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I am going to have Gastirc By-Pass surgery...


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I had my surgery on November 29th and have lost 33# as of today.

Yes, it is a long drawn out process but it is worth it. They and you have to be sure that this is really what you want as it is life changing. I have yet to experience the *dumping syndrome* as I pretty much watch what I do. One of the keys to losing is to drink plenty of fluids...there have been days when I either forgot or was too busy to keep drinking and I noticed that the weight loss slowed down....I've learned now and make sure to drink plenty. I've never regretted having this surgery done, and I'd do it again in a heartbeat. I am eating healthier, feeling healthier and I found out that I have *Hips*...lol....


My mom, and my 2 sisters have booked a cruise for April and I am looking forward to going, this will be our first vacation together. I DO know that I will fit in the airplane seats so much better too...The people who know me says that my attitude towards things have changed, that I carry myself better and that I seem happier...and I am.


So...to the people who are considering losing weight due to surgery, you have to have your mind set for it. Make sure this is what you really want because it's alot of hard work, it's a total life change....don't do it because you want to impress anyone, get attention, fit into that old dress you used to wear years ago.....do it for your health, do it for your family, do it for yourself.....



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I had my surgery on November 29th and have lost 33# as of today.

Yes, it is a long drawn out process but it is worth it. They and you have to be sure that this is really what you want as it is life changing. I have yet to experience the *dumping syndrome* as I pretty much watch what I do. One of the keys to losing is to drink plenty of fluids...there have been days when I either forgot or was too busy to keep drinking and I noticed that the weight loss slowed down....I've learned now and make sure to drink plenty. I've never regretted having this surgery done, and I'd do it again in a heartbeat. I am eating healthier, feeling healthier and I found out that I have *Hips*...lol....


My mom, and my 2 sisters have booked a cruise for April and I am looking forward to going, this will be our first vacation together. I DO know that I will fit in the airplane seats so much better too...The people who know me says that my attitude towards things have changed, that I carry myself better and that I seem happier...and I am.


So...to the people who are considering losing weight due to surgery, you have to have your mind set for it. Make sure this is what you really want because it's alot of hard work, it's a total life change....don't do it because you want to impress anyone, get attention, fit into that old dress you used to wear years ago.....do it for your health, do it for your family, do it for yourself.....




What surgery did you have? Thanks for the encouraging words and advice.

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  • 2 weeks later...
started my liquid diet today........so far so good :rolleyes:


Good luck. I see your going on Freedom later this year. That is the last cruise my wife and I took before our surgery. Between the two of us, there will be 200lbs less going on Allure this May.

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started my liquid diet today........so far so good :rolleyes:


You'll be fine. It's just a long process, which will continue the rest of your life! (That's not a bad thing!)


I did fine on my cruise last week. I am a believer in eating meat first, then whatever else there's room for, but that first night they brought out a slab of prime rib on my plate that would have fed six of us! I hate to waste food, but that was ridiculous (but it sure tasted good). Hubby got the benefit of 2/3 of the prime rib, along with the rest of my dinner.


I still do have issue with esophageal spasms. That's when the food goes down, but not very well, and causes some pain (understatement of the year) until ....well, I don't know what causes it to quit but it eventually goes away.


This only happens when the food is kind of dry or scratchy, and it's not as bad as it was four years ago, but I have noticed that it is worse if I am eating with people, as opposed to by myself. Why, I have NO CLUE!


One of the things you need to be aware of on most cruises is that the waiters are trained to be "disappointed" if you don't want dessert. Just smile and pay no attention. It's part of the act, and remember, you are the one that has to live with the consequences, not they.

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I loved reading this thread. I thought I would just jump in a share a few thoughts. Nothing major but maybe it will give someone some encouragement and insight.


I had my RNY 07/01/2000 - ten years ago. :D Each day since then has been a gift. I am now 50 years old going on 30 less 150+ pounds I was carrying around in my 30's.


BUT - ten years later, here I am lurking around weight-loss boards. I truly had an eating problem I would have never been able to turn around on my own without the help of the sugery. The surgery was a tool - not a magic bullet.


Today I weigh 142 pounds and wear a size 10. I have been as low as 135 and size 6 - and that remains my goal. I work out weekly, 5x times a week when majorly motivated, but I try to at least hit a zumba class or the cross trainer to stay in the habit and routine of going to the gym.


