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Need to lose before I cruise... any buddies??


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Guess what... The six came back... obviously... :rolleyes:


My scale showed 164.6 this morning :o Good thing I walked like did and I climbed those 275 steps on top of those many flight of stairs in the metro system and in Montmartre :cool:


That means a 6.2 pounds gain. France was really tastefull ;)


I had a good flight with no major blood loss. I did not have a good night because of an icreased blood loss :rolleyes:


Today, I will try to go out for a walk and do some stairs if I am not to tired. I will work on my knee also. I went to see the chiroprator last night, so I will take it easy for a couple of days so my body can intergrate the work that has been done.


Take care of yourselves.


We are winners, we are losers, we are the Winnig-Losers!!!! danse004.gif

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I am home and red week has really begun.... Two reasons to be sad :(:( :p The flight was smooth, but after 8 hours in the plane, I just wanted to arrive home!!! Tomorrow morning, I will weight myself. I want to know were I stand. I will also call my doctor; I have a few things to ask him.


Take care of yourselves everyone and enjoy your cruise Matt and Mrs Matt


Welcome back!!!



I had a bad week, not as bad as it could have been but I went up a lb so I am 265. Lots of parties this weekend, moms 61st b-day mom & dad's 40th wedding anniversary, sister and bro in laws 7th wedding anniversary. Lots of food and cake :eek: But could have been worse Hope that everyone else is having a better time this week!!!

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Can I join in too?? I just re-joined Weight Watchers yesterday and we cruise in November. I would be thrilled to lose 30 lbs. by then. We are going with my beautiful (and thin) best friend and her husband so I would like to look good or at least better than I do right now. My kids are now old enough that it is time to start investing in me a little more and the cruise is just the ticket for that!!

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Welcome to the group Robin. We are a happy bunch of monsters. I am smilly monster and I love to mess around with the elavator and the escalator buttons :p It actually worked when Vickey went to Las Vegas :D:D


We have the stair climbing club and the walking club, hope you will join us.


Tonight, my daughters are leaving to go see Harry Potter. I will push hubby outside for a walk and I will go in the stairs afterwards. My neck feels a lot better now, finally :rolleyes: All that is left can be fixed by hubby. On Tuesday, I will go back on the Ab King Pro and start my different routines again.


In 33 days, my ship will have left the port and will be on its way to Bermuda. I would like to have lost the 6 again by then. I am going with a friend and she loves to party. I guess I will dance and move a lot more than I do with hubby. I will also walk a lot around the sun deck. I might be able to keep the 6 away



Speack to you later my fellow winning-losers 11_7_102.gif

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Hey friends...please help me get back on track. As you know, I had surgery in early May, lost my appetite, had trouble with the meds, etc. I had lost some weight before surgery, lost more after surgery but now I am having trouble staying on my program.


My cruise is 10 days away. I know I will not meet my goal (no way) but did hope to hit below the 200 mark. I promised myself a massage on the cruise if I did that.


I just don't know what is wrong with me. I know I am eating the wrong things, not exercising enough, etc. Work is stressful as all get out and there are a lot of other stresses in my lilfe now also.


Missou I am glad you back. I miss Vickey and hope she is ok. I miss Matt too. Everyone, it seems like we are not posting as much as we used to.


Thanks for listening to me whine. Tomorrow is another day and I vow to be GOOD! I feel better already. Till next time,





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riddle stress not help in losing weight. So think of doing something that will help cut down on the stress...


As for me, I'm working to get a few more pounds off. I have been getting my walks in. Plus tonight my husband and I went to a ham radio club and didn't eat the donuts that were there.. Even if they did look good. But we did go to a open house for one of our neighbors. Then food they had was all good choices, but they did have dessert and of course I did have some.. I'm going to try to be down to 127-28 by Monday...Hopefully I can make my goal by then.

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Marsha, do not forget that a surgery is not an easy thing to go through. Maybe you could do something to change your mind. Another thing, a massage is not a reward, it is a much needed relaxation moment; even those therapeutic ones. They help to releive the tensions in your body and I beleive that it is such a good way to recuperate after a surgery. I have had 16 surgeries in my life and only 2 since I discovered how good massage therapy makes me feel. You should definitly have yourself a good massage.


My husband discovered a new technic last May, it is called Active Isolated Stretching. It is helping me a lot to regain the full movements in my knee. Maybe you could find a therapist that could help you. To find one, go on this web site http://stretchingusa.com/aistherapists.cfm


I hope you feel better soon 11_7_102.gif11_7_102.gif

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Hey friends...please help me get back on track. As you know, I had surgery in early May, lost my appetite, had trouble with the meds, etc. I had lost some weight before surgery, lost more after surgery but now I am having trouble staying on my program.


