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Need to lose before I cruise... any buddies??


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Originally Posted by vdarrell viewpost.gif







SW...231 lbs

TW....223.....209....209....207 lbs

CW.....180 lbs

Weekly weight loss...2 lb loss

Total weight loss......24 lbs

To Goal....27 lbs



neck....15.5.....15....15 inches

arms.....14....13....13 inches

chest....42.5....42....41 inches

waist.....41....40....39 inches

hips....47.....45.....45 inches

thighs....27.....25....25 inches

calves.....16.5.....16...15 inches

Total inches lost....10.5 inches




SW....306 lbs

TW....255....224..201 lbs

CW.....220 lbs

Weekly weight loss....lost 23 lbs

Total ......105 lbs

To Goal...exceeded goal by 19 lbs:)



SW....250 lbs

TW....218....201....185 lbs

CW...170 lbs

Weekly weight loss...16 lbs

Total....65 lbs

To Goal....15 lbs



SW....236 lbs

TW...229...224...219.8..219.9.....218.6 lbs

CW....170 lbs

Weekly weight loss......1.3 lb loss

Total......17.4 lbs

To Goal....48.6 lbs



Arms.....14 1/4.....14 1/4....13 inches

Bust.......45.....44...44 inches

Waist.....44.....43 1/4....43 inches

Abd....49.....49....48 inches

Hips...51....50...50 inches

Thighs....26 1/2.....26...25 1/2 inches

Calves.....15 1/2....15.....15 inches

Total inches lost......6 3/4 inches



SW....148 lbs

TW.....132...124.9..123....122.8.....122.5 lbs

CW....115 lbs

Weekly weight lost.... .3 loss

Total.....25.5 lbs

To Goal...7.5 lbs



Neck.....14....13.5.....14 inches

Arms.....13....12.5...12.5 inches

Bust....39 ....38.5...38.5 inches

Waist.....34....35....32.5 inches

Hips.....40 ....40....39 inches

Thighs....22....21.5...20.5 inches

Calves.....15....15...14.5 inches

Total inches lost...5.5 inches



SW.....220 lbs


CW....180 lbs

Weekly weight loss... 1.2 loss

Total....25.2 lbs

To Goal....14.8 lbs



Neck....16 1/2.....15 1/2 inches

Arms....15......14 inches

Chest......38.....38 inches

Waist.....36...36 inches

Thighs....22....24 inches


Total inches lost.....


Kudos 2 fly

SW...135.7 lbs

TW....135.7 ...134.5....133.1...132.4 lbs

CW....120 lbs

Weekly weight loss......7 lb loss

Total....3.3 lbs

To Goal...12.4 lbs



Waist.....30 inches

Stomach....34 inches



SW....205 lbs

TW.....185 lbs....177...175.4 lbs


Weekly weight loss...1.6 lbs

To Goal..... lbs



Bust ....45.5 inches

Arms....13.5 inches

Under bust...36 inches

Hips/Belly.....45 inches

Thighs....24 inches

Calves...15.5 inches



SW...165 lbs

TW....162.5....161.4...159.2....161.4...158.4 lbs

CW....135 lbs

Weekly weight loss....3 lb loss

Total...6.6 lbs

To Goal....23.4 lbs



Neck......14 ....13.5....14 inches

Arms.......13,,,,12.5...12.5 inches

Bust....39...38.5...38.5 inches

Waist....34.....35...32.5 inches

Hips.....40....40...39 inches

Thighs....22....21.5....20.5 inches

Calves...15.....15....14.5 inches

Total inches lost.....5.5 inches


Rene( NEW)

