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Crown & Anchor Program Revisions - join the merged discussions here


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[quote name='retired travelers'][SIZE=3]Cruisin Forever, now that makes sense. Too bad you don't work for RCCL, that solution would not have made so many of us feel rejected and angry. And RCCL would have been able to keep the many people "jumping ship" for other lines. I have stayed loyal to Royal and recommended the line to all my friends because they made me feel special. Now I just can not feel the same because I feel as if they have taken away something that was promised to me. I know many people do not feel that way, that is fine. However my parents brought me up to live up to promises made, even if I did not want to do it or changed my mind. If I gave my word, 'it was golden' and I had to stand by it. I am in business also, and many times do not agree with customers, however, keeping a customer and their friends is important to keep a business ' afloat'. Better to find a solution that makes your customers happy than to lose a customer. Losing a customer is not just one person, it is everyone that person speaks to about you in the future. "Just my personal thoughts and opinion"[/SIZE]

[SIZE=3][B][COLOR=Magenta] Excellent IDEA!!!![/COLOR][/B][/SIZE]
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[quote name='beachbuzzard']So you don't think others will be upset by this because they don't post on CC?? Again, we agree the suite customer is important, but do we really think this change on top of all the others (did you see that other blog someone said to Google to) isn't going to effect overall standard cabin sales?? Are we not a slice of what is out there... if half the people in here are upset (as an example and not a exact percentage), don't you think roughly half of the people in the rest of society will be upset? Maybe even more because they might learn of it when they board the ship rather than in here (if they missed the email).

Again, we'll see if their move was a good one. I say not, but I'm not the suit. Best of luck to them on this one.[/quote]

Our travel agent said "only the vocal people post on cruise critic" well that is probably true, but you are absolutely correct, just because there is only a small percentage of people complaining on this forum don't think that the rest of the Diamond members aren't going to be very unhappy. I suspect that RCC will be rather surprised when they realize the extent of the rebellion.

A poster was correct when he said the percentage of profit from the suites doesn't equal the total revenue of a full ship.
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[quote name='jmraggs']Ok, so please tell me this, the statement "[FONT=Arial][SIZE=4]There will no longer be a Concierge Lounge for Diamond members in the Crown and Anchor Society![/SIZE] " this is not from the email, but a personal statement when not really telling all of the facts. It is a little twisted because there will be a Diamond lounge on Freedom Class and above for Diamond members, 24 hour access, a different Concierge and bar and appetizers between 5 and 8:30pm everynight. This works the same as a CL but with a better view!:D;) How do you think the DL is different than the CL?:confused: If I am wrong, someone please point it out to me.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial]Have fun cruising on whatever ship you sail on!:D[/FONT][/quote]

I already answered you. There will be no Concierge Lounge for Diamond Members beginning on July 1st. There will be a newly created "Diamond Lounge" (we're assuming the overflow room on deck 14... but who knows?) for Diamond members. It will be available for a "complimentary happy hour" from 5pm to 8:30pm. Look at the email and bullet points for what each level of C&A membership gets you and the light bulb will go off as to what I'm saying. :D
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So much has already been posted on this subject, however, had to add my own personal comment.

We were in the overflow concierge lounge (up on deck 13 using the Odyssey) of the Jewel last week when the e-mail was posted - of course many members in the Diamond/Concierge lounge were checking their mail daily and were very, very upset. We are diamond members and have enjoyed the use of the lounge, particularly as a place to meet for a drink before dinner with other long-time cruisers and exchange hints/ideas about cruising and just make friends in general. It has been our opinion that the lounge almost becomes an extension of your dining room table, often looking forward to conversation in the lounge before proceeding on to meet tablemates for dinner. On this particular cruise our tablemates were all diamond members and it made for a very pleasant evening.

What seemed to upset so many members on board the Jewel was the way in which this was handled - obviously there is a problem with numbers and at times crowding - but how much simpler it would have been to "grandfather" in all current members and then announce the new rules would be in effect perhaps on a specific date - July 1 or September 1, for example. It was just too final - no consideration for the past loyalty of so many people.