My cruise is 10 days away. I know I will not meet my goal (no way) but did hope to hit below the 200 mark. I promised myself a massage on the cruise if I did that.


I just don't know what is wrong with me. I know I am eating the wrong things, not exercising enough, etc. Work is stressful as all get out and there are a lot of other stresses in my lilfe now also.


Missou I am glad you back. I miss Vickey and hope she is ok. I miss Matt too. Everyone, it seems like we are not posting as much as we used to.


Thanks for listening to me whine. Tomorrow is another day and I vow to be GOOD! I feel better already. Till next time,






Marsha - Here's another perspective - go ahead and have that massage to celebrate the weight you have lost! Also, why not pamper yourself once in awhile for no reason?


I absolutely know how hard it is to get back the motivation and find it within yourself to keep going..... been there so many times. You are right, tomorrow is another day and tomorrow is an opportunity to maybe make 1 small step towards your goal. Perhaps just eliminating one thing that you would eat during your day that isn't the best choice....or taking a 20 minute walk. But gosh... you have had major surgery so give yourself a little room to get back where you need to be.


I wish you well and I'm excited that you only have 10 more days until your cruise. Let us know how you are doing.


Take care,


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Thanks everyone for your words of encouragement. I will take them all into consideration. I knew you guys would be there for me.


I guess it is just so weird. I always plan, plan, plan a cruise. This time I just don't feel like it's just around the corner. I am still majorly looking forward to it but there has just been so much leading up to it I guess I am afraid to get excited.


Since we are celebrating my daughter taking the Ohio bar (next Tues, Wedn, Thur) she is under major test stress and I am just feeling a lot of her anxiety.


As for the food, I guess since I had no appetite for so long everything tastes good now. Swimming was doing great until we had this weird cold spell for the last several days.


I'll get it back together. After all, nothing tastes better than slim.



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I lost 1.4 pounds since yesterday... It is understandable since I am back home and taking a lot less carbs and a lot less wine since I left Paris on a plane 2 days ago. I also feel less bloated and that helps too.


I hope the drop is not temporary, I have another 5 pounds to loss before I am back to where I was on July 3rd. Now that my muscle mass has been built, I hope I can do it more quickly than before.


Being aware of the fibroids, I know that I can not set myself any goals because it just won't work :eek::mad: I just measured my belly and it is still at 39 inchs, even with all the indulging I sucombed to. The only goal I can set myself to is feeling better and stronger. That is one I can live up to.

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Hi everyone

I missed you all greatly, but could feel the love,thoughts and prayers.

I just got caught up on the posts and will post later individual comments to all.


Where do I start....it will probably be a long post please bear with me. I have so much held within me and have to finally vent to someone.


First off for the last couple months I knew there was something going on, I just wasn't up to my norm. If you remember I had a rise in my white cell count and was having severe migraines, well we now know the reason for that.

They had to run alot of tests on me and found my unit(pacemaker for bladder/kidneys to function) is being rejected by my body after almost 6 years. Inflamation set up and my kidneys /bladder wasn't filtering out like they should. because of the inflamation one of the leads from the unit got misplaced and was pressing on a nerve that it wasn't suppose to, also in the process of finding these problems they found a small tumor growing on the bladder again which will have to be monitored closely.Hoping and doing alot of praying that it is not cancer again.

As for the unit they are wanting to wait till late October to replace it with the newer onesthat are more efficient.

The really dreaded thing for me is that they have me back on high doses of steriods and antibiotics which will play he** on my body, mind and emotional state.

I am not allowed to work out for another week so that makes four weeks that I have missed exercising and yes I do miss it.

Being on an IV drip for two weeks has me so bloated.

I am not normally a depressed person but I am really beside myself on how to deal with all this....I just celebrated 5 years of being cancer free and in a way that is what this cruise in October was about, my husband who has never wanted to cruise only did it for me. And now we don't know what will happen in the next couple of months.

We will know more within the next month they are going to do a biopsy next month when my body gets a little stronger.

It is so ironic that here I am trying so hard to get healthier and this happens.

Living with the fear of cancer again is too much but watching my DH and DS's have to deal with this is horrible.....please keep me in your prayers as I need them for my body, soul and mind.


I have not weighed myself because I don't want to have to deal with that either, but I will start back on my healthy eating ways and starting Monday will start back to the Y...baby steps. If for no other reason but to get myself stronger in case I have a battle ahead to fight.


Thanks for letting me vent, I appreciate having someone to share this with, it is a little hard to show worry among my family so I keep a smile on and try to keep their spirits up.

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I'm back and we had an absolutely wonderful time on the cruise to Alaska and then driving around for a week. When I got off the ship I went right to WW and had gained ONLY 1.6 pounds! I was pretty happy. Then when I got home about a week and a half later I'd gained another 1. Not too bad, and tomorrow I will find out if I've taken any of it off . . .

