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Need to lose before I cruise... any buddies??


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This looks just like my Sahara,



Everyone's critters look so sweet.


Matt....you will love a new puppy and it should hold you guys over until the kids start coming:D



The reason I got my DH the digital frame is because he takes so many pictures of our critters this away he can show them off.


I did good this morning 2 1/2 hours non stop on the treadmill at the Y this morning and then I did 44 stairs.

Ate a good breakfast and lunch so far.

I don't know what holds for the rest of the night....I am starting to get a migraine again and it seems as if it will be a doozey.

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Well my doctor has put me on muscle relaxers and I am hopeful that they help soon. I have had horrible twitching and jerking of my limbs since I went off the pain meds. But no pain meds except ALEVE since last week!!


I am upping my time at work a bit each day with a goal of returning full time in a week or two.


We are able to use our pool everyday this week since the weather is HOT and sunny. I do water aerobics and my therapy in the pool as much as I can and it seems to have helped a lot.


With our cruise a little over 5 weeks away I need to get thinking of what I need. I have been so wrapped up in my physical issues that I have not thought much about it. I am usually really hepped up by this time.


Welcome to all the new members of our group. Good luck the rest of the week. By the way, since I have been so envious of you stair climbers (since I cannot climb stairs since my surgery) I was excited to find out that one of the machines I use at PT has a step counter on it. I know it is not exactly the same but I can at least convince myself that I am a little a part of your group.


Vickey - how could you do 2-1/2 hours on the treadmill? I would be dead!



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Well my doctor has put me on muscle relaxers and I am hopeful that they help soon. I have had horrible twitching and jerking of my limbs since I went off the pain meds. But no pain meds except ALEVE since last week!!


I am upping my time at work a bit each day with a goal of returning full time in a week or two.


We are able to use our pool everyday this week since the weather is HOT and sunny. I do water aerobics and my therapy in the pool as much as I can and it seems to have helped a lot.


With our cruise a little over 5 weeks away I need to get thinking of what I need. I have been so wrapped up in my physical issues that I have not thought much about it. I am usually really hepped up by this time.


Welcome to all the new members of our group. Good luck the rest of the week. By the way, since I have been so envious of you stair climbers (since I cannot climb stairs since my surgery) I was excited to find out that one of the machines I use at PT has a step counter on it. I know it is not exactly the same but I can at least convince myself that I am a little a part of your group.


Vickey - how could you do 2-1/2 hours on the treadmill? I would be dead!





Marsha.....I am so glad you are doing better and I do hope the muscle relaxers help. Yiou have been through so much and deserve to have some relief.


Our weather has been hot, you are so lucky to have a pool. Tomorrow is suppose to be in the mid 90's here.:eek: With smog warnings for all my asthma and allergy patients.


I wish you lived closer I'd come help you pack:) 5 weeks I am so jealous, please don't over do I want you to enjoy your cruise.


Every group needs a motivator you can be our stair climbing motivator:cool:Tomorrow I will try and do enough stairs for the both of us.


I am paying a little for the 150 minutes on the treadmill.....what really happened is......my son downloaded a very good movie for me on my Zune and I was so interested in watching it I forgot the time until it ended and I looked down and it said time elasped 150 min.1 sec. I about fainted. I did a level of 3 miles an hour at a 3 incline. I usually only do 90 minutes then do 1 hour of strentgh training but I decided to skip the weight training today.

Starting Monday I am starting another work out plan and it should change things up and help, part of the workout is body sculpting exercises for body types. And am starting a routine on my BIG BALL.

My migraine is a little better but is still hanging on. But I am going to go lay down and see if that helps.

Check on everyone tomorrow

Stay focused

Stay motivated

And keep encouraging those of us that need it.

Be proud that you are making changes in your lifestyle that are healthier and will make your life alot easier to enjoy. Even if those changes come 1 ounce at a time,1 push up or stair or 1 wise food choice at a time it's a step forward.

And I thank you all for taking all of these baby steps with me.

Letting me know that there are friends out there that care.

You all don't judge me if I slip up and endulge in too much bad food but instead you pick me up dust off my food crumbs and encourage me to try harder.


