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Royal Champions


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So you went all the way back to find that post for what reason ? :confused: Was it an attempt to make an RC look bad? Looks that way to me :(


Say WHAT?????? I read, I post, I scroll -- read, post, scroll. Someone says an RC helped her because they have special contacts; I say, good, they could start an ombudsmen thread to help everyone with their special contacts. Heck one of the RC's refers to Mr. Goldstein as Adam. Since she is on a first name basis with the guy, I think she could help with a problem. Then you id yourself as the person who helped the poster and it was not because you were an RC, but just because you have contacts -- and I am being jumped on?

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Although, I now understand that you are a lawyer for Carnival, and hence your attempts to harm your competitor RCI is very clear. Thanks for clarifying your vested interest.


Can you prove you are not what I just stated?




too cute -- you are half right!


See you are half way cured. When you realize that in this case I am 100% right, you will be a much happier person, trust me on this.



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Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe the first wave of RC's were in the summer of 2007 -- perhaps you read my post where I wondered if it was a coincidence that the viral ad program started just before the fuel surcharge.


The RCs started in April 2007 I believe...trying to remember now as I wasnt chosen then....let me check my sig........oh yes Liberty Pre-Inaugural here in UK was 23rd April 2007....so the first RCs attended the ones over the pond a few weeks later in May 2007. So quite a few months months before the FS debate etc started.

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No, nothing has changed, and nothing WILL ever change because posters (like quoted below) have some VERY strange hangup about it and can't seem to get past it, and go find something constructive to do in their lives except to sit behind a keyboard and keep fighting over something that has nothing to do with them....but then again, that's probably the reason why....because they're NOT a part of it




Think i've explained the hangups - oh i find plenty of constructive things to rather than rally to the corporate cause ( i was at a peace rally in Belfast today ) - i don't want to be part of something in return for perks i'm a free spirit that can't be bought.






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What many of us have called for here, is tranparency, that's all.


Your definition of "many" is flawed. There are not "many" of you complaining about this. For every one of you who are demanding the virtual hanging of any RC's and calling for their identification, there's someone else like me....and jc....and "many" others who are NOT RC who think this whole thing is an embarassment and much ado about nothing. DON'T pay attention to their posts, put them on ignore - whatever makes you comfortable.


Web marketing and polling is not going away. In any fashion. I work in media and it is only going to get more Orwellian. This reminds me of the age old screeching over television ratings. People wanted to be a Nielsen family and wanted Nielsen to identify how they chose their "families." Now - every tivo has a chip that not only tells Nielsen what people are watching but how they are watching. My, how deceptive of tivo not to tell their customers that Big Brother will know they are watching "All My Children" at 2 am. :rolleyes:


This whole thing will have to end sometime. No one is going to change their minds at this point. Now back to your regularly scheduled slings and arrows..........

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Thats the problem they're being given special treatment !!




jc - why can't you accept it as proof ?? i didn't know Carnival had a office in Belfast Northern Ireland - maybe you could ring them jc and then ask CC to check my IP Address - checkmate !!



And sure let me know when you've determined if i'm a bad person or not !!







I think I read a viral marketing campaign that told me about Carnival hiring adults living in their parents basement to attack internet forums in lieu of actual work.


The web is also full of IP blocking/changing protocols.


We can play he said she said all week, and you can never prove if I am a RC or not. Even though I am not. This transparency you seek is not possible without violating individual privacy. If you are good with that then that will be another prejudicial posting by you. It isn't looking good.;)



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See you are half way cured. When you realize that in this case I am 100% right, you will be a much happier person, trust me on this.



jc what am i half cured off ?


And sure let me know when you've determined if i'm a bad person or not !!



The web is also full of IP blocking/changing protocols.



I'm sure CC can confirm my IP - Grasping at straws !!








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Think i've explained the hangups - oh i find plenty of constructive things to rather than rally to the corporate cause ( i was at a peace rally in Belfast today ) - i don't want to be part of something in return for perks i'm a free spirit that can't be bought.







Well if you think we're "bought" then you have a LOT more than hangups....you have problems accepting the truth and that you are WRONG.

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Your definition of "many" is flawed. There are not "many" of you complaining about this. For every one of you who are demanding the virtual hanging of any RC's and calling for their identification, there's someone else like me....and jc....and "many" others who are NOT RC who think this whole thing is an embarassment and much ado about nothing. DON'T pay attention to their posts, put them on ignore - whatever makes you comfortable.


Web marketing and polling is not going away. In any fashion. I work in media and it is only going to get more Orwellian. This reminds me of the age old screeching over television ratings. People wanted to be a Nielsen family and wanted Nielsen to identify how they chose their "families." Now - every tivo has a chip that not only tells Nielsen what people are watching but how they are watching. My, how deceptive of tivo not to tell their customers that Big Brother will know they are watching "All My Children" at 2 am. :rolleyes:


This whole thing will have to end sometime. No one is going to change their minds at this point. Now back to your regularly scheduled slings and arrows..........




