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Cruising w/ Babies


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Actually saying you "would not have been able to leave your daughter" isn't quite true. You didn't WANT to leave her would be a more correct statement. And, you may not like this, but I feel sorry for someone who would choose their grown child over their spouse. It's kind of sad.


I only left my oldest for two weeks when he was 7 months old to join DH in France while he was deployed. My DS learned to crawl while I was gone, but you know what, his dad missed a lot more and it hasn't affected our relationships at all. We also took a few weekends a year, just the two of us while both boys were growing up. Cruises weren't an option. We barely vacationed until they were older and even then it was to the beach. But, that said, I wouldn't have taken a baby on a cruise. I've watched a few on the cruises we've been on and it's not a vacation for the parents, it's more work than being at home which I think is the real point that people want to make.

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I would not have been able to leave my daughter and go on a vacation without her when she was little. I did, however, wait till she was about seven before we did a vacation. I still will not leave her at home and she is 20. My husband would stay at home before she would!


That is a sad sad statement and perfect description of an unhappy marriage...:(

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The only selfish people I see are this thread are the ones saying that parents should go to Disney World or to an All Inclusive for a vacation since the mere sight of a child on a ship would throw some of you in a tizzy. :eek:


I haven't seen ANY parents on this thread say "Let your baby cry. It's YOUR vacation"


How do you know the baby will be crying? How do you know that this parent won't remove the baby from the situation if the child does cry?


This is the Carnival board folks. This is not a high end cruise line that frowns upon bringing kids. What kind of ship do you think you are cruising? :confused:


The poster was asking about Sensation. The ship where $139pp gets you on the ship. Do you think you won't be joined by at least 800 kids?


Some of you need to look in the mirror before you start throwing words like "selfish" around. If these parents were so selfish, then they wouldn't be asking your opinion on how to bring a child on a cruise. They would just bring the child onboard and not worry about what you people think.


Cruising is the best vacation that any family can have. The trend is moving toward even family friendlier ships. Carnival is adding in the Water Works. Royal Caribbean added in the Splash Zones, Family Library and now a nursery on Oasis. Did they do this so that the families can go and spend their money at All Inclusives?


Yeah it's sooo selfish of me to book a cruise in NOVEMBER and kind of hope to not be overrun by rugrats...

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Yeah it's sooo selfish of me to book a cruise in NOVEMBER and kind of hope to not be overrun by rugrats...


You have probably booked 2/3000th of the ship.


Anything else you will need to exclude so that you have your vacation of choice?


Why not consider a private yacht and you can invite EXACTLY who you wish to sail with.


Power to those of us who choose to, and enjoy, bringing our children with us.

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You have probably booked 2/3000th of the ship.


Anything else you will need to exclude so that you have your vacation of choice?


Why not consider a private yacht and you can invite EXACTLY who you wish to sail with.


Power to those of us who choose to, and enjoy, bringing our children with us.


Actually no, there is no need to exclude anything. I am just sick and tred of being called a selfish kid hater because SOME parents bring their kids on a cruise and DO NOT CONTROL them. I have no problem with kids who BEHAVE.


And no, I am not talking about kids squealing when they are having fun, that is one of the most joyous sounds ever. I am talking about parents who let their kids run rampant into the adults only areas of the ship, get into the adults only hot tubs, stick their fingers into the buffets, scream at the top of their lungs when they are told no and generally think the worl revolves around them because their parents think the world revovlves around them.


You want to bring your kids, fine, but keep them under control. Don't let them wander the ship unaccompaned. Don't bring them to the adults only areas of the ship. THAT is what I am saying AND I book in November to minimize the chance of running into the hellions I just listed.


I don't see how I can make that any clearer to even the most obtuse parent...

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So now I have to wonder if you are thinking straight. The post you said you agree with was talking about the selfishness of oblivious parents who think of nobody but themselves. You say it is every parents right to bring their kids on vacation and that is true but we also have every right to go on vacation and not be bugged by someone's precious little darling screaming the whole trip. You telling us to go somewhere else is just as rude and selfish as one of us telling you to not bring your kids.


