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Need to lose before I cruise... any buddies??


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Here is why they play the game. Crosby played one heck of a season and now my city is again, the City of Champions.


I am hoping the scale will be nice to me on monday. We had Pizza and Beer for the game last night for my soon to be father in laws bday. But i was good with the pizza. only 2 slices when i would normally have had 3.


And of course we had a tiny cake. It was in the shape of an igloo and had 2 penguins coming out of the front of it. (For those who don't know, the Pittsburgh Penguins arena (mellon arena) is shaped like an Igloo and that is what we call it.


It was a great night to be a Pittsburgh fan. First the Steelers win the Super Bowl and now the Pens win Lord Stanley's cup. Just watching Marian Hossa on the bench crying was justice, as he said his best chance to win was with the Red Wings and he left the Pens and da Burgh.


Thanks for the support all you Winning Losers out there. and Thanks for letting me be a part of this group....




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Sorry Drill Sargent Matt, I will not hit those stairs right now. My daughter has a tonsillitis and she is sleeping. Her room is in the basement right next to the staircase so no stairs for me right now. Later in the afternoon most probably!! Have a good day everyone. It is sunny here, finally!!!

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At this time, in three weeks, my plane is landing in Paris!!!!! fte210.gif


I still have 3 more weeks to fit comfortably in my little pants. I just tried them on and they do fit a little better. I need to walk longer, more often and to keep on doing my stairs. I know that is how the weight will come of. The abs work is for my belly to shape up.


My daughter went to the er last night and came home when I was asleep. I hope she wakes up soon so I can start my stairs!!! I will not go out for my walk today, I prefer to go on the treadmill. I can stop whenever I need to if my neck gets to tired. I still have a lot of difficulty to move my head. Who would have guessed that a neck pain would be so incapacitating??? :eek::eek::eek:

Yesterday, I was only walking at 2.3 m/h and it was the best I could do without having pain :eek::eek: Geesh.....

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Things are looking good for me!!! Red week is approaching, should be in a week or so. My weight is going down a little and my measuring tape is not moving up. This is better than last month!!! I feel that I am starting to see real progress!! danse004.gifdanse004.gifdanse004.gif

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WAKE UP and enjoy this beautiful day:)


Well we walked alot yesterday at Hueston Woods and I bought several things like two pieces of pottery(I love to collect and use my blue/grey pottery).

I was so good I passed on a funnel cake when offered.

Ate an early breakfast of 2 boiled eggs and a piece of whole wheat toast.

And even ate a very wise choice for lunch/dinner(it was a late lunch early dinner) we ate at AppleBees and I chose the chicken breast with salsa,potatoes and carrot-brocolli-squash veggie.

It was going great until 8:00pm and then I splurged on some not so good eating.....WHY the day before weigh in and I have been worried about my weigh in tomorrow as it is.


Did you watch the Samatha Brown Travel Channel Show last night it had her cruising with Carnival and it was a good show better than her last one.


Well gotta go and get some housework done.

Here's hoping everyone has a loosing day.

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Well, maybe I shoud have not done the stairs and the treamill and let my neck relax a little. I was in so much pain last night I only sleep 1 hour or so. This morning DH went to get me some muscle relaxant, we hadn't thought about it before :rolleyes: I hope it helps :o:o


Today will be spent relaxing and taking it easy. I hope the chiroprator can see me tomorrow :o

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Well, maybe I shoud have not done the stairs and the treamill and let my neck relax a little. I was in so much pain last night I only sleep 1 hour or so. This morning DH went to get me some muscle relaxant, we hadn't thought about it before :rolleyes: I hope it helps :o:o


Today will be spent relaxing and taking it easy. I hope the chiroprator can see me tomorrow :o



Hope you feel better. Take it easy and get some sleep.

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Missou: Enjoy your day relaxing and getting relief from the aches. By the way, I hope all is well with your daughter. (re: ER visit??)


Vickey: No funnel cake?? Good girl! I'm not so sure I'd be able to resist. :rolleyes:


Matt: Waiting to hear how the bachelor party was... don't need to know anything except the drinking/food part. ;)


Kudos2fly: Sounds like you are doing great. Keep up all the work and the measuring tape should reflect your effort. Push ups are so hard for me to do - and I do the girl type on my knees!


Baseballmom: Wow! Giving up sugar and flour - that is awesome. (I'm a carbaholic so that concept for me is so foreign. I certainly wish I could be more like you.) Also, only 15 pounds to goal is great!


So my day has been pretty chill so far.... I did most of my morning exercises and then decided to go to church instead of finishing everything. (I hope God blesses my intent if not my effort! :D)


I do plan to run this afternoon. Yesterday my leg was feeling well enough to put an hour on the treadmill and I also did my arm weights.


