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Royal Champions


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The more pertinent question is:

If the Royal Champion program is shown to be a marketing campaign and not the innocent loyalty program that a few still cling to, will those chosen to be RCs resign?


I do not see how RCs can be allowed to continue to post on CC if they are part of a marketing campaign and if they can no longer post then what's the point of the program?


I see your point. From reading this thread tho I gather that many have made up their minds already as to what this program is. That is why I am curious if they feel so strongly in their conviction that they will cancel their cruise and even let RCCL know that is why they canceled. No matter what RCCL could or would say from now on, it seems they will always doubt anything RCCL may say in the future.


I have cruised RCCL enough to have achieved D+ status (I started cruising long before message boards were available) and for the most part can honestly say that my cruises with them have been some of the best I have ever been on. That does not mean they were perfect but the few major glitches I encountered were always handled and soon forgotten. I have also cruised on 3 other lines and with one exception, felt they provided a great cruising experience. That one exception, which I used my 3 strikes and I'm done rule no longer and never will get my money again. That said, if I felt I had been made a chump by a company, I would never give them another penny either.


This is a guess on my part but I do believe this program will be disbanded in the near future.

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Have to say, this whole thing seems overblown. I assume many people who post online have some type of agenda so I take things with a grain of salt.


What does bother me is that CC makes such a big deal about their 'no advertising' policy. Sometimes, I would like to ask someone about their travel agent but it's a huge no-no. So in that respect, the RC thing is kind of hypocritical.


Sirens, whistles, air horn, all going off. By George, someone's got it. And see nothing said about an individual.

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That is why I am curious if they feel so strongly in their conviction that they will cancel their cruise and even let RCCL know that is why they canceled. No matter what RCCL could or would say from now on, it seems they will always doubt anything RCCL may say in the future.

This is a guess on my part but I do believe this program will be disbanded in the near future.


I think cancelling would seem to be like cutting off your nose to spite your face ! However I was reseaching my Xmas cruise last night and for the very first I spent longer on the competitors sites than RCL.


Personally, I no longer care what happens to this RC programme, it has no relevance or credibility on ANY Board.


In answer to your last "guess", RCL have stated that they are "committed" to the programme so I wouldn't hold your breath for that to happen.




:) RC(hump)

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However I was reseaching my Xmas cruise last night and for the very first I spent longer on the competitors sites than RCL.


Apologies, should have read "for the very first time I spent"





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Royal Caribbean has made a huge mistake with this program as anyone can see from the negative image it has created both here and on other travel sites. It is a shame that such a fine cruise line should have done something so stupid. Traveler need to be able to trust the comments they read from fellow travelers, even if taken with a grain of salt.

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Now that Cruise Critic and Trip Advisor are aware of the viral marketing campaign that Royal Caribbean has admitted to conducting on Cruise Critic, will they ask Royal Caribbean to stop viral marketing on Cruise Critic?


I am patiently waiting for the management of Trip Advisor or Cruise Critic to decide (and announce) what course of action they plan on taking.



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I think that Marci22 may have just discovered the vaccine for this new virus. A grain of salt. Take one EVERY TIME you read a post that might be infected with the virus. Don't forget your blood pressure medicine, as it might take a while to get this virus under control. That's a lot of salt.;)

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i would like to address the "jealousy" issue since it has been used for pages here to discredit folks objecting to a viral marketing program. The charge assumes that the title of Royal Champion on the CC message board carries such prestige and clout wherever it might be mentioned in the whole WIDE WORLD that legions of the rest of us are consumed with envy...trying to destroy what we are too inferior to ever possess.


Is that the point?


Let's remember this an an anonymous message Board on the Internet. Isn't there the TINIEST chance that a few of us "objectors" have a title or position in our real lives that might carry just the TINIEST prestige as well? Maybe...maybe even close to the knock-out title of being a Royal Champ for a cruise line corporation....


Could it be possible that some come here for unbiased information (we thought) and not with the wistful longing to be "important" on a website?


Perhaps not all of us would swoon over meeting CEO Goldberg or whatever his name is...because to us he is no more than a man with a good job providing a SERVICE we pay for!


Perhaps some of us are just content to be ourselves and rejoice in our own blessings and not feel we have to be a VIP on an Internet message Board to feel good about ourselves!


Could this be remotely possible?


How presumptious and how ridiculous for anyone to presume without knowing WHO WE ARE or our values or our individual achievements...that some special status on an Internet opinion Board would drive ANYTHING we might do.

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I agree. This whole mess creates an air of suspicion around all. I find myself subconsciously checking post#'s and signatures now. I NEVER used to do that. I don't mean to do it, I try not to do it but it's almost an auto-response now. Is this person an RC, a wannabe, a plant, a troll...leaving you with the ultimate, sad question of who do I trust?


