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Back from Miracle 11/07 - 11/14


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One more random thought on the lights... The ship makes extensive use of Halogen lights. These small lights are very bright, but unfortunately they're extremely hot. We tried not to use them too often in our cabin during hot times because the A/C didn't generate enough cool air to combat the heat. And waiting in line to enter Baachus, you have to stand directly under some bright, hot lights around the elevator.


Anyhow... The next port was Costa Maya. No tender here, since the port has a dock. Our goal was to grab a taxi to Majahual, but the process didn't quite work the way we had expected. We went to the taxi area and noticed taxis dropping people off, then leaving without trying to pick up new passengers. Huh? Well, it turns out you've got to buy a taxi ticket from a little booth, apparently. We did this, and got in line with others. We all loaded up on a van, and it took us to the south end of Majahual. There was a guy in line with us who had said something about "going to town to shop." I don't know what town he meant, but he didn't seem thrilled when he ended up in Majahual. His first question when he got there was asking how to get back to Costa Maya!


We meandered through Majaual for a while, and my wife did the tourist thing and got some breads in her hair. We ended up at Pez Quadro, where we ordered some drinks and found some loungers to lay on by the water. We sunned ourselves until we got too warm, then hit the water for a while, then sunned ourselves some more. I had planned to get a massage after drying off, but alas it wasn't to be. Some storm clouds were brewing off on the horizon, and we could quickly tell that they were moving our way. We figured we'd better start heading on back to the port, so we packed up our gear and hit the road. We wanted to grab some lunch in an authentic Mexican spot, but we weren't interested in seafood (we live in Florida and have fresh seafood all the time). We found one little restaurant that looked promising, but my wife just couldn't take the heat so we left. We grabbed a taxi back to the port, and went to the restaurant there. We sat outside, where there was a breeze. Plus, we were under an umbrella and the clouds were pretty heavy by then. In fact, no sooner had we sat down then the rain started. The restaurant was packed, and the waiter told us he didn't recommend that we order a meal because it would take like an hour to prepare it! We were pretty surprised. We settled for chips and salsa, which he brought in no time. We weren't impressed, though. The chips were way too crunchy for us. Oh, we also ordered some sort of enormous drink. I didn't know it was enormous when I ordered it, and was pretty surprised when it arrived! It was tasty and strong, and my wife and I polished it off. We paid by credit card, then hit the shops. We didn't buy anything, and got on the ship a little while later. I wish we could've spent more time at port, but the weather just wasn't any good.


Next stop was Cozumel. Another port with a dock and no tenders, thank goodness. This time, Carnival didn't bother giving out numbers for groups boarding the tenders. They just first took care of passengers who had booked excursions through the ship, then let the rest of us go. It wasn't a very long wait, as I recall. As you walk up the dock, you're forced to pass through a long stretch of shops selling the usual liquor, smokes, and trinkets. Don't buy the Tortuga Rum cakes here--they're more expensive than on Grand Cayman, and also more expensive than on the ship (although the ship only carried one flavor of cakes in the medium size). After making our way through the tourist trap, we found a taxi to take to Chankanaab Park. It so happened that two other people were waiting for one, and they offered to share with us and split the cost. We were agreeable, so we all packed into the tiny little taxi and hit the road (those Mexicans sure are a short people). We got to the park with plenty of time to spare before our dolphin swim, so we spent quite a while looking around. Chankanaab is a great park, and definitely worth the $12 admission price. Very lush and kept clean. We wandered through the gardens, looked at the exhibits in the museum, and walked the trail through the "archeological site." Finally, it was time to swim with the dolphins!


We had booked the Royal Swim, which is the deluxe version with the most interaction. If you've booked a swim, you get to use the lockers for free. They were big, and had plenty of room for our junk. There are also restrooms, changing rooms, and a shower. Anyhow... We headed over to a hut to watch a training video with the rest of our group. We were then divided into three smaller groups and issued life jackets. At first I was kind of annoyed about having to wear one, but the experience is much easier with one because you spend a lot of time in water that's too deep to stand in. We all filed out to the piers that surround the dolphin areas, and each group went to a different section of the pier to meet their two dolphins. Ours were America and Azteca. We climbed in the water and stood on a ledge (maybe waist deep) and started the encounter. The trainers had the dolphins swim by us, and we were able to pet them. Then we each got to kiss them and "shake hands" with them. But the best part was "riding" them. For this, you go out into the water in pairs. With one ride, you hold out your arms and the two dolphins swim up so that their dorsal fins are in your hands. You hold the fins, and they pull you along through the water. For the other, you flatten yourself in the water and the dolphins come up behind you and put their noses on your feet. They then push you through the water, and up high so that you're almost completely out of the water with them under your feet. What a rush!