I am getting married in November and our honeymoon cruise is in January so I have plenty of motivation right now :)


On our engagment cruise no one would have guess that I am gastric bypass patient. I eat like anyone else, including dessert, and enjoy my wine with dinner. What most people dont notice is I rarely eat pasta or any starch, maybe a bite. My fiance (thin, lucky man LOL) eats his steak, lobster, whatever and mine (minus my one or two bites), one glass of wine lasts thru the whole meal (and still get a little tipsy with one glass LOL ) and I am so busy raving, ohhh and ahhhing over everyone's dessert - they rarely notice I didnt eat mine.


I do not do these things on purpose, they have become habit for me. New behaviors, new routines.


It really is an amazing journey and I love this life. My surgery has given me the potential to live the life I was meant, too. But it certainly took a lot of change and behavior modification the first few YEARS! Dont cheat yourself, make the changes, create the positive habits... take advantage of the early years - but know for sure - this absolutely is a LIFE long committment and journey. Ten years later - I still work at maintaining the behavior, eating, vitamins, exercise, that I need to in order to have this life.


Good luck and happy sailing to you all!!!!

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New behaviors, new routines.


That says it better than I ever could. Every day is an adventure, although I had lots of adventures before my surgery too.


It's just that now, I have the adventures as a NORMAL sized person instead of an "OMG how could she let herself get so big" person. It makes a world of difference! :)

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Thanks for the words of encouragement everyone. It's going to be a long hard road but no harder or longer than if I continued in the shape I am in. I'm trying my best to stay positive and stay focused on the "prize" at the end. Right now the "prize" is surgery on Feb 23. After that the "prize" will be a more healthy, thinner me. ;)

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You'll be fine. It's just a long process, which will continue the rest of your life! (That's not a bad thing!)


I did fine on my cruise last week. I am a believer in eating meat first, then whatever else there's room for, but that first night they brought out a slab of prime rib on my plate that would have fed six of us! I hate to waste food, but that was ridiculous (but it sure tasted good). Hubby got the benefit of 2/3 of the prime rib, along with the rest of my dinner.



Point taken, but that may not be a benefit , My wife had the surgery in May of 08, and her ordering dinners out and giving me what she couldn't eat pushed me over the edge, but motivated me to have the lap band done 7 months later. Now we frequently share meals in restaurants, or ask for the carry out container as soon as we get our food. On cruises, sometimes you just have to waste food. I see what other people do, and how they push the food at you, so I don't feel bad about leaving food behind on a cruise. (At the buffet, I only take what I'll eat.

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Hi! I am not new to Cruise Critic, but I just discovered this thread!! How exciting. I have been on the journey for lap-band for about 6 months now. I am suppose to go in on Tues, Feb 22, for my surgery. I am very excited. I have enjoyed reading this entire thread and learning a lot from others who have been in my shoes.

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Hi everyone I just happened on this forum and saw this thread and wanted to jump in, hope you don't mind. I'm also not new to CC but have lurked for a period of time.


I had lap band surgery on 8/30/11 and it's the best decision I've made in a long time.


I'm down 54 lbs and really follow the plan of what my doctors and nutritionist tell me.


For those of you scheduled next week for your surgery, congrats and welcome to the Loser's Bench.


It's a new adventure with new growing pains but so well worth it.

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Hi Everyone!


I just found this thread. Such good support and sharing :)


I lost 111 lbs with the lap band and blogged about my journey: http://lapbandgalsjourney.blogspot.com/


It is not the quick-fix or "easy button" - I had to do the work and continue to work each and every day to maintain my weightloss.


I have cruised with my band and it kept me (somewhat) in check with my food volumes.


Congrats on taking control of your health!

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I had the bypass on Jan 26th and am down 26 pounds so far. :D I chose the bypass over the band because I have seen the band fail in family and friends. I started out with 100 lbs to lose. So far I haven't had any dumping, but then I am not pushing myself.

My insurance did pay for mine and was a short time from start to surgery (Nov to Jan).

I think my advice would be to make sure you research the doctor(s) you are looking at. Good luck to all who are looking into these surgeries.

I am looking forward to our next cruise in Oct and looking great :)

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Hi- I wish you luck no matter what you decide. My husband decided on RNY, wound up doing the VSG because he didn't want to mess with his intestines. 5 years, 160 lbs lost-no complications or health issues. Everything improved....we were self pay, flew from Oregon to Michigan to see Dr. Pleatman, total with travel and ten days there was under 14,000. If you'd like to read more, find us on obesityhelp.com under Kim1031. Best wishes on everything!