SW....276 lbs

TW.....272 lbs.....270.5....268 lbs

CW.....165 lbs

Weekly weight loss....2.5 lbs

Total weight loss...8 lbs

To Goal.....103 lbs



Arms....17 inches

Bust....45 inches

Under bust....39 inches

Waist...44.5 inches

Hips....58 inches

Thighs....32 inches

Calves....16.5 inches


SW....178 lbs

TW.....158lbs.....166 lbs

CW....160 lbs

Weekly weight loss...8 lbs gained due to cruise food

Total....12 lbs

To Goal.... Met his cruise goal and cruised happy



Total weight loss this week: 56.6 lbs:)




WELCOME to all newbies:


MrsCo5.....NEW we need weight stats

ekermit....NEW we need weight stats

cookingmomma....NEW we need weight stats





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Thanks- its been a rough week. Work was rough, then I gor some new about my B-I-L and turns out he has some esphigeal disease (spelling sorry) The in Hollywood first Ed Mcmahon, then today Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson..... May they all rest in peace...


This week just needs to end....



Sorry to hear about BIL I will keep him in my thoughts and prayers.


Looks like I'm EXTREMELY late to the weight loss party.....may I still join?


It is never too late to join .....welcome

You will find us motivating,encouraging and of course a whole lot wierd but loving.

My name is Kimberly, I'm 25 and work as a Title Examiner for my in-laws. Pretty scary sometimes, but we're surviving which is good. I've been married 4 years now and hope to have a family sometime next year.


I started my quest losing weight in January 2008 weighing 127lbs and reached my goal weight of 110lb around March-June 2008. I hung around that weight for a while until my husband started losing weight and we worked out together. Since then I've hung around 105-108lbs for the last 7 months. He started losing weight in July 2008 weighing at 242lbs and he now weighs 150lbs. Our goal now is to tone up and keep the weight off.


We're really good about eating healthy foods. Whenever we eat out we generally choose healthy entrees (grilled over fried, veggies/salad instead of fries) but if we have a craving we eat it and then workout extra hard.


Since I like a face with a name here is my hubby and I:

This one was probably at our heaviest, although I'm not positive:



This one is pretty recent at our goal weight:




You both look wonderful.


My leg was bothering me some yesterday so I was only able to walk for about a half hour.

Hang in there it will get better.

At least I did my morning work out and the weights so I could check that off my list for the day. The other thing that got checked off was that I didn't (I repeat did not) finish off the spice cake

I knew you could do it:D


Whew, thought it would be a face-off with that cake but it was all gone and I didn't have to call up my super powers of self-control to stay away from that super deliciousness.


We are leaving again this afternoon to go camping for the second weekend down in Vista, CA. This is the final weekend of the Antique Gas and Steam Engine tractor show that we attend with my parents. (Think a lot of antique John Deere stuff.) My challenge will be not being able to run again for a couple days but I'll make up for lost time next week.


I hope you had a nice camping trip again.


I see a lot of stairs in my future today since I will be up and down all morning getting stuff together to get out to the trailer. That should work off the bagel that I'm having for breakfast!


Take care everyone.


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Yesterday evening, I went to the store to get myself some new T-shirts. I use to wear large ones and I got myself some medium ones dans04.gifYEAH


This evening, I went to get myself some bras.... Drum roll..... I got some a size smaller danse004.gifDOUBLE YEAH


OK, 2 of the pair of bras are a little thight, but who cares :p I look good with them app005.giflollol341.gif


In 7 days, I will be waiting for my plane in the airport expressions281.gif
I'm so envious


Hello everyone. Sorry I have been MIA for a few days. Yesterday I went to get my marriage license and had some other things to do (haircut, hang out with a friend while fiancee and another friend went and practiced dance for their parade next week, and sleep cause a nasty headache sidelined me)


Sounds as if everyone has had headaches lately. Hope they stay away so you can enjoy your wedding,honeymoon and cruise.


Today I am headed to Kennywood Park. For those who don't know, it is an amusement park in Pittsburgh, that is a fun place but not as good as Cedar Point or Six Flags. Only 3 more weeks till I say I DO and then a cruise.


I'm so excited for you.


