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What was the nicest thing a crew member did for you?


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My husband got a migraine, and we had a wet towel on his head. Our cabin steward brought us a sleeping "blindfold" thingy, and one of those medical cooling packs that get cold when you squeeze them.

Very thoughtful.

This was on the Caribbean Princess.

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My husband was sick as a dog on the first day when we arrived. He no sleep before we left home plus a few drinks the night before. Then the airplane air was so so bad and stuffy etc...


As soon as we got into our room, my husband crashed out on the bed. Our cabin steward was really concerned about him. He made sure we had ice right away and a wet cloth. He keep checking back and still finding him sleeping. It was time for muster and my daughter and I went and he said that my husband could stay sleeping and he would keep an eye on him.


Finally, when he was better the next day, the cabin steward talked to him for a long time, telling him that if he felt bad at any time, to let him know. He made sure he had a great rest of the week. Even brought him extra pillows etc..

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NCL Pearl (Alaska May 08), my FIL has dietary restrictions and was looking for cottege cheese on the afternoon buffet. He asked one of the chefs if he was just missing it because he wasn't seeing it. The chef told him there was not any. My FIL said Ok and went onto something else. After about 5 minutes, here comes the chef with a bowl of cottege cheese for my FIL. It was a WONDERFUL gesture and from that day on cottege cheese was on the buffet at every meal.

Thank you Chef Michael:D

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Dawn Princess, 2001. At dinner we were served a huge Goat Cheese Pizza, as an appitizer, of which my wife and I each ate half, so we asked the waiter for the remainer in a 'Doggy Bag'.

Of course, we both forgot about it, but returning to our cabin much later, my wife said, 'I wish we had that pizza'. We got to our cabin, and there it was, a nice fresh pizza.

It was our waiter's last cruise, and he was looking forward to seeing his wife and kids again, he went home to them just a little richer. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, there I am. It's, like, 3am. I have my breakfast door-hanger card in hand, and I'm in my pyjamas. I knew that I had seen some of the cards on other doors in my hallway, but I wasn't sure what time they all got picked up. I went to the door and peeked down the hallway, to see if I could glimpse any of the other doors. Just as I had decided to prop my door open so I could pad down the hall and check, here comes one of the CD staff (Melissa, from the UK), purse in hand, clearly DONE for the night. She says hello, I say hello, and then she says, "Are you okay?" I say, "Sure!" and explain why I'm in the hallway in my PJs. Despite the hour, despite the long days that these people work, she took my card from me and said, "Let me handle it." I kept trying to take it back from her and tell her that it really really wasn't necessary, that she should go put her feet up or something, but she insisted, seeing as I was in my PJs and all. "You just go to bed. I've got this all taken care of. Sweet dreams!" and off she went. Fast forward to a few days later, I see her outside the Princess Theater standing next to the iconic Bex. She catches me and says, "Hey! Did you ever get your breakfast? I brought it to Guest Services, but they told me it had to go to Room Service, so I brought it there and put it in their hands. I've been wondering ever since whether or not your breakfast arrived!"


The fact that she went to all that trouble when she was supposed to be off-duty for the night kinda broke my heart a little, but also just stunned me.


Then, of course, our fabulous Cabin Stewardess, whose name is Rosa. We wanted to stuff her in our pockets and take her home with us. SHE saved the day when I was getting ready to head out for Chef's Table and was perilously close to having a wardrobe malfunction. She pulled a safety pin out of her own uniform for me to use. It's just one of the many awesome things that she did during the course of our cruise.

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We were on the Mariner of the Seas last year and on the last night my wife went to bed early and I stayed in the casino late. I got back to the room just in time to put the luggage out and saw she had some clothes on the suitcase so I packed them.

Needless to say, in the morning I hear her scream. I left her just with the nightgown she wore to bed and she was not happy (as my son puts it, she made sounds i have never heard before).

I went to the purser and was given a tee shirt and told that was all they could do. I explained she had nothing and worse of all it was my fault.

The supervisor came out and she asked for a description of the luggage. She went to look and came back in about 15 minutes with my wife's suitcase. I was shocked especially since I did not fill out the luggage tag thinking how can they lose a bag on the ship.

I was very thankful and tried to tip her, but she would not accept. I did write a very nice letter to many people from the company.

