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~WeightWatchers Support~


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Hi All,


I saw this thread and would like to join you as well. I have been a WW member for years off and on. My most recent "re-joining" was this past May. I was motivated prior to my July cruise and have been inconsistent since then. My stats are:


SW: 170.2

CW: 165.6

Goal: 140 (but will settle on 150-155 prior to our Feb cruise)


We are going on a Caribbean cruise the end of Feb/beginning of March and I would love to break out the bikini. My biggest challenge will be getting in enough activity. My ellipse broke and I have no time to go to the gym. With New England winter about to start, there's no way I'll be motivated to be outside. Any tips would be be great!


Let the losing begin...


Hi I'm on WW too - SLOWLY losing. I stay on track but my body just doesn't react quickly to weight loss. My goal is to be at 150-140 or less by my cruise also. Long way to go but do-able. So at least 30 lbs by end of Feb...can I do it? I'm going to try hard!


I'm also going on a cruise Feb/March - are you by chance sailing on the Voyager Feb 28? We'll be celebrating my 50th birthday and ultimately my goal was to be at my perfect weight by then...but my body isn't exactly on board yet. But I'm going to get as close as I can! I'm currently trying to decide if I'm renewing my WW at Work program for another 17 weeks. I need the motivation but I'm staying on track pretty well without attending meetings right now. The cost is the issue...I have a week or so to decide though.


I just got off a cruise a few weeks ago and didn't do too poorly. It's awfully hard not to gain on a cruise no matter how "good" you are. I actually was up a couple of pounds but they came right back off.



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Awww....Thanks for the skinny vibes, I'm honored to be your first recipient! I'm switching to a Saturday meeting, so I haven't weighed in yet. I promise to report back after tomorrow...good news or bad... :o


Sorry! I didn't mean to break any promises!! I didn't make it to the Saturday meeting, the weekend got busy. It was a fun busy though. So, I'm back to my Tuesday meeting tonight.


WELCOME to all of you new members!! How exciting to have you all here!! Best of luck to all of you. I think you will find this thread to be a very helpful and supportive place to be. :D

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My meeting day is thursday so this week will be my last before thanksgiving. I will weigh in the saturday after thanksgiving!!! I have a stratagy(sp) for the big holiday dinner. I'll eat a small portion of all the food and my granddaughter is making a low cal pumpkin pie. It is a ww recipe so I will probably try that, also will skip stuff like dinner rolls and butter and since I am making the dinner I will cook with very little fat!! I just won't tell the family!! They will never know the difference!! Good luck to everyone over the holiday!! Weigh and measure your food it really works!

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I did make it to my meeting last night. I had a pretty large gain, but I haven't been journaling, so I'm not surprised.


Starting weight - 283.4

Current weight - 259.0 (24.4 lost)

Short term goal - 241.4 (15%)

Long term goal - 155

Change this week - +4.4


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Hey, all -- sorry I've been absent again... so busy! Just checking in!


Plus, I've been eating like a horse! So munchy-hungry all the time... need to get back to pushing the water, and maybe some activity?


Didn't weigh in last week (but was down slightly at home)... I'm expecting a sizable gain tomorrow... ugh. I need to step it up! Perhaps having sat (uncomfortably) next to an extremely large woman on the train this morning will jump start my motivation (I want to get my weight down so that I don't cause my body to negatively affect other transit riders' seating!!! Plus, if I were smaller, I probably would have fit better on the reduced-sized seat I had!)


Thin thoughts, everyone!

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It was my weigh in today and i was down 1.5lb. In the UK we weigh in stones and lbs[with 14lb to a stone] and my aim is to be in the next stone down at my Christmas weigh in. 4.5lb and i'll be there. Maybe my next goal will be to be under 200lbs by my cruise which is in March/April!!!! :)


SW 254

CW 214

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Jane, Congrats!!! 1.5 is terrific - you are on track for your goal! WAY TO GO!


Oh, and welcome all newbies! Sorry I didn't welcome you personally, individually... but it's been that sort of fortnight! Busy, busy!


I want to say I just read through all the posts I've missed the past couple weeks, and I'm so proud of all of you!


Misty, I'm glad you chimed in on the breakfast ideas, that breakfast doesn't have to be "traditional" breakfast food. I had thought the same thing right after I posted my ideas, so I'm glad you mentioned it!


And Dalia, your inspiration in particular to those of us struggling is particularly helpful to me at the moment! I'm struggling a bit... haven't fallen off the wagon, but I've been teetering on the edge for a while. Need to get back on for sure. Just lately that "I want that" has been stronger than my "nope, don't need that." Give me strength, give me strength!