Together we all will meet our goals.:)

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Be proud that you are making changes in your lifestyle that are healthier and will make your life alot easier to enjoy. Even if those changes come 1 ounce at a time,1 push up or stair or 1 wise food choice at a time it's a step forward.


AMEN Sister!!!


And I thank you all for taking all of these baby steps with me.

Letting me know that there are friends out there that care.


Awww. I feel the same way. :)


You all don't judge me if I slip up and endulge in too much bad food but instead you pick me up dust off my food crumbs and encourage me to try harder.


Shhhh... I'm not going to mention the slice of spice cake with cream cheese frosting that I had after dinner. My evil daughter baked a cake for her daddy and served me a slice. :D


Together we all will meet our goals.:)


Even though I'm officially on vacation this week, I've been hitting the treadmill but skipping the morning and afternoon walks that I normally take. I could be eating better but overall I'm not out of control and the good thus far has outweighed the bad choices. I'm still on a whole wheat pita sandwich kick. I love those things! Plus it helps me get servings of veggies in my diet since I load them with lots of tomato, avocado, red onion, lettuce, peppers and cucumbers. I think tomorrow I will try making an egg sandwich with pita - no mayo but some mustard and lots of fresh pepper. (Hopefully, someone will have finished off the spice cake by then. I'm having to stay upstairs tonight so I won't be tempted by any treats! :p)


I hope all is well with my fellow losers. Like Vickey said, we are here for each other and despite some slips and slides - we are all putting the effort forth to reach our goals and encouraging each other.


Take care,


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It is 60 minutes past midnight here and I finally didn't do any exercise yesterday, I guess I was to lazy... I talked about buying myself a small television in which there is a DVD player with DH and he agrees it would be a good idea. I think I will go get one this week. Walking to the sound of music is nice, but walking while watching tv will make easier to lose track of time. Thank you Vickey :D


I just thought about this, I have an old portable computer and maybe it could be fixed to the wall. If it works, I will save something like 450$CAD That is a very good idea :D:D:D

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Slowly but surely I am getting ready for my red eyes flight. I am going to sleep later so that I can get up later in the morning. I would like to wake up at noon or 1 in the afternoon on the 3rd, that way, I will be awake for less than 36 hours when I will go to bed on the 4th when I arrive in France.


Well, I am very sleepy and I have a blood test in less than 9 hours. Time for me to say bybye and climb into my bed.



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Could't sleep so I got up and have been up since 2:15 am and will be leaving for work soon.

My migraine is lingering but not unbearable so I hope it doesn't get worse.


I am hoping to finish my patients early today by 3:00pm and try to come home and nap, but of course it never works out that way.


Our 33rd anniversary is tomorrow and I want to feel good and rested so we ca have a nice quiet evening at home. We both are schedules to work but will fix a nice healthy meal and maybe watch a movie cuddled on the couch.


I cooked some meals up since I couldn't sleep just so we would have some quick meals ready for the next couple of days...I cooked tilapia, turkey burgers and a turkey roast. I have baked potatoes cooked, and salad makings ready.Might try and might make some pineapple coleslaw and carrot slaw to add to those . I do find it easier to stay focused on eating healthy if I don't have to deal with fixing meals after I come home tired from work because then that is when I grab the first thing that is easy to stuff into my mouth.


Don't know if I will make it to the Y this morning but will try and do the stairs a couple times today and will try to get in some walking, I'll park as far away as possible. DH is planning on going to Y after he gets off work maybe if my miograine lets up I'll meet him there.


Missou.... I hope you finally got yourself some sleep and here's hoping your blood test comes out okay. And the t.v. idea is great it does help the time go faster. Aslo your babies are adorable.



emmysmommy......WALK AWAY FROM THE SPICE CAKE. Again just stop and think I only ate a piece not the whole cake like the ""old me"" would've, small change one at a time.I love the whole wheat pita pockets you can fill them with such good things to make a sandwich one of my favorite fillings is humus,I make my own by putting a can of chic peas,cooked onions,cooked garlic and a 1/2 container of low fat plain yogurt in food processor or blender and puree then spread it in the pita along with either tomato salsa or chopped veggies such as cucumbers,onions,carrots and celery. YUMMY and healthy. You can also take the pita bread cut it into quarters and bake, spray with a little spray butter and season with garlic powder and use it to dip the humus onto.