It is amazing to me how society has evolved. Instead of being a polite and courteous society we have devolved into an entitlement society that goes by the basic mantra hooray for me, screw you. Why can't YOU go to an all-inclusive resort? Why can't YOU go on a Disney cruise where the entire thing is centered around your little ones? Why does it seem every time and any time somebody complains about a bad parent's hellion they are labelled a kid hater and flamed?



Here is the thing! You got me all wrong! What I was saying is that I feel that it is selfish to go on vacation without your children. I can see once a year for an anniversary or main event like that. And the thing about an all inclusive is for people who do not have children. There are only a handful of all inclusives that allow children. Plus they are expensive and a Disney cruise is just as expensive for just a few days. Not all of us can afford these things. At least we are going on "FAMILY VACATIONS together as a family." I love my family and I guess you can call me old fashioned but I am a stay at home mother and I value time with my family. Not all adults are cut out to be mothers and fathers. But yes I can tell you from experience on few cruises I have been on that there are parents who let their children run all over them. They yell and scream and they do not do anything about it. I agree upon that but there are parents out there who have raised children with respect and they are the nicest children to be around. Not only that but they correct the child when it needs to be addressed. I am sorry that you feel that all children are hellians. Yes, I can say "VERY" few are but not everyones. It's just on how they wew raised. If you were around my child then you would be amazed on hie manners with being a 6 year old. Soemtime he is more perfect than me! I also feel that it is up to the parents to decide what they want to do. Not all people have the same views and backgorunds. Everyones life experiences will not be the same because we view things differently. So please do not get offended by what I said but view it as you like but its just my opinion!

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Here is the thing! You got me all wrong! What I was saying is that I feel that it is selfish to go on vacation without your children. I can see once a year for an anniversary or main event like that. And the thing about an all inclusive is for people who do not have children. There are only a handful of all inclusives that allow children. Plus they are expensive and a Disney cruise is just as expensive for just a few days. Not all of us can afford these things. At least we are going on "FAMILY VACATIONS together as a family." I love my family and I guess you can call me old fashioned but I am a stay at home mother and I value time with my family. Not all adults are cut out to be mothers and fathers. But yes I can tell you from experience on few cruises I have been on that there are parents who let their children run all over them. They yell and scream and they do not do anything about it. I agree upon that but there are parents out there who have raised children with respect and they are the nicest children to be around. Not only that but they correct the child when it needs to be addressed. I am sorry that you feel that all children are hellians. Yes, I can say "VERY" few are but not everyones. It's just on how they wew raised. If you were around my child then you would be amazed on hie manners with being a 6 year old. Soemtime he is more perfect than me! I also feel that it is up to the parents to decide what they want to do. Not all people have the same views and backgorunds. Everyones life experiences will not be the same because we view things differently. So please do not get offended by what I said but view it as you like but its just my opinion!


Ok, so if you read my last post just before yours you will see how I feel. For your covenience I have put it below:


Actually no, there is no need to exclude anything. I am just sick and tred of being called a selfish kid hater because SOME parents bring their kids on a cruise and DO NOT CONTROL them. I have no problem with kids who BEHAVE.


And no, I am not talking about kids squealing when they are having fun, that is one of the most joyous sounds ever. I am talking about parents who let their kids run rampant into the adults only areas of the ship, get into the adults only hot tubs, stick their fingers into the buffets, scream at the top of their lungs when they are told no and generally think the worl revolves around them because their parents think the world revovlves around them.


You want to bring your kids, fine, but keep them under control. Don't let them wander the ship unaccompaned. Don't bring them to the adults only areas of the ship. THAT is what I am saying AND I book in November to minimize the chance of running into the hellions I just listed.


I don't see how I can make that any clearer to even the most obtuse parent...