We hadn't planned on buying stuff, but we watched the video they made and the pictures they took and couldn't resist. The video was well-done, with each person in the group of 8 getting a good amount of screen time. We also liked how a number of the pictures they took turned out, so we bought them. You're also allowed to take your own pictures, which we did with a waterproof camera. We've not had those pictures developed yet; hopefully they'll turn out well. But even if they don't, we've got the ones we bought.


My original plan was to leave Chankanaab after the swim and head to Paradise Beach. But the park was so nice that we decided it just wasn't worth the time and effort to catch a cab and go somewhere else. Chankanaab has a long stretch of powdery white beach with plenty of palapas and loungers. In fact, we kept walking all the way to the edge of the park area and found some absolutely deserted areas of beach with lots of shady trees and rockey holes that led straight down to the water (surrounded by stone walls like a well to keep folks from falling in). The water can be tough to get in, because there are lots of rocks. There are steps, which are quite slippery and can be difficult to navigate with choppy water. My wife and I commented that something like that could never exist in the States because it's a lawsuit waiting to happen! But in Mexico, you can get away with more.


So we spent the day on the beach at Chankanaab, and snorkeled up the coast for a while. There's great snorkeling here, with lots of fish, plants, and such to look at. Unfortunately, we finally had to call it quits for the day. On the way out, we happened to run into some neighbors from Baachus. We all split a cab back to the port, so that was some more money saved. We shopped a bit, buying some goodies at Del Sol, then returned to the ship. It was a good day, and the dolphin swim was definitely the highlight of the trip for my wife. She really loved it, and I enjoyed it, too.


Time for another writing break...

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Great review. We leave on the 5th of December we do have the Skippers Club but our room is TBA.

I just have one question. Do they have deck parties every night? When we were on the Pride two years ago every night they had a deck party about 9 that one night was 50 & 60's music, next night 70's and each night after something. We really enjoyed sitting outside enjoying the music.

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ParrotHeadFl, I believe we are the couple that you spoke with at dinner at the table next to yours (Mark and Joy). Good to hear that you had a safe trip home. Wish we could have had a table together as we also asked to be seated at a large table - wonder what the deal was with the empty table in the corner? We saw the pictures of your room, it was gorgeous - maybe we will have to indulge in a suite sometime. I think you have a good idea in writing to Carnival about your experiences, we plan to do the same. I have heard that if you write to them they will send you a letter asking you to call 45 days before your next cruise to pick out a gift. We also had a great time on this trip and cannot wait for our next cruise. If anyone has any questions about the cruise post a question and we will try to reply. I am going to try to do a review soon but not for awhile (I am busy back in the real world - boo hoo).

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I just have one question. Do they have deck parties every night?


We had late dining, and always went to the show in the Phantom after that--so we didn't have a lot of time to participate in stuff like that.


Looking at my Capers right now... On Tuesday there was a '70s/'80s party hosted by Karl (we did go to that). On Wednesday there was a "late night stack" at 11:30 PM followed by a "Bathrobes and Blue Margaritas" party at midnight. We weren't up to partying that late, because we were to be at Cozumel the next morning. On Thursday there was a "Variety Music Party" at 10:30 followed by a Mexican buffet at 11:30.


That looks like everything, unless I've missed something.

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ParrotHeadFl, I believe we are the couple that you spoke with at dinner at the table next to yours (Mark and Joy).


Hey!!! How are you guys doing? Yes, it's me and Lindy (she says to tell you hello, and hopes your cats are well). I notice this was your first post... Are you new to Cruise Critic, or have you been lurking all this time?


Good to hear that you had a safe trip home.


Just a quick 4-hour drive up I-75 and US 19. We were home in no time, and ready to rest from our vacation! Lindy took all of Monday off, whereas I just went into the office a couple of hours late. Not envious of you guys having to load up on a plane!


Wish we could have had a table together as we also asked to be seated at a large table - wonder what the deal was with the empty table in the corner?


Now that you mention it, I don't think I ever saw anyone there. It was great for the people at the other two tables that the team of waiters was serving, though. Did you notice how fast they got through their meals each night?


How did it go with your tablemates on the last night? They seemed to have been hitting the bottle quite a bit prior to supper! The guy looked to be getting nice and wound up when we left.


We saw the pictures of your room, it was gorgeous - maybe we will have to indulge in a suite sometime.


The down side is, we're spoiled now. We would have a hard time staying in anything less, but we surely can't afford to cruise like that very often!