Riddle....I hope you are feeling better today. One day at a time. You will soon be enjoying a nice relaxing time on a cruise.:)


Matt....not long for you either. Just remember to wear some nice warm socks ........we don"t want you getting cold feet before your wedding:D

now go do those stairs. missou never did get around to explaining to yu why you will need ALL your energy for your cruise, do you need me to explain it to you,I promise to make it interesting.:D


Milaandra.....how is your day going?


Rene....your cats are so cute, twin babies. All three of our cats have different personalities Vegas is our only male and is protector of the other 2 females he watches over them and sees that they don't get into too much and he grooms them so they look nice ...we refer to him as **** daddy. And of course Sahara is our trouble child she is the one that can be found in the most unusual places and is always getting the dog in trouble and then there is our little miss prissy Paris Hilton she lives up to her name she is so cuddly and always wanting to snuggle and have you pay attention to her she loves to be petted.


HI and have a great day to all that I might have missed.



Sorry this sounds so negative , but I appreciate you listening to a sleep deprived ranting woman so early in the morning. Now I am off to work.Hope they don't find me asleep in one of my patients beds:eek::D

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No, don't worry, i won't be having cold feet. Too anxious and excited. We have been together for 7.5 years now.


And Missou did say I would need energy for pushups and stuff on the ship. But i didn't really plan to do much working out while on my cruise. Not sure why she mentioned pushups???? But knowing me, I probably will do some pushups and crunches and stuff on the ship.


And I did just do my stairs. all 160 on the way into work.

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And Missou did say I would need energy for pushups and stuff on the ship. But i didn't really plan to do much working out while on my cruise. Not sure why she mentioned pushups???? But knowing me, I probably will do some pushups and crunches and stuff on the ship.


Are you telling me that Mrs Drill Sargent Monster will be the one doing the push-ups??? One thing for sure, one of you will!!!

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Good morning everyone. I did go to sleep and I had a good night sleep. Thanks for your concern Vickey. Happy anniversary to you and your DH, hope your migraines goes away.


Marsha, after your workout and your PT, do you stetch your muscles? I really hope you feel better soon.

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Right now, my head is not feeling to good. Since I cannot eat or drink for now, I cannot take any action to stop a migraine from showing up. I hope I can stop it from hitting me to hard after the blood tests. I really would like to do some workout today and when I have a migraine, I really need to lye down since I get sick to the stomach.


I spoke about installing my portable computer on the wall instead of a tv with DH this morning and he really likes the idea; it will be a lot cheaper!!! . He will install a shelf over the treamill and buy some speaker and I will be ready to go!!! I do not use my portable anymore because it is so old; if I am not mistaking, I got it in 1997. This way, I will give it a new life

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I was speaking with my mother about my exercise plan yesterday and she told me that my face was slimmer; she could see that I had lost some weight. That is nice to hear. So I have lost some weight in my face, in my bra... What about my hips??? I still cannot wear my little pants :eek::(


Does that mean that the fat I am losing is going down??? I don't want it to go down, I want it to go away!!!!! :mad::mad:


Is that too much to ask???


I guess I shouldn't complain, something is happening :D I will start walking a lot more from now on!! That is what will make me lose the weight. My belly feels better, my knee feels better and my neck feels better too. No more reason to procrastinate!!! 8 more days for me to succed. It will be hard, but I can do it!!!! I have to or I will be very disapointed in me...


6 pounds in 3 months is something, but it is really not enough!!! Let the pounds melt away!!!

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So my company is doing a 20% layoff.. As you saw in my post about the layoffs earlier in the week. I did not realize it was 20% at the time. The whole place is being restructured and I am keeping my job, but am being moved to another department. I can only thank God for this.... So until things kool off I will be checking my CC from home only.


Oh a brighter note, I will be in St Martin a week from today!!! Very much needed R&R


Talk to you all later!



ohh an thank you for the comments on my boys! They are a joy to have around!!

