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Crown & Anchor Program Revisions - join the merged discussions here


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Ok (17 x $5.95 + 7 x $5.95 + 3 x $4.95 + 1 x $6.95 + 1 $1.95 ) x 1.15 = $191. 53.


You are absolutely right it is NOT about the booze!!!!! It is about the money!!!!!! Economy/Money often related for individuals and corporations. Funny how that works! LMAO!!!!:D:D:D


(all money amounts are guesstimates, because despite having consumed most of those things I have no idea what they actually cost, because I don't sweat the little things when I am on vacation.:rolleyes: )




I don't sweat the small things either. Actually, I estimated the cost at $222. I also use this number when I factor in my overall cost when comparing to other cruises/vacation options. Therefore, the benefit I received as a Diamond are in fact worth something to me. If you take that away then the playing field is level and I now can look at other options more without feeling guilty.


Isn't it funny that when the airlines (United, AA, USAir just to name a few) started playing this same game people started looking at the cheapest fare (i.e., no more loyalty). Hotels too!


If this was truly about money they wouldn't allow D or D+ in an lounge. This is about cutting expenses on the smaller ships while increasing revenue through higher suite prices and trying to get more people to book Freedom and Oasis Class ships.


Marketing 101 - It's cheaper to keep your existing customers than get new ones to replace them.


Finally, you want to increase revenue? Sell a mini-bar setup. Bet a lot of people would buy!

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I don't sweat the small things either. Actually, I estimated the cost at $222. I also use this number when I factor in my overall cost when comparing to other cruises/vacation options. Therefore, the benefit I received as a Diamond are in fact worth something to me. If you take that away then the playing field is level and I now can look at other options more without feeling guilty.


Isn't it funny that when the airlines (United, AA, USAir just to name a few) started playing this same game people started looking at the cheapest fare (i.e., no more loyalty). Hotels too!


If this was truly about money they wouldn't allow D or D+ in an lounge. This is about cutting expenses on the smaller ships while increasing revenue through higher suite prices and trying to get more people to book Freedom and Oasis Class ships.


Marketing 101 - It's cheaper to keep your existing customers than get new ones to replace them.


Finally, you want to increase revenue? Sell a mini-bar setup. Bet a lot of people would buy!


When I wrote to R.C.C.L. I told them this EXACT

same thing, F.Y.I.


Marketing 101 - It's cheaper to keep your existing customers than get new ones to replace them.


Also told them:

"Never give anyone a reason to go to the competition". :(

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Well I just opened up a letter personally addressed to my husband using his first name and signed by Adam Goldstein, President & CEO of Royal Caribbean International. Attached to the letter are two coupons, one for $50 off a 6 night or longer sailing and one for $25 off a shorter sailing.


The letter thanks us for cruising on the Voyager of the Seas over this past New Years Eve week. Apparently the coupons are our "Thank You" gift. Within the body of the letter, Goldstein states that as C & A members our "benefits only get better the more you sail". (The words in quotes are italicized in the letter for emphasis.)


There are two main problems with this letter and "gift".


1.) The coupons are worthless to us and Royal Caribbean knows it. We are stockholders, Diamond Members and we book at least a balcony level for my husband and myself. Royal Caribbean knows all these things about us. At the very least we would use the stockholder benefit and of course with a balcony we would use the Diamond Balcony discount. Prior to January first of this year, these coupons would indeed be a "gift" to us. We used to be able to combine benefits. Now they are worthless to us.


2.) The statement by Goldstein that our "benefits only get better the more we sail" is false. It is in fact, a lie. Royal Caribbean knows this is a lie. When we sailed the Voyager of the Seas in the Mediterranean over Thanksgiving week and then again a month later out of Galveston for the New Years Eve sailing we were able to combine our Diamond Balcony discounts, our stockholders OBC, our Next Cruise Certificates and any coupons we had. We were also able to have the full privileges and use of the concierge service and lounge. Martin, the concierge on both those sailings was wonderful. We rewarded him for his wonderful service and attention.


Now if we were to book a July 1, 2009 or later sailing out of Galveston on the Voyager of the Seas (we live within driving distance of the port) we would be able to choose only ONE discount and we would not have the use of the CL or Concierge Services.






