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Need to lose before I cruise... any buddies??


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Hello everyone. did you miss me? I just got home from 18 holes of golf, which was walked. It was nice and humid out and as we are finishing the 17th hole, it started to rain, so I got a little wet.


Hoping to see a drop in the scale this week. Is it friday yet?????

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Hello everyone. did you miss me? I just got home from 18 holes of golf, which was walked. It was nice and humid out and as we are finishing the 17th hole, it started to rain, so I got a little wet. I hope you had a good time!!


Hoping to see a drop in the scale this week. Is it friday yet????? Nope, it is Thursday!!!



Did you hit those strairs??? Did you do a nice energitic walk on the golf course??? Are there any elevators or escalators around you that I could go and mess around with??? shrek-smiley.gif

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Thanks again for the welcome! It really does help when you have the support that is needed to do this!! I myself have not had a great weel. I caved and had chinese food last night and have not done my exciersing!

I wish I was like missou and lose even thought I did nothing!! But starting next week I am going to start swimming in the mornings, and since I love to swim I think it will work good for me!!


What is everyone else's favorite excersise?


Ohh and do I just post my information on the board Monday morning or do I need to email it to anyone?


Also, great job on the water consumption and the excersise and great food choices I am reading about!!! Great job!!!

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This was my first week back at work after my TKR. I am working 1/2 days. Fortunately, we are off tomorrow so I am able to start out slowly. My PT is not happy since I am working and sitting too much so I am trying to do some exercises at my desk. Not easy!


Sorry to hear you are having PT problems, but they should be able to offer alternatives.


Vickey - of course you have all my sympathy with knee pain. I know that after my first replacement I had a great deal of relief in that knee. I am still in post op pain on my right knee but am hoping for the best. PT is still very hard and painful.


I know all to well what people have gone through with TKR surgery and I hope that is not the route this goes. But I do hope you soon get relief.


Dominique - thanks for keeping everyone posted on lots of different things. You have been through a lot and you help keep my spirits up.


Matt - thanks for your great attitude.


Everyone else - especially the new people on this board - you are a great bunch with great attitudes. We will continue to be losers together.




Hello everyone. did you miss me? I just got home from 18 holes of golf, which was walked. It was nice and humid out and as we are finishing the 17th hole, it started to rain, so I got a little wet.


Hoping to see a drop in the scale this week. Is it friday yet?????



NO it is not Friday and today is dragging on. I hope you see a big drop on the scale this week and meet your goal as soon as possible.

I have already drank128 ounces of cran-water and did 84 stairs today.

Did you hit those strairs??? Did you do a nice energitic walk on the golf course??? Are there any elevators or escalators


around you that I could go and mess around with??? shrek-smiley.gif



Missou...I think you did enough messing around with escalators and elevators in the last couple of weeks....please leave them alone.

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Thanks again for the welcome! It really does help when you have the support that is needed to do this!! I myself have not had a great weel. I caved and had chinese food last night and have not done my exciersing!

I wish I was like missou and lose even thought I did nothing!! But starting next week I am going to start swimming in the mornings, and since I love to swim I think it will work good for me!!


What is everyone else's favorite excersise?


Ohh and do I just post my information on the board Monday morning or do I need to email it to anyone?


Also, great job on the water consumption and the excersise and great food choices I am reading about!!! Great job!!!



Renee....you can just post it on here on Mondays I gather all weights/measurements and then post them as soon as everyone has them in.

I have honestly loved this little crazy group here ,everyone is supportive but also human so we not only post the good but the bad.

Swimming ....I love to swim and do try and get it in at the Y they have a heated therapy pool but know I am finding it hard to fit it in becasue of my work schedule so I only mange to get in my cardio/strength training.

Stay focused and motivated and you too will be a LOSER (Missou likes to be called a winning loser)

Feel free to post anything any anytime it helps to release your thoughts on other who are in the same "ship" as you.


Will be waiting to post your weight/measurements so we can get ready to chear you on.

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I'm home and ready for bed.....lllllooooooonnnnng day.


Today went good, I did my stairs but not the Y(had an early patient)

My meals were good but could be better.

Breakfast; oats and 3 boiled egg whites (my usual)

Lunch: rostissere chicken in a whole wheat pits pocket with lettuce.

Raw veggies(carrots,celery.grape tomatoes and cucmbers)

Dinner: a couple squares of my DH's pizza(too tired to fix anything different for just me:mad:) and a small bowl of grapes


I drank lots of water.