I still struggle with the whole 'eating in the late evening' thing. Food just somehow calls out to me. I try to eat a healthy snack but not always. Maybe I should allow myself a little something - I do count my calories so I should probably just plan to "budget" enough for a healthy evening snack. (Maybe that is not a good philosophy... I'm not sure.) However, I find that if I go upstairs, brush my teeth and settle in upstairs it is easier to deal with those late evening noshing impulses.


Enough rambling. I wish you all a great day.


Take care,


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REMINDER.....weigh in tomorrow.:D Please post your weights.


I so want to get on the scales and measure myself but I am waiting till morning.:rolleyes:


I made cabbage soup up for the week , boiled my eggs, cut up my veggies and have a few other quick easy foods to grab for lunches for work.


Tonight I am too tired to cook what I was going to cook so it will probably not be as healthy.


I have done really great on my water consumption.


Missou..I hope you are resting.


Matt....ignore what emmysmommy said I WANT ALL THE DETAILS. I hope you are enjoying your last days of freedom:D


emmysmommy....sounds as if you are doing okay with your workouts thats great. Your idea of going upstairs and brushing teeth is something that I do alot to try and stay motivated but sometimes I think I should also include putting a lock on the outside of the bedroom door and having someone lock me in till morning.:confused:



To our newest losers....Kudos2fly and Baseballmom.....please post your weights and measurements tomorrow and again welcome to our little group. Keep up the great work yo both are doing.



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Hello all losers out there.


I am posting my weigh in for the day. Not a good one. I am now at 196.6. a gain of .6 pounds this week. Not horrible, but i was hoping for a loss. Dumb parties i had/went to....


As for the Bachelor party, it was good fun. Made the groom shotgun a Natural Ice (The poor college students beer, it is gross). Then headed to dinner at Dave and Busters and games.


Dinner was good. We ordered an appetizer trio of wings, chips, and potatoe skins. Had a few chips and a wing. My meal was a Chicken Cesaer Salad, that was awesome. Had a tiny bit of ice cream for dessert (came in a huge frozen beer mug, but could only eat a small portion). I did have two Labaut Blues in the game area. And that was many it. We then played a bunch of games (driving, shooting, fire fighter games, golf....)


Last night was my rents anniversary, so we went to dinner at the Club. 34 years they have been married. My dinner was Chicken Piccatta and soup and steamed veggies. It was good, but definitely not my favorite.


Well, I already hit the gym today and will be leaving in 1 hour and 45 minutes to head downtown for the Pittsburgh Penguins Parade to welcome them home. And to celebrate the City of Champions we have (Steelers won 4 months ago and the Pens just won, Pirates might make it to .500, so we should have a parade for them).

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I lost the 6!!! danse004.gif I am now at 159.2 and red week began yesterday!!! danse004.gif I now have to work on losing the 5, but that should take a little while danse004.gif


I have to admit that I didn't eat a lot in the past few days. My neck is in so much pain that it is difficult for me to lift up my chin enough to put a spoon in my mouth without spilling soup. Also, swallowing is painful and I don't feel like being in more pain.


My daugther has a tonsolittis, but since the doctor didn't call back, I don't think it is bacterial.


My appointement with the chiropractor is at 11:45 and my youngest has a job interview at 12:00. Since I can not drive, my 18 years old, will drop me at the chiropractor than bring my youngest for her interview. They will pick me up when the interview is over.


I am so not enthousiastic about my appoitment. I know it will be so painful and I will be in a lot of pain for a few more days :(:( But it is different kind of pain, it will subside in a couple of days and I will be able to do my exercices again by Tuesday. I may do some for my knee and my legs starting tomorrow, but I have to be really careful not to undo what the chiropractor will do to my back and my neck.


Take really good care of yourselves and hit those stairs!!! 7_5_137.gif

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I also am planning on getting my stairs in now. I have 13 in my townhouse, so I plan to do 40 up and then down. so that is 520. Might try to go for 80.


I know you can do it!!! Remember not to go too fast in the beginning, it is not so easy on the cardio.

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My weight today is 134.5. Waist is 30" and Stomach area 34". I figure out I need to lose 3.5 inches to fit into my red dress. :) I'm not really to concern with my weight. But would love to gain more "muscle" so I can start burning fat better.


What I'm doing is walking at least 3 times a week. I'm doing push ups and set ups about 20-25 each. I do those at night. Plus the way I eat is pretty good, we eat 100% organic at home and really don't eat that much. I have cut back on sweets and carbs.


