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Need to lose before I cruise... any buddies??


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I'm just home from work and normally I would get my running clothes on and head to the treadmill. However, today I have to take my daughter shopping for things she needs for the camp she will be at next week. I'm promising myself that I will do the treadmill later this evening. I've been sooo good today with eating, morning exercises, am and afternoon walks that I definitely want to mark this day in the positive column!


So.... bye for now.


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Well just had spaghetti. :eek: But didn't go back for seconds and tried to keep the portions down. Sometimes I think I'm doing well, but still have some bad habits... it sucks when you like to eat. :mad: I still have a goal of getting down to 120 in the future. I need to start getting more walking in soon. I would like to lose a few more pounds before my cruise. I think I'm going to get strict with my self.. Like tonight I thought about having a beer, but I didn't :p and I really need to cut our drinking cokes...


I may not get in to that red dress I wanted to wear before the cruise.. But that's fine because I have other dresses I can wear. But I'm starting slower to fit better in to other clothes I have.. Plus hubby thought it may be hot to wear it.. Beside I have a cocktail dress I bought and haven't worn yet. So I may bring that..


Plus I have been having Tweezlers & Jelly Bellys. :eek: But I have a small amount. :D I still have some bad habits to work on... So I'm going to "really" try to get down about a 2-3 pounds before my cruise.


I'm at 130 now and I have 4 weeks to go.. So I will see what happens. :)

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I am happy with myself today. I am up to 4 out of 6!! I walked for an hour. I spent 20 minutes on the teadmill and went up to 4 m/h, later in the afternoon, I walked for 40 minutes in the old Chambly. It was really nice :) I also did part of my workout.


Tomorrow I'll be better. I really want to use the Ab King Pro during my red weeks. If I am not mistaking, it stimulates my belly...


Enough about the ugly :D


Next Sunday, my second daughter is moving out to go study and Monday evening, my eldest is having her house warming party. Yesterday, my youngest went to see the school were she wants to go next year. It is a little far from here and her studies are going to be demanding and time consumming. She will most likely need to go live close to the school. My babies are getting older :eek::( My house is going to be empty :eek:



It will be finally time for some pampering, some time for me and hubby and a lot of vacations!!!!! Taking about that, in 16 days and 3 hours, I'll be leaving for my cruise danse004.gif

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Good mornig everyone, it is sunny here and not too hot. Actually, it is very comfortable.


My belly is still hurting me this morning, but I will try to do something. My weight is going up and I don't like it :(


As soon as hubby is off to work, I will start my treadmill and my workout. Hopefully, my belly will be ok with it. For those who had fibroïds, is the pain in my belly something you have experienced?


Speak to you later 11_7_102.gif


About the pain, I did have it prior to my hyst.

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I am happy with myself today. I am up to 4 out of 6!! I walked for an hour. I spent 20 minutes on the teadmill and went up to 4 m/h, later in the afternoon, I walked for 40 minutes in the old Chambly. It was really nice :) I also did part of my workout.


Hooray!!! Good work.



I'm not ready to be an empty nester, good thing I still have a teen at home. Although my youngest son who is 22 still lives at home. He's not going anywhere fast!


Officially, I'm 9 for 10 day. 1/3 of the way there.



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Thanks to my walking yesterday, I am back on the losing side danse004.gif


Guess what I am going to do today.....


Since my second daughter is leaving home this weekend, I decided to transform her room into my storage-exercise room. Since it is in the basement, it will not be ackward. I will have several bookshelfs, my treadmill and the Ab King pro in it. I will also place a yoga mattress for my workout on the floor. The way the room will be placed, I will finally be able to install my laptop in front of my treadmill and this installation will permit me to watch a movie while being on the treadmill danse004.gifThere is a good side to every thing 541.gif


Well, I am off to do some work on myself!!! Eat a little something, do a little workout, a little Ab King Pro, a little treadmill and a few stairs climbing. I should be back around noon.


See you all later 4167.gif

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Nice, I was interrupted a few times and so far, I was only able to do my workout :rolleyes:


After lunch, I will rest a little and then go on the treadmill, the AKP and I'll finish with the stairs.


Hubby has to find someone to help him bring the treadmill downstairs this weekend. I will bug him a lot with this!!!

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Be who you are and say what you feel...

Because those that matter....don't mind...

And those that mind.. don't matter."