Yes, I too have been infected.


Tell me why I should believe anything you post? How do I know that I can trust anything you post? You could be anyone from a travel agent or a employee from another cruise line. How do we know that when you give out information about a cruise line that you just didn't pick it up from this board. This entire board is made of up of people that none of us know. I laugh when I read responses like yours as that stands for just about every person on this board.

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Let's remember this an an anonymous message Board on the Internet.


How presumptious and how ridiculous for anyone to presume without knowing WHO WE ARE or our values or our individual achievements...that some special status on an Internet opinion Board would drive ANYTHING we might do.


X-CELLENT choice of words.

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Unfortunately CC/TripAdvisor are in a hole of their own making. They do have anti-advertising rules but somehow they do not apply to the cruise lines and only to the members. The reason for the two tier rules, well I guess its a case of they cannot bite the hands that feed them. They cannot refuse a request from a cruise line to bend the rules incase that same cruise line then decides that they will leave and find a more co-operative site and one that would show more appreciation for their cash & perks (such as the M&M's etc).


Rock and a hard place and one that makes alot of us VERY happy that we don't have such cosy relationships with the cruise lines. This is where losing your impartiality gets you......damn shame, but CC/TripAdvisor made their beds with Royal Caribbean, they will just have to lie in it and take the flack for doing so.


I really hope that you're not here to drum up business for your own board. I took a look at it. Looks like the other small boards out there with very little activity. Cruise Critic is the largest board of information out there. Now all the little boys are taking pot shots at them hoping to win some new members. Funny isn't it?:rolleyes:

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Now that Cruise Critic and Trip Advisor are aware of the viral marketing campaign that Royal Caribbean has admitted to conducting on Cruise Critic, will they ask Royal Caribbean to stop viral marketing on Cruise Critic?


I am patiently waiting for the management of Trip Advisor or Cruise Critic to decide (and announce) what course of action they plan on taking.




Royal Caribbean, Cruise Critic or Trip Advisor owe none of us anything. It's their business to run the way that they want. If you don't like it then it becomes your choice as to move on. Very simple isn't it?

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I think a lot of people use the information they get on these forums to make their buying decisions. The signature lines serve a purpose. They show what first hand experience the person has on the topic they are commenting on. But there is no way to confirm or denie the information they contain.


RoyalCaribbean.jpgRoyal Chump Diamond Level

1800 - 2009 Every Ship That Ever Sailed

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I would hope that the forums and the cruise lines aggressively address this problem.


Well, Royal Caribbean has spoken about their take on the Royal Champions: “We are 100 percent committed to continuing the program because we believe in it,” said Hayden.


Here's a new article on this whole ordeal:



So Royal Caribbean still intends on business as usual with their viral marketing campaign on Cruise Critic.


Trip Advisor/Cruise Critic, your move now.



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I really hope that you're not here to drum up business for your own board. I took a look at it. Looks like the other small boards out there with very little activity. Cruise Critic is the largest board of information out there. Now all the little boys are taking pot shots at them hoping to win some new members. Funny isn't it?:rolleyes:


If I was recruiting I would name my board and the name I use on there...which I do not. So that little accusation doesn't hold water does it, eh? :rolleyes:

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The only thing I'm jealous about is some people getting a free cruise in return for a favorable review.


Or winning a cruise by entering CC/RCCL Poetry competitions?

Not jealousy really, it just doesn't pass the sniff test...

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Tell me why I should believe anything you post? How do I know that I can trust anything you post? You could be anyone from a travel agent or a employee from another cruise line. How do we know that when you give out information about a cruise line that you just didn't pick it up from this board. This entire board is made of up of people that none of us know. I laugh when I read responses like yours as that stands for just about every person on this board.


Here's what you DO know...that the Loyalty Marketing Brand Manager spoke to a conference of her peers and told them RCCL had created the Champ program "to subtly influence the Champs...to influence the rest of us." RCCL spokesman "regretted" but did not deny. Creating a "special class" of posters that are rewarded with titles, invitations, and sometimes free cruises "infects" a message board without the posters being aware.


Some CHAMPS become more aggressive in defending the Brand against any unfavorable poster. Some swarm a negative poster to drive him off. Or ridicule him with terms that are dismissive. Most become even more enamoured at a corporation that made them SPECIAL.


Some other posters "try-out" for the perks by emulating the behavior of the CHAMPS ("pick me, RCCL! Pick me!). The lure of status and free stuff taints the Board. The accusation of "jealousy" would not be in this thread if some posters weren't just terribly awed and impressed with Champs THEMSELVES...and so extrapolate that everyone else is. That is ALL the creation of the corporation that unleashed this strategy.