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That is a sad sad statement and perfect description of an unhappy marriage...:(


Yeah it's sooo selfish of me to book a cruise in NOVEMBER and kind of hope to not be overrun by rugrats...


BD, realizing that you are somewhat of a newbie on this board I want to let you in on a secret. Brenda and Michelle (Bplazo and crusinmama06) are IMPO, excellent parents who always consider their fellow passengers while cruising with their kids. This is coming from a DINK couple ;):)


Argue with those who use the cruise line as a babysitter - case in point :mad:





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Argue with those who use the cruise line as a babysitter - case in point :mad:






Those poor kids! Why would the parents even bother bringing them on the cruise if they wanted to dump them off all day? These are the kids/parents that the so-called "kid haters" are talking about. Blows my mind.

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That is a sad sad statement and perfect description of an unhappy marriage...:(


I wouldn't assume anyone has an unhappy marriage because their child went in place of their spouse. :rolleyes:


Yeah it's sooo selfish of me to book a cruise in NOVEMBER and kind of hope to not be overrun by rugrats...


Check out my signature...I've cruised on Carnival in November with kids. :eek: We were not alone. Lots and lots of kids were there.


Actually no, there is no need to exclude anything. I am just sick and tred of being called a selfish kid hater because SOME parents bring their kids on a cruise and DO NOT CONTROL them. I have no problem with kids who BEHAVE.


You want to bring your kids, fine, but keep them under control. Don't let them wander the ship unaccompaned. Don't bring them to the adults only areas of the ship. THAT is what I am saying AND I book in November to minimize the chance of running into the hellions I just listed.


I don't see how I can make that any clearer to even the most obtuse parent...


I have never called anyone a "kid hater". But just realize that on Cruise Critic, you are preaching to the choir. Those are us who are active members of CC and cruise alot with our children, we aren't out there letting our kids run rampant on the ships.


And while you are telling the parents to make sure the kids "BEHAVE"...are you going to promise us the same thing? So no drinking to excess. No swearing. Please treat the crew with respect.


On my last Carnival cruise, there were adults that shouldn't have been allowed off of home arrest, let alone on a cruise ship. I can guarantee that my kids behaved better that many of the adults I've seen.


So we'll keep the kids in line. You keep the adults in line.



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Those poor kids! Why would the parents even bother bringing them on the cruise if they wanted to dump them off all day? These are the kids/parents that the so-called "kid haters" are talking about. Blows my mind.


WOW..... that's all I can say....WOW....


we started cruising with the boys when they were 5ish and 8ish.....


my main concern about cruising with an infant under the age of one has already been expressed. If the Noro virus strikes on the cruise ship and this infant gets it .... dehydration can be life threatening for an infant.


Also there are no Pediatric physicians on board. And if an infant does get ill, the cruise ship will require you to debark at the port with that infant going to a "local" hospital and you dealing with "local" doctors.


We did "land based" trips starting when the youngest was 6 months old...so yes, we have traveled extensively with an infant...just not on a cruise.


With a "land based" trip....you are not a whole day away from medical care.

There are some areas (even on short 4 day cruises) where you are out of range of the Coast Guard or MediVac choppers.


There is a reason that cruise lines have now restricted infant age to one year for Transatlantic cruises....I believe it should be one year for all cruises...only in the best interest of the infant.

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I wouldn't assume anyone has an unhappy marriage because their child went in place of their spouse.


Check out my signature...I've cruised on Carnival in November with kids. We were not alone. Lots and lots of kids were there.


I have never called anyone a "kid hater". But just realize that on Cruise Critic, you are preaching to the choir. Those are us who are active members of CC and cruise alot with our children, we aren't out there letting our kids run rampant on the ships.


And while you are telling the parents to make sure the kids "BEHAVE"...are you going to promise us the same thing? So no drinking to excess. No swearing. Please treat the crew with respect.


