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Need to lose before I cruise... any buddies??


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You are welcome smooth cruiser. I am Happy Monster and I love to fool around.


Seriously, we are glad to see people join us in our fight against useless pounds and bad eating and living habits. We are fighting against the call from carbs and the call from lazyness. We are here to encourage each other to do a little more exercise and eat healthier foods.


You are also welcome to join our stair climbing club and our walking club.


Talking about exercising... I kind of forgot to do my things... Shame on me...

I did clean up the whole bathroom and two litter boxes... Do you forgive me??? :o:o


I will try to encourage hubby to go outside for a walk. He just got a promotion at work and has a lot of reorganising to do. He may be tired a little.


Take care everyone or else... al026.gif

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Well my husband and I went of a walk today.. My weight seems to have leveled out.. at 129-130 in the morning.. I need to be down to 129-130 during the day to fit in to some clothes I want to wear on the cruise. :cool: So I'm hopping by Monday I'll be down a bit more...

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Good morning everyone, it is a nice sunny day here in the Montreal subburbs. It is not too warm nor too humid; it is very nice. I hope you all are feeling good this morning



It seems that coming back home is good for me, I have lost 3 pounds since Tuesday morning. I guess it is from all the wine I am not taking anymore :eek::D


All I did yesterday is some work on my knee. I am having a hard time getting back to doing my exercises. I really have to get started. It would be nice to keep on loosing the weight and get back to the 7 pounds I had lost before leaving for France as soon as possible. I have 30 more days before going on a cruise; it would be nice to be down to 155!! That means 7 more pounds to go!!! If I walk a lot, there is still a chance for me.


I am off to eating some breakfast and then, I really want to do my arms routine, my legs routine and then go for a walk on the treadmill. Later, when the girls are awake, I want to do my stairs. I really have to do it and stop the laziness. I am starting to be ashamed of myself :mad::mad:


Have a nice day my fellow Winning-Losers!! Take care 11_7_102.gif

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Hello all, I am 30 years old married with 3 children and cruising in 4 months on RCL. I want to lose 15-20 more pounds by then. I will love to join in with you guys and reach OUR goals.:o


jasjess7881 thanks for the myfitnesspal.com info.:D


Welcome! We are a friendly bunch here and would love to have you as a regular poster. Yes, missou is our very feisty Canadian (or do I call her our Quebecian?)


Let us know how you are doing.... we use this formum to vent, share successes, post recipes and menu ideas, share our progress, and about anything else.


Take care,


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I have lost 3 pounds since Tuesday morning. I guess it is from all the wine I am not taking anymore :eek::D



Have a nice day my fellow Winning-Losers!! Take care 11_7_102.gif



That is AWESOME!!!!


I'll refrain from mentioning your belly again, I don't want to jinx you! :D


Enjoy your beautiful sunny day.

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I DID IT!!!! :D:D


I spent an entire day at Disneyland from 9am-11pm and didn't have any of the following:

- hot dog

- hamburger

- cotton candy

- churro

- popcorn

- ice cream or frozen lemonade

- ANYTHING FROM THE BAKERY or CANDY STORE!!! (Which is amazing since I bought the girls cookies from the bakery and I got a banana!) I think I'm serious this week about meeting my goal!


I had a field greens salad w/ vinegrette for lunch and a side salad with a grilled chicken breast for dinner. I had brought some Curves bars and Fiber One bars for something sweet and to get me through the temptations of all the yummy food carts.


Even though I wasn't on the treadmill, we did miles and miles (I'm guessing) of walking .... so hopefully that will make a difference when I weigh myself next.


Today is another day at the park - we plan to go to California Adventure... same food temptations... but since their salads were so delicious and I'll bring some more bars, I hope I will have as much will-power as yesterday.


Wish me luck!


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I'll refrain from mentioning your belly again, I don't want to jinx you!


You just did it :D:D:D


I am ready now!!! Ready to start my exercises. I am all dressed up and ready to go!!! I am going now!!! Speack to you later :D:D:D

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I am very proud of myself!!! I am half way through all of my exercise routines!!!


I just spoke to hubby to make sure he will work on my back tonight... He said craps :D:D:D but he will do it :p


I am off to doing the other half!!!



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8 Days until our cruise. I got off work at 1:00 today. Spent the afternoon in the pool swimming and doing water aerobics. This is the first nice pool day we have had in a week. More swimming tonight.