Ok, so I weighed in for the first time in two weeks, and after 2 fairly imploded WW weeks, if you know what I mean (both weeks I think I went over my daily points allowance by over 50 on the first day! Yes, 15+ points over the weekly flex amount.... and those first days were not the only days in those weeks that I went over!).... happily, I didn't quite hit the +2 lbs I was thinking I'd hit... just 1.4 lbs up. I'm gonna make a concerted effort to get back on track, get some activity in, and see if I can shake about 10 lbs by mid-January. An agressive goal, but I will TRY!!


Do any of you have any big strategies for Thanksgiving? I'm going to just try taking a TINY portion of everything I love (maybe extra of the lower-cal veggies). Oh, and I found a butternut squash soup recipe that is SO easy, delicious and only 2 points per cup -- so comforting, almost like eating cheese soup or mashed potatoes. Let me know if you want the recipe!


Thin thoughts!


SW: 246.2

CW: 211.0

GW: 154

mini-goal: around 200 by mid-January; want to be NEAR 185 by the time of my cruse in April.

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ugh ladies...i went up .4 lbs. i sorta knew i went up. the culprit -- BREAD. i had been eating it a lot lately - whole grain but still. plus i didnt workout at all this week.


hey - im happy it was only a little bit AND that im still on track towards my goal.


this weekend will be a little hard as my bf is taking me on a romantic getaway (isnt he sweet) but i have already told him that i am keeping far away from bread. he's pretty good at keeping me in check -- im pretty lucky i have his support.


as far as turkey day -- ladies im making turkey, and spaghetti squash. the family can bring the sides but i will be quite happy with my squash.


i know we are all struggling -- but WE CAN DO IT!! i know we CAN :)


btw, lkakers, im so glad you weighed in and you are still in it. every day is a brand new day - if you were bad yesterday, be good today. its okay to gain (i gained this week!) but keep going, keep going, come cruise time you'll be sexier than ever!!





(updated 11/20/09)

Goal: lose 20 lbs in 20 weeks

Wks to go: 14 weeks

Lbs to go: 14

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This weight watcher class has really grown since i joined earlier in the year. Just wondering when everyones holidays[cruises]were and if we were going to be in the same place at the same time. My cruise is in March/April and i will be cruising around the Carribean before Transatlantic ending up in Crete. I can let you know dates and islands if anyone else is in the carribean around that time. I am sailing on Ocean Village. In April of this year we were tided up alongside the ship[can't remember the name] that Susan[sanda] was on.

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Hi everyone,

I just found this thread and I would love to join. I have been an on and off member of WW for about 10 years. I am at a high weight right now and I want to lose 30 pounds by Aug 1, 2010. That is when we are going on Lberty of the SEas. Last year we cruised and I felt very uncomfortable with my weight. I am determined to go away skinny!!!

I know this is a difficult time to diet but I am giving it my best shot.

So to start I am:


goal weight:


I am looking forward to the support found here.


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Hi Ladies,

I've been bad but reading all of your encouraging words I can get back on track.

I gained 1.4 last week and skipped this week. I know shame on me. :rolleyes:

I really didn't over eat at thanksgiving. A little bit of everything.

My DH had knee surgery this week and my DS came home from college for the long weekend so things have been out of sorts.

Back on the WW wagon for me.


Skinny vibes to all.



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Hi to all,

Congratulations to all who ahve lost and keep your chin up to all who have gained or struggled!

Two weeks ago I lost .8 but then this week I gained 3.2! I have not had a gain like that since I joined, but I guess I was getting too complacent, and flying by the seat of my pants.

This week I have vowed to keep tracking, something I haven't been doing. So even if I eat over my points, I will know where the problem is. Maybe the exercising has caught up with me- muscle weight, but I don't think I can use that as an excuse.

Happy Thanksgiving- a few days late to all our friends south of the border. Now the next big hurdle is Christmas! I would like to think I have a plan but I really don't. Hopefully I will have one by then.:rolleyes:

I'm quite sure I'm not going to reach my mini goal of 200 by Christmas. My goal now is to lose and not gain the month of December.

Good luck to everyone this week.



SW 264

CW 210

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I'd like to join this thread! I actually just joined WW today and was surprised at how much I feel like I've eaten and have tons of points left. Feel like I've been eating all day,but it's the filling foods so low in points and fills ya up! I love it!