I think you have a good idea in writing to Carnival about your experiences, we plan to do the same.


I don't know if they'll listen, but hopefully they will. Overall, we were very pleased with everything. There are just a couple of areas where there's room for improvement. What did you guys think of the cruise overall? What did you feel like were the weaker points?

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Those deck chairs are different than the ones they had on the Spirit in that room. We had the plastic ones with a coushy pad - the teak ones look very high end! There is def. plenty of privacy on the deck and your pictures really captured the deck well. I cannot wait for our trip in February! Will you be reviewing Belize? This is the only port I haven't been to yet and am very excited about snorkeling the reef. Thanks.

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Those deck chairs are different than the ones they had on the Spirit in that room. We had the plastic ones with a coushy pad - the teak ones look very high end!


Don't let the pix fool you... The chairs were just plastic made to look like wood. They reclined a little bit, and the end where your feet go could be propped up. Someone below us had one of the loungers from the pool area on their deck. Not sure if it was already there, or if they did that on their own. Not a bad idea if you want to lay out on your balcony with more comfort.


Will you be reviewing Belize? This is the only port I haven't been to yet and am very excited about snorkeling the reef.


Yes, I plan to wrap up my report by covering Belize and debarkation. But I didn't snorkel there; we went cave tubing.

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Can you tell me what themes were for dining each night and what nights were the formal nights? We've cruised in the past and have found generally that we prefer to skip the main dining room and go to the specialty restaurant on the nights they offer the caribbean theme, and sometimes the Italian theme.


Thanks for the info.. This is a great review!

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Can you tell me what themes were for dining each night and what nights were the formal nights? We've cruised in the past and have found generally that we prefer to skip the main dining room and go to the specialty restaurant on the nights they offer the caribbean theme, and sometimes the Italian theme.


Thanks for the info.. This is a great review!


I didnt know that Carnival had theme nights for their dinners. Guess I never paid attention. I do know that Roayl caribbean had theme nights.

Here is a copy of menus. Since the Miracel leaves on Sunday--jsut change the day on the menu. Formal nights will be MOnday and Friday.



No Cd p[layers?? I was told by an agent all suites have the cd player along with a VCR.

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(QUOTE) Just a quick 4-hour drive up I-75 and US 19. We were home in no time, and ready to rest from our vacation! Lindy took all of Monday off, whereas I just went into the office a couple of hours late. Not envious of you guys having to load up on a plane!
I don't know if they'll listen, but hopefully they will. Overall, we were very pleased with everything. There are just a couple of areas where there's room for improvement. What did you guys think of the cruise overall? What did you feel like were the weaker points?[/QUOTE]
Just a quick reply - we still plan to do a review but have been busy non-stop since we got home - We got home late on Sunday (about 10:30 pm) out cat was crying for us as we approached the back door and he is fine (if a little spoiled)- Monday we unpacked, restarted mail, grocery shopped, did laundry, etc and Tuesday I was back to work - We have had events to go to every night since we got back and one more tonight so hopefully this weekend we will be able to organize our pictures and write a review. We did enjoy our cruise and the ship. We would choose the ship and the ports again sometime in the future (although not right away as we would want some variety in vacations). Some things were better than past cruises and some things not as good. I will go into detail in my review which should be posted this weekend or early next week under the member reviews section.

I have been a lurker on this site -- just looking at tips, etc before we left but now that we have something to add I decided to register.

Our tablemates were something else on the last evening (have you ever seen "Whose Afraid of Virginia Wolfe?) The man was insisting on dancing with all the waitresses and even gave one a small peck on the cheek (wife was not happy and neither was the waitress) Fortunately they were not there long after you left and although they were a little over the top I have heard of worse stories on this site and others of tablemates.

Glad to hear you are both doing well and had a safe trip home. If you want drop us an email from time to time.

Well got to run -- back to work and there is too much to do. Take care.
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Sounds like you had fun. We've been on three Carnival Cruises and are heading to Mexico on an 8 day cruise from San Diego on 12/3/04. Interestingly enough we'll be on a sister ship (Spirit) and have the room next to the one you had. 8266 is also a Cat 11, but without the wrap-around balcony.We can't complain as we were upgraded as Carnival had a screwup and cancelled our reservation of our extended balcony room. We're looking forward to it, especially since it will be exactly nine months after our 25th anniversary. Now that our caughter is in college, we can travel.
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Okay, you buggers... I've started scanning in the Capers, even though I haven't finished my trip report yet. I just couldn't stand the begging any more!

They'll be posted here:


So far I've only got Sunday's. The rest should show up there one by one in the coming days.

Now leave me alone!!!

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