In addition, at the welcome back reception for platinum and diamond members, several members indicated they were planning to ask questions about the new policy ..... was it "final", was it "up for discussion, etc." Ask for information on the lounges in the bigger ships, etc. Many people were definite fans of the Radiance, Jewel, etc. and didn't want to sail a larger ship. Obviously RC knew these questions might be raised - I found it ironic that the Captain was not at the party, nor any of the officers, the drinks and snacks were there - but the only person to speak was the Cruise Director and would not take any questions, nor was time allowed for any questions. Everyone sat there and kept waiting for the Loyalty Ambassador, Captain, SOMEONE to show up - the band kept playing and at about 8:20 the Cruise Director took the floor, thanked everyone for coming, and announced it was time for dinner. I have never attended a welcome back party where nothing was said about the future - I would have loved information on the Oasis - the future, what to look forward to ...... nothing was said ......

I truly hope RC will reconsider this decision. I am sure that some compromise could be reached without alienating so many loyal customers.
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How many ships? How many passengers? How many CC posters responding to the downgrade of Diamond and Captains Club? Most of RC passangers are not CC members and will cruise no matter how the "perks" are altered. We may be a vocal group but I don't think our group is big enough to change a RC corporate decision. I'd love to hear another opinion but I think no matter what is said here makes a difference to RC. Kind of stinks because I love the little extras when I cruise, it makes me feel special for 1 week out of the year. Kaboochi
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[quote name='Kaboochi']How many ships? How many passengers? How many CC posters responding to the downgrade of Diamond and Captains Club? Most of RC passangers are not CC members and will cruise no matter how the "perks" are altered. We may be a vocal group but I don't think our group is big enough to change a RC corporate decision. I'd love to hear another opinion but I think no matter what is said here makes a difference to RC. Kind of stinks because I love the little extras when I cruise, it makes me feel special for 1 week out of the year. Kaboochi[/QUOTE]

The numbers are probably a bit deceptive. Over 2800 responses (many, of course, repeaters) and over 100,000 views. Of the viewers, most will not post but will respond when asked by friends and family for cruise advice. Our family and all the people I work with ask me or ask me to ask my wife what cruise they would like best. I imagine it is like that with many of the chronic cruisers here.

This thread is nowhere near a death blow for RCI, but it's a cut that could become infected.

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[quote name='Cruisingjer']I think their may be one fatal flaw, what about the person who is one cruise away from diamond and sails right after July 1st. The problem lies in, where do you draw the line?[/quote]

No- you misunderstood. In the plan I conjured up (note to everyone, this is just a thought experiment) anyone in the C&A program now- that is, Gold, Plat, Diamond, D+ continues to accrue the level benefits as described right now. Those joining after July 1st 2009 (in other words, those having just completed their first cruise ever with RCCL) would be part of a new Loyalty Program with new level perks (presumably cutting out the Concierge Lounge).

This is fair since anyone heading towards a first cruise with RCCL could opt out in the unlikely event that they were cruising with RCCL with the loyalty program as part of their motivation; and those already in the program as you describe would have their perks of membership still coming to them honored.

This is much more fair.

My wife pointed out that perhaps another way to show our displeasure over this change would be to cash out our Royal Caribbean Visa cards, use the points on our Oasis cruise and then close the account and open one with someone else.

Going to think about that one, too.:cool:
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[quote name='Kaboochi']How many ships? How many passengers? How many CC posters responding to the downgrade of Diamond and Captains Club? Most of RC passangers are not CC members and will cruise no matter how the "perks" are altered. We may be a vocal group but I don't think our group is big enough to change a RC corporate decision. I'd love to hear another opinion but I think no matter what is said here makes a difference to RC. Kind of stinks because I love the little extras when I cruise, it makes me feel special for 1 week out of the year. Kaboochi[/quote]Just based on the folks who have have said they cancelled their cruises (CC members), I would say RCI is already feeling the repercussions of their decision. I have two cruises that I can't cancel because of airlines, hotels, etc. already booked and paid for. One of them has already dropped in price $200 since the reductions were announced. I know price drops happen all the time, but this is the first one we have had in years. I just have to wonder if RCI's decision isn't already hurting them.
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[QUOTE=Cruisin' Forever!;18976149]Well, actually no, there's never been a "Diamond Lounge" - merely an over flow room for those few times when the demand for the Concierge Lounge made it necessary. And btw- Mariner had the same thing you describe incorrectly as a "Diamond Lounge".

