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Need to lose before I cruise... any buddies??


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Hi everyone! Sorry I spaced on the weigh-in yesterday. I was 140.8 this morning... still trying to get back under 140.


Brenda - Congrats on being able to maintain at your dinner party... that must have been pretty tough! I'm glad you shared your photos with us - you look great and whatever you're doing is working! Have a wonderful time on your trip and have some yummy stuff for me! BTW, count us in on an Alaska cruise... we're dying to go!


Sarge - Way to go on getting under 200! It sounds like you had quite a weekend! Now it's back to business and time for us to return the favor and get behind you on the stairs! I'm also going to try to step it up and increase my sit-ups. In the past, even if I had a little extra in the tushy, I always had a small waist. Now, I'm losing the tushy (my pants are fitting better!) but I have a belly! Ugh!


Congrats RQINFL and Kudos2Fly on your weight loss!


Vickey - Hang in there! Just a couple more days and you'll be on the track to feeling better!

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My wife and I are going to be going on our first in october and we are very excited and NERVOUS.... we are both over weight about 90lbs overweight to be exact ( :D) . anyway, the nervous part is: are we going to stand out like big sore (fat) thumbs? I know that over 60% of america is overweight, but for some reason I cant find them.... We always feel out of place due to our weight and we are just hoping for some reasurance that we wont be too out of place. :o




Sorry for posting this question on this thread, I was just hoping for some help.





Please don't apologize for your question... you're welcome here! I haven't been on the thread for long but, from what I've seen, we come in all shapes and sizes and everyone is so nice. You're going to have so much fun on your cruise, and there are so many things to keep you busy, you won't even have time to worry about your weight! ;) And if you are looking to shed a few pounds before your cruise, you've come to the right place! :D


BTW, Sarge, I completely support you quitting that nasty ol' coffee. I never could understand the appeal! :p



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I am so ready for some bitter and blanc, some beef wellington, and maybe some grand marnier souffle. Yum. Can't wait to indulge a little starting Sunday on this cruise.


Before: Weight 149 (photo from last summer and one from the Thanksgiving time) :(

After: 673 miles later on the treadmill - Weight 114 (today) :D


Congrats on the 35 pound loss.. that is awesome in one year.

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Before: Weight 149 (photo from last summer and one from the Thanksgiving time)

After: 673 miles later on the treadmill - Weight 114 (today)



Wow you look GREAT!


So, am I crazy to get frustrated that the scale has not gone down since Monday?! I am being super crazy about diet and exercise ~ not drinking, eating a ton of vegetables, lean protein and some fruit, green tea, a ton of water and exercising two times a day. I guess I'm expecting a little weight loss each day. Is this totally unreasonable? Could it be that I am not eating enough? I normally have egg whites with salsa and 1/2 avocado for breakfast, salad with lean protein for lunch (today is scallops and shrimp) with lots of veggies, and lean protein and grilled veggies (olive oil and rosemary) for dinner. Yogurt with almond butter and fruit for a snack.


Can somebody make me feel less frustrated? Any tips?

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Have a great one Brenda! Hope Missou is having a good cruise.


You know she is:D


Vickey - thinking of you daily. Please have little sis try to keep up updated. We are all thinking of you. You go girl and get this thing! :eek:



Either little sis or son will inform you .....I have fought this battle before and won...thank to the man above. Thanks for the kind thoughts.




I am so ready for some bitter and blanc, some beef wellington, and maybe some grand marnier souffle. Yum. Can't wait to indulge a little starting Sunday on this cruise.


Before: Weight 149 (photo from last summer and one from the Thanksgiving time) :(

After: 673 miles later on the treadmill - Weight 114 (today) :D


Love before and after pictures great job. Enjoy your cruise.


Hi everyone! Sorry I spaced on the weigh-in yesterday. I was 140.8 this morning... still trying to get back under 140.


Brenda - Congrats on being able to maintain at your dinner party... that must have been pretty tough! I'm glad you shared your photos with us - you look great and whatever you're doing is working! Have a wonderful time on your trip and have some yummy stuff for me! BTW, count us in on an Alaska cruise... we're dying to go!


Sarge - Way to go on getting under 200! It sounds like you had quite a weekend! Now it's back to business and time for us to return the favor and get behind you on the stairs! I'm also going to try to step it up and increase my sit-ups. In the past, even if I had a little extra in the tushy, I always had a small waist. Now, I'm losing the tushy (my pants are fitting better!) but I have a belly! Ugh!


