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Review Maasdam 11/9-11/20


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Having read several postings regarding our sailing, some raving with great things to say and some not so good. Here are a few of my observations.


The food was good in the dining room. In my opinion the Pinacle Dining Room was fair. I think this opinion is because we have enjoyed the Dinner Clubs on several other ships, not a HAL, and our expectations were high. Our Waiter, Assistant Waiter, Wine Steward in the Dinning Room were wonderful, always there, always seemed to know what we would want next.


Our Cabin was room 8846, A Deck, Aft. The engine noise most nights was horrible, we would wake all during the night. The ship did a rock and roll routine I have never experienced before. Of course there were bad seas headed down the Atlantic so not the fault of the cruise line, but seemed that stabelizers not working very well. The carpeting and room furnishings were very worn. We could tell that our poor room steward tried on a daily basis to spot clean and make sure the carpets were sprayed to help with the stale smell. The window frame over the bed was rusted on the inside, the curtains dingy and worn. The room however was very nicely laid out and the bath was nice.


On our second day out, full day at sea there seemed to be an odor that was permiating the hall. I mentioned this to the folks at the Main Desk and asked if they could check it out. The odor soon became a stinch, getting worse by the day. On the 4th day at sea I went to the Main Desk and asked if they had checked. They said they had had no reports of a problem. Funny I was the one that called. Late in the afternoon of the 4th day we returned to our room to find that our toilet would not flush, I went back to the Main Desk and again was told that no report had been given about the smell and that they were having no problems with the plumbing. I was the one that reported the smell and I definitely knew there was a problem with our toilet.

I spoke with Chantal Racine, Guest Relations Manager because needless to say at this point I was so disappointed that I was in tears. She promised she would look into it and that she would do whatever she could to turn our cruise around. I got a typed note from her the next day saying that the staff had found no odor and had found no problem with our toilet. TIME TO GIVE UP I GUESS. But interestingly the engineer told my husband that several people had complained and that they were working on finding the problem. Guess what the next day the odor was gone.


Our favorite spot, like lots of folks, is on the Lido around the pool. We would hear folks complaining about this being wrong, that being wrong. One lady was traveling with her husband who has MS and is going down hill very quickly. They were in one of the suites and she told me that their suite had flooded, before the cruise was over their stateroom flooded 3 other times. She also had asked to borrow a wheel chair to take her husband off the ship, she was refused the use of one of the ship wheelchairs, Guest Relations said they did not lend them. They did go off the ship but her poor husband could not make it down the dock, it took her forever to get someone to go and get him, how embarrasing for him and frustrating for her.


Lots of folks talked about the poor service they received, the lack of caring on the part of the Management of the ship, etc, etc. I could probably go on and on and on. This is an example of the many many many problems that some of us encountered.


I was so excited about sailing on Holland America, a new line that I have never tried before, Every day the captain would make his update announcement at 1:00 and say, This is your Captain from the Beautiful and Elegant Maasdam, I only wish this had been true.


I feel badly for all of us that encountered such problems and they are truly too many to mention. We wait for Months for our cruises to come, plan for them, shop for them and when we are disappointed and sometimes to the point of anger it is sad.


Thank you for reading my comments, I know they are lengthy



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Thank you for posting your comments. I truly commiserate with you. Nothing worse than looking forward for so long to a nice vacation and then being totally dissapointed. The Maasdam is my least favorite of HAL ships and we had a few problems on it last December. Hope you will give HAL another shot, believe me, all of the ships are not like this.....jean :cool:

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We too were very excited about sailing a Holland America ship last year and were a bit disappointed with those same problems on the Maasdam - and it seems that nothing much has changed! We're booked again on the Maasdam in February (with a cruise we won in the on-board lottery), so we will try the Maasdam again. We are hoping that things will be better!


Sorry your trip wasn't all that it should have been! Better luck next time!



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In the interest of 'balance'...... :)



Some (many) of us have had a number of wonderful cruises on Maasdam. We have cruised her ALOT and eagerly look forward to another set of back-to-backs we have booked for June. We simply have not encountered the problems others have experienced. Out of a great many days/nights aboard Maasdam, only one cruise did we have air conditioning problems.

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She also had asked to borrow a wheel chair to take her husband off the ship, she was refused the use of one of the ship wheelchairs, Guest Relations said they did not lend them. They did go off the ship but her poor husband could not make it down the dock, it took her forever to get someone to go and get him, how embarrasing for him and frustrating for her.

That is pitiful and it's not true they don't lend them out. I know for a fact because one of the people in our group needed one. They provided it and I pushed her around at Coral World in St. Thomas. I can say it was a piece of garbage as I had to repair the rubber on the wheel that fell off. Otherwise it served it's purpose.


Shame on them for making some excuse up!

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So sorry your cruise was not all you hoped it would be. There can be nothing more disappointing than all that planning and then the cruise not living up to your expectations.


I'm very curious to see how Sail's cruise in June is because she knows the Maasdam so well that I think she will know if the ship is simply getting "old and tired" (;) like some of the rest of us).