Also, the newly created (because it doesn't exist till July 1st of this year...) "Diamond Lounge" is NOT going to be open 24/7 as you describe. (I suspect you haven't bothered to read the full email from RCI) It will only be open on a short term basis from 5pm till 8:30pm.


After reading your post, there seems to be a bit of misunderstanding here. Taken directly from the "Benefit":

"Diamond Members cruising on Freedom Class ships, Oasis of the Seas and Allure of the Seas will continue to be able to experience exclusive access to a dedicated Diamond Lounge on these ships, which feature a complimentary 'happy hour' from 5-8:30pm daily."

First, you are showing that you have traveled on the Liberty and the Freedom in your signature. Were you not aware of the Diamond Lounge on these ships? These lounges were specifically built for Diamond C&A members. They are on all Freedom Class ships and above on RCCL.

Second, read the sentence carefully that states, "which feature", which I interpret as "the special part of the Diamond Lounge." No where does it say that these will be the "only hours" that the DL will be open.
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[quote name='PMcC1998']So much has already been posted on this subject, however, had to add my own personal comment.

We were in the overflow concierge lounge (up on deck 13 using the Odyssey) of the Jewel last week when the e-mail was posted - of course many members in the Diamond/Concierge lounge were checking their mail daily and were very, very upset. We are diamond members and have enjoyed the use of the lounge, particularly as a place to meet for a drink before dinner with other long-time cruisers and exchange hints/ideas about cruising and just make friends in general. It has been our opinion that the lounge almost becomes an extension of your dining room table, often looking forward to conversation in the lounge before proceeding on to meet tablemates for dinner. On this particular cruise our tablemates were all diamond members and it made for a very pleasant evening.

What seemed to upset so many members on board the Jewel was the way in which this was handled - obviously there is a problem with numbers and at times crowding - but how much simpler it would have been to "grandfather" in all current members and then announce the new rules would be in effect perhaps on a specific date - July 1 or September 1, for example. It was just too final - no consideration for the past loyalty of so many people.

In addition, at the welcome back reception for platinum and diamond members, several members indicated they were planning to ask questions about the new policy ..... was it "final", was it "up for discussion, etc." Ask for information on the lounges in the bigger ships, etc. Many people were definite fans of the Radiance, Jewel, etc. and didn't want to sail a larger ship. Obviously RC knew these questions might be raised - I found it ironic that the Captain was not at the party, nor any of the officers, the drinks and snacks were there - but the only person to speak was the Cruise Director and would not take any questions, nor was time allowed for any questions. Everyone sat there and kept waiting for the Loyalty Ambassador, Captain, SOMEONE to show up - the band kept playing and at about 8:20 the Cruise Director took the floor, thanked everyone for coming, and announced it was time for dinner. I have never attended a welcome back party where nothing was said about the future - I would have loved information on the Oasis - the future, what to look forward to ...... nothing was said ......

I truly hope RC will reconsider this decision. I am sure that some compromise could be reached without alienating so many loyal customers.[/quote]

Wow. That really was an unusual Diamond/Platinum Welcome Back without the usual pep rally along with at least the LA giving a talk about innovations, new ships, itineraries and the usual self-promotion. I wonder if they'll be stopping the Captain's Q&A's for fear of the Q's.
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[quote name='Kaboochi']How many ships? How many passengers? How many CC posters responding to the downgrade of Diamond and Captains Club? Most of RC passangers are not CC members and will cruise no matter how the "perks" are altered. We may be a vocal group but I don't think our group is big enough to change a RC corporate decision. I'd love to hear another opinion but I think no matter what is said here makes a difference to RC. Kind of stinks because I love the little extras when I cruise, it makes me feel special for 1 week out of the year. Kaboochi[/QUOTE]

Well, there is no doubt that if the only people that get upset (or as in my case, not so much upset as disappointed) by this policy change are the people in here posting, then you would be correct. But as I posted earlier, I believe this to just be a slice of the real world. And I think if they went and talked to ANY Diamond about it (even if not a CC regular), I'll bet the responses would be very similar to what you find in here.

