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Need to lose before I cruise... any buddies??


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Several years ago, Dh and I started a ballroom-latin danse class and we had to stop because of our daugthers skating competitions. The competitions were held in different cities and making it hard for us to go to our lessons. I think I am going to convince him to start dancing again. All we need are some DVDs on how to dance the Cha-Cha, the Tango, the Merengue and other dances. Losing weight through dancing... Olé!!


When I think that just a few months ago, these ideas where just dreams for me and now they are accessible goals that I can easely acheive, it makes me so happy!!! Now, all I have to do is convince DH :D:D

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Just dropping in to say hi and to see how everyone is doing.

It has been a busy week end, yesterday we cleaned out the garage and priced everything for a garage sale next month.

It was 90 degrees outside and I was out from 9:00am to 4:00 pm by the time I did come in I was sick my tummy from drinking so much water to stay dehydrated then later that night I had a little heat stroke.:(

We finished up today but the temps were down to 80's.

I am hoping to have a big garage sale and make enough money to pay at least half of my cruise off.:D

My meals have been off these last couple days and so has my exercising, I am hoping to get back to eating my planned meals tomorrow.

I did buy some fresh fruit(strawberries and cantaloup) and veggies, I just need to gather the strength to prepare them.


Here'e hoping everyne is having a great day

And to all that will be celebrating Fathers Day tomorrow I send my best of wishes . We have a backyard picnic planed with our sons and friends so I will talk to you all on Monday.

Don't forget to weigh in...:):):)

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Wow, the cruise goes to a lot of different places.... Should be nice. I went to Dominica, I fell in love with that island... But have to say if you are in to shopping and that all. This is not the place for you.. I love taking photos and exploring new places. So I liked this island. I want to go back some day and spend some time there...


Well I think I'm starting to lose a little bit of inches. My wedding ring feels loser now.. But I still have tomorrow to get through. We are flying down to do a family thing, going to see my father in law for Fathers day. But i think Fried chicken will be served.. We will see how tomorrow goes...

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Thanks Kudos. I want to do a lot of exploring on the islands. It will be the first time since I started cruising that I will be able to move so freely and I intend to take advantage of it. In Dominica, I want to go hiking near the water falls. I did all the shopping I want to do, I know where are the best places to get my alcool, my jewelry and my electronic devices are if I want any.


We will be arriving in Barbados on the 28th and we are thinking of staying one night when we will arrive from the cruise. That way, we could go on a catamaran tour on the day after debarquing from the ship, go for a nice dinner and the go on the St-Laurence Gap for the evening. Before the plan leaves on the Sunday, we could do something else, we just don't know what yet.

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sorry havent posted in awhile. our biggest loser competition at work is coming to a end. we decided not to weight in for the last 3 weeks. kinda like when they send everyone home on the show. we have 1 more week left. its really close. im hoping to be down 100lbs. even though i havent weighed i know ive lost some. wish me luck.


oh and nikki is still going at it strong she is looking really good. got some formal dresses for the cruise yesterday and she looks amazing

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Well the weekend is coming to an end. With all my surgery and pain med issues I ended up having a terrible night last Thursday. I drug my self to therapy and work late on Friday. I made the decision to try to get off the pain meds. Friday night I started off with no pain meds and tried advil with a sleep aid and also a med I take for my leg cramps. I ended up being up most of the night and finally took a 1/2 of my pain med around 2:00 a.m.


Saturday I felt yucky all day. We had a wedding to attend and I was beat when we got home. I did not take any pain meds and had a very decent night's sleep. I am hoping for the same tonight. I have quit taking my pain meds for daily use already so I am hoping to be off them completely now.


My stomach is still really yucky. Vickey I cannot find any ginger tablets or ginger tea. I did buy some low fat ginger snaps and that seemed to help some. (and an excuse to eat cookies:p) I will try a drug store for the ginger tabs. Thanks for the advice. Missou - thanks for your advice as well. I am trying everything everyone tells me about.


I know I went back to work too soon and now I am paying the price. If I can just get through these next 3 weeks I should have a light stretch in July till the August rush starts before school begins. I have my cruise the first week in August so that helps to keep me pumped up.


We have another wedding this coming weekend and it is out of town so we will see how I do there. We also have a Christening next weekend so it will be a busy time.


Thanks to all for your support.


Vickey I know it is early but I did lose - please put me down for 207 tomorrow. :) I may not be able to post tomorrow. Thanks for all your hard work.



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Weigh in! I had a good week, but I know some of it is water weight.