I can understand that things can go wrong, but what puzzles me about your experience is the apparent lack of response on behalf of the Main Desk. This is astounding to me because it's simply not HAL's style. I hope you will get in touch with HAL in Seattle with your issues and see what they have to say. They can't improve a situation unless they know that it exists.


Hope your next cruise is all it should be.

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We were on the last Canada-New England cruise - Montreal to Norfolk - on the Maasdam, Oct 15-30. Overall, we thought that the cruise was excellent, and the staff extremely friendly and helpful, and that all was up usual HAL standards.


We were on Navigation deck port side aft (cabin 046), in one of the A class verandahs on that deck (most of the deck is suites). We had no problems with temperature or toilet, although workmen were often working on the toilets for the suites further forward. Apparently heat went out for a couple of days on parts of Main Deck (during the part of the cruise when temperatures were in the upper 40s Fahrenheit), according to complaints we heard from other passengers. The A/C problems mentioned by others must have started as the ship returned to warm waters after extended cruising in the cool waters of Canada-New England.


As for wheelchairs, my wife needs one for walking for more than a short distance, and were able to borrow them for much of the cruise for use on the ship. Off the ship, however, she had to be wheeled by a crew member who would only take her as far as the bus or taxi. But imagine our surprise when we disembarked at Norfolk, and they would only take her to the baggage area and not all the way to the curb. But we saw others who got wheelchair rides all the way to the curb. My wife had a terrible time negotiating the several hundred yards to the curb from the baggage area. I couldn't help her and carry all the bags also, so we had to go bit by bit - move bags, then move her, etc. What a shame to have a nice cruise end in this way.


So, clearly this disembarkation problem needs to be addressed at the main office before leaving the ship - if we have to pay for curbside service, we'll pay for it, and then get a receipt to make sure we get it!


Next time, we'll likely bring our own wheelchair. Does anyone have experience flying with a wheelchair? Does one check it as baggage, and use an airline wheelchair at the airport, or do they allow you to bring your own wheelchair to plane side, and then store it on the plane for you?

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We were getting off the day you got on. Seems like some of the problems will be ongoing for awhile. I guess alot depended on where your cabin was. Hopefully all the feedback HAL is receiving will prod them into fixing what needs to be fixed. Its a shame that they seem to be neglecting this ship.

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I'm very curious to see how Sail's cruise in June is because she knows the Maasdam so well that I think she will know if the ship is simply getting "old and tired" (;) like some of the rest of us).

I'm starting to be curious as well, Heather. :) How can I not love "MY" :) Maasdam? Can a ship deteriorate so much, so fast? Or is it simply a few isolated things and that is all we are hearing? I suppose on every ship at sea there is one problem or another at one time or another.


I do promise to give an honest report of our impressions and experiences when we return.

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Well, Sail, you're right of course. There are something like 1300 passengers on the Maasdam. And they're certainly not all unhappy! So I'm sure they are "isolated" incidents, but it does seem that they're not as isolated as one would hope from what I've been reading here lately. Also, one would hope that the Front Desk would be more generous with their sympathy and attention to solving the problem.


If I were having such problems I would expect immediate assistance and I know you would as well. I am really low maintenance, but if there's no A/C or our toilet is backing up or some such thing I would expect someone from engineering or plumbing to be in my cabin within the hour.

Since you're in the suite area where most of these problems seem to be, I'll really look forward to your comments (of course I do anyway:D )

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We were also on the 11/9 to 11/20 cruise. I am happy to report for all Maasdam lovers that we had a great cruise & had only one isolated A/C issue. Our room (outside cabin on Main deck) was "warm" when we boarded. It continued to warm up each day until the fourth day it became too much. I notified the front desk. Two technicians showed up about four hours later & removed the ceiling panel. We had a stuck damper. The cooling started to work right awy, but did take until the next morning to return to a comfortable level. We noticed the last few days of the cruise the area around Explorers Lounge was actually cold. The Maasdam was the last of the four sisterships for us to cruise. We had no complaints about the condition of our room, the service, or the food. In all respects it was every bit as good as the other three ships. Our service in the dining room was by far the quickest and most attentive of all our HAL cruises (we were at a table for four at the 8:00 seating. We were out each night about 9:30). We ate in the Pinnicle Grill once and we were very satisfied with the service (our waiter was Romanian), and the food was very good.

I would disagree about the issues of the stablizers not working properly. The seas on the southbound leg were moderate to rough, and we had some degree of pitching and a slight roll. If the stabalizers were not operating I guarantee it would have been a more interesting ride. I worked on ocean going tugboats before coming ashore years ago so I am well aware what the sea conditions can be like on vessels without stabalizers. 20-30 degree rolls are routine in heavy weather.

It is certainly too bad that many on this cruise and other Maasdam voyages have had problems. I certainly sympathize with them. We have just been very fortunate in all of our cruises to have no problems and only a few minor inconveniences. If I could find one thing to complain out about on this cruise - it was the type of music being played in so many of the public rooms and areas during the day. The loud rock music is the Crow's Nest during an otherwise quiet morning forced us to find another quiet place to read & watch the ocean. We have enough confidence in the Maasdam & her crew to have booked the repositioning cruise from Norfolk to Montreal (via Boston) next May.