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Hey everyone! I had surgery on Feb 22. There were a few complications (my diabetes skyrocketed from the surgery and I developed a massive migraine). They kept me there for a few days to get my diabetes back in control. Yesterday was my first full day at home. I am so glad to be home. I am still tender, but I should be back to normal in a few days. All I can say right now is SNEEZING HURTS!!

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I loved reading this thread. I thought I would just jump in a share a few thoughts. Nothing major but maybe it will give someone some encouragement and insight.


I had my RNY 07/01/2000 - ten years ago. :D Each day since then has been a gift. I am now 50 years old going on 30 less 150+ pounds I was carrying around in my 30's.


BUT - ten years later, here I am lurking around weight-loss boards. I truly had an eating problem I would have never been able to turn around on my own without the help of the sugery. The surgery was a tool - not a magic bullet.


Today I weigh 142 pounds and wear a size 10. I have been as low as 135 and size 6 - and that remains my goal. I work out weekly, 5x times a week when majorly motivated, but I try to at least hit a zumba class or the cross trainer to stay in the habit and routine of going to the gym.


I am getting married in November and our honeymoon cruise is in January so I have plenty of motivation right now :)


On our engagment cruise no one would have guess that I am gastric bypass patient. I eat like anyone else, including dessert, and enjoy my wine with dinner. What most people dont notice is I rarely eat pasta or any starch, maybe a bite. My fiance (thin, lucky man LOL) eats his steak, lobster, whatever and mine (minus my one or two bites), one glass of wine lasts thru the whole meal (and still get a little tipsy with one glass LOL ) and I am so busy raving, ohhh and ahhhing over everyone's dessert - they rarely notice I didnt eat mine.


I do not do these things on purpose, they have become habit for me. New behaviors, new routines.


It really is an amazing journey and I love this life. My surgery has given me the potential to live the life I was meant, too. But it certainly took a lot of change and behavior modification the first few YEARS! Dont cheat yourself, make the changes, create the positive habits... take advantage of the early years - but know for sure - this absolutely is a LIFE long committment and journey. Ten years later - I still work at maintaining the behavior, eating, vitamins, exercise, that I need to in order to have this life.


Good luck and happy sailing to you all!!!!


Thank you so much for posting this! I am having gastric bypass next week. I am on all liquid right now and am doing ok. I apprecaiate your encouragement because hear lately I have been wondering if this is worth it or if I should just continue to do what I always have done.


I really want this and to lose weight, but not being able to eat right now, I keep wondering if I will be able to handle this for the rest of my life.

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I have been wondering if this is worth it or if I should just continue to do what I always have done.


Really? REALLY?


Do you think it's "worth it" to be able to sit comfortably in an airline seat, to be able to fasten your seat belt, to be able to get up and down off the floor with ease, to not be looked at as though you are some kind of weird person who can't control herself (I know you aren't that person - I am talking about perceptions - surely, you know what I mean).


And has "doing what you have always done" resulted in a great outcome? You're thin already?


No? Then, obviously, do what you think best, but after four years, I can tell you my life is 100% DIFFERENT (in a good, no, GREAT way) than it ever was before.


Hang in there! You'll be fine!

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I had lapband surgery on Feb 23 so I am 6 days post op. With the two week pre op diet and weight loss this week I am now down 27 lbs.:D:D:D


Congrats!! I had lapband a day before you did and I am also down 27 lbs!!! My doctor makes us do a liquid diet for 10 days after surgery and then I can start purred foods. Yummy - cant wait for that!! lol

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Thank you so much for posting this! I am having gastric bypass next week. I am on all liquid right now and am doing ok. I apprecaiate your encouragement because hear lately I have been wondering if this is worth it or if I should just continue to do what I always have done.


I really want this and to lose weight, but not being able to eat right now, I keep wondering if I will be able to handle this for the rest of my life.


The key to remember is that it is a new life and a new way of eating. Stay positive and remember you will have a lot of tools to help you along the way.

Use Obesityhelp @ com, go to the seminars that your doctor hopefully has and start exercising, even walking is a great form of exercise.