Congrats RQINFL and Kudos2Fly on your weight loss!


Vickey - Hang in there! Just a couple more days and you'll be on the track to feeling better!


Thanks I'm trying my best. 140 lbs is just around the treadmill down the many stairs and a few sit ups away.:D

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cause i was addicted and when i don't drink it, i get massive headaches.. so i gave it up.. day 2 has been good..


I have my morning Decaf Tea and all is good.



Hang in there great way to detox is to take the stairs two:D at a time.

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Okay guys here goes I am signing off for a couple of days, but will be back healthier, stronger and more motivated to gain control over my health and life.

I thank each and everyone of you who have offered up prayers and many kind words they have been greatly appreciated.

Everyone keep up the good job of being losers and when I do get back on to post I expect to see many winning losers.

Hugs to all :)

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RQINFL So, am I crazy to get frustrated that the scale has not gone down since Monday?! I am being super crazy about diet and exercise ~ not drinking, eating a ton of vegetables, lean protein and some fruit, green tea, a ton of water and exercising two times a day. I guess I'm expecting a little weight loss each day. Is this totally unreasonable? Could it be that I am not eating enough? I normally have egg whites with salsa and 1/2 avocado for breakfast, salad with lean protein for lunch (today is scallops and shrimp) with lots of veggies, and lean protein and grilled veggies (olive oil and rosemary) for dinner. Yogurt with almond butter and fruit for a snack.


Can somebody make me feel less frustrated? Any tips?


This will not be "popular" but eat meat and have a some fat in your diet.. There is nothing wrong with having the wright FAT. This is what I have for a day.


Breakfast - 1 egg "whole" yoke and whites, 2 pieces of bacon and some cheese or nuts. Or sometimes I have some cheese, green pepper and some deli meat.


Lunch - Chicken, ground beef or some left over from our dinner. Cheese or nuts.


Dinner - Chicken, ground beef or stake. Either a veggie or salad.


Plus I cut my portion in half. For breakfast and lunch I use the "smaller" plates. For dinner I use the "bigger" ones. LOL :D


When ever I'm hungry I either have nuts, cheese or deli meat.


Its pretty much a low carb diet. By the way I do have some wine or beer at night when I'm in the mood.. Plus I try to get my walks in for the day. I walk about 45 minutes -1 hour. I do drink water also, but don't get carried away with trying to get 7-8 glasses in a day. I just drink when I thirsty.


I don't do any low - fat stuff either.... If I can't have whole milk or real butter I don't get it. We pretty much try to eat all organic and foods in there most natural state. Of course we are doing a little less organic these days.. It is more expensive.


But the way I have been eating, my weight is starting to come down.. For a while it did level off and didn't seem to be going any where. I don't know if this will help you, but I only can tell you what I'm doing.

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emmysmommy I have one more day until we leave for Miami... one more day to make all this effort count!


Note: I WILL be eating at all the buffets, supper club, enjoying room service and eating (sensibly I hope) in the dining room. This is my "reward" for all that hard work! :D


You are leaving early!!! :eek: Well have fun on your cruise. You will be getting off or already off when we board.... Have fun and enjoy all the food. LOL I know when I go I will gain some weight. But my goal is to enjoy the food but not to gain to much weight... :p

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Kudos: I agree with your eating plan.. you need enough of the good fats and maintain a variety of foods in your diet.


In reality, I had almost a month when I first started that I was so frustrated because I didn't see results. Even now, sometimes when I'm "good" the scale doesn't move like I would expect.


Vickey: I wish you the best tomorrow... I'll be praying for wisdom and guidance for the medical personnel and that you come out of this with positive results. I know that we need your positive attitude and helpful feedback around here!


Missou: I'll look forward to hearing about your Bermuda cruise. :)


Matt: I'll definitely hit those stairs on the cruise. No elevators for me!


And for the rest of my fellow losers.... I wish you the best.


Bon voyage!


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emmysmommy Kudos: I agree with your eating plan.. you need enough of the good fats and maintain a variety of foods in your diet.


In reality, I had almost a month when I first started that I was so frustrated because I didn't see results. Even now, sometimes when I'm "good" the scale doesn't move like I would expect.


I agree for a while there I didn't seem to loose much either. Even now sometimes I go up in weight. But on the average I'm starting to lose weight. It just takes time.

