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Need to lose before I cruise... any buddies??


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I am not having a very good day so I just wanted to pop in and say


Missou...have a great time and enjoy yourself. Talk to you when you get back we want to read all details of your trip.



Everyone else here's hoping you have a good day.


Hoping today is brighter and better - in every way. Hang in there we are cheering for you.


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Dominique - Don't stress yourself about the 6 lbs. Just have a great time in Bermuda and worry about the other stuff when you get back. Our cruise is in November too so we can work toward that together! :)


Brenda - I know how easy it is to get off track at work. Yesterday morning I weighed in at 139.8 (Yay! I finally got under 140!) :D But then... someone brought in two giant lasagnes (one of which is my all-time favorite) and I ate way too much. Then after work, I had to go to Hooters with the coworkers (because I can never say NO) and then to the Pub (because I can never say NO). Needless to say... I gained almost 5 lbs by the end of the day! :eek: It was better this morning but I'm going to have to work all over again to get back to where I was.


BTW... what is AKP? :o


Yep, that's my story too... I can't resist and I over indulge and ONE meal can set me back so far! Errrrrr!


AKP=Ab King Pro. It must be some torture devise that Missou uses. :p


Take care,


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I need a major kick in the tush since returning from my cruise. I think I gained about 6 pounds on the cruise and have not been back on my plan since I returned. Today is the day I get it together.


I am mad at myself for gaining after working so hard to lose.


Vickey - thinking of you and you are in my prayers.

Missou - have a great time - glad Bill is gone for you in Bermuda. Prepare to walk a lot.

Everyone else - have a great loser of a week!



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I need a major kick in the tush since returning from my cruise. I think I gained about 6 pounds on the cruise and have not been back on my plan since I returned. Today is the day I get it together.


I am mad at myself for gaining after working so hard to lose.


Vickey - thinking of you and you are in my prayers.

Missou - have a great time - glad Bill is gone for you in Bermuda. Prepare to walk a lot.

Everyone else - have a great loser of a week!




Marsha...I got a plan to help you get some of that 6 lbs off walk here to Middletown I could sure use an extra friend to hold my hand for the next three days.

Don't worry you will get back on track.

I feel the same since being on the steriods I have gained about 5 lbs and it gets frustrating but we can't give up....let's do it together.


Missou.... wish I were with you, but know my thoughts and wishes are with you and have a great time.


Kelli....my DH loves the wings at Hooters (yes he does stick to that story):D It is so hard to stop eating the unhealthy junk when it is so available and tempting to us, but remember temptation might taste good going in the mouth but it sure doesn't look good on the hinney:eek:not mine anyway.


emmysmommy.....I can always depend on you to keep me in your thoughts and prayers as you are in mine.

Well that's it for now, trying to get some things done around the house.

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It's late... I'm tired... and hungry.. I'll explain. We attended a dinner party tonight and I had pretty much been good all day to accomodate the foods that I could indulge in. There were probably a dozen or more appetizers that were set out or passed around... things like:

  • bacon wrapped cream cheese filled dates
  • crab dip on crustini
  • pate on wheat crackers
  • potato cakes topped w/ fresh salmon and creme fresh
  • sausage stuffed mushrooms
  • thin sliced roast beef on baguette w/ horseradish sour cream
  • puff pastry wrapped artichokes
  • brioche w/ parmesean and proscuitto (sp?)
  • skewers of grape tomatoes, buffalo mozzarella, and fresh basil drizzled with olive oil
  • grilled beef ribs with whiskey bbq sauce
  • fresh peach slices with mint sauce
  • Not sure what it is called, something like pavlova - it was the most amazing light dessert. It had a meringue base topped with fresh whipped cream and then fresh berries. Simple but so good.

I can't recall the other items but they kept coming out of the kitchen! So anyway.... I had a bite of a few things - good for me! I did have an entire slice of the roast beef on the baguette - it was delicious. I also had about 5 skewers of the tomato, cheese and basil appetizer since that was the best choice. I had to be polite and eat the pavlova when it was passed to me. ;)


Because I was so good and kept myself under control... now I'm home and hungry. But I don't want to eat this late at night so I'll just go brush my teeth and go to bed. :p


Good night.


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Good morning all. Sorry i have been MIA. I have been addicted to an online game (stupid coworkers) and also been working.


