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WARNING! dangerous experience on Radiance Cruise!

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A lot of you have mentioned that people should research about a place before staying there, I think we all need to remember that a lot of older folks dont have internet access or know how to use a pc, it doesnt say an awful lot in books either, books most just point out the tourist points. So they would not be aware of some places before going.

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To the OP -- So very sorry you and your family members had such a hard time. You have my greatest sympathy. Travel, while it can be fun, can also be very stressful. Especially traveling with children and elderly parents. I've done it many times -- and have become so weary of the problems, we've pretty much quit traveling. We're Diamond cruisers, but even a cruise seems like too much trouble anymore.


It is so easy to be ripped off in unfamiliar surroundings, especially for elderly people who sometimes can't see very well or hear very well (at least that describes my parents anyway).


As for the apple in the luggage, so easy for that to happen. I suppose Chile is so strict on produce because their agricultural industry is so valuable to their economy. But, $300 for a half-eaten apple does sound over the top, especially since it was obviously not an effort to smuggle fruit into the country but a mere bit of negligence. And, the apple was already in the country by that point. I recently was going through security and they found a small bottle of water in my carry-on. Now, I travel regularly on business and know that is a no-no. But, I'd absent-mindedly (without even thinking about it!) picked it up in the airline club and tucked it in my carry-on thinking, "That will be nice to drink on the plane."


Never a though about the fact that I couldn't take it on the plane -- even though I know the rule as well as I know my own name. Fortunately, the TSA employees and I had a good laugh about it when they found it. No fine, thank heavens.


It was kind of RCI to upgrade your parents to a suite, but I, too, think more could have been done for them. Leaving two older people to fend for themselves in a foreign country without Spanish skills is not very helpful. But, I've noticed cruise lines seem very eager these days to put someone who gets sick off the ship as well, letting them fend for themselves in foreign (and perhaps not very skilled or sanitary) medical facilities. One reason I don't travel with my elderly parents anymore is I worry about the tendency to leave people to fend for themselves or put them off the ship the minute they have any kind of health problem.


I hope some part of the trip was fun anyway.

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Danceman - Thanks for posting your experience. My wife and I are sailing April 26 from Santiago (Valparaiso) on the Radiance, so your post was very timely and reminds me of all that can go wrong on a cruise. I think we all need a reminder to be extra vigilant when we travel. I would never want to be put in the situation you described.


We usually cruise on Princess so I don't normally follow the RC boards. There are a number of posters on this board who are just plain nasty. I hope none of these nasty people are on my cruise. Sitting at a dinner table with any of them (they know who they are) would be cause me to change tables.

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A lot of you have mentioned that people should research about a place before staying there, I think we all need to remember that a lot of older folks dont have internet access or know how to use a pc, it doesnt say an awful lot in books either, books most just point out the tourist points. So they would not be aware of some places before going.


Those people do not therefore have access to Cruise Critic, and would not be writing or reading about this issue. It is shame that the OP who wants to draw attention to the risks, by indicating fault of the cruise line, did not use their IT knowledge to do such research, or maybe they were to busy being "famous" ( their words not mine ).

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Those people do not therefore have access to Cruise Critic, and would not be writing or reading about this issue. It is shame that the OP who wants to draw attention to the risks, by indicating fault of the cruise line, did not use their IT knowledge to do such research, or maybe they were to busy being "famous" ( their words not mine ).



I was meaning the OP's elderly in laws.;)

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As a woman, I'd like to suggest that women get out of the habit of carrying purses. I keep a wallet in one pocket, and keys and maybe a lipstick in another. When I do carry a purse on travel, it's one that is the size of many women's wallets, slung across my chest on a strap and kept in front of my body.


Women are in the habit of carrying extraneous crap in big purses, a habit that can be broken, and SHOULD be broken when traveling.


I'm glad you have had success traveling without a purse, but I wouldn't go as far as to say it is a habit that SHOULD be broken.


Personally, there is no way that a wallet would fit in my pocket. I am petite and pockets on my pants don't fit much more than a $20 bill and an ID. Even the world's smallest wallet wouldn't fit in most of my pockets. Not to mention, I own several pairs of pants (and of course skirts and dresses) that have no pockets. Therefore, a bag of some sort is essential for me.