I don't know how many Diamond C&A members there are out there, or how many Platinums that are close to Diamond (like me), but I'm sure there's a whole lot more than visit this forum. And as I said earlier, I can't imagine what it will be like on board some of those ships come July 1 when some people that have no idea this change was made are looking for the CL key. Do you think just because they weren't on this forum, they won't be upset??
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[quote name='PMcC1998']So much has already been posted on this subject, however, had to add my own personal comment.

We were in the overflow concierge lounge (up on deck 13 using the Odyssey) of the Jewel last week when the e-mail was posted - of course many members in the Diamond/Concierge lounge were checking their mail daily and were very, very upset. We are diamond members and have enjoyed the use of the lounge, particularly as a place to meet for a drink before dinner with other long-time cruisers and exchange hints/ideas about cruising and just make friends in general. It has been our opinion that the lounge almost becomes an extension of your dining room table, often looking forward to conversation in the lounge before proceeding on to meet tablemates for dinner. On this particular cruise our tablemates were all diamond members and it made for a very pleasant evening.

What seemed to upset so many members on board the Jewel was the way in which this was handled - obviously there is a problem with numbers and at times crowding - but how much simpler it would have been to "grandfather" in all current members and then announce the new rules would be in effect perhaps on a specific date - July 1 or September 1, for example. It was just too final - no consideration for the past loyalty of so many people.

In addition, at the welcome back reception for platinum and diamond members, several members indicated they were planning to ask questions about the new policy ..... was it "final", was it "up for discussion, etc." Ask for information on the lounges in the bigger ships, etc. Many people were definite fans of the Radiance, Jewel, etc. and didn't want to sail a larger ship. Obviously RC knew these questions might be raised - I found it ironic that the Captain was not at the party, nor any of the officers, the drinks and snacks were there - but the only person to speak was the Cruise Director and would not take any questions, nor was time allowed for any questions. Everyone sat there and kept waiting for the Loyalty Ambassador, Captain, SOMEONE to show up - the band kept playing and at about 8:20 the Cruise Director took the floor, thanked everyone for coming, and announced it was time for dinner. I have never attended a welcome back party where nothing was said about the future - I would have loved information on the Oasis - the future, what to look forward to ...... nothing was said ......

I truly hope RC will reconsider this decision. I am sure that some compromise could be reached without alienating so many loyal customers.[/quote]

100% Agree with you PMcC1998! (Hey, I'm a PMcC, too) :D

I think all those here that think RCCL was right to take away their Diamond Member perk of Concierge Lounge access should write to RCCL immediately and ask to have the priviledge removed from [U]their accounts only[/U] so that the rest of us can keep ours! Come on, it's the right thing to do... if you really feel that way! :p

What I find further galling about this is the way that RCCL couched it in the email. Surely the idiots that came up with this PR disaster knew that this was going to be a terrible decision. So they hide the nasty little tidbit a few lines down rather then placing it near the top of the email. The whole thing is in flowery language couched in a kind of "look at the wonderful things we're going to be doing for you... our loyal customers!". Oh yeah... and they say it's part of feedback they have gotten. Oh, really? What demented Diamond Member asked for his or her Concierge Lounge access to be removed?!? (Again, volunteers here, please!)

Again, I call on everyone who agrees with me (I can't be the only one, can I?) on this outrage to voice your concern at EVERY welcome back C&A party that you can. Get the ball rolling. Let people know what's going on.