Adam Goldstein is sending out letters that are patently false. He should be ashamed of himself.


And why is RCI wasting the money sending out these false letters and worthless "gifts"? I thought they were trying to cut costs?




We get those same coupons and thank you letter everytime we come home from a cruise and we're D plus and sail in a suite! lol :D We get the 50.00/ 75.00 or the 50.00/25.00 ones but I could never use them because of the expiration dates, my cruises were all booked already so I always tossed them. As you stated we could use them in 2008 as we were allowed to combine every benefit including shareholders. Probably not the brightest business decision on the part of RCCL when you think about it but it was GREAT for all of us while it lasted:)


I've traded RCCL stock for a long time but not at present and I did very well with it. I bought it to make money which I did, the OBC was just an extra benefit. The market has always been risky and many stocks have cut or lowered dividends and I have no idea how much longer they will give OBC for RCL stock at this point in this economy.


So for my last few cruises I only used my Next Cruise OBC and my RCCL visa which can be combined with anything and I had 450-700 OBC on each cruise which is better then what I would get from shareholders/savings certificates when we could combine it so I do know my RCCL benefit only gets better the more I use my RCCL Visa especially on RCCL purchases such as cruises as I get even more points:D I use that card for everything and pay it in full every month so it doesn't cost me anything and points add up fast. RCCL does not need to send me coupons either so they can save that money on postage :)

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I'm not being a wise guy but let's look at it this way:


If your boss promised you a bonus if you achieved a certain goal then took it away would you be happy and be glad you have a job or would you be upset that you worked very hard to obtain the benefit that was then snatched away?



It happend, was I upset yes, but I understood. Bonus vs someone being let go:confused: Hmm I pick no bonus, also in 2-3 months I will no longer have a job but will continue to cruise when possible and with RCL and NO I don't work for them nor is their stock in my portfolio.


Folks look around, listen to the news, MAJOR companies are cutting back and/or going out of business. If I can't afford to pay for my own drinks and other cruise extras, then I shouldn't be going on a cruise.


The perks are great but in the long run, all of the meals are free, morning, noon and night. You don't have to lift a finger to do anything but get dressed, relax and enjoy the surroundings. How many would love to be able to do that, bet you if you asked a lot would say YES and not gripe about not having a special place to relax and have a few drinks but just "mix" with everyone regardless of level, IMHO.

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What is positive about harassing an alternate opinion? If you do not welcome opposing opinions, internet forums are not for you. Though somewhat heated, this is a discussion.


This is where some of us disagree. I'm not interested in a discussion. What I'm interested in is posting my displeasure, in the assumption that RC is monitoring this thread. This is because I have no evidence that RC has read anything sent directly, and is obviously "laying low", so this may be the sole forum for such communication. I just have no interest in seeing negative posts diluted by the posts of those just happy as clams - i.e., as far as I'm concerned they are saying to RC, "do anything you like, we'll still love you".

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Just a small suggestion to RCL which could help more cruisers reach the next level with any of RCL's cruise lines.


Change the "rules" and allow combinability for any cruise taken with any of RCL's cruise lines, including Celebrity and Azamara.


I've met people on our cruises who have cruised with both RCL and Celebrity. For example 14 w/ RCL and 10 with Celebrity would move that person to D+ (24 credits) when cruising with RCL, and (24 credits status) when cruising with Celebrity.

If the cruiser spends money with ANY of RCL's lines, they should be eligible for this.


I completely agree with this suggestion. It makes sense!

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Folks want to vent and vent they shall.. Logic may be falling on deaf ears..


RC made a bad mistake allowing access to the CL on these smaller ships to any but suite pax in the first place.


It was designed with an set # of suite folks using it and the #s of D & D+ers are beginning to overwhelm the space especially with many folks, suite pax & C & A members also, not using moderation ... dah di dah ...


You obviously missed one of my posts. I have on paper, documentation that indicates that the Concierge Lounge benefit "happened" for the Crown and Anchor Diamond folks (there was no Diamond Plus) not later than 8.5 months after the first Concierge Lounge went to sea on the Radiance on 3/10/2001. This is by inference, because my Crown & Anchor application form version 1/02 (January 2002) specified the CL benefit for Diamond members. I don't know what the previous C&A application form said. It also cancelled C&A "Silver" and automatically upgraded them to "Gold". The statement that the CL was 'intended' only for the suite pax is a little "leaky". Some members have stated that they remember it the other way around ... C&A got it first, suites second. That may or may not be, but access for the suite pax and the C&A diamond people appears to have happened at approximately the same time ... not more than 8 1/2 months apart. Actually, I don't "know" if the suite pax had access on 1/02 ... I don't have any "paper" on that.