I have traveled a fair amount - in North America, South America, and Europe - and also used to live in NYC where pickpocketing is a potential crime. Carrying a purse does not mean you will be pickpocketed; it just means you need to be more vigilant. Keep your purse on your lap whenever sitting, wear it in front of your body with a hand on it at all times and if you are traveling with a companion, wear the purse on the side that the companion is standing on so that he/she acts as a further barrier. Most importantly, always be aware of your surroundings and of your purse. Never carry valuables in your purse, and if possible, don't carry valuables at all.


When I travel, I carry a copy of my passport (original in safe at hotel/cruise), a credit card, ATM card, and some cash in a money belt. I also have some money stashed in one or both of my front pockets. I also carry a purse with a wallet, reading glasses, water bottle, camera (when I'm not using it :)), maybe a cell phone, umbrella (if needed) and any keys I need. Not sure how you get away with only carrying only some money and keys...:confused: I carry as little cash as possible and never have more than $20 in my pocket or wallet. It is just enough that for a small purchase you don't have to dig into your money belt (for example, to buy a postcard on the street) but not so much that I would cry if it were stolen. I keep the majority of my money in the money belt, but even that I limit...usually never have more than $100 on my person. If someone were to snatch my purse or cut the straps or whatever, the most valuable item they would get is my digital camera, probably only worth about $100 - I would be more saddened about the loss of any photos stored on there than I would about the camera itself.


Remember that anywhere you travel, there will be locals who obviously carry a purse daily and yet they are conscious of their environment and can do their best to prevent pickpocketing. Even as a tourist, you can also be aware and take personal responsibility for your safety.

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BS what about the contract you have simply by being a member of a family, you clearly made your choice, clients over relations. If as you state the you were contracted to the group, then I am sure that you would have had insurance to cover any reason for your non ability to supply, all good insurance covers incidents to the ploicy holder or close relatives, maybe you are just not close to yours. Just face it no matter how many excuses you come up with, those of us that think your actions were poor, will not change our minds, you are just digging a deeper hole, please climb into it.


No, i dont have insurance for not showing up for my group and if you understood anything about it, you'd realise the group members couldnt realistically take out insurance to compensate them should i not turn up on their cruise to do their dance workshops. Get real, can you imagine my passengers asking for insurance to cover the possible non attendance of their dance teacher.....or, me asking for insurance to cover the possibility of me not showing up and then having a claim against me from one of my passengers saying they didnt get their workshops with me?

And for the record, we are close to our inlaws ...they live around the corner...we see them every day of the week and i always pay for their cruise and they travel with on almost all of them....i bet you do the same for your dont you?

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A lot of you have mentioned that people should research about a place before staying there, I think we all need to remember that a lot of older folks dont have internet access or know how to use a pc, it doesnt say an awful lot in books either, books most just point out the tourist points. So they would not be aware of some places before going.



I'm sorry, but in this day and time, when traveling outside the US anyone should know by now that it can be dangerous, with or without a computer. Just turn on the news.

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I'm sorry, but in this day and time, when traveling outside the US anyone should know by now that it can be dangerous, with or without a computer. Just turn on the news.



Yes I agree, and even in the US right?

where I live (in a small seaside town? I could leave my bag in the next chair and would be sure its ok, but I have to remember when on vacation its not always that safe, its easy to forget especially if it feels nice where you are. Older people forget and become complacent and if they havent been warned might not be so careful. It a common mistake when travelling. And I hardly ever watch tv. I am glad I have found this site for research, I would never have thought Barcelona (where we are going) was a place to be careful in.:)

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You have been incredibly calm and polite with over the top , unbelievable responses you´ve gotten.


I am sure you are a good teacher , as you seem very patient.


As for leaving the in-laws-

They are adults , not children.....they obviously took care of the situation as needed. I would say a considerable number of cruisers (perhaps the majority?) are retired people and , frankly , it is condescending to imply they need to have their hands held in order to solve a problematic situation.


I have 3 kids and traveling with such a large family involves a huge expense and lots of planning. Adding 3 days of hotel and restaurant , not to mention the diasappointment, sounds completely unnecessary.


Of course Mr. Danceman had a commitment to his students and he honored it. It sounds like he has a close , respectful relationship with his in-laws , probably more so than the authors of the hateful posts he has received.


I live in South America . Santiago is a modern , vibrant city. Are there risks?Yes...as there are in NY and LA and all over the world



BE ALERT but have fun




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Yes I agree, and even in the US right?

where I live (in a small seaside town? I could leave my bag in the next chair and would be sure its ok, but I have to remember when on vacation its not always that safe, its easy to forget especially if it feels nice where you are. Older people forget and become complacent and if they havent been warned might not be so careful. It a common mistake when travelling. And I hardly ever watch tv. I am glad I have found this site for research, I would never have thought Barcelona (where we are going) was a place to be careful in.:)


I also live in a very small town, and agree how easily it can be to be lax when it comes to security issues. We don't have these issues here.