Although, I thought clubs were being used, not arrows. 3.gif

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Say WHAT?????? I read, I post, I scroll -- read, post, scroll. Someone says an RC helped her because they have special contacts; I say, good, they could start an ombudsmen thread to help everyone with their special contacts. Heck one of the RC's refers to Mr. Goldstein as Adam. Since she is on a first name basis with the guy, I think she could help with a problem. Then you id yourself as the person who helped the poster and it was not because you were an RC, but just because you have contacts -- and I am being jumped on?



I call him Adam also...and he calls me Elizabeth...yip in person and in emails....and that has nothing to do with being an RC.

Heck I even get phone calls from the UK Execs...so what...thats nothing to do with being a RC.

Do you want folks to post and declare every time RCCL contacts them? Do you want a special avatar for that also?


The problem is you went all the way back to a post that was posted hours and hours ago and didnt take the time to see if there was a response to it before you quoted it.


So who is actually jumping on who?


Can you understand now how the RCs are feeling...every word we post is being picked apart by some folks who really do have a bee in their bonnet about the RCs.

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Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe the first wave of RC's were in the summer of 2007 -- perhaps you read my post where I wondered if it was a coincidence that the viral ad program started just before the fuel surcharge.


No, what I have said repeatedly here, is that RC's need to be identified by a special avatar or near their avatar -- many of us, as I have repeatedly said, have no desire to have our experience cluttered with sig lines and block them. What many of us have called for here, is tranparency, that's all. I believe our anger was about cc's complicity in a viral ad campaign by not making it known to the other members, and by taking affrimative steps to prevent others from learning about it. (I have not expressed anger at RCCL or the RC's). Transparency via identification of RC's takes fixes the problem.


So, these individual posters need to be identified? Right?


You really are telling me that private citizens have to identify themselves as RCs so that we can be aware of their obvious bias. Right?


You are scaring me... should they have a number tatooed on their arms too?


Should anyone who is a travel agent be identified? They get free cruises, too. A lot more than all of the RCs added together. I know a handful of travel agents that were on the Liberty inaugural. Why do they get to skate under your new rules of identification.


I am a stockholder, should I be identified? I am a member of the crown and anchor society should I be identified?


Should diamonds be identified?


Should Carnival, Princess, HAL, Celebrity, or NCL cheerleaders be identified if they ever got something for free or because their posting here? I, personally, know some folks that have in the past.


You seem to hate CC, RCs, and RCI... should you be identified?


When as private citizens did we forego our rights to post here.


Truly this is simply unbelieveable.... (I want to keep my posting privileges so I won't say what I really think.):rolleyes:



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Officially, thanks to the moderators. It seems there may be some maturing taking place on CC, regardless if by choice or a feeling of need (put out the fires, so to speak). Much needed thread, and not just for this one topic.

I have read each and every post and I have surmised, due to other folks saying so, that there is several angry, jealous, whining, conspiracy theorist, etc. types on CC. I recall having been given the label by several here in the past on threads recent and long gone including the fuel surcharge thread of a year and a half ago.


I feel no need to discuss the obvious benefits/pitfalls of a viral marketing and for those looking for a definition and discussion of it can learn more here (not the absolute word but a good place for a 101 lesson (note the author allows the use of the site and to copy...their own viral marketing). Note, this is not new and written in 2005:




What I would like to comment on, is that it has appeared on this site that whenever a topic of discussion is not, shall we say, in the company's best interest, there is a home based group that flails the names mentioned above and then cries fowl that they are being "attacked". We even now have this home based group starting threads that have the we vs. them theme in it. It appears this is all in the name of quashing what they term as needless, ridiculous comnplaints or whining.

We now have the RCers taking the victim stance and forming what has become a well known circle of defense by some in other threads, in this thread.


I see this as a bigger question then any individual, or for that matter group. I, for one, do not believe the management of CC is that incompetent to not know what this was about. And even if they were, the facts had to become clear and be recognize for what it was, indeed a viral marketing campaign, after the Liberty 2 day event. I admit to knowingly having seen the RC title in some signatures, but had no idea where it originated. Based on what I can surmise at this time, CC complicity in this is, in fact, knowing allowing the viral marketing campaign to continue on these threads without letting their members know of it.

If CC did notify the membership that RCI was indeed doing viral marketing through members on this site, I apoligize and would ask for a link as I may have missed it.


Why stir it up again? :confused:

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Please. Now tell me you did not like the h'orderves they served either?

No one else on the ship gets finger food like that unless they are an invited guest.

I have done 27 cruises. All I ever had to do was ask for a different drink and see if they would bring it. Most of the time yes. Free of charge too. ;)





I did ask and was told no. Except, a couple of years ago at the D/Plat luncheon on the Brilliance, I got the drink, but paid for it.

I take that "please" as being derogatory and condescending.