Food not great. Did badly this morning at work - someone brought in donut holes. I have done well the rest of day.



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Good morning fellow Winning-Losers. Hope you feel good and are ready to have a nice week end.


You will do better today Marsha, I am sure of that.


As you know, I did some exerceses yesterday. I did not go on the Ab King Pro, on the treadmill or in the stairs though :mad::mad::mad:


This morning, my muscles are not in pain and that is good. Tomorrow morning, hubby is planning to give me a big massage, I just can't wait. I haven't had one since the end of June. I really need it. That means no exercises tomorrow except maybe for a walk later on.


Today, I will do my routines and try to finish the Ab King Pro, the treadmill and the stairs. I will have to push myself a little harder!!!


Take care everyone!!!

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Hi everyone....it's me Vickey.

Having a sleepless night and was thinking of you all.

I miss being on here, things are still pretty unsure here but am making it through day by day, prayer by prayer.

Missou,emmysmommy,riddle,milaandra, and kudos thanks again for the kind words they mean so much. And anyone else I might have missed.


We are still waiting to see where everything stands with the biospy they don't want to do it right now due to my white cell count , but it is slowly getting there and I am feeling stronger.



I told my DH that I was going to close down this pity party and go on with my life and what God decides to do in my life is his to do.


I did weigh myself today and it wasn't as bad as I had thought it would be....221 lbs.

As I stated starting Monday I am going to try and get some normalcy back into my day by going to the Y and doing my cardio and swimming.

Plan on getting my meals back on track to, will try and do some cooking Sunday for the following week.

I also start back to work I really missed my little patients as they have me.


Enough about me.


Missou I enjoyed reading about your France trip and am glad they have found the source of your pain, fibroids are not pleasant. I am so enviuos of you.....another trip soon.


emmysmommy...your prayer for me was so touching,it was just what I needed. Also I am so proud of you for going to Disneyland and passing up all the goodies, just reading them made me want them especially the cotton candy.I hope you enjoyed another day at Disneyland. I have been to Disneyworld but never to Disneyland as I have stated we have dear friends who live in Orange County also and plan one of these days to visit them and visit Disneyland.


riddle...7 more days till your cruise, can I please go too.Other the the rain I have just loved our weather. I bet the pool felt wonderful. I wish we had a pool in our back yard I love to swim and yesterday was a beautiful day.


Kudos...you are doing a great job on your weight.



Now to all those that have joined us in the last few weeks WELCOME and I must warn you this is no ordinary weight support group we are extremly RARE.

We support,motivate,encourage and listening to all kinds of venting rather it be about weight issues or personal issues just know that you can come here and get a sympathatic ear. I forgot we are also a group that lovingly loves to agrivate :D some more than others, no names will leave my lips but let's just say we have two that love to torture us into doing our stairs for cardio....isn't that so missou and Matt.


Speaking of our dear Matt, I hope he is having the time of his life and will be looking forward to hearing all about the cruise and his wedding.


I does seem as if we have lost a few so please those remaining don't dessert us after you cruise, we still need you.;)


I have less than months till my cruise and we are planning on trying to have a garage sale to add to my MAD MONEY for the cruise they want to have it next week.My garage is so full of JUNK that will soon be anothers treasure and the money made will add to my spending pleasure.


Well I quess that I have bored everyone enough for one night, talk to you all later.



My computor wouldn't post my post this morning so I copy and pasted it thank god.


riddle..... are you getting the storms we are getting this morning.:eek:

missou.... I wish you lived closer I would borrow your DH for a much needed massage as I have said before you are one lucky lady to have your very own personal one.


Well I am off again, going to grocery store to stock up on healthy foods and plan on getting some meals cooked.....boil my eggs, make some veggie soup,have some whole wheat pasta made up,cook some chicken, and get my veggies ready to eat straight from the fridge.

I can't wait for our tomatoes from the garden to get ripe I have been blessed with a good friend giving me her extra zucchini -squash and cucumbers


I hope this posts.

Everyone have a blessed day.I plan on having one.:)

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Vickey - so good to hear from you and hear that you are definitely keeping your spirits up. Keep up the good thoughts and prayers and that will help you through. I have really missed your posts, as I have missed Matt's this past week. You are at the top of my prayer list every night. That list seems to be getting larger and larger as more people become out of work.