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Reading back through previous posts, the comment from a retired pilot who warned "never fly a bankrupt airline" made me stop and think. If RCI is at the point where they're willing to make "in-your-face" cutbacks that are sure to upset even their strongest supporters...what less noticeable steps have they already taken to reduce costs? Cutting back on maintenance, security, cleanliness? We've been on RCI ships where there were plumbing and sewage issues that continued throughout the cruise. And when they aren't fixing toilets in passengers' cabins, why would I think they're taking any better care of the engine?

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Well...I just got my notice from BOA that my interest rate on my RCCL credit card was going from 9.99% up to +/- 14.99% (variable). I know the economy is tight and people have much bigger problems.... but I am very conservative and this was a special "perk" I allowed myself because of my love for cruising...


It's like I applied/played by the rules and now they are changing all the rules

~~~~Rate change / Diamond benefits changed -

(where else can you get white-chocolate strawberries on the ship except CL)


Still trying to decide if I should "jump ship" or stay loyal! (RCCL cruise is $1300 more than other line - same week and same itinerary 2/10)


Just venting~~~~~~ Thanks. :(

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You obviously missed one of my posts. I have on paper, documentation that indicates that the Concierge Lounge benefit "happened" for the Crown and Anchor Diamond folks (there was no Diamond Plus) not later than 8.5 months after the first Concierge Lounge went to sea on the Radiance on 3/10/2001. This is by inference, because my Crown & Anchor application form version 1/02 (January 2002) specified the CL benefit for Diamond members. I don't know what the previous C&A application form said. It also cancelled C&A "Silver" and automatically upgraded them to "Gold". The statement that the CL was 'intended' only for the suite pax is a little "leaky". Some members have stated that they remember it the other way around ... C&A got it first, suites second. That may or may not be, but access for the suite pax and the C&A diamond people appears to have happened at approximately the same time ... not more than 8 1/2 months apart. Actually, I don't "know" if the suite pax had access on 1/02 ... I don't have any "paper" on that.


That's funny. They didn't "upgrade" us to Gold. They just made those of us repeat passengers that were already Silver members.....Gold members instead. I guess, in other words, they didn't make us start all over again as gold members. I am just quibbleing with the word "upgrade" :D We are still using our Silver cards to reference our Crown & Anchor numbers. And long time loyalty doesn't seem to matter much to Royal Caribbean.

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Cruise lines including RC are experts at getting people to spend and spend. When you pay your cabin fee it is just the beginning of a long list of what RC will be charging. It is important to realize that RC is a "profit driven company". It does not have a soul and everything is broken down to return on investments .

It is not surprising they would remove something that is expense driven if they look at the core value of loyalty and determine they can make more money without it.

I don't understand the people who remain loyal becasue it is believed that RC has some sort of a feeling for them. The passenger's are a line item on their business cases and loyalty is only one of many assumptions they look at for value and then cut it off if they have a better or equal ROI without it. The only way to effect the decision for a CL is to demonstrate they will receive more revenue with it rather than without it.

The fact that they are keeping the CL on some ships is probably to drive more passengers to these ships and has little to do with how they value you as a "person".

This may sound cold but I have never seen a line item on a business case which said because we love the person.


So true!!!!! It's business. Like most, if not all, for profit companies they are in business to make money.


"Loyalty programs" oftentimes aren't needed once a company reaches a "Tipping Point". And cruising is mainstream enough nowadays that probably none of the established cruiselines NEED a loyalty program to generate revenue.


And apparently RCCL has calculated that "in the long run" this change will bring about more money -- even if in the short term there is a decrease in revenue.


And they are probably right. Airlines lost customers when they went to bag fees, stopped providing food, took away the blankets and the frequent flier miles. Lots of outrage at first but most of us have adjusted and still hit the friendly skies.


At my job we use to have free parking then 2 yrs ago they implemented a change costing us $120 a year. We all grumbled, wrote letters, threatened to park off site, etc. We were outraged. Yet, life eventually went on and this year we paid $140 and next year we will be paying $175 and every day hundreds of us park on site with coffee mugs in hand, smiles on our faces, waving as we pass colleagues - as if it's always been that way! smile! And funny enough sometimes while chatting in the break room with new employees we tell them about the "good ole days' when parking was free.