TW...177 (8 lbs. down)










I found more information about low-carb diets and colon health benefits, so I think the fibre challenge may be wrong!


The shelf is up, the treadmill is available and I'm getting on after work...

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I am at 161.4 this morning, my body aches all over and red week is not finished yet... You can guess in what kind of mood I am... :mad::mad:


I have an appointment with the chiropractor at 12:30 and I will still have to take it easy for a couple of days still after that... :mad::mad:


Unless I start working out a lot on the Ab King Pro and take a lot of walks, I can forget about my little pants :mad:


Tomorrow, I am going to get some new bras and some shirts. That is the one good thing that is happenning, I am reducing my bra size :cool:

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Rene, I'm going to make a suggestion that won't be popular! :eek:


Like me, you have a lot of weight to lose. Like me, you might be metabolically resistant. I can very well see this being a problem.


For instance, years ago I went on Nutrisystem. You ate all these prepared and portioned foods, plus added skim milk and wheatgerm to balance it. (I think this was before you added your own veggies) I did it perfectly...and didn't lose an ounce. They were certain I was cheating. :rolleyes: I finally started losing weight by...skipping the milk and wheatgerm!!!! Yes, Nutrisystem was too many calories for me! I've followed extremely sensible eating plans on my own and lost nada. I did two weeks of Pritikin...nothing...Scarsdale in its heyday...too much food, no weight loss. Honestly, I usually gain weight through poor eating habits like stress eating. But then my body won't give it up. I follow weight watchers and it has working in the past, I just have not completely eaten healthy all the time. I know its a life style change that has to be made and with weight watchers, you can eat your daily points full of chocolate and they sat you will lose?


Atkins is the only plan that works for me. As an added advantage, you can forget the scale. If the sticks are pink/purple, you're losing. You get that wonderful immediate knowledge and eventually the scale/measurements prove it. Most people get immediate results. I find it sneaks up on me now and then, and I just lose a chunk when I'm not expecting it.


Many people think it's unhealthy...I disagree. I never feel better. I get a little "wabbed" the first week, but my mind gets clearer and it controls my chronic heartburn/reflux. You never get that gaunt-faced look, either. The book outlines the health benefits very clearly. The only time it's unhealthy is if you do it wrong. You have to eat your vegetables and you have to eat your fats. The whole world is suddenly admitting that the biggest threat to our health is processed foods, chemical additives, white flour and sugar. Atkins gets rid of those the first day. (Okay, I still drink coffee and have a little Splenda now and then...nobody is perfect!)


When you start reintroducing carbs (which you can do as soon as three weeks in, the level depends on your metabolic rate) you introduce more veggies, fruits. legumes and whole grains. Eventually you are eating a diet that closely mimics the indigenous diet of those pockets of incredibly healthy centennarians. (Particularly if you include fermented foods like miso or real yogurt, not that gelatin-laced, artificially-sweetened crap they pretend is healthy)


Basically, people are afraid of Atkins because it goes against the acknowledged norms. Those same norms, however, told us for years and years to eat margarine instead of butter and recently said "Whoops! We were wrong. Eat butter instead of margarine." Cornflakes were invented as a health food, but Dr. Atkins points out in his book that a spike in heart disease happened exactly 20 years after the development of two things: our processed grain cornflakes, and our processed sugar coca-cola. (I could be wrong about the 20 years...I don't have the book here at work)


But if you are concerned, Dr. Atkins (can I point out he was a cardiologist who developed the diet to help people with their cholesterol?) wrote that there is nothing wrong with taking a break as long as you go on another weight loss plan. So...you could do three weeks on Atkins, then three weeks on low-fat and keep switching. At least it will shake things up! And if you chose this route, during the Atkin's phase, you will at least know without a shadow of a doubt that you are losing weight. Even if the scale doesn't tell you, the sticks will!


I am a sceptic of Atkins as well, but I have read the book and considered it. I will keep that on my mind and see how things work with WW for a while. The idea of switching on and off seems appeling so I will see how things go. Thanks for the information and I am really glad that this works for you!!!

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Matt- 26 days to your wedding!! Congrats!! You are doing great!


Marsha- I hope things ease a bit for you!



The weekend involved 2 party's not good, but over all I think I did well. I did not go to the gym this weekend, I did double duty on friday.


Ok now- here goes the weigh in

I am 270.5 as of this morning down 1.5 lbs!!!


I did not post measurements before but here it goes-










Hope that everyone has a great day!!