If I'm being emotional, it's because I love RCCL and I hate to see some bean counters (there should be a special ring in Hades...) killing this company and hurting those of us who've been it's biggest cheerleaders and supporters all of these years. I applaud the Diamond Plus member here who said they felt sorry for us Diamond members getting the shaft... and equally, I feel sorry for those Silver members nearly at that all important rung... or the Gold member who had his/her heart set on getting there, too. (I remember those days...)

I can't tell you how many people I told on Celebrity Solstice last week that the only thing I missed on that GORGEOUS ship was that as an Elite Member with them, I had no Concierge Lounge to go to for 1 drink before dinner and maybe a few little snacks. (I've NEVER seen any falling down drunks in the Concierge Lounges I've been in... and if there had ever been any, I'm sure the Concierge himself would eject them) I even said on my exit comment card on Solstice that they should convert one of their unused venues (Michael's Club comes to mind on that ship) into a CL and give the same perks to Elite members as we Diamond members enjoy on RCCL- especially since they are the same company. I guess I know where that suggestion will end up...
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[quote name='CruiseKeeper']My original issue with your post was your saying that those that lost the use of the CL (Diamonds) AND abused the system were "served right." You were courteous in your response but still haven't answered where the rules of the CL are. You and others have read into the "rules" things that just don't exist except in the self-righteous minds of some.

I will agree with your last paragraph that Diamonds do have a right to be peeved but this doesn't have to be diminished because of continuing troubles and sadness in the world.[/quote]

I find it interesting that there are some that state that the "Diamonds abused the system" Why would you assume it's only "Diamonds" Personally I have met many suite passengers who drink themselves into a stupor and know many Diamonds who only have a soft drink or a glass of wine....Let's not be so judgemental.:p
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[quote name='PMcC1998']So much has already been posted on this subject, however, had to add my own personal comment.

We were in the overflow concierge lounge (up on deck 13 using the Odyssey) of the Jewel last week when the e-mail was posted - of course many members in the Diamond/Concierge lounge were checking their mail daily and were very, very upset. We are diamond members and have enjoyed the use of the lounge, particularly as a place to meet for a drink before dinner with other long-time cruisers and exchange hints/ideas about cruising and just make friends in general. It has been our opinion that the lounge almost becomes an extension of your dining room table, often looking forward to conversation in the lounge before proceeding on to meet tablemates for dinner. On this particular cruise our tablemates were all diamond members and it made for a very pleasant evening.

What seemed to upset so many members on board the Jewel was the way in which this was handled - obviously there is a problem with numbers and at times crowding - but how much simpler it would have been to "grandfather" in all current members and then announce the new rules would be in effect perhaps on a specific date - July 1 or September 1, for example. It was just too final - no consideration for the past loyalty of so many people.

In addition, at the welcome back reception for platinum and diamond members, several members indicated they were planning to ask questions about the new policy ..... was it "final", was it "up for discussion, etc." Ask for information on the lounges in the bigger ships, etc. Many people were definite fans of the Radiance, Jewel, etc. and didn't want to sail a larger ship. Obviously RC knew these questions might be raised - I found it ironic that the Captain was not at the party, nor any of the officers, the drinks and snacks were there - but the only person to speak was the Cruise Director and would not take any questions, nor was time allowed for any questions. Everyone sat there and kept waiting for the Loyalty Ambassador, Captain, SOMEONE to show up - the band kept playing and at about 8:20 the Cruise Director took the floor, thanked everyone for coming, and announced it was time for dinner. I have never attended a welcome back party where nothing was said about the future - I would have loved information on the Oasis - the future, what to look forward to ...... nothing was said ......