So I'll see how things will go next couple of weeks.

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As I told you before, I am wearing size 10 pants and my little grey pants are size 8... I have a pair of little black pants that are size 6. I tried them on yesterday... Drum roll!!! I can put them on, I can even tie them up, but they are soooooooooo thight!!! This gives me hope that I will be able to wear them again someday, they are so nice. Of course, I will have to wait several months, but it is an acheivable goal!!! When I look at myself in the mirror, my belly is more defined. I am so happy, finally I can see results even on red week!!!!! lollol325.giflollol325.giflollol325.gif


I also told you that I was taking milk shake with a lot of fruits, that was my breakfast. Last week I exchanged the ice cream with a low fat yogourt. Of course, that explains the drop on the scale, but the best thing is that it is so much tastier!!!


Well, it is now time for me to get ready for my appointment. I'll speak to you this afternoon... I wonder if typing will be painful...

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Hi All!


Congrats on the weight loss to those who lost!!! To those that did not, join my club!! We will lose it this week!!! I did not get a chance to measure myself, but I will post my weight.


SW 272

TW 272

CW 165


I actually got down to 234 last year but not sure what happened. I gained it all back over the winter.. But I have gotten there once, I will get there again!!!


Wish everyone a great day!!!

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Renée, an effective weight loss plan involves a new outlook on life. Dieting is not the best solution. Your meal plan has to change for good. For years, I have been trying to influence my husband to start eating whole weath bread and whole weath pasta. It took a while, many years actually, and now that it is done, I have some white pasta that are waiting to be eaten while the whole wheat pasta boxes come and go. I now have to convince my family to change to whole wheat flour. I wonder what the cakes will taste like... I know the pancakes are really good!!!


Another thing that is mui importante is the moving part. Whatever kind of exercice you choose to do, you have to keep on moving for the rest of your life, especially during the winter period. I am walking a lot more these days, and I would like to do a walking marathon of 3 or 6 miles at the end of the summer. A few years ago, I bought myself a treadmill so I could walk whatever the temperature is like outside. That was a really good investment. At the same time, I also bought an Ab King Pro and it is collecting dust for now. I intend to take it out and use in a few days.


Vickey, by the end of the week, I should be ready to start walking again. I am walking at 3.5 miles per hour with no inclination. I will start raising the treadmill slowly, but I do intend to do it.


So, we have a stair climbing club, we will start a walking club, why not start a latin dancing club too. Merengue is a real abs workout.

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A quick check in to see how everyone is doing.

It looks good so far.

Missou .....sorry you are feeling under the weather.:(

Matt....so glad you had a great time. And congrats on not gaining too much ...fingers crossed it doesn't catch up with you next week, quick run up and down those stairs so it doesn't happen.:eek:


I will post when everyone is done with their numbers.




I weighed in at 219.8 lbs a loss of 4.2 lbs even after going to Vegas.;)

Also lost 2 1/4 inches this month.:)


Well gotta go it has been a rough busy morning tell you all about ti later.

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I weighed in at 219.8 lbs a loss of 4.2 lbs even after going to Vegas.;)

Also lost 2 1/4 inches this month.:)


Wow!!! Congradulations!!!


That is all because of the walking and the stair climbing. Admit that you are very happy about my visits lollol325.giflollol325.giflollol325.gif



I am in so much pain!!! When the chiroprator was working on me, she was very gentle but when she made my cervical vertabrea pop back into place, I cried out because of the pain, made the secretary jump and started crying. Good thing I was not driving afterwards. My daughter was really carefull when she was driving me back home and I did not ask her for a thing. She is a sweetheart.


I took another appointment for next week to make sure everything is back to normal. The chiropractor told me that DH could do a very gentle neck rub with a cooling gel to help ease the pain. She also told me to be very careful for the next 3 days. Don't worry, I will!!!

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Renée, an effective weight loss plan involves a new outlook on life. Dieting is not the best solution. Your meal plan has to change for good. For years, I have been trying to influence my husband to start eating whole weath bread and whole weath pasta. It took a while, many years actually, and now that it is done, I have some white pasta that are waiting to be eaten while the whole wheat pasta boxes come and go. I now have to convince my family to change to whole wheat flour. I wonder what the cakes will taste like... I know the pancakes are really good!!!


Another thing that is mui importante is the moving part. Whatever kind of exercice you choose to do, you have to keep on moving for the rest of your life, especially during the winter period. I am walking a lot more these days, and I would like to do a walking marathon of 3 or 6 miles at the end of the summer. A few years ago, I bought myself a treadmill so I could walk whatever the temperature is like outside. That was a really good investment. At the same time, I also bought an Ab King Pro and it is collecting dust for now. I intend to take it out and use in a few days.



