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Royal Champions


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Ah yeah, well I have been around CC even longer than you and sure the "poof" happens all the time. But this situation was above and beyond the norm, way beyond. Ya had to see it to believe it and obviously you didn't see it.


Why do you think CC ended up putting this "sticky" thread up? Oh and we have been "told" that this sticky thread is sufficient and there should be no posting threads about this issue anywhere else. That does not happen all the time (about LEGITIMATE topics of interest to cruisers) and indeed is something "new".

Yikes, you didn't have to be so rude in your reply.:eek: I did see the threads go POOF left and right about this. I am just trying to see this thing from all perspectives and get the facts and not just a bunch of he said/she said.


And I think CC put this as a "sticky" because it involves them and their involvement from the beginning. And why would you even need other threads discussing this? Isn't one enough to let everyone voice their opinion about this matter? :confused:

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Shame on RCCL for putting all of the RC'ers in the position of having to defend themselves about a marketing scheme that RCCL didn't disclose to any of you!!


And shame on CC for letting themselves get suckered into this mess in the first place!!


It looks like the only innocent party in all this were the Royal Champions.




I'm going to assume that you didn't see my edit when you posted this, as there was further context to my comment. I'm putting that entirely on myself, as I hit the "submit" button too soon and needed to go back to append my answer.


I see no reason to condemn RCCL for utilizing a marketing scheme to sell their product. They see a forum of people who are obvious "targets" for their product (it's a cruise discussion forum specifically targeted to RCI past, present & future guests), and found a way to "get the word out." That's not criminal ... that's just business. I'm a business owner. My major source of advertising is word of mouth from my clients to other potential clients. So I am absolutely NOT going to fault RCI for choosing this method to advertise their product. In the same way I do not tell my clients WHAT to say to other potential clients, we were not told what to say ... or even that we need to say anything ... to the Cruise Critic Community. However, in choosing us, they probably were pretty safe in assuming that we would, indeed, go out and share what we knew. Just like we do when people ask about other cruise-related experiences.


In fact, once ... a long time ago ... I read a post by you, raving about a great massage you received in Ensenada. I asked you for the information and you were gracious to provide me with the name and information about the massaage parlor. In turn, I have passed that information to my fellow cruisers. That's advertising! You got a good (great) massage; so did I. And now, so have many others. Nothing wrong with that. ~ Lorna

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Yikes' date=' you didn't have to be so rude in your reply.:eek: I did see the threads go POOF left and right about this. I am just trying to see this thing from all perspectives and get the facts and not just a bunch of he said/she said.


And I think CC put this as a "sticky" because it involves them and their involvement from the beginning. And why would you even need other threads discussing this? Isn't one enough to let everyone voice their opinion[/color'] about this matter? :confused:


WOW, Sorry you thought I was being rude, because I certainly was not. I have tried very hard to be objective as well. I do not want to make this personal and if you interpreted my response to you as being rude, I am very sorry I didn't choose my words or whatever better because I certainly had no intention of being rude. Why would I?



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I'm going to assume that you didn't see my edit when you posted this, as there was further context to my comment. I'm putting that entirely on myself, as I hit the "submit" button too soon and needed to go back to append my answer.


I see no reason to condemn RCCL for utilizing a marketing scheme to sell their product. They see a forum of people who are obvious "targets" for their product (it's a cruise discussion forum specifically targeted to RCI past, present & future guests), and found a way to "get the word out." That's not criminal ... that's just business. I'm a business owner. My major source of advertising is word of mouth from my clients to other potential clients. So I am absolutely NOT going to fault RCI for choosing this method to advertise their product. In the same way I do not tell my clients WHAT to say to other potential clients, we were not told what to say ... or even that we need to say anything ... to the Cruise Critic Community. However, in choosing us, they probably were pretty safe in assuming that we would, indeed, go out and share what we knew. Just like we do when people ask about other cruise-related experiences.


In fact, once ... a long time ago ... I read a post by you, raving about a great massage you received in Ensenada. I asked you for the information and you were gracious to provide me with the name and information about the massaage parlor. In turn, I have passed that information to my fellow cruisers. That's advertising! You got a good (great) massage; so did I. And now, so have many others. Nothing wrong with that. ~ Lorna

Lorna, I don't condemn RCCL for using a marketing scheme to advertise their product. But I DO condemn them for using this board and some of the posters here, without disclosing the true reason that they wanted the posters contact info. And by being sneaky about it, it has totally blown up in their faces.


I have read posts from a lot of the RC'ers and I have found them to be an honest posting bunch. In fact, I think that even if RCCL had told you what they wanted you to say, all of you would say "no damn way".