And this too shall pass. RCCL will indeed lose some loyalist to other cruiselines...but the majority of folks who love the RCCL ships will eventually book another RCCL cruise at some point. They'll mutter under their breath as they stand for their seapass photo...just as i do when I pay my $15 for my bag at the airline counter... But sail away they will - with ship of the day drinks in hand, smiles on their faces, waving as they pass another ship - as if it's always been that way....

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Let's look at this from RCI's point of view, since many of you are saying that they are forgetting their "loyal" customers.


Sure, they are taking something away for now, but don't you think that they are trying to encourage you to sail with them more to get to the highest level within C&A and receive those additional benefits.


It's not very encouraging unless you can afford to cruise several times per year. Otherwise you are looking too far into the future to receive the benefits to make it worth staying loyal. I am outraged by this!! We have stayed loyal to RCCL so that we can receive these benefits and now they are taking them away!! What's the point!?!

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Well I just opened up a letter personally addressed to my husband using his first name and signed by Adam Goldstein, President & CEO of Royal Caribbean International. Attached to the letter are two coupons, one for $50 off a 6 night or longer sailing and one for $25 off a shorter sailing.


The letter thanks us for cruising on the Voyager of the Seas over this past New Years Eve week. Apparently the coupons are our "Thank You" gift. Within the body of the letter, Goldstein states that as C & A members our "benefits only get better the more you sail". (The words in quotes are italicized in the letter for emphasis.)


There are two main problems with this letter and "gift".


1.) The coupons are worthless to us and Royal Caribbean knows it. We are stockholders, Diamond Members and we book at least a balcony level for my husband and myself. Royal Caribbean knows all these things about us. At the very least we would use the stockholder benefit and of course with a balcony we would use the Diamond Balcony discount. Prior to January first of this year, these coupons would indeed be a "gift" to us. We used to be able to combine benefits. Now they are worthless to us.


2.) The statement by Goldstein that our "benefits only get better the more we sail" is false. It is in fact, a lie. Royal Caribbean knows this is a lie. When we sailed the Voyager of the Seas in the Mediterranean over Thanksgiving week and then again a month later out of Galveston for the New Years Eve sailing we were able to combine our Diamond Balcony discounts, our stockholders OBC, our Next Cruise Certificates and any coupons we had. We were also able to have the full privileges and use of the concierge service and lounge. Martin, the concierge on both those sailings was wonderful. We rewarded him for his wonderful service and attention.


Now if we were to book a July 1, 2009 or later sailing out of Galveston on the Voyager of the Seas (we live within driving distance of the port) we would be able to choose only ONE discount and we would not have the use of the CL or Concierge Services.






Adam Goldstein is sending out letters that are patently false. He should be ashamed of himself.


And why is RCI wasting the money sending out these false letters and worthless "gifts"? I thought they were trying to cut costs?







Thats disgraceful - does the man actually know whats going on in his company ? by the sound of that letter he seems to be on another planet !!!



I hope you returned the coupons to A-G Colleen ?






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I am not sure why anyone would want to bully other cruisers for their opinion on the loss of Diamond club benefits. It reminds me of a work setting where someone always agrees with the boss and has to speak for them. The truth is yes it is a loss and it affects a number of passengers myself included. By the way I don't ever drink alcohol, but I did enjoy the recognition. Let passengers speak for themselves without judging them for their opinion. I think that RCCL management has spoken for themselves and they don't need you to reiterate their justification.




Maybe you should have a look at some replies - freeloaders/ harrassing staff to name a few comments. Not just on one thread on a number of threads.



PS - bullies only win if you don't stand up to them !!






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Thats disgraceful - does the man actually know whats going on in his company ? by the sound of that letter he seems to be on another planet !!!



I hope you returned the coupons to A-G Colleen ?







Oh, he is getting them back jj. I will return the letter as well with a big circle around his big lie asking him to please let me know how my "benefits only get better the more I sail", especially on a Voyager Class ship.


Yeah, he is either on another planet or maybe in the Nation of Why Not, lol.