But...in this case, these elderly people were traveling with a group....with the daughter and SIL in charge. IMO...they really should have been more careful and watched them better since they were traveling in a country they knew nothing about. I could see it if these elderly people were traveling alone and couldn't research things, but they had family with them. I didn't take my eyes off of my mom and 80 year old uncle when I traveled with them last year.


My mom and sister traveled to London last year, and if my sister wasn't there hovering over her, watching her every move, my mom would have been ripped off also. My sister watched someone inching towards her, and stopped it from happening. :eek:


I agree....CC has been wonderful for researching things! :)

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I also live in a very small town, and agree how easily it can be to be lax when it comes to security issues. We don't have these issues here.


But...in this case, these elderly people were traveling with a group....with the daughter and SIL in charge. IMO...they really should have been more careful and watched them better since they were traveling in a country they knew nothing about. I could see it if these elderly people were traveling alone and couldn't research things, but they had family with them. I didn't take my eyes off of my mom and 80 year old uncle when I traveled with them last year.


My mom and sister traveled to London last year, and if my sister wasn't there hovering over her, watching her every move, my mom would have been ripped off also. My sister watched someone inching towards her, and stopped it from happening. :eek:


I agree....CC has been wonderful for researching things! :)


I did watch them...we stuck really close together all of the time....there was me, my wife, my 3 nine year old kids, my mother and father in law and 2 others that joined us.....9 in total. I even sat next to my mother in law! I never saw her put her bag on the back of the chair though...had i seen her do it i would have told her not to put it there but to keep it on her lap. Also, i didnt know she had all of that money and her passports inside....i couldnt check her bag contents for her before we left!

The thieves were clever ....i was watching the women closely as i felt uneasy about her but then there was this staged commotion and phone ringing to my right....we all looked to see what it was....and you know the rest!

You say i should have watched them better!...how could i have watched them anymore?....they were right by me...as there was nine of us, i didnt see what she did with her bag...it was black...she was wearing black.....plus, i had my own kids to keep an eye on...stop them argueing etc.


Thanks fro the nice comments from Brazilgirl.


Im going to Barcelona in the summer and i didnt know that there were so many problems there also with crime until ive read some of these posts....ive been there loads of time in the past too.......so will be very aware from now on......thanks everyone for the tip off.

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No, i dont have insurance for not showing up for my group and if you understood anything about it, you'd realise the group members couldnt realistically take out insurance to compensate them should i not turn up on their cruise to do their dance workshops. Get real, can you imagine my passengers asking for insurance to cover the possible non attendance of their dance teacher.....or, me asking for insurance to cover the possibility of me not showing up and then having a claim against me from one of my passengers saying they didnt get their workshops with me?

And for the record, we are close to our inlaws ...they live around the corner...we see them every day of the week and i always pay for their cruise and they travel with on almost all of them....i bet you do the same for your dont you?



Wrong, Wrong and Wrong again, Oh yee of little knowledge,

My Group took out insurance to cover my non attendance on a cruise that i was a crucial part off..............keep digging.........

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Wrong, Wrong and Wrong again, Oh yee of little knowledge,

My Group took out insurance to cover my non attendance on a cruise that i was a crucial part off..............keep digging.........


They probably took out insurance to protect themselves in the event you did show up. :rolleyes:

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No, none of it was RCI 's fault.....but by putting that as a heading it made you all read it which was the idea as i knew the 'defenders' would leap to read someones post that might dare be negative about RCI!!

So basically you're just a troll. And that's what the "mean" responders are reacting to.

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Danceman, I agree that you handling all these comments with grace.


70 is NOT old. Some people travel by themselves at that age and he had 3 nine-year olds to think of. I understand all the comments by Danceman - although I don't think he needs to justify his life to anyone ... that means no one! Some of these comments are just plain rude ... blame the victim. Not classy at all. He knows he could have done things differently ... move on.


I'm still with ya Danceman!

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Would a copy of the passport page have been sufficient to allow the MIL on the ship?

We try to have a copy located somewhere it can be faxed anywhere in the world.

Just scan it and email it to your Gmail or Hotmail account. You've got internet? You've got a copy of your passport.