And Brenda, I do 160 steps in the morning on my way into work. Some days I do 160 at lunch as well. Anytime I have to leave the building (unless I am carrying test equipment), I walk down the 160 steps. So most days i do 160 up and 160 down, which doesn't include the 100 or so I do when i am at home. But those 160 i have finally been able to do jogging up them. So I am happy with that.




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Well I don't know what my weight will be, but I did try my "red" dress on and was able to move the zipper up more and from what I figure I only have 2 more inches to get in to it. But I did get my monthly visitor :( and I don't take Tylenol or Aspirin anymore I don't take any drugs anymore.. So what helps me get through the one day is a few beers... Much more fun plus my boss lets me do that A.K.A. "Hubby" LOL :D. Yes we do live and "work" together and around each other 24/7 and still want to cruise together. Guess I can't complain...



You will fit into that red dress just hang in there. I love the fact that you and DH work together and still want to cruise together.


I missed a couple of days at the gym this past week, just couldn't seem to get motivated for some reason. I weighed today and I've lost another pound and another inch in my waist. I'm now at 142lbs and a 34" waist and put on a pair of jeans today I hadn't been able to wear in months! While I won't reach my goal for the cruise (waited too long) I will reach my goal by Halloween!

Enjoy your cruise and continue on reaching your goal when you get back.

today was our last weight in for our biggest loser contest. i won by 1 percent which i figure is 3 pounds. i worked my butt off these last few weeks. the last two weeks ive cut the weight lifting out and done double cardio sessions. the last week i cut as much sodium as i could out of my diet to get rid of the extra water weight. it felt good winning. my best friend lead the contest from the beginning and was getting a little cocky. well heres out final weight in. cruise is next week.



sw 306 1/4/09

tw 201

cw 220



sw 250

tw 185

cw 185




CONGRATS to you both

I am so proud and motivated by you both.

I hope you both have the best cruise ever, if anyone ever deserved it, it is the two of you.

Please continue posting and keeping us updated on the cruise.

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So far today has been good for me. Tea and Slimfast for breakfast and a Veggie Sub from subway for lunch, so that is a total of 600 calories for the day, which is 30 minutes on the Elliptical for me.


I plan to do some crunches and pushups tonight in between my test taking for school.


Also plan to do another round of stairs today.


Matt...you really need to eat to keep up your strength so try not to over do it. We and your new wife don't want to see you "pooped" out on the cruise. Save doing the push ups for the wedding night.:D


Good evening everyone.


Matt: You sound like you have worked your way down to zero net calories! That's a way to loose that last few pounds! :D Great job on all the stairs and all.


Missou: Just a few more days until France - are you excited?


It has been a good day for me as well. I got my morning and afternoon walks in. Also, 72 min. on the treadmill and 264 stairs today.


Breakfast was oatmeal and lunch and dinner both were whole wheat pita with turkey and lots of veggies. I also had cottage cheese and a banana. I'll probably have some fresh berries later tonight for a snack. (around 8 or 9 I get the munchies for something..... bad habit I know.)


Take care everyone,



Sounds as if your meals are healthy...if it were not for late night munchies I be skinny. Keep up the great workouts.

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Missou, I hope you are getting ready for France. I don't think France will ever be ready for you, but I do think that Vicki has contacted the Escalator and Elevator operators over there and told them to be out of commission while you are there.




Matt, you'll be happy to know that escalators are not popular in France and the only elevator I might take is on the Eiffel Tour. The only reason I would take it is pain. Since I will have my massage therapist with me, I'll make sure that pain won't stop me :p




Don't worry Matt I believe in pay backs can bite you in the arse(butt). And I will see to it missou will work out in France as I did in Vegas they might not have escalators but I have my ways of making things happen:D

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I am going to become very violent. Pay back has already begun. DH, who is not so dear these days :( has stopped giving me my weekly massage. I am in pain :mad:


I asked him for one yesterday evening and he didn't feel like it :eek:



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Now that I have caught up with all the posts and posted the weekly weights I will tell you of my little get away.


