped ease the long wait till March 8 and made our one day in Barbados a major topic of discussion around the table every day.

We also will make the final choice on port day but right now The Crane it is!

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This thread brings back memories of our Southern Caribbean Cruise on the Destiny from last year. I traveled with my spouse and my Dad. We went to Barbados as well. We wanted to do go the Boatyard too but our Cab Driver assured us there was a much better place to go and took us to the Tamarind Cove instead. LOVED IT!!! Even my Dad, who is Boojie as they get, LOVED IT!! The cab driver escorted us in and we got an all day pass for $20 a person!! He only charged us $8 a person for the round trip cab ride. We liked the place so much we gave him another $20 in tips for recommending the place.

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Saw your pic made the CC home page! Deservedly so! ===> Thanks very much.
Thanks for the heads-up..

You're talking about that sunset shot of The World sailing away from Barbados, I take it.

It's not the first of my shots they've used..


I only ever get to know about these pics CC uses when alerted by observant people like you..

simply because I never go to the main page

- I just head straight for the Message Boards at http://boards.cruisecritic.com/

or the Photo Gallery at http://pictures.cruisecritic.com/

..those are the two links I have Bookmarked in my Firefox browser.



Well here it is again, at the risk of riling up a buncha keen Carnival enthusiasts...sorry



The World


Did you notice the little pilot boat at lower right?

waiting to take the Pilot off, once he's got her out through the channel..




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APLMAC, thanks for the info, this is our first time to Barbados. ===> Hope you like it!


Are there any casinos near that beach? ===> No casinos on the entire island, sorry!

The Churchy crowd here won't allow them! :eek:


I have a question about diving.

Several gents in our group would like to dive. Where would you recommend?

Also, one of the guys in our group would like to email you with questions about diving. ===> pcdoctor (at) caribsurf dot com



He is a big diver but has not been to Barbados before and any help you could give would be greatly appreciated.

South and West Coasts are best, and there are several dive shops around

but to be honest I haven't dived now since March of 1994 :eek:

and so my best suggestion is to Google it to death by submitting words like Dive Barbados

(I think there's a dive-shop by that very name so don't be surprised, and don't necessarily go there, just becoz of the name...)

There's gotta be several dive-shop websites out there on the Net.



If you guys are going thru St.Vincent

you'd want to dive Questelles Wall

-that's pronounced Kittells,locally..

and it's not too far North of the Port!


Questelles goes straight up and doowwwwnnn to 1,300 ft. ;)

(how does he know that??)

and then it becomes a 45-degree mud slope thereafter!



Any questions?

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I am scheduled in December to be on this ship on the same cruise just 3 cabins from yours. I have the wrap around balcony cabin on the end 6434 and was so excited to see your pictures.


I am planning on taking my brother and his wife for their first cruise then and your pictures are such fantastic documentation. Just wanted to let you know your post was outstandingly appreciated.


Thanks loads,



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This thread brings back memories of our Southern Caribbean Cruise on the Destiny from last year.

I traveled with my spouse and my Dad. We went to Barbados as well.

We wanted to do go the Boatyard too but our Cab Driver assured us there was a much better place to go

and took us to the Tamarind Cove instead.

LOVED IT!!! Even my Dad, who is Boojie as they get, LOVED IT!!

The cab driver escorted us in and we got an all day pass for $20 a person!!

He only charged us $8 a person for the round trip cab ride.

We liked the place so much we gave him another $20 in tips for recommending the place.

Hmmmmm..not bad.

Yes, Tamarind Cove is a bit South of 'the madding crowds' of Paynes Bay

(try not to do Paynes Bay,per se..)


If you wanted calmer sea conditions along the West Coast, T.Cove could be a good alternative!

..."calmer sea conditions" once a winter North Swell isn't running

in which case head for Accra or anywhere on the South Coast.




How to tell if there's a North Swell running the day you're in?


Go up on top deck and look North, over our Coast Guard Station

towards the tall stacks of our electricity-generating plant about a mile North of the Bridgetown Port...


If it looks like this, you're cool..


but if you see surf running anywhere along that stretch, there's a swell generating that surf.

If the water's milky-white-turquoise, you definitely have a North Swell running! ;)

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Because of the kids factor, and ease of getting to and from...

Accra seems to be your best bet, all things considered, honestly.


Were it not for the kids, Crane is definitely it,

but sea conditions are rough and surfy, so lil kids will have a hard time.

To expand further on the sea conditions thing re. little kids

here are two similar shots of Crane...


this first one under glorious ideal conditions, which you'll never see

unless you happen to be here in late-August/September/early-October

(a most un-touristy time of year on the island)




..and this shot, taken on yer average day at the Crane!




Oh sure both views are gorgeous, but if you can 'read' water conditions

you'll see a world of difference between the beckoning mellow-turquoise of the first shot

-and the roiling surf of the second!





I've had Barbados islanders comment on that first shot

saying they've never seen Crane like that

-it was taken during Hurricane Season, on 5th. October,

when weather conditions locally are all back-to-front,

and of course I "picked my day"!! ;)


Notice that all "swimmers" in the last shot are only fooling around in the ankle/knee-deep surfwash IN from the breakers

(those breakers are rough and tough and only the well-water-worthy know enough to make their way, timed well,

out beyond them into the swim-able stuff, and even so, it's no idyllic soak when you get out there beyond the breakers)



Notice too..that Cobblers Reef off in the far distance is 'smoking'

(compare with the mellow first shot) -that indicates significant wave energy!




I just want y'all to be very clear on this.

I don't want to scare anyone but


I don't wanna hear later..that Aplmac said it was so gorgeous,

but when we got there.. MAN it was rough.:eek:



Admiring it from the top of the cliff is one thing.

Trying to get wet down on the beach can be another

- specially if you're six yrs. old!


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Thank you for the info APLMAC, I passed it on to my friend. You make Barbados look very enticing; can't wait to get there. Well, yes I can because it will be the middle of the cruise and I want it to last FOREVER. Kaboochi

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Thanks for the heads-up..

You're talking about that sunset shot of The World sailing away from Barbados, I take it.

It's not the first of my shots they've used..


I only ever get to know about these pics CC uses when alerted by observant people like you..

simply because I never go to the main page



The World


Did you notice the little pilot boat at lower right?

waiting to take the Pilot off, once he's got her out through the channel..





I had to go to the home page to see!! LOL!! What a beautiful shot!!!! But I have a question..maybe a dumb one... of my future many... But why would they wait to take the "Pilot" off, once he got her through the channel? You are talking about auto-pilot, right? (I hope I am making some kind of sense).


I am still blown away by your pictures... They are truly amazing... Can I save one to my desktop? Just to look at every day when I log on to my computer... :D


Thanks Aplmac!!!!

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