And I'm happy to hear that you used my info about massage place in Ensenada and have passed on the word. I think that is what most cruise boards should be......sharing info with others so that they can get the best out of their cruise. :D

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WOW, Sorry you thought I was being rude, because I certainly was not. I have tried very hard to be objective as well. I do not want to make this personal and if you interpreted my response to you as being rude, I am very sorry I didn't choose my words or whatever better because I certainly had no intention of being rude. Why would I?



Apology accepted and no hard feelings, Colleen. :)

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The more I read about this and think about it the more relieved I am.


I was getting a little worked up when so many were for all the cutbacks and extra charges.


I'm glad this has been exposed. To me it's not that big of a deal. Maybe in the future the RCers can express their true feelings and if RCI wants to give them a one or two night cruise so what. Just let them be honest with their posts.

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Apology accepted and no hard feelings' date=' Colleen.[/color'] :)


Gee Thanks, 'cuz the last thing I want to do is cause any problems on this sticky/thread. I am just trying to get info and find out what is going on like you are trying to do Janice.


Happy Cruising,


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Well Folks, I am outta here on an early flight tomorrow (today?). When I get back and checkin on Tuesday I expect to see only a trickle of posts, if any at all. I think most of us have figured out what went down and its just the way of the (business) world.


Cheers and Happy Cruising,


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I'm from New York but I live in Seoul. What's this about gas? All I said that there was nothing big going on here. I may have been wrong but I doubt most people would call my message inflammatory.


Where did this guy come from? He is just pouring more gas on the fire...
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It looks like the only innocent party in all this were the Royal Champions.




Some nice pics of the Free Cruise we're all talking about http://travel.webshots.com/album/559180645XeaKLk?start=72



I really think it would help if either RCCL closed the scheme down or CC highlighted those involved so that impartiality and transparency is seen on the forums.






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The more I read about this and think about it the more relieved I am.


I was getting a little worked up when so many were for all the cutbacks and extra charges.


I'm glad this has been exposed. To me it's not that big of a deal. Maybe in the future the RCers can express their true feelings and if RCI wants to give them a one or two night cruise so what. Just let them be honest with their posts.


just a passing comment. anything i've ever posted on any cruise board, not just cc, has been my true and honest feelings.


in the interest of full disclosure, i have shamelessly told folks to go to the mini golf in cozumel as the owner, scott, is the son of a friend of mine i used to play poker with in our development until he passed away a couple years ago. i have also advocated getting a massage from barefoot sally as she is a friend of scotts and gives a great massage for the money.


neither one of them has paid me or are involved in any marketing scheme that i'm aware of.

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Guess this isnt over with yet. There's another column on this from the same journalist. Interesting insights from marketing experts. Pretty harsh on this board.


A contagious viral: Marketing campaign sinks Cruise Critic





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Liz, you are better than that. I know it. Why does everything has to do with jealousy? I have many posts seen where people ask what an RC is.


I think this thing has taken on such proportion because a question was asked, RCs got offended without really answering questions (especially the 'how does one become an RC'), continuous twisting of facts (compensated or not) and the deletion of several threads. It peaked the interest not only from some CCers but also bloggers who read these boards for new material.


This jealousy notion actually becomes quite interesting. For one to be jealous of someone this someone has to have something the other has not. Most often it is material possession but often a certain stand in society. Since I do not know what the materialistic composition of each RCer is, neither do any of the RCers have a coue about the possession a regular CCer has or has not, it seems to me that the notion 'everybody must be jealous' indicates that RCers feel above regular CCers. So far I gave RCers the benefit of the doubt and categorized most of you into the 'proud' category but since this 'jealous' thing appears more and more I may have to change my mindset.


Do you feel superior to regular CCers?

Here is a response that I had written to Ladder 55 earlier in this thread. I think it answers your question.......


And here, I think, is the crux of the issue. We don't see it as "us and the rest of you". You can believe it or not but I see myself as just one poster out of many on the C.C. site. You state that your issue is with CC. That is all well and good. But if you read, as I suspect you have, most of this thread you will have to agree the issue that you have with CC is very much getting blurred into an issue with the R.C. folks and their integrity. THAT is what is becoming very old and very tiring.

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Guess this isnt over with yet. There's another column on this from the same journalist. Interesting insights from marketing experts. Pretty harsh on this board.


A contagious viral: Marketing campaign sinks Cruise Critic






And how exactly do we know that the "expert" is not one of the people here stirring up the pot so that she continues to have something to write about and sell to papers?