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Hello everyone, I'm home and off to bed. I'll tell you about my day tomorrow. Sleep thight :D:D


Welcome back! I'm looking forward to hearing about your trip!


Vickey - I hope everything went well with the surgery. Get well soon! :)



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When I arrived in Baltimore, Bill was around New York and was long gone for my trip to Bermuda, and Danny is around NC right now. I was able to squeeze myself between them very easily :D:D


It is sad, but I wasn't able to make my cruise goal. I gained a few pounds. This morning, I am at 163.6. I think I used the elevators about 4 or 5 times during the cruise. I was always in the stairs. I did not walk around the ship though like I wanted to... I was too lazy. Maybe it could have helped me keep my goal. On my November cruise with Hubby, I intend to do a lot of walking on the islands and activities that will be a little challenging. It is so nice to be able to say it and knowing I will be able to do it!!!


I just thought about this... In 3 months, I will be under the sun in Barbados :cool::cool: So cool!!!


This morning I was looking aroung for the egg station to have a nice omelet prepard for me... All I found was the last 2 Pop Tarts I had bought for the road. It is easy to prepare, eat and drive ;) I don't know what I will have for lunch... I MISS THE COOKS ON THE BOAT!!!!!!!

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Hello Ladies,

I just discovered this board and have been reading some of the posts here. We are heading for our second cruise on the Dream in April and my son is getting married in March and i look terrible.:eek::eek::eek: I really need to lose some weight and would love to join you ladies if I could.


A little about me, I have been married 30 years, I have 2 sons, 1 married with 2 children and the other about to get married. I am a special education teacher teaching a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade class of children with severe autism and I need to lose at the least 50 pounds but I would be much happier losing at least 70. My biggest problem with weight loss is that I have health issues and take several medications that cause weight gain.:(


Anyway, hope I can join, Bev

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A sincere welcome to you Bev. Dominique - welcome back - how was Bermuda? We are all waiting to hear something from Vickey or her family. Our prayers are with her for a quick and successful recovery.


I have "been off the wagon" since my return from Bermuda on August 10. I need to get it back together again. That is my goal.


Enjoy you weekend folks.



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Just dropping a post to let you all know how my mother is doing. (Vickey)

It has been a couple rough days here. She did make it through surgery but not without difficulties.

The surgery took 3 hours and 20 minutes.

She is really ill right now but maintaining, they fixed all problems with her interstem implant unit, and most all other problems she will have to go through treatment for the cancer cells over the next 3-6 months which will be very hard on her.

She should get to come home in a day or two if all goes okay.

I and my family want to thank you for being so kind to her, she enjoys being on here and loves to talk about her cruise, we are praying that she will be able/well enough to go.

My dear mother has been through more than most have in her lifetime with 3 cancers in her past (breast,bowel and bladder) she is remarklable she never gives thought to herself always to others. She loves life, her family and her work(she is well suited being in the geriactic field they love her as much as she loves them) and most of all she loves her friends and that includes her forum friends.

Again we want to think you all for being here for her in her time of need, please keep her in your thoughts and prayers as she does need them right now .

I have a request I'd like to make if you would like to send her a get well card please e-mail me at vdarrell@hotmail.com and I will tell you her address. This would greatly cheer her up.


I will try to drop in with updates till she is able to do so for herself.

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Thank you very much for letting us know how your mother is doing. I was anxiously waiting to get some news. I hope you and your family are doing well, I guess these times must be so hard for you all.


Take care of yourselves, we are here for you.

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When I was in Bermuda, I went horseback riding and now my back is in so much pain :eek::eek: I knew it was going to be painful so I had a massage on the boat after. I now know for sure, as if I didn't already, that hubby's work is really, really good. The massage I got on the boat did not help me at all and it was 150$ :eek::eek: Hubby was not able to do a full body work on me yet, but he did do a little something last night. Can't wait to get the real thing today.


For now, I am not doing any exercises because of my back put as soon as I can, I will start pushing myself again.



Here is a picture of the AKP. You can change the inclination of the back rest to make the work even more demanding. With my different problems, it is easier on the back which makes it possible for me to work my abs.



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vdarrell - Thanks so much for keeping us informed about your mom. It sounds like she's had a tough time of it and we're all pulling for her. We'll keep you and your family in our prayers. :)


Brenda - You're right, the AKP does look like some kind of medieval torture device! Scary! :D

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