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And when did they know they were going to add that surcharge? Too bad the old thread was deleted as I recall some links to industry interviews. I just thought the coincidence was interesting. The viral campaign gets put together in the spring, and all hell breaks loose in the fall.



When did who know they were going to add the FS ?

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Can you understand now how the RCs are feeling...every word we post is being picked apart by some folks who really do have a bee in their bonnet about the RCs.




And who's fault is that ??






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This whole entire thread is ridiculous. How much common sense does it take to realize that just about any and everything posted on this board by the members is subjective. Why is it that you cannot trust Joe the Royal Champion but you're supposed to trust Bessie the everyday poster? Who's says that she doesn't work for another cruise line or is a TA that receives a higher commission to push one cruise line over the other? The answer is, you don't know. At least most of the Royal Champions have made it clear who they are from the beginning.


It seems that what we have here is a group of people who are jealous, a group who would not be happy if God himself gave you a cruise or people who just like to b*tch about any and everything. Which of the groups do the majority on this thread fit? I believe that later. Why not worry about things in the world that really matter? I seriously doubt if the Royal Champions give two rats butts if you like them or not. Again, some of the posters on this board wallow in misery and seem happy to do it. Sad.

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This whole entire thread is ridiculous. How much common sense does it take to realize that just about any and everything posted on this boardby the members is subjective. Why is it that you cannot trust Joe the Royal Champion but you're supposed to trust Bessie the everyday poster? Who's says that she doesn't work for another cruise line or is a TA that receives a higher commission to push one cruise line over the other? The answer is, you don't know. At least most of the Royal Champions have made it clear who they are from the beginning.


It seems that what we have here is a group of people who are jealous, a group who would not be happy if God himself gave you a cruise or people who just like to b*tch about any and everything. Which of the groups do the majority on this thread fit? I believe that later. Why not worry about things in the world that really matter? I seriously doubt if the Royal Champions give two rats butts if you like them or not. Again, some of the posters on this board wallow in misery and seem happy to do it. Sad.




Post of the day.

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Say WHAT?????? I read, I post, I scroll -- read, post, scroll. Someone says an RC helped her because they have special contacts; I say, good, they could start an ombudsmen thread to help everyone with their special contacts. Heck one of the RC's refers to Mr. Goldstein as Adam. Since she is on a first name basis with the guy, I think she could help with a problem. Then you id yourself as the person who helped the poster and it was not because you were an RC, but just because you have contacts -- and I am being jumped on?




So...What's REALLY bothering you? I mean...you've got to have some real problems somewhere in your life...I count over 40 posts by you so far in this thread alone...You really do like to protest and complain a lot, don't you? Yeah, I went back and checked on your posts on other threads as well...You seem to have some issues...


Did Royal Caribbean treat you poorly on some cruise? Or do you just enjoy being negative? How about the many Royal Champion posters on this site? Aside from your rather fertile imagination, do you have some specific issues where any of them have done you wrong? Mislead you?


You want us all to be somehow tagged so you will know who we are...What did you have in mind? A yellow star on our coats? No, that's been done before...Hmmmmm.....


While we're at it, how about a special avatar identifying the whiners?


I mean, jaxon, if you only had a REAL issue...But, don't you think you've hammered on this one enough? Do you , maybe, have other issues that might be a better use of your time?


Enough already...

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Having read just about every Post on this including a lot of the "pulled" ones" I have a suggestion.


Since we do not appear to have an independant Chairman at this meeting can I attempt to sum up , as I understand it, we have two polarised factions.


One believes that RCL did nothing wrong, that CC handled the initial disclosure well and that NO RC can be bought.


The other believes that RCL were less than honest, that CC didn't cover itself in glory and that NO RC can ever be trusted again.


Therefore people why don't we all agree to disagree, wind up the meeting and all go out for a well earned Dram ?




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Think i've explained the hangups - oh i find plenty of constructive things to rather than rally to the corporate cause ( i was at a peace rally in Belfast today ) - i don't want to be part of something in return for perks i'm a free spirit that can't be bought.







I seriously doubt that you have anything to worry about.:rolleyes:

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I don't see the posts # on the RC board, but I'm sure its there somewhere. I think you need to add the posts in the Meet & Mingle forum also. Many of the RCs post in there often.


I have been involved in 9 Meet and Mingles.

I have personally helped a lot in many of them and started 3 or 4 of them?

That is a lot of post count involved.

My count average is 3 a day for 7 years until this thread. :D

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See you are half way cured. When you realize that in this case I am 100% right, you will be a much happier person, trust me on this.




After reading this entire thread, I give you a great deal of credit for sticking it out this long going back and forth but I do hope that you realize that one cannot match wits with the unarmed.;):rolleyes:

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What about if RCCL rotated the Champs ?



Therefore people why don't we all agree to disagree, wind up the meeting and all go out for a well earned Dram ?



I agree Cy and the Champs can pay its the least they can do lol






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