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From our own experience a year ago and these more recent reports of problems, it makes you wonder if perhaps the maintenance management and staff needs a shake-up.


Also, from my own experience and these latest reports, I think it would be worthwhile to have the Front Desk provide a passenger with a copy of the complaint report they have submitted so they can't say that no one had reported such a problem. If I have occasion to report a problem in the future I will be sure it is documented and that I have a copy.

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It truly seems that I am not the only one with complaints. I would love to have a copy of my form that I turned into the office. After calling HAL I was informed that they had had no complaints on our cruise. Guess our forms did not make it very far. I am so pleased that some of you have had a great cruise on the Maasdam, I only wish my experience had been as good. We each learn from our problems or our experiences. I only hope that my next cruise, regardless of the line, will be a better one.


Good Luck and Happy Cruising to all

Time to start planning for next year!!!!!

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We off on the "Maasdam" tommorrow but I had to write all of you who are kind enough to post your comments both favorable and unfavorable. This is our first cruise and while I still may have stars in my eyes I think your posts have got my feet more firmly grounded. Thanks everyone.

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Eyeleen, even a problem cruise still has it's great moments. Overall, we've had more good than bad. Never had a cruise ruined by a few problems. Guess I just feel strongly that cruising is still a great value for the money, even with a few glitches.


Enjoy your cruise, then come back and tell us all about it.

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I am excited for you setting off for your first cruise. I hope you have a wonderful time and it is all you hope it will be.


Bon Voyage.....blue skies and calm seas.


WE shall be eager to hear all about your cruise when you return.

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Message for Pete Jackson -


When you fly with a wheelchair, the gate agent will give you a gate check tag. Then, after you have wheeled down to the plane, an airline employee will stow your chair. When you land at your destination or connecting airport, another employee will bring your wheelchair to the plane door. It is much nicer having your own chair, as the loaners can be junkers.

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Most cruiselines will not lend out a wheelchair except in emergency and as stated most of their chairs are old and not in the best of shape. I have MS myself, I bring my own stuff and beleive me it is a lot. Power scooter, wheelchair and canes all travel with me free. I am on the board telling people who have problems to bring or rent they own as the cruiselines are not always available or in good shape. If the use of a wheelchair will make or break your vacation then bring one.

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I have just read this thread and can totally sympathise with the original poster in regards to how the front desk manages complaints and problems.


While on the Rotterdam VI back about 4 years ago, we had a problem with no hot water in our room that, when the front desk was called, was taken care of immediately. However, our next 3 cruises aboard HAL proved to be a bit of a challenge...


My wife and I had cabin E 2709 on the Zaandam in January of '03 and had hoped for a week of rest (we are in our 30's and work demanding jobs) and relaxation. Unfortunately, the first day at sea we were awakened at 6:30am with the sound of a large mallet hitting metal only feet from where our heads were. I called the front desk, and was told that they would look into it. After 15 minutes of no let up in the noise, I called again and the desk stated that there was no problem - which then led me to hold the phone in the air for them to hear the sound (it was that loud). The young gal on the other end of the phone responded "That is only the sound of our lifeboats knocking gently against their moorings in our high seas today. When we get in calmer seas, it will stop." This of course led me out of my bed and out to the back of the ship to visually inspect what was occurring. I viewed three crewmembers trying to loosen a stubborn piece of equipment (it had frozen shut with saltwater and needed to be loosened) with two mallets. I then went to the desk and told them what was occurring. Once again, I was told that there was no maintenance being performed at the aft end of the ship this early. I then lost my temper a bit and demanded that someone walk down and inspect the area with me. The gal at the front desk sent her underling with me and we walked to the aft of the ship to view the men blasting away on the fixture. She returned and told her manager what she had viewed. The manager then said (without apologizing) that she would have them stop.


I then returned to my cabin only to find the bashing continuing and several of my cabin neighbors out yelling at the men to stop (which they ignonred). I then called the front desk manager back to only have her tell me that "The chief engineer stated that the work was scheduled and should be completed by 10am. You many go and enjoy an early breakfast and return to your cabin." I then told the Front Desk Manager that I would like to speak to the Guest Relations Manager as soon as possible. She told me that the Guest Relations Manager would be in meetings and would only be available from 4pm -5pm at her desk and would not be making any phone calls. I went to her desk at 4pm and waited for an hour without her ever making an appearance.


I then hunted down the Hotel Manager and told him the situation. He placed an immediate call to the Chief Engineer (whom I ended up playing tennis with on Grand Cayman) who apologized and stated that they were supposed to begin their work at 10am - after the majority of passengers were up and about and that there was supposed to be a letter from the Guest Relations Manager explaining that the work was to occur from 10am -1pm. When I finally met the Guest Relations Manager at the Travel Agent talk at the end of the cruise, I mentioned it to her and was told "Well, if I had known who you were, I would have responded; sorry."


Really, really sad...


I have more stories that are similar, but that is the worst of the lot.

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