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Good morning everyone. Sounds like there were a few sleepless folks last night.


I hope migraines and all other aches and ailments stay away today.


Missou: Only 9 more days - how exciting!! (or 9 more sleeps as you say.)


Vickey: Yes, the "old me" would have not stopped at one slice of cake. And it's SPICE cake - one of my favorites. :D (I made my boys have a slice so it would get eaten faster. There's still several slices left and none of them have my name on it!.)


Matt: Mr. Stairmaster! Still don't know how you do so many at once!


Marsha: Wishing you a speedy recovery and hope you are back to 100% soon. Only 5 weeks until your cruise - lucky!


To the rest of our losers (Rene, milaandra....) have a great day!


Well, I'm off to make my breakfast and do my morning exercises.... Oatmeal and crunches. (not in that order though, I can't eat anything until I've finished my am workout.)


Take care everyone,


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I was able to control the migraine so I have no reason not to do my workout except for procrastition... That is not a good one. I will eat my baggle and cheese... I know it is not the wisest choice but... Then I will put on my gym clothes and get ready to start. Later tonight, I will go get myself some new clothes :D

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Milaandra.....how is your day going?


Rene....your cats are so cute, twin babies. All three of our cats have different personalities


I still haven't gotten on that treadmill. But I'm off work next week, so I'll start building my new habit then. I'm doing fine food-wise and the sticks are good. I've stepped onto the scale a few times, and I think that initial loss might have been a false reading...it's about the same. On the other hand, I think I'm pre-menstrual, so I could have extra water weight.


My four are all very individual, too! Smudge, the old one, is the Princess...a highly intelligent cat who believes cat toys are beneath her dignity...she prefers to play with people's minds! Smudge knows the secret of life, the university and everything...but she refuses to share. Now that she's old, she's become incredibly cuddly. She adores my husband, even though he steals her dignity and teases her unmercifully...maybe because they are both big teases.


Shadow, who is really the largest cat, is very timid but very affectionate. She has a huge hate-on for speaker phone and whistling, and will yell at us for it. She loves to make horrible noises when the other cats play with her...you would swear she was being tortured! She is constantly on my lap, and if another cat beat her to it, she'll either wait patiently right beside me for a vacancy to come up, or she'll try to climb on, too.


Tribble is a sweet little squeak toy...dumb as a post, with all the cat-like grace of a stone...but she makes the cutest little noises (hence her name) and she's very maternal with Teddy. She'll lucky to be alive, since she had a bad habit of chewing my good wood furniture and she pulled a big thread in our new berber wall-to-wall carpeting. She seems to have outgrown her destructive phase, thank goodness. She has the oddest tail...you can hold it flat against her back without any resistance at all.


Teddy...he has no idea of his super-powers. He can leap most of the way up the stairs in a single bound, and when he jumps on the bed, he tends to over-estimate by about 2 feet. Then he'll look all worried at the little space between the coffee table and couch...then just step over it with his lanky legs. He's a sucky baby, very playful, and stretches out to about 4 feet, I swear. He has the highest voice of all of them! DH is always saying we fixed him too soon! :D

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Well so much for my early home day:mad:

My migraine is bad.


I loved reading all the stories about everyone's pets.



Matt.....I will only bring the subject up one more time.... while cruising just workout till your heart's content and show the new misses some very good exercises. 7 and 1/2 years it's about time you made an honest woman out of her, but truth been told you both sound like a perfect couple.


missou....it is always nice to hear when others make comments on things we can't see for ourselves.


renee....so glad your job is safe for now, and please check in with us when you can. Enjoy St. Martin and definetly enjoy the R&R you much deserve.



Milaadra....I loved the way you described your babies a couple of those descriptions would fit mine. You will get on the treadmill soon and then you will see the difference it makes. I now enjoy doing my time on it.


emmymommy...thanks for the (get) well wishes. I too can't eat anything until I get my morning workout done.



I'm off to nurse my migraine and try to eat a little something.

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missou....it is always nice to hear when others make comments on things we can't see for ourselves. This is so true!!!


I'm off to nurse my migraine and try to eat a little something. Hope you get better soon.