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Ho Vidkey, I am speachless. I really hope nothing serious comes out of all this and that you get better soon. I'll be praying for you my dear friend. Don't over do it at the Y and take really good care of yourself.


Hughs and kisses for you and your family 11_7_102.gif11_7_102.gif11_7_102.gif

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Vickey we are here for you as all of you have been here for me. I've tried to pray for you every night as I knew when we were not hearing from you that you were dealing with a lot.


You are a very strong person but I am sure you are wiped out by all that is happening to you right now. Take it one day or one hour at a time.


Know that we all care deeply for you. The site has not been the same without you, Missou and now Matt. We need to all get back together again to pull each other up.


Our thoughts and prayers with you every moment of every day...



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Missou, I hope you enjoy Bermuda. My daughter was born there twenty years ago and we have very fond memories. We have always said that when she gets married we would like to give her a cruise to Bermuda. Thanks also for the info on stretching. I had knee surgery last year and the damage was more extensive that we originally thought. It has definitely hindered my exercise program but I'm trying to get back on track.

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Vickey, I am so sorry.... I don't have any words to say that will make what you are experiencing better. I do know that I serve a great God who is able to do exceeding abundantly beyond all that we ask or think. I pray that you are healed from the inside out and that all of the fears of the unknown are washed away by the healing power of our God.


Even though I know God can and does heal, I know that the uncertaintly is a very real giant that can loom over you and shadow any hope that you have. But hold on to the hope that you will be well.


In the mean time, rest my friend, take care of yourself and continue to feel the love from us here.


I will be here to post the weights if you would rather focus on other things. No worries.


Take care,


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When hubby went to St-Marteen, his luggage got damaged beyond repair. He did not notice it and when I did, I called Jet Blue and they gave me a weiver to apply on my next flight :D:D


Yesterday evening, we went to get ourself a new suitcase for my Bermuda cruise. There was a sale so we bought one for hubby too :D When we arrived home, I placed my edocs, my passeport, my snorkling gear, my bathing suit and some pharmaceutical essentials like a tube of polysporin and some bandaids in one of the suitcases. It is now waiting for August 22nd to be filled up :D:D


In 31 days, I'll be on the road to Baltimore. At this time, I will have passed Albany in the New York state :D

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When hubby went to St-Marteen, his luggage got damaged beyond repair. He did not notice it and when I did, I called Jet Blue and they gave me a weiver to apply on my next flight :D:D


Yesterday evening, we went to get ourself a new suitcase for my Bermuda cruise. There was a sale so we bought one for hubby too :D When we arrived home, I placed my edocs, my passeport, my snorkling gear, my bathing suit and some pharmaceutical essentials like a tube of polysporin and some bandaids in one of the suitcases. It is now waiting for August 22nd to be filled up :D:D


In 31 days, I'll be on the road to Baltimore. At this time, I will have passed Albany in the New York state :D



How exciting.... your cruise is getting so close. And new luggge too - that's fun. I hope your belly (and neck and any other annoying ache) give you a break and you have a great day.


Take care,


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I should be doing my morning exercises... I will get to them... just need a minute to check in on the boards.


My niece is visiting from Chicago - it's her 1st time to CA. We are going to Disneyland and California adventure today and tomorrow then the beach and shopping over the weekend. Monday we'll take her to Hollywood/Studio City (Universal Studios). I'm in for lots of walking I'm sure which will be good since I probably won't get on the treadmill for a few days. I did run/walk for an hour last night but I'm not sure if that made up for the McDonalds that I had for lunch???:eek: In any event, for the next almost week we have activities planned that will keep me busy and if I can stay away from the "danger" foods at Disneyland and elsewhere I will be so proud of myself!


My weight is slowly dropping.... I'm getting close and I do hope that I reach my goal but if I don't I will just pick back up after the cruise.


That's all for now,


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Have a nice time with your niece Brenda. By the way, now that I have read your message, my belly is acting up :p:D:D


Vickey, I hope you are feeling better today, I know this is not an easy time for you, but I hope you can find the energy to smile a little. I am thinking about you a lot 11_7_102.gif


Red weeks is almost over and I am getting ready to hop on the treadmill. I will take it easy with no inclinations, but I will stay on it for as long as I can. I will also do my stairs, my arm routine and the exercises for my knee.


I am back home Marsha, back on the board, back to a normal eating regime and back on the exercise path.


I could not wear my little pants in France, I wonder if I would be able to wear them on the ship. I doubt it since my waistline won't move. I tried them on this morning, of course, they are a little thighter, but if I do a lot of walking, I don't know if it will be enough to shrink my belly :eek:

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