I truly hope RC will reconsider this decision. I am sure that some compromise could be reached without alienating so many loyal customers.[/quote]

it is very interesting to hear how people reacted to the news while being on the ship. i am very surprised about the welcome back party. it's either something new or they just tried to avoid the questions.
we have been on jewel three times and it is still our favorite ship. we always enjoyed Odyssey as cl. Teddy was always wonderful and it is true that this was a place to meet for a drink before dinner with other long-time cruisers and exchange hints/ideas about cruising and just make friends in general. we are booked for a ta next year on jewel and will really miss it. we will be short one credit from d+
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Originally Posted by As the ship sails viewpost.gif

The diamond lounge on Freedom class ships and above is not something that has been newly created. The diamond lounge is EXACTLY like the concierge lounge. It is located on deck 14 on the Freedom class ships and DOES have a concierge, has coffee drinks and breakfast items available same as the regular concierge lounge. YOU have access to the diamond lounge 24/7 with your diamond key provided to you in your stateroom.


As far as your statement regarding suite guests.........they deserve the concierge lounge. The concierge lounge was originally intented for suite guests only and only later did RCI extend the perk to diamond guests.



Well' date=' actually no, there's never been a "Diamond Lounge" - merely an over flow room for those few times when the demand for the Concierge Lounge made it necessary. And btw- Mariner had the same thing you describe incorrectly as a "Diamond Lounge".


Also, the newly created (because it doesn't exist till July 1st of this year...) "Diamond Lounge" is NOT going to be open 24/7 as you describe. (I suspect you haven't bothered to read the full email from RCI) It will only be open on a short term basis from 5pm till 8:30pm.


On balance though, and reading between the lines- you evidently think only suite guests should get this. So if you are a Diamond Member of C&A and you truly take this position, feel free to write RCCL about how you wouldn't mind giving up your earned perk (after many cruises, I suspect)- if enough Diamond Members do this, maybe the rest of us who want to keep this perk will be able to. :rolleyes::p[/quote']


YOU are the one who is WRONG my friend.:rolleyes: THE DIAMOND LOUNGE on Freedom class ships IS NOT A NEWLY CREATED LOUNGE. There has ALWAYS been a diamond lounge on Freedom class ships. AGAIN this is not something that was newly created. The diamond lounge is on deck 14 on the Freedom class ships and has been there since they built the ship.:rolleyes: The diamond lounge on Freedom class ships is EXACTLY like the concierge in that it has the coffee, breakfast items, happy hour, and a diamond CONCIERGE!!!


The overflow lounge on ANY ship has nothing to do with my post. I was speaking of the diamond lounge on Freedom class ships. I suggest that you put your glasses on and read my post again.:rolleyes: Heck I'll even post my quote above to save you having to look for it!!!


The diamond lounge is open 24/7 with access obtained via your diamond card left for you in your stateroom. I sail in both suites and non suites and understand the position that RCI is taking. I have no desire to write to RCI to give up my earned perk. I sail 8-10 times a year with RCI and enjoy each and every cruise. Sometimes I go to the concierge lounge and sometimes I do not. If I am at a bar enjoying myself then that is where I stay and do not leave just to get free drinks. IF RCI decided to disallow diamond plus members from the congierge lounge I wouldn't get my knickers in a knot over it. The lounge was created for suite guests and I appreciate the extension of the lounge to diamond plus guests but understand that it is a perk that can be removed at any time. Changes in life happen often and I personally wouldn't flip out over losing a perk in a loyalty program. However if a perk is extended to me then I will enjoy until such time as it is no longer available.

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it is very interesting to hear how people reacted to the news while being on the ship. i am very surprised about the welcome back party. it's either something new or they just tried to avoid the questions.

we have been on jewel three times and it is still our favorite ship. we always enjoyed Odyssey as cl. Teddy was always wonderful and it is true that this was a place to meet for a drink before dinner with other long-time cruisers and exchange hints/ideas about cruising and just make friends in general. we are booked for a ta next year on jewel and will really miss it. we will be short one credit from d+



The Jewel is one of our favorite ships as well, and the Odyssey is a perfect place for the spillover lounge.


As a matter of fact, I think that the Odyssey is the lounge on the Jewel that would suit a special lounge for Diamonds.......to have cocktails and appetizers on a nightly basis. The cocktails would be deeply discounted, and there would be an officer at the door to check sea passes. Any Diamond Plus or Suite passenger would also be allowed to use this lounge, and pay the going rate.