I did my shoulder routine, I went on the Ab King Pro, I walked 2 miles in 35 minutes and I procrastinated to do my stairs... Didn't do them and now I have to get ready because me and hubby are going out to buy some clothes :p


When I am on the treadmill, I always try to put some inclination and every time my belly acts up :mad: I can walk at 4 m/h with no problem, but I can not put any inclination :confused::confused: This is so weird... Well maybe the doctors will be able to help me... I sure hope so!!!

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Well I finally caved in on the need for a nap today. I have been resisting all week in the hopes that I can sleep at night. I was just exhausted when I got home from work so I took a quick nap. It was delightful - I only hope it doesn't keep me up tonight.


I am making a sinful recipe for a retirement breakfast in the morning. Although the calorie count is huge it is not something that I particularly like so I won't be bothered about it being in the house. It will be pretty on a platter in the morning though - I won't mention what it is because it contains lots of what you chocoholics adore!


My eating is still so so. I have a poor appetite, do not eat the right things and do not eat on a schedule. All in all I do not eat a lot of calories but I am missing out on fruits and vegs that used to my mainstay. I just cannot seem to stomach them at this time.


Missou - keep working on those little pants. Vickey - sorry about the migraine - I know that must be miserable. I am very envious of you if you are up all night and still have the energy to cook though. Matt - I doubt you will keep your cruise workouts confined to the exercise room! Oh, I meant, you'll probably swim a lot - LOL.


Our cruise is 5 weeks away. We spend one night in Times Square pre cruise. I have never been to NYC. The only bummer is that this is a celebration for my daughter and I as she completes law school and the Ohio Bar - problem is she is petrified of flying. It is putting a real damper on the excitement and anticipation of the trip - not to mention her nerves preparing for the bar. So I guess I will have to get excited myself.


DH will be home with our babies - our 12 year old Golden Retriever and DD's 6 year old part Golden Retriever. DH will be in heaven - evenings by the pool with 2 dogs and no one to nag him - LOL


Have a good evening all. Weekend is right around the corner.

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Well so much for my early home day:mad:

My migraine is bad.


I loved reading all the stories about everyone's pets.



renee....so glad your job is safe for now, and please check in with us when you can. Enjoy St. Martin and definetly enjoy the R&R you much deserve.




Thanks- its been a rough week. Work was rough, then I gor some new about my B-I-L and turns out he has some esphigeal disease (spelling sorry) The in Hollywood first Ed Mcmahon, then today Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson..... May they all rest in peace...


This week just needs to end....

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problem is she is petrified of flying


I know this would be a big step. But have you thought of taking her out to a local airport for a "Discovery" flight. They do them at airports all the time. The reason I say this, is you would be surprised how afraid people can be with planes, but once they have some one show them whats it about. They are fine... I have know people mainly wifes of pilots that were afraid, but their husbands wanted them to learn how to at least land if anything happen to them. A couple went on to get their license..


Plus it would be a good break for her, only takes a few hours.. any maybe about $120 or so.. She would even be able to take the controls if she wanted. If just maybe she is afraid because of lack of her understanding in the area. Planes do not "fall" out of the sky as the media wants people to believe.

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Looks like I'm EXTREMELY late to the weight loss party.....may I still join?


My name is Kimberly, I'm 25 and work as a Title Examiner for my in-laws. Pretty scary sometimes, but we're surviving which is good. I've been married 4 years now and hope to have a family sometime next year.


I started my quest losing weight in January 2008 weighing 127lbs and reached my goal weight of 110lb around March-June 2008. I hung around that weight for a while until my husband started losing weight and we worked out together. Since then I've hung around 105-108lbs for the last 7 months. He started losing weight in July 2008 weighing at 242lbs and he now weighs 150lbs. Our goal now is to tone up and keep the weight off.


We're really good about eating healthy foods. Whenever we eat out we generally choose healthy entrees (grilled over fried, veggies/salad instead of fries) but if we have a craving we eat it and then workout extra hard.


Since I like a face with a name here is my hubby and I:

This one was probably at our heaviest, although I'm not positive:



This one is pretty recent at our goal weight:


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