Missou, I sent my daughter (who is going on the cruise with me) for a full body massage yesterday. Her Bar exam starts Tuesday and she is extremely stressed out. I hope it helped. The therapist said she was very tight.


Emmysmommy - congrats on how you are handling your niece's visit and the trips you are taking!


Yes, Vickey we are getting the storms this morning. We are keeping my son's dog as he and his DW are in Ireland on vacation, my daughter's dog as studying for the Bar is consuming her and our poor old Golden who is 12 years old and just sick of all of them. He came in to sleep with me as he has just developed a fear of thunder. Our son's dog is a year old Golden puppy who is hyperactive. I am so glad we have a fenced yard. My daughter's dog is a 6 year old Golden mix who we dearly love. I am just afraid our neighbors are going to ask for a kennel license.


We are taking our son's dog to Columbus next Saturday as his inlaws are keeping him for the weekend until they return. We fly to NYC out of Columbus so his FIL is taking us to the airport. I hope all works out. My DH will be home with the 2 dogs and a quiet house. I think he is looking forward to it. LOL



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Good morning friends!


Vickey, so good to hear how things are going. (And by the way, you didn't have a pity party - it is called the reality of facing this scary thing called the unknown and the unexpected when it creeps in unwelcome and unthanked!) Thanks for sharing the latest....continuing to pray. I hope your garage sale brings a lot of extra spending $ in your pocket. :)


My adventures yesterday at the second Disneyland park were filled with a lot more walking, some ok food choices (turkey sandwich, no mayo) and a few bad food choices (2 big chocolate chip cookies). Oh well, it may have been bad but it was sooooo good!


Today is a beach day and we'll pack some sandwiches and fruit so I have a lot more control over my meal this way. (Not that I couldn't say no to the cookies!)


Missou: I'll second the comment that you are very lucky to have a hubby who has those magic massaging hands! I hope it brings some relief.


Wishing you all a great Saturday!


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Her Bar exam starts Tuesday and she is extremely stressed out.


Best of luck to her!


Emmysmommy - congrats on how you are handling your niece's visit and the trips you are taking!






Happy Saturday!

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Vickey and Marsha, I know I am very lucky to have my hubby around. He started his massage classes 3 years and a half ago and before that, my body was in constant pain. I could not carry on an exercise program and I had a hard time washing my feet when I was in the shower :eek: Since he started the massage classes, I feel so much better and since I stopped the medication, things are wonderful.


Vickey, it is very nice to hear from you. I hope your garage sale has a huge success so you have a lot of spending money for your cruise. I also hope you get great results from your biopsy.


Hubby had a promotion at work tihis week and now I have to do a little reorganisation in our budget. I am so thrilled. We were supposed to take out some money from our mutual fund to pay for the november cruise, but if I do a good budget and we stick to it, we won't have to danse004.gif


I'm off to do my budgeting exercise and after, I will start my routines.


Speak to you later 11_7_102.gif

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Vickey - so good to hear from you and hear that you are definitely keeping your spirits up.I'm trying, it's not the first time I have had to deal with this you would think I would handle it better but to be told that after making it to your 5 year mark(which is the magic year number) going on 6 years October 23 that there is a chance it returned, I really think I could deal with it by myself but it is really hard to see how hard this is on my sons and husband.

Keep up the good thoughts and prayers and that will help you through. I have really missed your posts, as I have missed Matt's this past week. You are at the top of my prayer list every night. That list seems to be getting larger and larger as more people become out of work.Thanks again, keep me at top billing on those prayers.


Missou, I sent my daughter (who is going on the cruise with me) for a full body massage yesterday. Her Bar exam starts Tuesday and she is extremely stressed out. I hope it helped. The therapist said she was very tight.I will add an extra prayer that she gets through these bar exams sanely. I can only imagine how stressed out she is but she will do it and will make a wonderful lawyer. And just knowing you thought enough to do this for her meant more than you will probably ever know


Yes, Vickey we are getting the storms this morning.The finally let up arpound 4:30 pm but we had alot of rain. We are keeping my son's dog as he and his DW are in Ireland on vacation, my daughter's dog as studying for the Bar is consuming her and our poor old Golden who is 12 years old and just sick of all of them. He came in to sleep with me as he has just developed a fear of thunder.Poor thing. Our son's dog is a year old Golden puppy who is hyperactive. I am so glad we have a fenced yard. My daughter's dog is a 6 year old Golden mix who we dearly love. I am just afraid our neighbors are going to ask for a kennel license. Now I know where to drop off our dog on the way to the airport(we leave out of CVG):D


We are taking our son's dog to Columbus next Saturday as his inlaws are keeping him for the weekend until they return. We fly to NYC out of Columbus so his FIL is taking us to the airport. I hope all works out. My DH will be home with the 2 dogs and a quiet house. I think he is looking forward to it. LOL




Good morning friends!