As you all know our Anniversary was Friday June 26th.

I had a migraine that was lingering and couldn't wait till I could get off work and come home to go to bed.....well my DH had planned on taking me away for a couple of days with out letting me know.

He packed my suitcase and had arranged for one of the other nurses to fill in for me till Tuesday. I got home and he said our son who lives in Dayton wanted us to come up because he was having some trouble with the shop. So I drudgingly got in the car and went it wasn't until we were way past the place where we would've got off to go to his home, that I started asking questions that is when DH said it was a surprise.

Thinking he was just planning a dinner I kept waiting for him to stop so we could eat.

After about an hour I gave up .....well he booked us a cabin in Hocking Hills I had never been there and had wanted to always go. We had a great time.

We did alot of walking they had beautiful trails but I did enjoy eating out which I thought would hurt my weigh in but it didn't:) Hopefully it won't bite me in the BUTT next week.

I truly have the best husband in the world and two wonderful sons.

BTW....he didn't do that bad packing my clothes but forgot to pack me nightclothes (I accused him of doing it on purpose but he swears it was an oversite:rolleyes:).

I have enough mosquito bites to play connect the dots. And my exercising is consisting of scratching.

I went to the Y today even though we got in late yesterday and was tired today, then I went to work but have not done the greatest on my eating:eek:

Tomorrow it is back to THE PLAN.


My little sister stayed at the house to take care of the critters and when I asked her to check my e-mails and to let you all know I'd be back to post the weigh in she said she read all the posts and has fallen in love with everyone....especially Matt....I had to tell her to back off that you were spoken for. On that note she said your soon to be wife will be a happy one.

And missou she loves your smileys:D, and your humor.:confused:



Well gotta go and do laundry and eat dinner


I am so proud of everyone we did a great job this week everyone lost. Let's do it again next week.

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My little sister stayed at the house to take care of the critters and when I asked her to check my e-mails and to let you all know I'd be back to post the weigh in she said she read all the posts and has fallen in love with everyone....especially Matt....I had to tell her to back off that you were spoken for. On that note she said your soon to be wife will be a happy one.

And missou she loves your smileys:D, and your humor.:confused:


I am happy to know that someone else enjoys my posting so much that they love me. I know i missed you vickey while you were gone. Just as much as i miss everyone when they leave our group for a little. Well time for the gym.

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Now that I have caught up with all the posts and posted the weekly weights I will tell you of my little get away.


We've been waiting..... we wanted to know all about your anniverary get away!


As you all know our Anniversary was Friday June 26th.

I had a migraine that was lingering and couldn't wait till I could get off work and come home to go to bed.....well my DH had planned on taking me away for a couple of days with out letting me know.

He packed my suitcase and had arranged for one of the other nurses to fill in for me till Tuesday. I got home and he said our son who lives in Dayton wanted us to come up because he was having some trouble with the shop. So I drudgingly got in the car and went it wasn't until we were way past the place where we would've got off to go to his home, that I started asking questions that is when DH said it was a surprise.

Thinking he was just planning a dinner I kept waiting for him to stop so we could eat.

After about an hour I gave up .....well he booked us a cabin in Hocking Hills I had never been there and had wanted to always go. We had a great time.


Awwww... what a wonderful hubby! Sounds like the perfect get away.


We did alot of walking they had beautiful trails but I did enjoy eating out which I thought would hurt my weigh in but it didn't. Hopefully it won't bite me in the BUTT next week.

I truly have the best husband in the world and two wonderful sons.

BTW....he didn't do that bad packing my clothes but forgot to pack me nightclothes (I accused him of doing it on purpose but he swears it was an oversite:rolleyes:).


Yeah... :rolleyes:


I have enough mosquito bites to play connect the dots. And my exercising is consisting of scratching.