I have strayed away and hope that you guys are not too mad at Sarge disappearing.


My weigh in is at 199 this week. I am surprised that it is under the 200 mark, as I had an engagement party on Friday night with a ton of great food (fried chicken, pasta, hoagies, cake, cupcakes, brownies). I had a tiny piece of the chicken, a bar b que sandwhich and come cake. Then Saturday was my Uncle's wedding. It was an awesome time, a Hawaiian Luau. Dinner was cookout food. (Hamburgers, hotdogs, corn on the cob, baked potatoe, pasta salad). And cake.


I am looking to get back on my losing ways.


Hope everyone has a great day.

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Today, I've been lazy so far, I feel Matt pushing me up the stairs and I hear all of your encouragement, maybe it will work a little later. Keep on pushing!!!


That was me pushing you, but i was riding up the stairs instead of walking (Yeah, Sarge has been slacking).

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Sarge - Hopefully you'll be able to whip me into shape! Before I went to bed last night I did 3 reps each of 20 sit-ups, 20 leg-lifts (each leg) and 20 push-ups (girlie style :rolleyes:). I even got up early enough this morning to walk a mile on the treadmill. Sounds great, right? Well... I had 3 pieces of pizza for lunch! :eek: The boss bought us pizza and I didn't want to seem ungrateful! I'm hoping that, if I do the same exercises tonight and tomorrow morning, it won't have hurt me too bad.


3 reps of each is good. After a week, try to go to 3 reps of 25 of each. I know for me sit-ups hurt my abs after about 50, so i try to push myself. I used to be able to get 100 out in 3 minutes. But that was when i was training for the Military.


I hate when my father in law, aka boss, buys pizza for the office. I always feel bad about not having some, so i too indulge in the pizza. But i have been smarter lately, i go and buy lunch for the week and store it in our fridge. I just need someone to give me a push..

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Good morning all. Sorry i have been MIA. I have been addicted to an online game (stupid coworkers) and also been working.


I have strayed away and hope that you guys are not too mad at Sarge disappearing.


My weigh in is at 199 this week. I am surprised that it is under the 200 mark, as I had an engagement party on Friday night with a ton of great food (fried chicken, pasta, hoagies, cake, cupcakes, brownies). I had a tiny piece of the chicken, a bar b que sandwhich and come cake. Then Saturday was my Uncle's wedding. It was an awesome time, a Hawaiian Luau. Dinner was cookout food. (Hamburgers, hotdogs, corn on the cob, baked potatoe, pasta salad). And cake.


I am looking to get back on my losing ways.


Hope everyone has a great day.


Hi Matt! That's great to be able to be under 200 with those yummy menus. You are definitely doing something right.


How's married life? Planning another cruise yet? Inquiring (aka nosey) minds....


We've gotta keep a Meet & Greet on the radar. Someday - before time has passed too quicky and other priorities take over - I'd like to get everyone together.


Take care,


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Hi everyone! The scale said 148.5 this morning ~ which is ok considering I was good most of the week but had a few cocktails and two days of no exercise but still frustrating. I was really hoping to be under 145 right now because I have a goal of under 140 by the beginning of September. Going to continue with two workouts a day and eating right and drinking a ton of water.

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Hi Matt! That's great to be able to be under 200 with those yummy menus. You are definitely doing something right.


How's married life? Planning another cruise yet? Inquiring (aka nosey) minds....


We've gotta keep a Meet & Greet on the radar. Someday - before time has passed too quicky and other priorities take over - I'd like to get everyone together.


Take care,



we have been talking about wanting to do a Hawaiian cruise and an alaskan cruise.

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BTW: Posting my weight: 114.3 - down another lb. :D


I'm thinking of posting "before" and "after" photos. I have some before photos in mind - none that I really want to share but that's why I'm here! I'll have to have someone grab a camera and take a photo of me "after".... maybe I'll wait a day or two and see if I can lose any more. :) But seriously, I'm already in vacation mode since my last day at work was Friday.


I've been doing my morning workout and my treadmill but healthy eating has not been my strong point - especially today. Plus, since I'm not at work I am not doing my morning and afternoon walks.... or stairs. (Sorry Sarge!) but.... I do go up and down my stairs at home about 30 times a day! That's gotta count for something.