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Good morning all. I'm back from the weekend camping trip. I did a lot of walking but didn't run so I kinda felt like I was a slacker! I also kept up my morning exercises so that was fine. However, I didn't eat the best. Lunch was always healthy but I usually make something not-so-figure-friendly for breakfast. This weekend it was orange carmel pecan french toast. I'm sure a million calories but it was delish. Dinner was hot dogs one night (I did say no to ice cream) and grilled NY steaks the second night with baked potato, asparagus, and a dinner roll. For dessert I made an Ellie Krieger low fat cheesecake which was wonderful and would have been fine on its own until I added fresh whipped cream with blackberries on top. (the cheesecake is made with low fat ricotta, neufatchel cheese, low fat sour cream, splenda, eggs and vanilla)


Soooooo..... I didn't do as well as I wished but this is a new week. Oh wait, we go back camping next weekend! I'll have to plan healthy meals. :p


Vickey: My weight today is 122.8 - down a little.


Matt: Your wedding/cruise is getting so close. I'm excited for you! :)


Happy Monday to all.


Take care,


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Today, I went to see the chiropractor to finish the work on my neck. She had some difficulty because my body was too tensed, but she was finally able to complete the job. I now have to rest for a couple of days before beginning my training and when I will start I have to take it slowy :mad:


This coming thursday, I will go for my blood test to check my cholesterol level. Hope everything is ok!! I will have the results when I will be in France.


I feel like going out for a walk right now, but it is not the best idea for my back :(


I will take a glass of water instead :rolleyes:


Take care and don't over do it.

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I have been doing my stairs and drinking lots of water. Tonight we are going to the gym. Breakfast was slimfast shake and lunch was some fruit. Planning to eat a regular dinner tonight. Got less than 4 weeks to try and get down to my 180, but I know that is not going to be possible, unless I starve my self. So Really going to be looking at 190 for my wedding, maybe 185.

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Soo my company is having lots of lay offs today. I am turing towards food... Not good... Some people let go I have worked with for years now...It is a sad day here but life has to go on right? It just stinks that this is happening.

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Well the weekend is coming to an end. With all my surgery and pain med issues I ended up having a terrible night last Thursday. I drug my self to therapy and work late on Friday. I made the decision to try to get off the pain meds. Friday night I started off with no pain meds and tried advil with a sleep aid and also a med I take for my leg cramps. I ended up being up most of the night and finally took a 1/2 of my pain med around 2:00 a.m.


It is wisest to slowly decrease your pain meds.If you are in pain take them , if you don't then your body works overtime trying to heal. Talk to your doctor if you feel you are depending on them to long, but know that you are not that far out from surgery and still are in a healing pattern.


Saturday I felt yucky all day. We had a wedding to attend and I was beat when we got home. I did not take any pain meds and had a very decent night's sleep. I am hoping for the same tonight. I have quit taking my pain meds for daily use already so I am hoping to be off them completely now.


My stomach is still really yucky. Vickey I cannot find any ginger tablets or ginger tea. I did buy some low fat ginger snaps and that seemed to help some. (and an excuse to eat cookies:p) I will try a drug store for the ginger tabs. Thanks for the advice. Missou - thanks for your advice as well. I am trying everything everyone tells me about.


I know our local Meijer store carries the ginger capsules and our Health food store carries them along with crystalized ginger that I made my tea with.


I know I went back to work too soon and now I am paying the price. If I can just get through these next 3 weeks I should have a light stretch in July till the August rush starts before school begins. I have my cruise the first week in August so that helps to keep me pumped up.


Hang in there, but do take it easy.


We have another wedding this coming weekend and it is out of town so we will see how I do there. We also have a Christening next weekend so it will be a busy time.


Thanks to all for your support.


Vickey I know it is early but I did lose - please put me down for 207 tomorrow. :) I may not be able to post tomorrow. Thanks for all your hard work.




Weigh in! I had a good week, but I know some of it is water weight.


TW...177 (8 lbs. down)










I found more information about low-carb diets and colon health benefits, so I think the fibre challenge may be wrong!


The shelf is up, the treadmill is available and I'm getting on after work...



Congrats on the 8 lbs:)

Glad you got the shelf up and the treadmill available.

Keep up the great job.

I am at 161.4 this morning, my body aches all over and red week is not finished yet... You can guess in what kind of mood I am...


I have an appointment with the chiropractor at 12:30 and I will still have to take it easy for a couple of days still after that...


Hope it went well.


Unless I start working out a lot on the Ab King Pro and take a lot of walks, I can forget about my little pants


Tomorrow, I am going to get some new bras and some shirts. That is the one good thing that is happenning, I am reducing my bra size :cool:


That is always nice to go shopping for smaller sizes.