I envision that the program would be set up, as it is now, with no foo foo drinks, just the same ones that are now allowed in the spill over lounge.


At some point, only Suite guests would be allowed the concierge lounge.


What I'm trying to work out in my mind, is to have someone like a concierge to be able to handle changing dinner reservations, pass out tender tickets, and a host of other items.


A new coffee machine would be placed in the Odyssey for cappuccinos, with the time being set from 7AM to 10 AM. I know that the lounge is used for different functions during the day..........but it would be a Diamond Lounge during the morning hours, and from 5 PM to 8:30 PM.


Would something like this appeal to Diamond members.........or am I way off track???


By the way, I have picked this one lounge on one ship to illustrate my point.



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I already answered you. There will be no Concierge Lounge for Diamond Members beginning on July 1st. There will be a newly created "Diamond Lounge" (we're assuming the overflow room on deck 14... but who knows?) for Diamond members. It will be available for a "complimentary happy hour" from 5pm to 8:30pm. Look at the email and bullet points for what each level of C&A membership gets you and the light bulb will go off as to what I'm saying. :D


GOODNESS.......you are hard headed.:rolleyes: The Diamond lounge on deck 14 on Freedom class ships is NOT a overflow lounge. IT is not "newly created". IT is a diamond lounge with alot of windows AND has a concierge, coffee, select breakfast items, 2 computer terminals and access can be obtained via your diamond key card 24/7. I suggest that you reread your email as you are only seeing what you want to see.:rolleyes::rolleyes: This is not a newly created lounge for the Freedom class ships.


I know that I'm repeating myself but maybe thats the only way to break through the rocks!:eek::p

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GOODNESS.......you are hard headed.:rolleyes: The Diamond lounge on deck 14 on Freedom class ships is NOT a overflow lounge. IT is not "newly created". IT is a diamond lounge with alot of windows AND has a concierge, coffee, select breakfast items, 2 computer terminals and access can be obtained via your diamond key card 24/7. I suggest that you reread your email as you are only seeing what you want to see.:rolleyes::rolleyes: This is not a newly created lounge for the Freedom class ships.


I know that I'm repeating myself but maybe thats the only way to break through the rocks!:eek::p



Here's Proof. It was billed as the Diamond Club when we sailed on the Freedom in January 2007. It think it was converted from the 19th Hole but as of now, it has been a dedicated Diamond Club for over two years.





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How many ships? How many passengers? How many CC posters responding to the downgrade of Diamond and Captains Club? Most of RC passangers are not CC members and will cruise no matter how the "perks" are altered. We may be a vocal group but I don't think our group is big enough to change a RC corporate decision. I'd love to hear another opinion but I think no matter what is said here makes a difference to RC. Kind of stinks because I love the little extras when I cruise, it makes me feel special for 1 week out of the year. Kaboochi


IMO, I believe the general consensus here would be that WE ALL like to feel a bit special when we're on a cruise. After all, it's a hard earned vacation that many of us enjoy so much. Although I am an avid RCI cruiser, I have sailed with other cruise lines and for the most part, enjoyed their product but not as much as RCI. It's a bit sad that so many are leaving for reasons which to them are valid and that's their prerogative. Whether we all agree to disagree, one thing should be very clear. That is that no matter who we choose to sail with, it should solely be based on the fact that we want that cruise to be a memorable and enjoyable one! PERIOD! If for the many of the folks that have staunchly claimed their feeling of being taken advantage of for being loyal to Royal, leave on a basis as a simple slap in the face to RCI, what/who is that really going to affect? Sure RCI will lose some business, but keep in mind that over 30% of the population have never cruised so there is still room to make up for that in the future (as do the other cruise lines as well).