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Excellent post. Very logical.


As to why ***some*** people keep asking that question and putting down posters who have a genuine problem with these changes and want to discuss it on a thread ON THAT TOPIC? Who knows why ***some*** people do that? I have my suspicions.


Because if everyone agreed with each other, the thread would die and there would be no discussion:D:D

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Oh, he is getting them back jj. I will return the letter as well with a big circle around his big lie asking him to please let me know how my "benefits only get better the more I sail", especially on a Voyager Class ship.


Yeah, he is either on another planet or maybe in the Nation of Why Not, lol.







You go for it girl !!



PS - good morning from across the pond lol






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Here, I'll settle this for you two. Based on my non-scientific method of taking slips of paper, writing 10 different possible averages on them, tossing them down the stairs and using the slip that flew down to the lowest step, the official average number of drinks consumed by a CL user is 2.08742 drinks.


Ok, armed with that stat, let the real cost analysis begin!! :D


This is brilliant. :p You must be a very capable statistician. :D You are extremely capable in selecting a random sample. :D The only problem is that the slip which flew to the lowest step might be considered an outlier. :D


Bob :cool:

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It's not very encouraging unless you can afford to cruise several times per year. Otherwise you are looking too far into the future to receive the benefits to make it worth staying loyal. I am outraged by this!! We have stayed loyal to RCCL so that we can receive these benefits and now they are taking them away!! What's the point!?!


There is more going on than meets the eye. I may be stealing my sister's thunder, who came to RCCL at my urging I might add, but she hasn't posted her most recent experience. They spent 35 days B2B on Rhapsody going around Australia and New Zealand, as new Diamond members, to learn that they now would not experience the Diamond benefits on their next cruise ... nor their last. But it was at least a "healthful" experience? The food was so bad that she lost ten pounds ... on a 35 day cruise. Don't tell RCI ... they would soon have a contract with Weightwatchers or some other 'slim' fast outfit. The good news is that they really loved the itinerary and said they would love to do it again ... but they would bring a sack lunch.:eek:

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In light of all that has happened over the last year with the economy and with RCL cutbacks I have gone back and forth with this. I sorely miss the combinability of benefits that was a big take away for us and I am just talking about Next cruise with our platinum discount if it were not for that I would of been on the Carnival Liberty instead of Freedom of the seas this past December even though RCL was more even with those benefits I had $100 OBC from our next cruise and our TA paid the gratuity so it was close and we also had a great cruise. All that is now gone and I am finding RCL is much more expensive for us to cruise.. As much as I have enjoyed everyone of our cruises on RCL and will sail them again what RCL has lost in the long run was us sailing with them solely.


I am finding RCL less completive in the cruise market place when I see 7 days cruises on other lines for balcony cabins going for $650 up to the low $700 range. I booked an NCL cruise for December in a mini suite which was far less then a balcony cabin on a RCL ship. I was given $600 OBC and I have not sailed NCL for over 15 years. I was happy with the balcony discount and the Next Cruise and never bothered looking at other cruise lines when that went away it made it harder to justify just sailing Royal and having $600 OBC I have never been given that much on Royal and really never looked for it either. Will we enjoy a cruise on NCL I am not sure and have mixed feelings about them but I am willing to give them a try.


I am torn and disappointed and yes I can understand what is going on with the economy and yes I want RCL to stay profitable and some of these changes needed to happen but there just seem to be to many take aways over the past year that for us it just opened up other opportunities to look what is out there and what we found surprised us. We just booked a carnival cruise which is $600 less then RCL Majesty same dates and basically same itinerary. A 3 day cruise on the Ruby Princess balcony cabin for $349 and that is a new ship. I am looking at them and saying to myself is it worth being loyal to one line. We are one cruise away from Diamond and are no longer in a rush to reach that level.


I do understand the frustration the diamond members feel to have something taken away it just another downgrade to their loyalty program. In the end it is their program and they can make changes to it anytime they like and their decisions affect how and where I spend my money. At one time Royal had all our vacation dollars now they are sharing it And for us that is a bitter pill to swallow.