On my last Carnival cruise, there were adults that shouldn't have been allowed off of home arrest, let alone on a cruise ship. I can guarantee that my kids behaved better that many of the adults I've seen.


So we'll keep the kids in line. You keep the adults in line.




Being in the Navy for so long, the majority of marriages I saw were unhappy to say the least...especially when I saw a spouse who would rather be without their better half...automatic reaction...:(


My point about cruising in November was we figured most kids would be in school, I understand some parents home school and some kids are in year-round schools but come on, thousands of kids on a cruise ship in November like what it seemed on Liberty???:confused:


I do not drink to excess, neither does my wife and since we have both spent significant time in the service sector (and the fact I am an ordained minister, swearing in public does not happen), we always ALWAYS treat crew and hotel staff with utmost respect and courtesy...AND we tip very well on top of the automatic tips...AND we have never EVER had bad service from the service staff ever. :)


Believe me, I get just as frustrated with poorly behaved adults as I do with poorly behaved children. :mad: The difference there is, I have absolutely no problem correcting poorly behaved adults...can't do that with poorly behaved kids because their parents are worse than they are...:mad:

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BD, realizing that you are somewhat of a newbie on this board I want to let you in on a secret. Brenda and Michelle (Bplazo and crusinmama06) are IMPO, excellent parents who always consider their fellow passengers while cruising with their kids. This is coming from a DINK couple ;):)


Argue with those who use the cruise line as a babysitter - case in point :mad:






Thank you for that compliment. I probably gave out the wrong impression. All I have to say about that review is "WOW". They will probably not get the parent of the year award. You do have to feel for those children.

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Well, come february i will be cruising with my bf, parents, sister and her hubby, and there 7 month old son...and i expect it to be an amazing vacation! there will be 6 adults to one baby, and he is very well behaved. we take him to restaurants several times a week to get him used to fancy dining and a highchair. he even has a few tuxes for the formal nights! when we get to miami, we are getting him a small inflatable pool to play in while we lay in lounge chairs. he will be out of the way and having a blast. i could never EVER imagine going on a cruise without my child, i would feel guilty having so much fun and leaving him home with a babysitter. my parents would be more then happy to babysit come nighttime so my sister could go out, and if we all go out for a comedy show theres 10-3 babysitting for a reason.


i say cruise with your family, and be lucky you have one!

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I wouldn't assume anyone has an unhappy marriage because their child went in place of their spouse. :rolleyes:




Check out my signature...I've cruised on Carnival in November with kids. :eek: We were not alone. Lots and lots of kids were there.




I have never called anyone a "kid hater". But just realize that on Cruise Critic, you are preaching to the choir. Those are us who are active members of CC and cruise alot with our children, we aren't out there letting our kids run rampant on the ships.



And while you are telling the parents to make sure the kids "BEHAVE"...are you going to promise us the same thing? So no drinking to excess. No swearing. Please treat the crew with respect.


On my last Carnival cruise, there were adults that shouldn't have been allowed off of home arrest, let alone on a cruise ship. I can guarantee that my kids behaved better that many of the adults I've seen.


So we'll keep the kids in line. You keep the adults in line.




Amen!!!!!!! I can believe that. Because I have seen it. There are plenty of loud mouth (cussing), smoking, and drunk people. Especially around the pool area. This is around the kid/ family area. Not around the adult only or "Serninity" areas. So yes there is the good bad and ugly in everyone!

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Amen!!!!!!! I can believe that. Because I have seen it. There are plenty of loud mouth (cussing), smoking, and drunk people. Especially around the pool area. This is around the kid/ family area. Not around the adult only or "Serninity" areas. So yes there is the good bad and ugly in everyone!


I'm not disagreeing with you... but only Fantasy class ships have Serenity areas... some other ships have adults only POOLS but not areas (which makes NO sense to me, the area around the pool is open to children, just not the pool)... just pointing that out... adults really don't have designated areas on most ships, at least around the pool areas.

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