I can't wait till this week end I am going to try several new recipes one being the cupcakes I mentioned yesterday, a pineapple coleslaw with vanilla yogurt instead of mayo.,and make more humus(love that stuff):) and cabbage soup.


I should get my BUTT up and go upstairs and use my treadmill or workout on my exercise ball but I am too pooped, so I guess I will shower and just dream about working out.:D


I think I am still trying to get over the 3 hour time difference from Vegas.:eek:

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HELP ME! I'm not sure if I can control myself!! I'm going with a group of friends and hubby for some El Salvadorian food tonight. It is a get together organized by the friend of the owner of the restaurant. We won't order off the menu but eat the chef's selections that they bring to the table. Everything on their website looks delicious - pork, beef, chicken, pupusas, rice, beans, plaintans, salads, etc...so many delicious things....


On the bright side, we had a special occassion in the office today and ordered a cake that I usually gobble up. Today I just ate a few of the white chocolate curls and a strawberry. That is self control for me!!


Gotta run... hubby thinks I'm getting ready for dinner. :D



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I did some strenghtening exercise for my neck today and since then I am in so much pain, something just blocked and now I am jammed. DH arrived an hour ago and he is helping my daughter. She is preparing a montage for tomorrow morning. She is graduating from high school and they have a get together in the morning before the exam period starts next week. After he finishes with her, it is my turn!!!!



I didn't do much today because I started with the neck exercise :rolleyes:


Take care everyone and sleep thight zz22.gif

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Pupusas Rock! The Salvadorian food was wonderful tonight!!!! The kitchen kept bringing out platters of these hot, delicious, stuffed biscuit-ish goodies. They are hard to explain but they have beans and cheese and some pork stuffed into a flat-bread type shell. They are served with a spicy cabbage slaw. Yummy!


I did run after work since I knew I should probably burn a few extra calories to make room for this indulgence. :D



Missou: Sorry about the pain issues. Hopefully, tomorrow will be a better day.


Matt: Good boy! Stairs and golf. You are keeping on track!


Vickey: nite nite. :)


Renee: If you stay around here long enough you will hear me say the same things you did tonite - no exercise and indulging in cravings. Yeah, I have to push myself to keep at it.


Marsh: I wish you well in your continued rehab and recovery for your TKR.



Take care everyone,


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The pain is still there this morning, I even have pain when swallowing my saliva :eek:

I need to see my chiropractor, this problem can not be resolved with massage therapy only. My chiropractor is not seeing patients until Monday. I will leave her a message, maybe she will see me today since it is an emergency. I don't want to be like this for the whole week end :(:(:(:(


Take care everyone. 11_7_102.gif

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I didn't do a thing yesterday and I just went on the scale... Guess what... I lost another pound!!! :eek:


I have been working very hard in the past 2 months and a half and as of this morning, I have lost a total of 4 pounds since the beginning. Now, I don't do a thing and the pounds just disapear :eek::eek::eek:


Should I keep on not doing a thing?????


I am really confused this morning :o:rolleyes:

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No, you are gaining muscle by working out. You may not see it in the scale, but you losing the bad and gaining the good.


So glad it is Friday finally. I may not be around this weekend, based on what happens tonight in the World of Sports and tomorrow night is a Bachelor party and Sunday is my rents anniversary.


Have a great day everyone. Did my morning stairs up already (so 160 so far + the 24 up and down at home). Drinking my Slim Fast Shake and the first 8 ounces of H2O. Let's go Bucs

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Thanks Matt, I will try to go do my stair routine now. It sure won't be done quickly, but if the neck does not bother me, it will be done. I also will do my knee reenforcement movements and maybe some work for my back.


Don't worry about a thing, I will not tolerate any kind of pain in my neck, so if it hurts, I will stop.

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I am on the Glory December 13 - which one are you on?


I have cut all sugar and all white flour out of my diet and I have lost 18 pounds in 8 months without really exercising. I am stepping up my exercising now to get the last 15 off before the cruise!


Good luck with you Weight Watchers dieting!! :D

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Hello BaseballMomof4. It is nice when a change in our diet has great results. Good luck for the last 15 pounds. Will you join our stair climbing club?


I just finished my stair routine. The neck is ok, but I don't feel up to doing my back exercises. I'll do the work for my knee. Maybe I could go on the treadmill for a few minutes at a low pace. I don't think it would hurt. Then, I will relax for the rest of the day.


Let's go winning-Lossers, we can do it!!!