-Theodor Seuss Geisel (Dr... Seuss)















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I have recieved my first tests results and I do have to have surgery.

There is a cancer cell count so they are going to do a procedure where they go in and try to kill off the cell DNA from spreading. It is on a different spot then last time.

But have to have several more tests done first and a biospy then take treatment in stages.

They are also going to replace the bladder interstem implant unit to a more advanced new one. Since my body is rejecting this one after 6 years.

Oh well I tell me if I get a move on it in the next 2-3 weeks I should recovery in time for my cruise if all else goes okay.



To keep my mind off it I am going to try and keep busy,busy and more busy.


I have a bridal shower to go to tomorrow and I know my family loves to eat so there WILL be food and plenty of it and being on these NASTY-EVIL-HORRIBLE:eek: steriods makes me want to eat everything in sight,the bride to be will not even be safe around me:rolleyes:



Isn't Matt so sweet to say such sweet things:)


Emmysmommy and Missou....I still have our youngest living at home and he is 27(as of Monday) and if I could I'd have my oldest come back home to live. The day he moved out was the worst day ever.



Kuddos....keep the faith you WILL fit in that red dress. and my DH made spaghetti last night I did eat alittle of it but ate more of the garlic bread than what I should of :mad:


Well that's all folks I'm off here to go fix dinner I want a huge salad.

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Vickey, I hope they are able to kill the bad cells and that you feel better really soon. We will help you keep your spirits up as much as possible. When you'll need it, we will be here to support you as best as we can. Take really good care of yourself and remember, you have a friend in Chambly 11_7_102.gif

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Good morning and good weekend everyone. It is nice and sunny here and it is not too warm. I love it this summer, we don't have a very hot and humid season so far. It is a nice change.


I woke up around 4:45 this morning and I am so tired right now :( The worse part is that I rarely am able to go back to sleep in those situation :(


I will go to bed for a while, I will at least rest a little.


Yesterday, I found a place where I could get some ajustable ankle weight that can weight as much as 20 lbs each. I all ready have a set that weight a total of 5 pounds and they are getting to be very easy to use. I need a new set and being ajustable and weighting up to 20 lbs makes them very appealing.


Have a good and healthy day

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Vickey: I wish the doctor had different news... but despite what we don't want to hear you know what to fight and you have a great attitude. Like missou said, we are here for you and will do everything we can to keep you laughing and shaking your head that we are such dorks here! (I'll speak for myself on that one.) But we hope and pray for the very best and know that we are here on this board for a reason - maybe not only to support each other in our weight loss goals but in other seasons of life as well. Your upcoming cruise may be good medicine as well. :)


Missou: I hope you get some rest. I can relate to waking up early and not being able to get back to sleep many nights. You are doing really good with your workouts. Adding the weights - I'm very impressed! (That's a great idea though, I should think about that as well.)


I want to put this next statement in fine print... actually, I don't really want to say anything but I am holding myself accountable and all.... I did really good at eating yesterday until we went to the soup and salad bar restaurant. The first course of salads was pretty good. The soup choice was minestrone which is only 120 calories per cup. So far, so good. THEN.... the muffins and breads were calling to me! :eek: I had a few muffins and some focaccia bread - I'm sure they put me over my set calorie limit. (but they were so good.)


AND ... I did take a night off the treadmill. I was too full after dinner (duh!) and I had a lot of gift wrapping to do for my son's wedding reception that is tomorrow. So... mark yesterday as not so well and my tally thus far is 9 of 11. There are still nearly 3 weeks before I leave so I can still make some progress.


Have a great Saturday friends,


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Brenda, here are the weights I was talking about earlier



They come with 20 insertable 1 pound bars. Is insertable a word?? :confused:


I will go start my training now. I wasn't able to rest, but I feel better now. My belly is in pain a little, I hope I can do all my work anyway.


Speak to you later 4167.gif

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Hi everyone,

Thank you missou and emmysmommy I do know you all are here for me when I need you and that means alot to me.

But for now I am taking it Day by Day , Prayer by Prayer.:)



I will start with the bridal shower for my nephew was today and I didn't do bad sampled a few things and only ate the icing off a small piece of cake, I managed not to eat the BRIDE. But I did have my sister-in-law watching my back I told her to trip me if she saw me heading to the food table for seconds.:D



There was alot of family and friends that haven't seen me in a couple of months and it felt good to have them notice my weight loss.