I went to the Y today even though we got in late yesterday and was tired today, then I went to work but have not done the greatest on my eating:eek:

Tomorrow it is back to THE PLAN.


As Scarlett O'Hara said... "tomorrow is another day". :D


My little sister stayed at the house to take care of the critters and when I asked her to check my e-mails and to let you all know I'd be back to post the weigh in she said she read all the posts and has fallen in love with everyone....especially Matt....I had to tell her to back off that you were spoken for. On that note she said your soon to be wife will be a happy one.


Thanks for having your sister give us the update. We would have wondered what happened to you!

And missou she loves your smileys:D, and your humor.:confused:


I do too!


Well gotta go and do laundry and eat dinner


I am so proud of everyone we did a great job this week everyone lost. Let's do it again next week.


Take care and get some rest.


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emmysmommy Quote:

Originally Posted by Kudos2Fly viewpost.gif

matt314hew looks like you will be on Valor before I am. Can you let me know how it went? :)


And I will be passing you in the embarkation area as I leave the ship! :D


To funny 3 of us will be on that ship.. Of course we have a 5 hour drive down.. :( But it works, have done it before. :rolleyes: As we say in flying hope you have tail winds and blue skies on your cruise... Just need to save some FOOD for us...

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Vickey - my husband went to Hocking Hills quite a few times as a child. A few years ago we took our son and his girlfriend up there for a few days over Thanksgiving. We stayed in a real cute cabin on top of one of the hillls. It was very relaxing. I am glad you enjoyed it.


Missou - how long till you leave?


Matt - you are too popular!!!



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Vickey - my husband went to Hocking Hills quite a few times as a child. A few years ago we took our son and his girlfriend up there for a few days over Thanksgiving. We stayed in a real cute cabin on top of one of the hillls. It was very relaxing. I am glad you enjoyed it.


Missou - how long till you leave?


Matt - you are too popular!!!




I am usually the shy guy.. I always got along with everyone in school. Never really had anyone hate me or anyone i hated.

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I'll be at the airport in 48 hours and sitting in the plane in 49 hours. You all should know that I don't like planes... :( I will have my laptop with me. Too bad I won't have any internet access :(:(

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Forgive me, boardmates, for I have sinned...


I've eaten carbs for the last two days, and in typical fashion, when I fall into my addiction, it escalates FAST.


I know my mistake. I let myself get so broke preparing for our next cruise that I skimped on groceries. So Tuesday we were out on a long errand without breakfast, without lunch and I didn't want to spend money on eating out. Bad...very bad. We made the mistake of stopping at Tim Horton's for a coffee and there they were...rows upon rows of carbohydrate temptations...glistening with sugar...I thought "I'll just have a little Timbit (a donut hole...very small) and I'll be okay.


But carb addicts can't take just a bite!


Several hours later I just HAD to have oatmeal...with sugar! Then I figured I was off, might as well have pasta for dinner. Today, I had a peanut butter and honey sandwich and tonight I ignored the chicken I had thawed and we bought pizza...and yes, before the night was through (I'm so ashamed!) it was two-bite brownies...


For me, sugar and simple carbs are like heroin!


Tomorrow the stores are open (today was Canada Day) and I will go out early and buy what I need to keep myself fed the right way.


Now it will be three days before I'm back in ketosis...what a waste of time!


I'm also going to buy some soy milk and bulk sea salt and start taking special baths...I hear soy protein and sea salt are good for helping your skin, and I have to start worrying about that now.


I'm just a little concerned that I am sabotaging because I don't like the changes in my body...yes, it's nice that clothes fit better, but does everything have to get floppier before it looks better? You should see my arms! Let's not even talk about the girls...oh, okay, let's! On Sunday I was measured...a store had a really interesting clear strap, clear back bra and I wanted to see if they made it in my size. Well, you know how cup size is determined by the different between your ribcage and your bust measurements? I've lost no breast tissue and over 2 inches on my back...now I'm an even sillier size! :eek: My very expensive bras (oh what I wouldn't give to be able to buy lingerie in a regular store or even a plus store) aren't doing me much good now and the evil side of weight loss is buying all new stuff and having a more difficult time getting fitted. And I just won't spend a lot of money on stuff that won't fit me in another month or two. (Kudos to the saleswoman, though, for telling me the truth. Before I learned to figure it out myself, major department stores had me buying bras up to 4 inches too big in the back because they didn't carry my cup size. How irresponsible is that?)