I was even happier after my son told me about my wife's plan to have me wear her nightgown while she wore my clothes if she did not get hers back.

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Lots of things, but I'll share this one...

I was standing in one of the cabin hallways, trying to put on my metal banded wrist watch with a clasp. It usually takes me two to three times before I get it fastened because it turns. A guy said he'd help me. I looked up and saw a crew member headed my way. As he was fastening the watch clasp, he said he understood that those things can be tricky. I thanked him and we wished each other a good day.

Just a little thing, out of the clear blue, but it sure helped out and brightened my day :).

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On my 1st cruise. we got to know Beverly, a waitress on the lido deck. She was a cutey in every sense. So on the last day of the cruise we were hanging around on the lido deck, about 8 of us and in those days, 1999, it was cash. The S&Ss were closed. So I order a couple drinks and give her a big tip. We were expecting to be called for disembarkment soon. An hour later I ordered a couple more drinks not looking in my wallet first, well I was a little short when she came, and told me " it's ok, you tipped me too much last time". When she did that I was so impressed.

I hope a lot of people read this thread, to see that there are caring cruise ship staff out there.

Edited by cruisinbuddy
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Caribbean Princess in 2007 I became very good friends with a bartender. I would usually see him every afternoon for a few drinks, then close his bar with him each night. At one of the ports he had a day off and said he was going to go out on the island with some other crew members. That night I went to his bar and he said I have a gift for you and gave me a souvenier he purchased on the island. I thought it was very nice of him to do that.

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I always travel with one of three stuffed elephants. On this cruise, my room steward actually made my elephant a companion, and then had fun posing them almost everyday. Here are the pictures:



That is so great! What a fun personality your steward had! I especially like the crown royal pic.

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One of our littles "quirks" is that My wife and I try to be the first people off the boat and the last people back on. We are not pushy or anything, but we will always be a part of the first crowd that gets off and usually don't return back to the ship until the required boarding time.


One thing that sticks in my mind was on our last cruise on the Azamara Quest at the port of Malacca.


The ship would be tendering to the port and we were hanging out in the lounge killing time and planning our day's activities when the staff came in to set up the tender process. We exchanged pleasentries and discussed the port.


A few minutes later, they asked us if we were ready to go ashore. Of course we jumped at the chance to have some extra time in port. We were the only passengers on the tender that went ashore an hour early to set up the on shore tender area.:D

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  • 4 months later...

On my first cruise ever (when I was a little kid), my uncle and I would always race to the room after dinner to gather the little chocolates on the pillows in our family members' rooms. My cabin steward saw this one night and took a mental note. On the last night, he literally took a bucket-full of the pillow chocolates and arranged them in the shape of a cruise ship on my bed. This was on the Celebrity Galaxy and I'll never forget it!


More recently, I was on the Celebrity Mercury for a Hawaii cruise and my waiter (mid-cruise) gave my cousin and I little stuffed kangaroos that he got from some previous ports on another cruise (Australia). Although I'm a little too old for such things (16), I still love stuffed animals and it was so nice of him to give them too us.

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Last year on the Carnival Glory we had a GREAT room stewad, named Laslow from Hungry. We were on the Verandah deck port side.


Anyway my daughter ( 8) at the time loves those towel animals. Well he also knew that she loved chocolate chip cookies. Well each night he made sure she had her cookies, and on one evening he had a junglle full of animals made up. I mean he had a Elephant, monkey, and even a dog. She loved it so much she gave him a big hug.


In Cozumel we saw him go shopping, he said he bought some of thise cup of noodles. and two granola like bars. On our last night we presented him with two boxes of 12 each of Granola, and a full case of 24 cup of noodles. On the box of noodles we taped a 50.00 bill and my daighter made him a picture. He loved it, BUT MORE importantly he CARED about MY daughter. AMAZING~~~~

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Onboard theZuiderdam, on a eastern Caribbean, cruise a elderly couple were very confused trying to find towels for use by the aft pool.

After wondering around for sometime they approached a crew memeber who was eating his lunch.They asked him if he knew where the towels were ,he said "certainly,let me get them for you " please wait here.

He left his lunch and returned immediately with several towels and asked if he could help further ,no more assistance was needed and the couple tipped him for his kindness.

I have often wondered if they knew that the towel boy was actually THE CAPTAIN.