Vickey, so good to hear how things are going. (And by the way, you didn't have a pity party - it is called the reality of facing this scary thing called the unknown and the unexpected it certainly was very un-expected, but I have to admit once you have had cancer it is always in the back on your mind when it creeps in unwelcome and unthanked!) Thanks for sharing the latest....continuing to pray. I hope your garage sale brings a lot of extra spending $ in your pocket. We have everything planned to have it next week end as long as the rain stays away.:eek:


My adventures yesterday at the second Disneyland park were filled with a lot more walking, some ok food choices (turkey sandwich, no mayo) and a few bad food choices (2 big chocolate chip cookies). Oh well, it may have been bad but it was sooooo good!You walked off those cookies so don't fret about them....I am still thinking about the cotton candy.I know when we went to Disney /world my favorite place to go was Goofy's Candy Shop.


Today is a beach day and we'll pack some sandwiches and fruit so I have a lot more control over my meal this way. (Not that I couldn't say no to the cookies!)Hope you had a nice time, we don't need a beach here in Ohio we have had enough rain today to swim in the streets.


Missou: I'll second the comment that you are very lucky to have a hubby who has those magic massaging hands! I hope it brings some relief.


Wishing you all a great Saturday!



Vickey and Marsha, I know I am very lucky to have my hubby around. He started his massage classes 3 years and a half ago and before that, my body was in constant pain. I could not carry on an exercise program and I had a hard time washing my feet when I was in the shower :eek: Since he started the massage classes, I feel so much better and since I stopped the medication, things are wonderful. See God does work miracles.


Vickey, it is very nice to hear from you. I hope your garage sale has a huge success so you have a lot of spending money for your cruise. I also hope you get great results from your biopsy. We have so much JUNK to put ut that I hope I make alot.


Hubby had a promotion at work tihis week and now I have to do a little reorganisation in our budget. I am so thrilled. We were supposed to take out some money from our mutual fund to pay for the november cruise, but if I do a good budget and we stick to it, we won't have to


Aren't those the wonderful surprises that makes life Great. danse004.gif


I'm off to do my budgeting exercise and after, I will start my routines.


Speak to you later 11_7_102.gif




We had a busy day and I am really tired....DH is trading in his Clunker(it's on it's last wheel) on this new deal and we just put the down payment on a new car and just waiting for everything to be finalized on Monday.

Also went to grocery store and stocked up on some fruits and veggies. Had another dear friend donate some more garden fresh cucumbers ,squash,zucchini and cabbage today wish they had tomatoes our hasn't turned yet and I love them. I will be eating squash and zucchini every way I can for awhile.Any healthy recipes would be greatly appreciated.

I go Thursday of next week to have my blood work done and if all goes okay and the white cell stabilizes they will be able to get me in for a biospy.

The steroids don't seem to be making me as sick now so that is a good thing and Iwill be done with the antibiotics on Monday so that should calm down the lower extremeties :eek: if you get my meaning. I think that is the only reason that the steriods haven't added any more weight than they have.


I am going to call it a night.

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I did my budgeting exercise and we still will need to take some money out of our mutual fund. I also will have to take some out because my daughter is going away to school. The school is 2 hours away from here and she found an appartment today . She would move in next weekend and she is not financially ready for this. She needs a little help. ;)


After that I will have one more in the house. She finished high school and took a year off to go to work. She is a little lazy going out to find a job put I will help her out a little. Give her the push she needs to start off :eek::eek:


Wish me luck :rolleyes:

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Vickey it is SOOO great to have you back! Missou - same with you. Tell us about the wedding you went to in France sometime.