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Well I just opened up a letter personally addressed to my husband using his first name and signed by Adam Goldstein, President & CEO of Royal Caribbean International. Attached to the letter are two coupons, one for $50 off a 6 night or longer sailing and one for $25 off a shorter sailing.


The letter thanks us for cruising on the Voyager of the Seas over this past New Years Eve week. Apparently the coupons are our "Thank You" gift. Within the body of the letter, Goldstein states that as C & A members our "benefits only get better the more you sail". (The words in quotes are italicized in the letter for emphasis.)


There are two main problems with this letter and "gift".


1.) The coupons are worthless to us and Royal Caribbean knows it. We are stockholders, Diamond Members and we book at least a balcony level for my husband and myself. Royal Caribbean knows all these things about us. At the very least we would use the stockholder benefit and of course with a balcony we would use the Diamond Balcony discount. Prior to January first of this year, these coupons would indeed be a "gift" to us. We used to be able to combine benefits. Now they are worthless to us.


2.) The statement by Goldstein that our "benefits only get better the more we sail" is false. It is in fact, a lie. Royal Caribbean knows this is a lie. When we sailed the Voyager of the Seas in the Mediterranean over Thanksgiving week and then again a month later out of Galveston for the New Years Eve sailing we were able to combine our Diamond Balcony discounts, our stockholders OBC, our Next Cruise Certificates and any coupons we had. We were also able to have the full privileges and use of the concierge service and lounge. Martin, the concierge on both those sailings was wonderful. We rewarded him for his wonderful service and attention.


Now if we were to book a July 1, 2009 or later sailing out of Galveston on the Voyager of the Seas (we live within driving distance of the port) we would be able to choose only ONE discount and we would not have the use of the CL or Concierge Services.






Adam Goldstein is sending out letters that are patently false. He should be ashamed of himself.


And why is RCI wasting the money sending out these false letters and worthless "gifts"? I thought they were trying to cut costs?




I just received one of those loyalty letters too. I am only a gold member with 3 cruises under my belt. We have a 4th cruise booked on the Indy so I was able to apply it and receive $50 off of my next sailing.


I agree that RCI should make the loyalty mailings meaningful to the intended audience. They should be doing targeted loyalty offerings based on whether you are gold, platinum, etc.

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The problem I see in "playing around" with loyalty is that once you drive customers to look elsewhere, which we are doing a good percentage of them will find either better deals or satisfy their disappointment at being neglected and usually the taste is bad enough where they will not come back. This sets up a self fullfilling prophesy of mortgaging your future. I have read references to airlines..Look at Eastern, Pan Am, etc.etc. and compare to one like Jetblue who are pretty good to their customers. While others have booked pretty bad losses Jetblue was booking profits. We have been loyal to RC. We have sailed on Holland and Celebrity, etc. but becasue of the thanks we received for being good customers we gave RC our business. Now that they have made the decision to take away a benifit which since we don't drink we may not have used anyway we have decided to look at other lines for our sailing in Sept/Oct. It is really the principle as it is important when spending your money to trust the person or company you are spending it on. We have had some bad experienes on RC, (e.g. stuck in Portugal for a couple of days because of a stabilizer breakdown, had ports taken away after we left, etc.) but they were usually out of their control and acceptable. This is within their control and not acceptable. I think their timing was pretty bad as they are trying to fill up mega ships and by discounting regular loyal customers they are driving them away not closer to sailing on one??

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This is brilliant. :p You must be a very capable statistician. :D You are extremely capable in selecting a random sample. :D The only problem is that the slip which flew to the lowest step might be considered an outlier. :D


Bob :cool:


Are you questioning my scientific process?? The slip that travels furthest down has to be the BEST guess. Just makes sense. Well, as much sense as any other guess I've heard in here anyways!! The only other better scientific method I have is a dart board, but I don't have one in my office, so I use the step method as my office backup! :D

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It is amazing where these threads always lead. Either to the lawsuit or the contact pandering politicians.:mad:


What a country, eh..... I think we need a puking emoticon.




Oh, come on. The majority of people haven't said such things. Don't get all sick to your stomach over one post. Sheesh.


Oh, and here, if it helps you feel better to get it out of your system:



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