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Even with Fathers Day I'm down to 133.1




Great job.


good morning all. Weigh in today is at 196. So dropped that .6.. still trying to lose that 6 though..


Only 4 weeks till my cruise and 26 days till my Wedding:):):):):)


It will happen(just do 2000000 stairs and it will happen)

26 days that wonderful I know your lady is getting a very good man.

Matt- 26 days to your wedding!! Congrats!! You are doing great!


Marsha- I hope things ease a bit for you!



The weekend involved 2 party's not good, but over all I think I did well. I did not go to the gym this weekend, I did double duty on friday.


Ok now- here goes the weigh in

I am 270.5 as of this morning down 1.5 lbs!!!


I did not post measurements before but here it goes-










Hope that everyone has a great day!!



Congrats on the 1.5 lbs even with 2 parties that is great

and thanks for posting your measurements.

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Good morning all. I'm back from the weekend camping trip. I did a lot of walking but didn't run so I kinda felt like I was a slacker! I also kept up my morning exercises so that was fine. However, I didn't eat the best. Lunch was always healthy but I usually make something not-so-figure-friendly for breakfast. This weekend it was orange carmel pecan french toast. I'm sure a million calories but it was delish. Dinner was hot dogs one night (I did say no to ice cream) and grilled NY steaks the second night with baked potato, asparagus, and a dinner roll. For dessert I made an Ellie Krieger low fat cheesecake which was wonderful and would have been fine on its own until I added fresh whipped cream with blackberries on top. (the cheesecake is made with low fat ricotta, neufatchel cheese, low fat sour cream, splenda, eggs and vanilla)


Soooooo..... I didn't do as well as I wished but this is a new week. Oh wait, we go back camping next weekend! I'll have to plan healthy meals. :p


Vickey: My weight today is 122.8 - down a little.


Matt: Your wedding/cruise is getting so close. I'm excited for you!


Happy Monday to all.


Take care,



Brenda....sounds as if you made some wise choices...first by exercising and secondly, you probably ate less than what you would have months ago am I right?

Just plan on some healthier meals for the next camping trip.

Congrats on losing a little every little bit helps:D


I have been doing my stairs and drinking lots of water. Tonight we are going to the gym. Breakfast was slimfast shake and lunch was some fruit. Planning to eat a regular dinner tonight. Got less than 4 weeks to try and get down to my 180, but I know that is not going to be possible, unless I starve my self. So Really going to be looking at 190 for my wedding, maybe 185.


Matt....it is good that you want to meet your goal but please don't starve yourself you WILL need your strength for the cruise with your new bride. (please don't make me have missou explain that to you):confused::D


Soo my company is having lots of lay offs today. I am turing towards food... Not good... Some people let go I have worked with for years now...It is a sad day here but life has to go on right? It just stinks that this is happening.



Sorry to hear you are having a rough time. My youngest son has been layed off for 3 months he worked for a company for 4 years straight out of college and they told him and 6 others on a Friday that they no longer had a job and walked them out. He has been trying to get another job only to be told he has too much qualifications or they are looking for someone straight out of college.

Try and stay motivated and focused on making your self healthier.

If you need to vent or ramble on come on here instead of going for the food, it helps sometime to let it all out.

Food for the soul not the body.

Hang in their, thinking about you and hoping it gets better.

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Now that I have answered everyone posts I will let you know how my weigh in went.

Not as good as it should be:mad: I weigh 219.9 a .1 loss.

I am hoping this is in part due to all the water I drank over the week end and not from the unhealthy meals I hate Saturday and Sunday:rolleyes:


Well I did go to the Y this morning and did 110 minutes on the treadmill and I did 84 stairs today at work and I just finished doing an hour of walking around several stores looking for my DH's anniversary gift. I got him a digital picture frame that holds 3000 pictures he loves to take pictures of our vacations and of the animals so this way he can display them.

Our 33rd anniversary is Friday, So don't look for me to post ;)

Also got in alot of water today,

I ate alot of fiber in my salad and will try and get more in for dinner.

And I smiled my fool face off today:):D


I will post everyone's weight tomorrow.

I am going to go fix myself some dinner.

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Forgot to mention I called my PVP and got in on the 1 day sale today.

We were only a few $$$ away from the sale price so we didn't get it much cheaper but we did qualify for the $200.00 OBC , and could have upgraded to a higher level but we like our rooms.

Doing the happy:):):) dance should have me burning up some calories.:D

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