Listen, leave if you want to but go take your vacation based on what will make you happy and with a cruise line that you feel will give you that. I hope people are not canceling and hoping to find what they've lost with RCI in other cruise lines because you won't. For what they're worth, each cruise line has their own pro's and con's as many of you may know. To say one is better than the other is opinion based but so many posts I've read here mention that a certain cruise was canceled and then immediately rebooked with another cruise line. Wow, I can't even begin to think of how I can change my plans that fast and find an alternative cruise that will make up for it. I'd have rather canceled completely and took a while to review many other options!


Loyalty programs are offered on other cruise lines and although RCI's may not be so great anymore, I believe their cruise product as whole certainly is. I will continue to book my cruises primarily with RCI because they're MY first choice! I love the new ships, their new itineraries and of course, the many crew I've made friends with in the past that I personally believe enjoy ME coming back time and again. I have certainly enjoyed THEM. This coming May 22 :cool:will be my return to the Rhapsody on my first Alaska cruise. I sailed on her many times when she had the Galveston itinerary and enjoyed it thoroughly. I can't wait to go back on to see my old and certainly new friends on the ship. That to me means loyalty and it's not what I can get out of it in the form of a CL or a coupon booklet or a Balcony discount, it's more what I take from it to bring back home with me after the cruise...A FANTASTIC VOYAGE!


Just my "other" two cents!




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IMO, Sure RCI will lose some business, but keep in mind that over 30% of the population have never cruised so there is still room to make up for that in the future (as do the other cruise lines as well).



Just my "other" two cents!





Ace............a very well written post. Thanks!!


There is only one thing that I believe that you have incorrectly stated.

There are approximately between 70 and 85% of the population that has never experienced a cruise. That is a mighty big target!!


They rest is very well stated!!



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Ace............a very well written post. Thanks!!


There is only one thing that I believe that you have incorrectly stated.

There are approximately between 70 and 85% of the population that has never experienced a cruise. That is a mighty big target!!


They rest is very well stated!!




Awww RATS!!! Yes, I meant to say that only about 30% has cruised and had a major brain fart!:eek: Thanks for the correction!:D

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Guess what ?


Diamond members who place significant value on use of the Concierge Lounge can continue to enjoy the Concierge Lounge on Voyager and Radiance class ships by becoming Diamond Plus members and/or booking a suite.


RCI has always included a phrase in the "Terms and Conditions" section of the Crown & Anchor Society Benefits that it reserves " the right to terminate or to change the terms and conditions of participation and benefits "


The dramatic growth in Diamond members has exceeded the capacity of the C.L. This is fact. Thus, the need to change the terms and conditions of this benefit. The status quo is no longer acceptable, as it has a huge impact on the quality of the C.L. experience.


The SeaPrince


# of cruises on RCCL = 190

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Guess what ?


Diamond members who place significant value on use of the Concierge Lounge can continue to enjoy the Concierge Lounge on Voyager and Radiance class ships by becoming Diamond Plus members and/or booking a suite.


RCI has always included a phrase in the "Terms and Conditions" section of the Crown & Anchor Society Benefits that it reserves " the right to terminate or to change the terms and conditions of participation and benefits "


The dramatic growth in Diamond members has exceeded the capacity of the C.L. This is fact. Thus, the need to change the terms and conditions of this benefit. The status quo is no longer acceptable, as it has a huge impact on the quality of the C.L. experience.


The SeaPrince


# of cruises on RCCL = 190



Welcome to Cruise Critic!! I'm impressed with the number of cruises that you have enjoyed on RCCL.


One thing that you neglected to say...........in addition to your correct statement, is that any Diamond can cruise on a Freedom Class ship, and take advantage of the Diamond Lounge.


It's getting late here, so I don't remember what the official statement was in regards to the Oasis Class.


Welcome aboard!!:)



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Welcome to Cruise Critic!! I'm impressed with the number of cruises that you have enjoyed on RCCL.


One thing that you neglected to say...........in addition to your correct statement, is that any Diamond can cruise on a Freedom Class ship, and take advantage of the Diamond Lounge.


It's getting late here, so I don't remember what the official statement was in regards to the Oasis Class.


Welcome aboard!!:)




You are correct Rick ... thanks for the amplification.


The Sea Prince

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