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Cruise Junky

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Everything posted by Cruise Junky

  1. Can I suggest to people if you think something hasn’t been discounted, add it to your cart. Drink packages on the main page are showing 20% off. It’s only when I add it to my cart that the price drops to a 35% discount.
  2. I completely understand the frustration with not getting what you ask for but could someone explain why something that is cheap as chips as Villa Maria SB so popular? I don’t understand why they would try and pass of other SB’s for something so cheap.
  3. We have tons of local suppliers in Vancouver, including Costco. Are you sure you can’t get it locally?
  4. Don’t mind at all. Email came in Tuesday about noon. The offer was from an inside to a Family Ocean View for for $228 Canadian pp or or $166 us pp. I phoned anyway even though I didn’t want an OV. Great guy on the phone found me a V balcony for $318 Canadian or $231 US pp. So we booked after final payment for $727 Canadian before taxes and at the time a low end non obstructed balcony was $1750cdn pp - I did not check the price of a V but I’m thinking at least $100 more so let’s say $1850. We ended up paying $1085 Cdn for taking the chance on a paid upgrade. Very happy.
  5. To update on this topic, we were offered a paid upgrade to a Balcony and took it 😂
  6. Are you perhaps now seeing a non refundable deposit? Be careful with the terms. Do a curtesy hold if you’re not sure to see it all in writing.
  7. Definitely not forcing opinions. We are all shaped by our habits and likes and dislikes. I always find arguing about personal likes a bit strange. If I like to sit on a balcony for 5 hours on a sea day why an I raging with someone that only steps foot on it occasionally? Totally different experiences. I do feel that’s where Celebrity failed on the E class in that they left very little pickings for the likes of me and my likes. A balance would be good.
  8. Yes, not my wheelhouse though. Doesn’t the new Royal ship have a small proportion of IVs? No idea what’s being planned for X
  9. I never said she said it. I said that a large number hates them or they would not be making a change. Whether you interpret large number to be 10%, 20% or 50%, I don’t really care. As I said, enough people hate them that they are adding in more traditional balconies on the next generation of ships.
  10. I think you’re confusing large number with majority. Unless a large number is against something there would be no need to change but obviously there is a large enough number that hate them the the next build will be more balanced with a traditional balcony and IV. You’re free to interpret large number differently. 🤷🏻‍♀️
  11. Direct from the horses mouth nice to see them finally admit a large number of their guests hate them.
  12. You haven’t added an evening event yet so that add in a couple for say BB Kings. A show, more than one glass of wine with dinner and an after dinner port. It’s not hard.
  13. HAL used to have such good pricing on an insuite bottle, not anymore 😢
  14. So they’ve taken cruises with the highest amount of taxes, Alaska, Panama, etc and made that the base price for all standby deals? I booked my own Alaska cruise, picked my cabin and knew I was going two months in advance for $112 us pp. with some OBC - not seeing the attraction of the standby rates and the amount of stress of not knowing
  15. Did $49 just increase to $99? I booked on my own for Alaska at $79
  16. They’re contacting fully booked passengers for a move over offer. Being that overbooked wouldn’t have good odds as a standby but you never know.
  17. It didn’t work out when Princess pulled Grand out of Australia. They cancelled two on me. We’re just doing HAL’s 36 day Sydney to Seattle now.
  18. No question it’s decreased because of removing tips from the all inclusive rates.
  19. I like Celebrity but HAL’s itineraries are about 100x better. We have 4 cruises booked right now. 2 on X and 2 on HAL.
  20. Thank you for asking this question. I had no idea. We will wait until the last minute to buy.
  21. Yes, I saw that when we were making a ship selection. Maybe a flat fee somewhere that is spread across all passengers. Glacier bay maybe?
  22. Depends where it leaves from. I only paid $354 Cdn on Koningsdam from Vancouver. That’s $258 USD$
  23. It’s looking that way. One of the biggy online agencies has made the change for both HAL and Princess.
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