I made another trip to Fashion Bug as they have a 60% off sale and I found another pair of light weight jean capri's and another top to take on my cruise. If I keep this up I will need to get a trunk to carry all my clothes on the ship.


I tried to get on the computor last night and early this morning and Cruise Critic wouldn't come up, did anyone else have trouble.


I also see my little card I copied and posted didn't come up I will try it again.


emmysmommy......I think 9 out of 11 is GREAT thatis something to be proud of. Think about it if this had been several months ago you would have ate alot more. Keep up the good work keep motivating me and maybe I'll try to top your record:D

Missou....sounds as if you will have a whole gym to work out in, I have some ankle weights but they hurt my ankles to use hope you do alot better using yours, they look like nice ones.Did you get a good flight booked?

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On the plane, I'll be sitting in row 14, seats A and B on all 4 segments. I'll be behind the wings, far enough to be able to see the sky 8823.gif


After booking my November flight, I was so excited I walked a mile on the treadmill in 16.5 minutes 13879.gif I was smiling all through my training, my AKP, my treadmill and my stairs.

I think I may have gone over my limits a little 11225.gif Hubby will have some work to do tonight :cool:


Take care of yourselves and have a good evening 11_7_102.gif

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Morning all


I couln't sleep so again where to I go, but here among my friends.


I have a day of cooking and cleaning ahead of me.

I want to have some healthy meals for the week ready.



Missou...glad to hear you got good seats.


Well after I got on here Ifind I have nothing to say.:eek:

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missou glad you booked the flight, for me that is fun. :D I even go as far to find out the type of plane and find the fact sheet on the plane.. :rolleyes: LOL its the pilot in me..


Anyways, I have figure that my body only loses weight when I do strict diets and cut out all bad sugar and carbs. So I'm going to try that for a week. I started that yesterday.. and cut down on my portions...

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Good morning everyone. It is sunny and my daughter is leaving for Ottawa today. I will work on preparing my gym room when she and hubby will be gone. All that is going to be left is to bring down my treadmill unless I can convince hubby to do so before leaving for Ottawa


Kudos, I dont know what kind of airplane I will get for my flights but on http://www.seatguru.com/airlines/JetBlue_Airways/JetBlue_Airways_Airbus_A320.php you can see the 2 kinds of plane I can fly on with JetBlue. I went there this morning and I realised that my seats are on the wings :eek: I have to change them, but the JetBlue website won't allow me to do so at this moment!!! :eek::rolleyes: I will try later today...


Like I told you last night, I over did it so I'll take it easy today... I'll do part of my training, my treadmill and my stairs. I'll rest my abs for the day :o


Speak to you later

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Good morning!

Today is my son's wedding reception/dinner so I'll be very busy but I wanted to say hi and wish everyone well for the day. I'm a bit sluggish today from staying up til 2am doing prep for the dinner. (and I'm not even hosting the event! :o)


It will be a buffet (Italian - yum) so if I can keep myself to 1 plate with small portions I will do good. I may not do the treadmill today but I've done my morning exercises and with all of the shopping/walking that I've done in the last two days, I think I'm fine.


Have a great day everyone!


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missou glad you booked the flight, for me that is fun. :D I even go as far to find out the type of plane and find the fact sheet on the plane.. :rolleyes: LOL its the pilot in me..


Anyways, I have figure that my body only loses weight when I do strict diets and cut out all bad sugar and carbs. So I'm going to try that for a week. I started that yesterday.. and cut down on my portions...



My DH isn't a pilot but he also does all his homework before we ever even book a flight he pretty well knows all the facts on the different planes and where every seat is located....I like bulk head seats and he doesn't , I hate wing seats.

Everyone knows what their body responds to best , good luck this week.

Good morning!

Today is my son's wedding reception/dinner so I'll be very busy but I wanted to say hi and wish everyone well for the day. I'm a bit sluggish today from staying up til 2am doing prep for the dinner. (and I'm not even hosting the event! :o)


It will be a buffet (Italian - yum) so if I can keep myself to 1 plate with small portions I will do good. I may not do the treadmill today but I've done my morning exercises and with all of the shopping/walking that I've done in the last two days, I think I'm fine.


Have a great day everyone!



First off have a great time, try to get some rest before you go, take some down time, you deserve it.

Italian buffet double YUM..I have no doubt you will be good.

Enjoy and best wishes to your son and soon to be wife.

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