I'm off work again tomorrow, and I'm going to see if I can nip in the back of my existing bras to buy a little time.


And I'll go back on the regime.


Do I need to do penance?

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Milaandra, for us to forgive you, you have to do STAIRS!!!!!! Lots of stairs!!!!! lollol325.gif


Do you know what my favorite Timbits are??? The sour cream frosted ones.


Guess what, since reading your message, I am craving for one :mad:


Hubby won't go and get me one and I am fitting with myself not to go :eek:


The best thing for me is to be lazy and I can be reaaaally good at it. A little glass of milk will help me acheive my goal :o


Bad, bad Milaandra lollol325.giflollol325.gif

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missou I'll be at the airport in 48 hours and sitting in the plane in 49 hours. You all should know that I don't like planes... :( I will have my laptop with me. Too bad I won't have any internet access :(:(


:eek: You plane hater!!!!!! Just joking. ;) Nothing to worry about.. I'm sure your flight will go well...Just bring something to read or do........ I know someone that just went around the world in her Mooney with another women. Broke the world record, they did it in 8 1/2 days.. At least you don't have to be in an airplane with no bathroom for about 14-15 hrs. :eek: By the way a Mooney is a single engine four seat airplane, which the back seat was taken out to put a fuel tank in...


So I think you will be fine.

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Vickey - my husband went to Hocking Hills quite a few times as a child. A few years ago we took our son and his girlfriend up there for a few days over Thanksgiving. We stayed in a real cute cabin on top of one of the hillls. It was very relaxing. I am glad you enjoyed it.



I had a feeling you would know all about this place, I can't wait to go back. There is so many places and sites to see that we really didn't get to see or do since DH wanted to stay close to our cabin (I won't fill you all in on what sites he was interested in seeing...just remember this is the guy that accidently forgot my pj's)


Missou - how long till you leave?


Matt - you are too popular!!!




I am usually the shy guy.. I always got along with everyone in school. Never really had anyone hate me or anyone i hated.


Me thinks we are de-shying you on this forum:D I could tell from your first post that you were a nice guy even if you make(encourage loudly) us to do those dreaded stairs.


I'll be at the airport in 48 hours and sitting in the plane in 49 hours. You all should know that I don't like planes... :( I will have my laptop with me. Too bad I won't have any internet access :(:(


Just relax and close your eyes and COUNT STAIRS that should keep you calm.:D

My DH used to hate flying and had to take zanax to fly but now he does okay, but will probably have to take one or two when we go to Hawaii because it takes so long to fly there. Either way have a great time and know it won't be the same without you here.

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I will take some Gravol and a bit of alcool before the plane leaves :D That usally calms me down. An other thing about this flight, last time I went in Europe, I had an atrocious migraine for 2 or 3 days when I arrived. I do not sleep on a plane. That also is bothering me. If I could have, I would have cross the Atlantic aboard a ship. It would've been a lot easier.

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missou I will take some Gravol and a bit of alcool before the plane leaves :D That usally calms me down. An other thing about this flight, last time I went in Europe, I had an atrocious migraine for 2 or 3 days when I arrived. I do not sleep on a plane. That also is bothering me. If I could have, I would have cross the Atlantic aboard a ship. It would've been a lot easier.


I would be careful on the drugs and any alcohol. Its not good to be taking that stuff at altitude. I don't sleep much either on big planes, can't get comfy...unless I have 3 rows of seats to lay out in. But haven't had that in a long time. :(

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