Oh one thing I wanted to share. I was at the store yesterday and found these Progresso individual serving soups that are 60 calories a serving for the veggie and noodle version. It was delicious. (I prefer home-made soup - and it's so easy to make - but I'm not buying any more fresh groceries right now since we'll be gone so long. Gotta use up what I have in the house before Wed.) Also, the 90 calorie Special K pretzel bars are my new sweet obsession!!! Yum!:p



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Well my weight is at 128.7 so I am down. :D Didn't know how this week was going to go. But I am down, so can't complain.


emmysmommy have fun on Valor. I still have two weeks to wait. :o Well that gives me two more weeks to get a few more pounds off... have fun :)

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It's late... I'm tired... and hungry.. I'll explain. We attended a dinner party tonight and I had pretty much been good all day to accomodate the foods that I could indulge in. There were probably a dozen or more appetizers that were set out or passed around... things like:

  • bacon wrapped cream cheese filled dates
  • crab dip on crustini
  • pate on wheat crackers
  • potato cakes topped w/ fresh salmon and creme fresh
  • sausage stuffed mushrooms
  • thin sliced roast beef on baguette w/ horseradish sour cream
  • puff pastry wrapped artichokes
  • brioche w/ parmesean and proscuitto (sp?)
  • skewers of grape tomatoes, buffalo mozzarella, and fresh basil drizzled with olive oil
  • grilled beef ribs with whiskey bbq sauce
  • fresh peach slices with mint sauce
  • Not sure what it is called, something like pavlova - it was the most amazing light dessert. It had a meringue base topped with fresh whipped cream and then fresh berries. Simple but so good.

I can't recall the other items but they kept coming out of the kitchen! So anyway.... I had a bite of a few things - good for me! I did have an entire slice of the roast beef on the baguette - it was delicious. I also had about 5 skewers of the tomato, cheese and basil appetizer since that was the best choice. I had to be polite and eat the pavlova when it was passed to me. ;)


Because I was so good and kept myself under control... now I'm home and hungry. But I don't want to eat this late at night so I'll just go brush my teeth and go to bed. :p


Good night.




After reading all these yummy appetizers I am hungry.

You did good.

Good morning all. Sorry i have been MIA. I have been addicted to an online game (stupid coworkers) and also been working.


I have strayed away and hope that you guys are not too mad at Sarge disappearing.


My weigh in is at 199 this week. I am surprised that it is under the 200 mark, as I had an engagement party on Friday night with a ton of great food (fried chicken, pasta, hoagies, cake, cupcakes, brownies). I had a tiny piece of the chicken, a bar b que sandwhich and come cake. Then Saturday was my Uncle's wedding. It was an awesome time, a Hawaiian Luau. Dinner was cookout food. (Hamburgers, hotdogs, corn on the cob, baked potatoe, pasta salad). And cake.


I am looking to get back on my losing ways.


Hope everyone has a great day.



How is one suppose to get their minds off food when the two of you are listing all this yummy food.

I forgive you for being MIA....I too have been slacking on my posting and miss the gang....hopefully I will be back to my chatty self in a couple of weeks.

I am glad married life is treating you good and hope you take either one of those cruises they would be fun. I have been to Hawaii for our 30 th anniversary and we loved it we are planning on going back next year but I want to see it by land not sea. Also have been to Alaska but with a patient of mine and would love to go back to vacation on my own and see the things I want to see.

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Hi everyone! The scale said 148.5 this morning ~ which is ok considering I was good most of the week but had a few cocktails and two days of no exercise but still frustrating. I was really hoping to be under 145 right now because I have a goal of under 140 by the beginning of September. Going to continue with two workouts a day and eating right and drinking a ton of water.


Hang in there you will reach your goal.


BTW: Posting my weight: 114.3 - down another lb.


I'm thinking of posting "before" and "after" photos. I have some before photos in mind - none that I really want to share but that's why I'm here! I'll have to have someone grab a camera and take a photo of me "after".... maybe I'll wait a day or two and see if I can lose any more. :) But seriously, I'm already in vacation mode since my last day at work was Friday.


I've been doing my morning workout and my treadmill but healthy eating has not been my strong point - especially today. Plus, since I'm not at work I am not doing my morning and afternoon walks.... or stairs. (Sorry Sarge!) but.... I do go up and down my stairs at home about 30 times a day! That's gotta count for something.