Gee... There is a lot more energy in my cheer then in my body :eek:

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Just returned from 1.5 hours of PT. Did not seem quite as hard or painful today but I am still very stiff. My PT is on vacation next week so I will see someone else. I am still working part time next week as I need the time for exercises and PT and rest.


My daughter is having a bachlorette party at our house tomorrow for a wedding she is in next week. I am helping her clean and cook. They plan to have it out around our pool - it really needs to stop raining and clear up.


My energy seemed high this morning but is waning now. Missou - I am sorry about your pain but I know how you feel.


I am off work today so that is good. Have a good day all!



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Pupusas Rock! The Salvadorian food was wonderful tonight!!!! The kitchen kept bringing out platters of these hot, delicious, stuffed biscuit-ish goodies. They are hard to explain but they have beans and cheese and some pork stuffed into a flat-bread type shell. They are served with a spicy cabbage slaw. Yummy!


I did run after work since I knew I should probably burn a few extra calories to make room for this indulgence. :D



Missou: Sorry about the pain issues. Hopefully, tomorrow will be a better day.


Matt: Good boy! Stairs and golf. You are keeping on track!


Vickey: nite nite. :)


Renee: If you stay around here long enough you will hear me say the same things you did tonite - no exercise and indulging in cravings. Yeah, I have to push myself to keep at it.


Marsh: I wish you well in your continued rehab and recovery for your TKR.



Take care everyone,





Glad you had a great time out last night, also you did a goos job on passing on the cake. Working out afterwards is a wise choice. The food did sound yummy.


Just returned from 1.5 hours of PT. Did not seem quite as hard or painful today but I am still very stiff. My PT is on vacation next week so I will see someone else. I am still working part time next week as I need the time for exercises and PT and rest.


My daughter is having a bachlorette party at our house tomorrow for a wedding she is in next week. I am helping her clean and cook. They plan to have it out around our pool - it really needs to stop raining and clear up.


My energy seemed high this morning but is waning now. Missou - I am sorry about your pain but I know how you feel.


I am off work today so that is good. Have a good day all!





I am glad your PT went good, and I hope the new PT next week goes even better.

A party out by the pool sounds wonderful, we have had so much rain the last week I am sick of it and hope it doesn't rain Saturday as we are going to Hueston Woods for the Arts and Crafts Fair.

My energy level is always higher in the morning but it seems to wane around 2:00pm and then it seems as if it picks up around bedtime when it is time to go to sleep.

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Hello BaseballMomof4. It is nice when a change in our diet has great results. Good luck for the last 15 pounds. Will you join our stair climbing club?


I just finished my stair routine. The neck is ok, but I don't feel up to doing my back exercises. I'll do the work for my knee. Maybe I could go on the treadmill for a few minutes at a low pace. I don't think it would hurt. Then, I will relax for the rest of the day.


Let's go winning-Lossers, we can do it!!!


Gee... There is a lot more energy in my cheer then in my body :eek:


Probably will be sticking to swimming as I do not belong to a gym and there aren't many houses with stairs down here!! I supposed I could go run the bleachers at the school, but I am not quite that enthusiastic! :p I am think more along the lines of brisk walks, swimming, and the couple of exercise tapes I have.:D

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I am off to go to Hueston Woods State Park this morning anf spend the day there at the Arts and Crafts Festival (I will not be sampling any of the FOOD) then we plan on taking some of the trails to see all nature has to offer this year.

We are expecting some rain showers but I do hope they hold off till later this evening.


Matt...glad to hear your Pens WON:)


I just wanted everyone know that I baked some of those pumpkin/cake mix muffins I told you all about the other day and they were yummy.....I tried the yellow low sugar cake mix and then a batch of regular spice cake mix and added some raisins with the can of pumpkin and they were better.


I am worried about weighing in Monday to see if my vacation hurt me too much:( I hope not. I am trying to be good but week ends are always hard for me because I have more free time to munch on food then I do when I work. But tomorrow is my planned day to do some meal making for the week.



Well I am off to go walk my BUTT off some more:D


Here's hoping everyone is having a great day

Lots of love to all:):)

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Well I did my inches today for the 1st time. I was trying to fine a app. for my Iphone to keep track of my inches. They have them for weight and BMI but now inches. Oh well here are my inches Waist 30" and stomach is 34". I'm only keeping track of those two. I know if I get down to 27 in the waist I'm good to go.


But my weight isn't coming down yet, but have increased my exercise for walking and I"m doing push up and set ups. I'll see what my weight is on Monday. If its not down a little I'll be made :mad:. But will keep doing what I'm doing and hope it comes down next week if not this week.

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