My eating is still yucky. I cannot seem to get it together. Spent this rainy Saturday doing laundry, ironing and getting clothes ready for the trip. We had a nice nap too. And the bills are all paid. Love household stuff! LOL


Planned to take a swim tonight when it finally cleared but it was just too cool and windy. Hopefully tomorrow.


Tomorrow to the hair dressers to get rid of the gray, get the eyebrows waxed and the hair trimmed for the trip. Maybe the pedicure tomorrow if I have time.


I know next week at work will be H___. The week returning will be much worse though. I hope this week goes quickly.


Keep up the good thoughts and prayers. Thanks to everyone.



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riddle...how was the spa day:) Are you enjoying this beautiful day today after all the rain we had yesterday.


Missou...I hated it when our oldest moved out, we still have one at home also.



We went to Jungle Jims (an international market) today and I got alot of my healthy goodies. Bought grapes which I rinsed and froze in snack size baggies along with banana's that I also freeze for snacks. Got a few braeburn apples,plums,boston lettuce( I use this to make lettuce cups....you put tuna salad,chicken salald or taco meat in them),bought my Waldenfarm's salad dressing and by passed the bakery which is a very sinful place. By passed the free samples except a few cheese ones.:rolleyes:

I am boiling my eggs now and have my veggies all rinsed and cut up for easy access. Made my picked cucmbers and some low fat sour cream cucmbers and onions....I love cucumbers. I make cucumber sandwiches which gross some people out but to me nothing is better than veggies on bread. Also am going to make some hummus tonight. Stocked up on my whole wheat pita pockets and Ezckeil bread. If I am going to eat bread I at least want to make healthier choices.

We are having sirlon patties, garden fresh corn(1 small ear) , green beans and grape tomatoes from our garden our big ones are not ripe yet:mad:



It is lonely on here....where is everyone.




Here's hoping everyone has a good weigh in tomorrow and I will try and get them posted as soon as everyone posts them.

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Since you are such a dear I'll share one of mine with you.

I have been fortunate to have received a few from friends.

Here is how I make mine.....a whole wheat pita pocket or two slices of Ezckiel bread toasted, slice cucumbers very- very thin, also slice a vidala onion very thin, a slice of tomato and I spray it with I can't believe it's Not Butter spray salt and pepper.You can also use low fat cream cheese spread thinly on bread or spread hummus on the toast then top with veggies.

I use a veggie slicer.

Another good veggie sandwich is grilled eggplant,onion tomato sprinkled with parmesan cheese on whole wheat bread toasted.


Well I think I am going to call it a night I have over done it today and am tired and if I plan on going back to the Y tomorrow morning and work I had better rest up.:)

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Well DD finally leaves for Columbus Ohio tomorrow to take the bar with some 1500 other people. The week we have looked forward to for 3 years is finally here and boy is it stressful.


Vickey - we did get to enjoy some of the sunshine today in the pool after haircuts/coloring. Thanks for asking. Your produce selection sounds wonderful and so healthy.


I am still incredibly tired. Still having sleep problems and I am sure that is what it is. I am hopeful the ship will lull me to sleep every night and that will break this insomnia pattern. If it doesn't I will just wander around the ship all night. Unfortunately now that my appetite is back when I can't sleep I want to snack. Not good at all.


Here's to a good week for everyone. I for one will be counting the days - 5,4,3,2,1. I have a friend at work where we trade the same Zero candy bar and bottle of Zero Diet Coke when either of us reaches Zero days until a vacation starts. It is a fun way to start the much awaited (and much deserved if I do say so myself) time off work.:p

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Hey guys, i am home. Cruise awesome. will tell more later. going to open gifts now. I will get a review going. Missed most of you, everyone except Missou... hahaha. just kidding. I do know that i gained weight with all the great food and free ice cream and desserts. Creme brullet is where it is at.. not that warm melting chocolate cake, even though i had about 6 of them.

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Look forward to your review Matt.


I don't think I will have lost any pounds this week. I had gotten my monthly visitor. :( Since I don't take any aspirin, I rely on beer :D to take the edge off the pains. But thank god, that part only lasted about an day and half on those days I just take it easy and don't do much. But doesn't help on the weight lose.


Then my parents came up today and we went to a restaurant called "Gator Joes". Its not the healthiest place to eat at.. :eek: So I will see were my weight is at. See what the damage was, then be "really" good this week..:)

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