I've stayed off this thread for a few thousand posts now since it seems that nobody is really looking for answers so much as a punching bag and nobody is saying anything new. Sure, the author gets another week of stories from you all but outside of that, all we've seen is a bunch of people say the same things over and over. This isn't a real conversation because nobody can be compelled to answer anything, Champions and naysayers alike, on the internet. Folks just keep posting the same things, refusing to believe anyone who isn't telling "their" version of the truth and the world just keeps spinning.



Oh, and this so-called "expert" gets paid for another story.


Looks like the RCs are not the only ones who should consider themselves used in all this.

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while what anita published is what i said to her, she promised to let me know what she was going to use and in what context before publication.


she did not let me see it prior to publication. i would have probably approved it, but i would have liked the courtesy of her doing what she promised.

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Schplinky do you feel used now ?







Not so much. I kept posting the same way I always had (I know that's impossible for some to believe) and I got a free two nighter.


I wonder if any of the ethical cops here ever got invited to the Captain's Table on a sailing (I haven't in 15 cruises), would they say "oh, that's an honor but I'm trying desperately to preserve my legitimacy for an internet chat board and I fear that my integrity would be challenged later by people I never met."

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while what anita published is what i said to her, she promised to let me know what she was going to use and in what context before publication.


she did not let me see it prior to publication. i would have probably approved it, but i would have liked the courtesy of her doing what she promised.


Shocking!!!! And I thought she was a journalist!!!!

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Now that is a link I love :)
Me too!!:D:D


And how exactly do we know that the "expert" is not one of the people here stirring up the pot so that she continues to have something to write about and sell to papers?


I've stayed off this thread for a few thousand posts now since it seems that nobody is really looking for answers so much as a punching bag and nobody is saying anything new. Sure, the author gets another week of stories from you all but outside of that, all we've seen is a bunch of people say the same things over and over. This isn't a real conversation because nobody can be compelled to answer anything, Champions and naysayers alike, on the internet. Folks just keep posting the same things, refusing to believe anyone who isn't telling "their" version of the truth and the world just keeps spinning.



Oh, and this so-called "expert" gets paid for another story.


Looks like the RCs are not the only ones who should consider themselves used in all this.

I think the writers of those stories are loving it......the most readership they have probably ever had with their columns............



I dont think we all will ever agree on this subject.......and with the criticisms aimed at some,Im really suprised this hasnt been locked up............how long can you hash over the same arguments time and time again????:confused:

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I have read much of this thread, and periodically participated. Here on page 45 or whatever, several things continue to astonish me. One is the total refusal to incorporate the science of what was done into your understanding. By ignoring it people can go on saying that they were in no way influenced and believe themselves. The fact that you are all human and your human nature works like the rest of us humans is not a character flaw. And my pointing it out to you is not an insult.


The second thing is the complete denial by some that the company was intentionally doing this, despite their own words. And as far as what they are saying in response to this bruhaha- sorry but you have to define that as spin. They are trying to put out flames and doing their best to be sure that you, some of their best customers and certainly some of their more vocal customers, don't get angry at them for using you. Because without your permission that is what they did. You were manipulated, using well known scientific principles. And the fact that you didn't realize it, and still don't feel manipulated, just shows how good they were at it.

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For what it is worth, what I'm seeing in Royal Champions is a program very similar to one I was a part of in a very different industry. This was called the MVP program, and was set up to recognize people who contributed positively to the community on a regular basis.


This doesn't mean being a lacky or full-time cheerleader, but simply posting their opinions, and helping out others who are new to the system. By definition, anyone with a choice who uses any product regularly is likely to be a fan of that product, and by and large say good things about it.


What mkes MVPs, and I suspect Champions, different from other customers is that they are willing both to talk about their experiences, and go out of their way to help others. One key thing - MVP's can't generally seek to join the program - they are invited based on their past, volunatry, community activities. It sounds like RC's are selected in a similar way.


A part of this recognition is the occasional perk. You might get invited to participate in a product launch, or provide extra feedback to the company. You might get some small token of appreciation. You certainly aren't an employee of the company, and they don't pressure you to say good things. At worst, you might lose your extra status if you are somehow abusive, but generally, you are still free to speak your mind.


Now, I'm not saying that this is exactly how the RC program works, but I would be surprised if it was very different. I certainly have no problem with it (and I'm someone who got vocal agaisnt the for-fee Steak thing), and offer what I believe are well-deserved congratulations to those who were selected to be a part of the RC program!


One other point I need to make - Like loyalty tiers, these programs are customer focused, and therefore they tend to be handled by the marketing and/or customer relations departments of the companies sponsoring them. So in a way, yes, they are advertising. But they are also customer service, in that MVP's, Royal Champions, or whatever, are answering questions for people that might otherwise have become calls to the company.

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