Oh one thing I wanted to share. I was at the store yesterday and found these Progresso individual serving soups that are 60 calories a serving for the veggie and noodle version. It was delicious. (I prefer home-made soup - and it's so easy to make - but I'm not buying any more fresh groceries right now since we'll be gone so long. Gotta use up what I have in the house before Wed.) Also, the 90 calorie Special K pretzel bars are my new sweet obsession!!! Yum!:p




Would love to see before and after pictures.

The soups sound good but I have yet to find any canned soups I like I love homemade soup....I am a soup snob.:eek: Now the pretzel bars sound yummy.

Well my weight is at 128.7 so I am down. :D Didn't know how this week was going to go. But I am down, so can't complain.


emmysmommy have fun on Valor. I still have two weeks to wait. :o Well that gives me two more weeks to get a few more pounds off... have fun :)


Great job.

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I have to say I am a nervous wreck waiting till Thursday for surgery. It is the unknown that is eating me up.

I weighed this morning only to be greatly disappointed I have gained I am at 221 lbs I knew the steroids would do it but it doesn't make it happening any easier. I don't think I will weigh myself until after my surgery and when I can get back to exercising.

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hello everyone,


My wife and I are going to be going on our first in october and we are very excited and NERVOUS.... we are both over weight about 90lbs overweight to be exact ( :D) . anyway, the nervous part is: are we going to stand out like big sore (fat) thumbs? I know that over 60% of america is overweight, but for some reason I cant find them.... We always feel out of place due to our weight and we are just hoping for some reasurance that we wont be too out of place. :o




Sorry for posting this question on this thread, I was just hoping for some help.




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valandemmy hello everyone,


My wife and I are going to be going on our first in october and we are very excited and NERVOUS.... we are both over weight about 90lbs overweight to be exact ( :D) . anyway, the nervous part is: are we going to stand out like big sore (fat) thumbs? I know that over 60% of america is overweight, but for some reason I cant find them.... We always feel out of place due to our weight and we are just hoping for some reasurance that we wont be too out of place. :o



Sorry for posting this question on this thread, I was just hoping for some help.





Welcome, believe me you will not be out of place.. There are a lot of large people on cruises. Now if you want to lose for health reasons then that's great.. People here are of good support. Hopefully you will pick a way to lose weight that works for you.


I have been staying away from carbs and sugar, plus cutting back my portion. Good luck with you weight lose.

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hello everyone,


My wife and I are going to be going on our first in october and we are very excited and NERVOUS.... we are both over weight about 90lbs overweight to be exact ( :D) . anyway, the nervous part is: are we going to stand out like big sore (fat) thumbs? I know that over 60% of america is overweight, but for some reason I cant find them.... We always feel out of place due to our weight and we are just hoping for some reasurance that we wont be too out of place. :o




Sorry for posting this question on this thread, I was just hoping for some help.






Charles....Welcome to our support group. My DH and I both are over weight and have been trying to lose for several reasons the main reason is for our health and of course to enjoy doing things on our vacation.

You stated you are cruising in October that still gives you both a little time to start living a healthier life if you want and we will be here to support you both in any way we can.

Either way don't let it ruin your vacation enjoy yourselves.

When and what cruise ship are you taking?

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I have one more day until we leave for Miami... one more day to make all this effort count!


Note: I WILL be eating at all the buffets, supper club, enjoying room service and eating (sensibly I hope) in the dining room. This is my "reward" for all that hard work! :D


I need to take my "after" picture before the cruise because I don't want to model the extra 5 pounds that I will certainly come home with!


I ran this morning and weighed myself after (I know that is cheating since it really is not my true weight) and I was down another .3 of a lb. to 113.9. YES!


We are taking my parents to dinner at a BBQ joint so I'll most likely find the .3 pounds this evening!


Take care,



Vickey: Hope all is well and that today is a better day. I'm praying for you and I know Thursday you will be in my thoughts as well.

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Have a great one Brenda! Hope Missou is having a good cruise.


Vickey - thinking of you daily. Please have little sis try to keep up updated. We are all thinking of you. You go girl and get this thing! :eek:



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I am so ready for some bitter and blanc, some beef wellington, and maybe some grand marnier souffle. Yum. Can't wait to indulge a little starting Sunday on this cruise.


Before: Weight 149 (photo from last summer and one from the Thanksgiving time) :(

After: 673 miles later on the treadmill - Weight 114 (today) :D






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