I had done all this last year. I was eating great, working out about 5 to 6 times a day and even was able to start running a bit. I was doing really great until our kitchen got remodeled (spelling?) last year and all I had available to use was a microwave for a while. This helped me to break my cooking that I was doing and eventually I went back to my old habits. Well for the most part, if I ever eat white pasta, it will be because there is absolutely nothing else available. I prefer the wheat. And once the food went, the exercise stopped as well. Fast forward and here I am. I know what it is that I need to do its just that I keep going back to old habits. Ones that I grew up with and helped to contribute to how I am today. I love chocolate and I usually am good, but if I get a craving I go for it. I know what I need to do, not go to the store and buy it (I no longer keep it in the house) For me its a problem with getting a craving and over doing it. I know some things in moderation are fine, especially if you have a craving. I just supersize things and go on my way. The highest I was this year (and ever in my life) was 280 and I have gotten down to 272 for how. My goal is to get to 165 by the time I turn 30 in Sept 2010.

Ok now that I have spilled part of my life story to you all I am going to go back to work!! I just got back from the gym- worked out for 40 min and am having grilled London broil wraps with sautéed onion peppers and garlic on 94% fat free wraps. And water, I need to get in my 64 oz!!

Thanks for listening!

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Well, back from the parade. It was great fun. All the players and coach's vehicles stopped right in front of us, so we were able to get great pictures. And I was also able to get great pictures of Sidney Crosby hoisting the cup.

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Wow!!! Congradulations!!!


That is all because of the walking and the stair climbing. Admit that you are very happy about my visits lollol325.gif



YES,YES it was alot of walking and those nasty stairs did help. I always enjoy bringing you along:D



I am in so much pain!!! When the chiroprator was working on me, she was very gentle but when she made my cervical vertabrea pop back into place, I cried out because of the pain, made the secretary jump and started crying. Good thing I was not driving afterwards. My daughter was really carefull when she was driving me back home and I did not ask her for a thing. She is a sweetheart.


I took another appointment for next week to make sure everything is back to normal. The chiropractor told me that DH could do a very gentle neck rub with a cooling gel to help ease the pain. She also told me to be very careful for the next 3 days. Don't worry, I will!!!


Do what the chiropractor says and don't over do it.

What did the doctor find out about your tummy problems?????

I had done all this last year. I was eating great, working out about 5 to 6 times a day and even was able to start running a bit. I was doing really great until our kitchen got remodeled (spelling?) last year and all I had available to use was a microwave for a while. This helped me to break my cooking that I was doing and eventually I went back to my old habits. Well for the most part, if I ever eat white pasta, it will be because there is absolutely nothing else available. I prefer the wheat. And once the food went, the exercise stopped as well. Fast forward and here I am. I know what it is that I need to do its just that I keep going back to old habits. Ones that I grew up with and helped to contribute to how I am today. I love chocolate and I usually am good, but if I get a craving I go for it. I know what I need to do, not go to the store and buy it (I no longer keep it in the house) For me its a problem with getting a craving and over doing it. I know some things in moderation are fine, especially if you have a craving. I just supersize things and go on my way. The highest I was this year (and ever in my life) was 280 and I have gotten down to 272 for how. My goal is to get to 165 by the time I turn 30 in Sept 2010.


Ok now that I have spilled part of my life story to you all I am going to go back to work!! I just got back from the gym- worked out for 40 min and am having grilled London broil wraps with sautéed onion peppers and garlic on 94% fat free wraps. And water, I need to get in my 64 oz!!


Thanks for listening!



Rene....I know all about falling back into the old habits and how hard they are to break.

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Do what the chiropractor says and don't over do it. Yes captain sir!!!

What did the doctor find out about your tummy problems?????

I am still waiting for my biopsy results, they should arrive around June 25th. I will keep on waiting... :rolleyes:

Rene....I know all about falling back into the old habits and how hard they are to break. They do say that old habits are hard to break...


My neck is still in pain :mad: It is still hard to move my head, I would not go out and drive my car. I hope that I will be able to have a good night and move a little more tomorrow.


As for all my fellow Winning-Losers, remember to walk and hit those stairs!!! Smily Monster's orders!!! ;)

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My neck is still in pain :mad: It is still hard to move my head, I would not go out and drive my car. I hope that I will be able to have a good night and move a little more tomorrow.


As for all my fellow Winning-Losers, remember to walk and hit those stairs!!! Smily Monster's orders!!! ;)


And Sarge's orders

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