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Carnival Valor, Western Caribbean, January, 2006. Upon boarding, one of our suitcases arrived minus a handle. We asked our room steward, Pedro, from Indonesia if he could find something to put around our suitcase to help us carry it. During the cruise the suitcase disappeared, then reappeared with an elaborate rope tie to use as a handle. He had taken it to the ship's carpenter who rigged the get-up!

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Late on night, on our first cruise Nick care of all the stuff you saw on the tv's in your room and the sound and such during the shows, took to coolest photo of my DH & I with the Aurora behind us one night & emailed it to us. He kept the shutter open to get the Aurora then closed shutter and we hopped infront of the camera and flash our photo was taken with the Aurora behind us.

Very Cool. DH has kept in touch with Nick over the years.


Our first Oosterdam cruise was magical Aurora and all.

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On our last cruise(RCC Legends of the Seas) the night after we had docked in Eygpt, I had to leave the dinner table due to an attack of "Pharoh's Revenge". Without telling anyone, our waiter, Peter, had room service deliver chicken soup and crackers to our cabin within about 10 minutes of me leaving the dining room. This impressed us, since he was in the middle of the busiest part of his night.

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Both lovely things happened to my H. He's a quadriplegic and uses a wheelchair, however very independent.


On dress-up night on The Elation, he noticed a button was missing on his collar, so he went to ask the purser if they might have a small sewing kit. Purser took it one step further when she learned I was still getting dressed, she sewed the new button on his shirt for him. It was very sweet. :)


On the same ship (different trip) the elevator doors closed too quickly and literally sheared the footrest off my H's wheelchair (he was unhurt). We went to the purser and asked for some assistance. Within a few moments a man in a white jumpsuit joined us looked at the chair, looked at the footrest, and asked us to follow him. We went down into the belly of the ship to the mechanical department. There Serge (from Ukraine) welded the footrest back onto the chair. Better than new. :)

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We were on the Jewel OS back in 2007 and my daughter was 9 months pregnant and due any minute. We were at our Meet and Mingle get together, talking with the CD, Bobbie Brown and his lovely wife...I can't remember he name off hand right now. Well, I had mentioned that our daughter was due any minute and I couldn't wait to get into port so I could call and see what was going on with her. He took out his cellphone and asked for her phone number. He called her and talked with her for a minute and then handed the phone to me and told me to take my time talking with her. I will never forget the kindness given to me by him. Because of little things like that, we will remain "Loyal Royals". BTW, she had our granddaughter the day after we got home!



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We were on the Caribbean Princess last year. We had Anytime dining which worked out fine every night except on my wife's birthday! That night when we got there, they said it would be an hour & a half to two hour wait! My wife was very upset & going thru menopause, it was not a good time for me either. Somehow, this was my fault! Anyway, I took her back to our room & went back to the dining room & literally begged the Maitre d' for a table. I tried to tip (bribe) him, he wouldn't take my money, but found us a table for two. I called my wife & we were seated with one of the best wait staff we have ever had. They even gave us a free "shot of the day". They saved by butt big time.

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My story to share has to do with my being seasick in bed for two days on a 10 day Cruise (Sitmar, Fairwind, Panama Canal Cruise). The waves were coming on to the deck, noone was allowed outside, there were barf bags taped to all of the railings in the hallways. The Crew was standing all over the public areas munching on crackers to try to settle their stomachs. The ship was dipping and bobbing, I was a sick girl! My Husband loved it, sat in the lounge and watched the waves from early morning until evening. I found my way to Medical and got a shot to knock me out. While my hubby was out watching the waves, our cabin steward kept coming in to check on me and feed me bread sticks (cracker type) and apples. Hubby and I were both grateful to have him so attentive. It saved hubby from having to sit there with me and I had my own "nursemaid".

By the way, that is the only cruise which I ever lost 8 pounds!

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There was a lounge on the Zuiderdam where the wife I would stop for a pre-dinner cocktail and return later in the evening for drinks and dancing. We had the same young woman serving our drinks every night and watching us dance hour after hour. At the end of the cruise, she pulled us aside and gave us a gift she made by hand. It was a miniature version of the dance floor and our special table and chairs in the lounge, made out of champagne tops and hand painted - with our names included around the seats.

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