I had lapband surgery on Feb 23 so I am 6 days post op. With the two week pre op diet and weight loss this week I am now down 27 lbs.:D:D:D


Congrats!! I had lapband a day before you did and I am also down 27 lbs!!! My doctor makes us do a liquid diet for 10 days after surgery and then I can start purred foods. Yummy - cant wait for that!! lol


Congrats to Deanswife & Cruisinsly and your doing great.

I'm in a stall right now but I know what it is so tomorrow starts a new day.

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  • 2 weeks later...

From someone who has had the lap band for 5yrs I would not change athing, has it been the easy way out? NO, not even remotely. I think more about my food and the things I eat than I ever did prior to surgery. I had to change my mindset and my relationship with food. It went from being a comfort and friend to being fuel. I do enjoy what I eat and I know I can have some dessert if I want, but I also know that I am only going to be able to eat about 1/2 a cup of food so I have to deside what is important to have.

But the good things are what I don't have to think about anymore, will the seats fit, can I find something cute, stylish in my size (from a 22 to a 10 now), who is talking about me......you get the idea.

I went with the lap-band because I was uncomfortable with cutting my stomach. Once you cut it can not be uncut, just me but I was not comfortable with that, I liked the fact that with lapband you did not perminatly change your system, you just restricted the speed at which food passes through.

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Hi everyone, Its been good to read the stories of successful weight loss patience who cruise. I thought I'd steer this topic in a new direction.


Whether you have had the bypass or the band, all of us know the problems if you make a mistake. I believe the bypass patients have " the dumping syndrome" and band patients have being "stuck" or "sliming" They are bad things, but we get use to it and learn how to avoid that and be successful. However, I bet all of us have been through this. My wife had the bypass and I had the band, so I've seen both sides of this.


We also know the cruise lines fear outbreaks of gastro related sicknesses such as the Noro Virus. That is bad news for lots of people on any cruise. We have all seen how the cruise lines fight this. At least on RCI you have to sign a form saying you are not sick and have not been sick in 24 hours. On that form, it says that you have not vomited. Well on our last cruise, we lied. My wife saw a cinnamon roll that was hot and fresh and decided to eat it. Well, it caused her problems, she didn't feel well, fought the feeling for about a half hour, and then finally had to "evacuate it". 10 minutes after that she felt great and we headed for the ship. I filled out that form her, so I was the one that lied, I wasn't about to admit she had vomited and risk starting a 4 day cruise in quarantine. I didn't even want to have to wait to talk to a doctor before being allowed to board as I knew she was fine.


I had a similar experience the year before. We were on board and I was at the buffet lunch and swallowed a piece of chicken that was too big. I know better, but got lost in the fun of the first day. I knew it had to come out and there was no way to avoid it, The cabins were not yet available and I had to find a mens room out of the way to lose it. I went into one and tried to wait for it to be empty, but a few kids came in and decided to play in there. :mad: I finally got rid of it and went about my business, but I was so afraid of an unwarranted quarantine that I hid. I wonder if anyone has had such an experience?

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I had my surgery on November 29, 2010, was in the hospital overnight and then I was able to go home. It was hard until I was able to finally eat normal foods again...6 weeks of liquids, purees, soft foods took a toll on me but I made it through. I have watched what I've eaten, but a couple of times I've said *ok, just one more bite*...never again...lol....that one more bite can put you over the limit...I had to purge to get any relief. It's a miserable feeling until you can finally get rid of it. Other than that couple of times, I've done well...as of today I'm 46# lighter and still looking forward to losing at least 30 more #.


Is it worth it to have this done?...you betcha! I was going down the road to destruction of myself, and I was blind to it for a very long time. One day I got online and did alot of research, talked to my doctor, and we started the ball rolling. Took from February 2010 to November 29, 2010 to finally meet the requirements of the Surgeon, Weight Loss Center and my insurance company. I feel so much better mentally and physically, I'm not embarrassed anymore by the way I look even tho I have a few more # to loose. I'm only 5'1 and petite, and on such a small frame the weight really shows.


To anyone who is thinking of having this done, please don't take this as a quick fix....there's alot of hard work that goes into this from pre and post surgery. It's a life change, something you have to work on for the rest of your life.


As far as costs are concerned, it is expensive, even tho I have health insurance, it still ended up costing me around $15,000 out of pocket, that includes doctors, tests, meds, food, hospital, surgeon, Anestigeologist (SP?) and don't forget the meds and follow up care for at least a year.



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