Anyways, a little background on me. I've always been on the heavier side, but never overly huge. I was my smallest in college, but then life happend, including having a daughter, went through a divorce, got a job where I'm sitting 12-16 hours a day and weigh more now than I did when I was 9 months pregnant! I'm 29, will be 30 next October and would love to get CLOSE to a healthy weight. I'm 5'6" and here's my weight stats


SW 209

CW 209

GW 175


We're cruising in February so I would like to lose 10 pounds and keep it off before then!

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ladies .... good job journaling and trying to keep on track. i had my weigh in last week and i keep going up. i dk what is going with my body. but i've been writing it down and trying to SQUEEZE more exercise in. i am not on track for my goal but im not discouraged.


turkey day i did let myself have some mac n cheese and dainty bites of pie. now im back to goal eating. if i go back up im going back to basics and rereading all the WW books.


i hope all you guys are doing better than me .

AND welcome to all the new people :)


next weigh in is this thursday...:( cross ur fingers.



(updated 11/27/09)

Goal: lose 20 lbs in 20 weeks

Wks to go: 13 weeks

Lbs to go: 14.4

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yes! yes!! yes!!!

I did it fellow cruisers. I lost 3lbs this week :)

back on cruise goal target !!!



i have been doing no regular exercise just regular running around, putting christmas lights up, etc etc., watching what i put in my mouth and writing it all down. which brings me to a question.


for the experienced cruisers ---


are you able to bring your own regular snacks on board the ship? like breakfast bars, carrotts, etc...


can you bring bottles of water with you onboard?







(updated 12/3/09)

Goal: lose 20 lbs in 20 weeks

Wks to go: 12 weeks

Lbs to go: 11.4

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Why only 30 extra points?


Here in NY we get 35.



Oops, you are correct. I get 35. Have yet to dip into them. Having a hard enough time using my 27 daily!


Been using my Wii Fit the past few days. Today it said I lost 6.4 lbs since yesterday. I think it lies!!

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Oops, you are correct. I get 35. Have yet to dip into them. Having a hard enough time using my 27 daily!


Been using my Wii Fit the past few days. Today it said I lost 6.4 lbs since yesterday. I think it lies!!


For months I didn't dip into the extra points. I have friends that do and lose more weight.:confused:


At last weeks meeting the leader suggested that we use some of the points. It kick starts your metabolism into working harder and it gets you use to more points after you reach goal.


Over Thanksgiving I lost 1.4 lbs. I ate pie and ice cream 2x that week. Go figure.




SW 221.6

CW 187.8

mini goal 177 - 20%

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Hi, gang -- sounds like you're all doing really well! I'm sorry for my recent absence (again), been consumed with holiday tasks.


My Thursday meeting was dark on Thanksgiving, so didn't go then; my football team (University of Oregon Ducks!!! whoo hoo, Rose Bowl here we come!) had a big game last Thursday, so I took the day off so didn't weigh in last week. Will have to face the aftermath-of-Thanksgiving disgressions this week -- ha!


My (overactive) holiday munching has led me to reevaluate my goals. I had been hoping (and not much action to back it up) to lose several pounds before the end of the year, but I'm really enjoying the holiday treats (homemade LEADED eggnog, pumpkin pie, cookies, chex mix, etc.), and I think now I'm just going to enjoy myself (within reason) and just shoot for maintaining (i.e., not gaining). I want to allow myself to enjoy a glass of wine while I'm wrapping gifts, even if I don't have the points for it, for example. Keepin' it simple, trying to keep the pressure off -- I need the sanity. If I lose at all before the end of the year, it will just be icing on the cake, so to speak!




Thin thoughts to you all!

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For months I didn't dip into the extra points. I have friends that do and lose more weight.:confused:


At last weeks meeting the leader suggested that we use some of the points. It kick starts your metabolism into working harder and it gets you use to more points after you reach goal.


Over Thanksgiving I lost 1.4 lbs. I ate pie and ice cream 2x that week. Go figure.




SW 221.6

CW 187.8

mini goal 177 - 20%

Interesting. I have a hard enough time finishing my daily points!! I'm sure I will dip into my weekly ones though this weekend. My DBF wants to take me to dinner Friday night and then we have a Christmas party on Saturday. I'll be spending Saturday morning/afternoon running around in the woods playing paintball though so at least I'll burn a lot of what I take in.

I'm still so new to this WW thing and I do it online since my work schedule wont allow me to go to meetings. If you go over your daily points does it automatically take it out of your weekly points?

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