The program taints the process here of posters interacting to share unbiased information.

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I haven't cancelled any upcoming cruise (have Majesty booked in April, payed for/no cancelling). It has tainted my interest in looking to book future cruises with them. I just have issues with RCI and how they chose to treat their most loyal fanbase in hopes of manipulating the rest of us. So, as the old saying goes...Put up or shut up. I'll put my money where my mouth is and book elsewhere.


I'll save a bunch of you the trouble of replying to that comment by responding to myself.


"Good riddance!" "We don't want your kind on board anyway" "Why don't you go try Carnival, then you'll see what bad is!" oh yeah... and don't forget..."You're just jealous!!!"


Fellow Chumps, did I leave anything out?


Thank you.

Yes, I can understand having the cruise paid for and airfare, canceling at this point is not wise. Maybe my question should have been more towards will it stop you from booking future cruises.


Just for clarification, no, I would not have responded with the "good riddance" etc. I actually admire those that stick to their convictions and walk the talk.

I think cancelling would seem to be like cutting off your nose to spite your face ! However I was reseaching my Xmas cruise last night and for the very first I spent longer on the competitors sites than RCL.


Personally, I no longer care what happens to this RC programme, it has no relevance or credibility on ANY Board.


In answer to your last "guess", RCL have stated that they are "committed" to the programme so I wouldn't hold your breath for that to happen.




:) RC(hump)


Thank you for your response.

You actually have given me an answer by stating you are taking a closer look at other lines. So whilst your currently booked cruise may not be canceled, you are open to looking elsewhere.


As to RCI being committed to this program, a program is only as good as the response it receives from the consumer. From the posts here, I'd say this one has bombed.

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Suffice it to say that the greater issue of message boards that purport to be around to share unbiased information is at question.


Folks can complain all they want concerning those of us who have voiced concerns. Quite frankly, it is well beyond this thread. Many professionals, with more speaking up every day, in the industry are now looking and speaking their mind and voicing opinion from a professional stand point. They are also raising legitimate concerns about the ethics of allowing a viral marketing campaign by members on supposed unbiased boards.


So the RC folks and those that share kinship to them in this discussion can bash those here that have raised concerns. But in the end it doesn't matter. I said it at the beginning and I'll say until the end, it is CC that needs to decide the future of this site and what is allowed based on what they purport their function is here and their stated guidelines. It has nothing to do with individuals.


Are you suggesting in any way, shape, or form, that it is the members of CC that are running some viral marketing campaign on these boards?

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As to articles being posted...




It's not so much the article but the comments underneath. Thanks to the inept handling of this scheme all cruise forums are going to be tarred with the same brush and that is absolutely unfair. I am pleased that at least one other forum owner has said that action would be taken if members acted like this and that no cruise line would be allowed to use their forum like RCI has here.


Bending or breaking the rules just to stay 'in' with a cruise line is wrong. This episode has shown the real danger of being too cosy with cruise lines. It starts off with little things like meetings on board the ships but can soon escalate into a cruise line driven site, a case of 'must not upset the sponsor/advertiser cos they might up and leave us'. We do not have any ties with any cruise line and to me that is the best way to be, it means that we are not beholden to anyone and we can be free in our opinions and we don't have to tug the proverbial forlock and make sure we don't upset the balance.


So you may not "own" that board but you do "run" it....and in the above post is that the "Royal we" you are using? Sure sounds like its your board AND you claim to have been there "the longest" so obviously it is your board......maybe you should get with your buddy Coxswain and review the whole issue of "transparency" that he loves to rail about.....


The motives of many of you "chumps" as you call yourselves is beginning to show through! :rolleyes:

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Actually I don't own a board at all, I only admin on one and I started as a member and have worked up through the ranks.. Just to get the record straight, OK, and as for the post counts, I have just been there the longest and I go trawling through the newsy bits every day, if you cared to look all you would see on about 75% of my posts are links to articles and information regarding the cruise industry and how they affect the customer...ie you the cruiser:)


Oops...I forgot to quote this post as it relates to my post above....and I am still :rolleyes:

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I really hope that you're not here to drum up business for your own board. I took a look at it. Looks like the other small boards out there with very little activity. Cruise Critic is the largest board of information out there. Now all the little boys are taking pot shots at them hoping to win some new members. Funny isn't it?:rolleyes:


Why can you not accept that there are some people who simply...object to the marketing program at a cruise corporation?


At the supermarket, if you are a Tide user and someone in line opines that they don't like Tide but like Cheer...do you begin accusing them of being jealous of Proctor and Gamble...of working for Ivory soap? Does this agitate you to the point where you accuse that shopper of jealousy of how clean other people's wash is?


We are discussing a Marketing program.



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