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Alright... I finally got through the entire thread to this point, and have a few comments:


  1. As I said above, the "mean" posters are responding to the trollish behavior of the OP, not to his actual experience. He freely admits that his thread title was designed to incite RCCL "defenders". Not only did the problems his group experienced have nothing to do with the cruise line, but I don't even see where it was a "dangerous" experience. Having your purse taken is certainly annoying and an inconvenience, but I fail to see where anyone in his group was ever in danger.
  2. What is the real intent of the OP's post? He wants us to believe that his intent is to "warn others of potential traveling dangers". If that truly is his intent, then I guess that is to be appreciated. But I question whether his true intent (or, to give him the benefit of the doubt, an additional intent) is to "stick it to" the folks who really like RCCL. It seems that his thread title, along with many of his other comments, are designed to "tweak" people, and have nothing to do with bring travel safety issues to the forefront.
  3. Call me a skeptic, but.... By my count of his signature, the OP has some 58 (YES! FIFTY EIGHT!) cruises under his belt. With that traveling history, I am absolutely dumbfounded that the OP would (a) be surprised that there is crime in tourist areas of Santiago, Chile, (b) that he does no research on the areas that he is going to be traveling to, © that he wouldn't be advising less experienced travelers in his group to be vigilant with their valuables and (d) that with this apparent ignorance of the dangers of traveling abroad, he has never been subjected to petty crime in his past 57 cruises.

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Just a suggestion to the OP:


Since the title of this thread seems to be getting a lot of people's knickers in a twist, maybe you could send an e-mail to the Admin/Mods and see if they can re-word the thread name to something else, omitting the "Radiance" reference.


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Alright... I finally got through the entire thread to this point, and have a few comments:


  1. As I said above, the "mean" posters are responding to the trollish behavior of the OP, not to his actual experience. He freely admits that his thread title was designed to incite RCCL "defenders". Not only did the problems his group experienced have nothing to do with the cruise line, but I don't even see where it was a "dangerous" experience. Having your purse taken is certainly annoying and an inconvenience, but I fail to see where anyone in his group was ever in danger.
  2. What is the real intent of the OP's post? He wants us to believe that his intent is to "warn others of potential traveling dangers". If that truly is his intent, then I guess that is to be appreciated. But I question whether his true intent (or, to give him the benefit of the doubt, an additional intent) is to "stick it to" the folks who really like RCCL. It seems that his thread title, along with many of his other comments, are designed to "tweak" people, and have nothing to do with bring travel safety issues to the forefront.
  3. Call me a skeptic, but.... By my count of his signature, the OP has some 58 (YES! FIFTY EIGHT!) cruises under his belt. With that traveling history, I am absolutely dumbfounded that the OP would (a) be surprised that there is crime in tourist areas of Santiago, Chile, (b) that he does no research on the areas that he is going to be traveling to, © that he wouldn't be advising less experienced travelers in his group to be vigilant with their valuables and (d) that with this apparent ignorance of the dangers of traveling abroad, he has never been subjected to petty crime in his past 57 cruises.



Well said.....I agree. :)


If the OP's post was only to warn people of the dangers, that would be one thing. But the title of the post said it all. RCL is not to blame here.

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Just a suggestion to the OP:


Since the title of this thread seems to be getting a lot of people's knickers in a twist, maybe you could send an e-mail to the Admin/Mods and see if they can re-word the thread name to something else, omitting the "Radiance" reference.




That would have seemed to be a good idea if it were done right away.


But.....wouldn't that confuse people if the title were changed, since it is referenced so much during the thread?

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.....but by putting that as a heading it made you all read it which was the idea as i knew the 'defenders' would leap to read someones post that might dare be negative about RCI!!


...and how's that working for ya?

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Danceman, I agree that you handling all these comments with grace.


70 is NOT old. Some people travel by themselves at that age and he had 3 nine-year olds to think of. I understand all the comments by Danceman - although I don't think he needs to justify his life to anyone ... that means no one! Some of these comments are just plain rude ... blame the victim. Not classy at all. He knows he could have done things differently ... move on.


I'm still with ya Danceman!


Well said. I'm with you too Danceman!

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A lot of you have mentioned that people should research about a place before staying there, I think we all need to remember that a lot of older folks dont have internet access or know how to use a pc, it doesnt say an awful lot in books either, books most just point out the tourist points. So they would not be aware of some places before going.


Libraries have travel guides. All "Lonely Planet" travel guides have a section that warns about local dangers and precautions to take.


While I do use the internet, I also always visit the library and borrow books about my destinations. As well as the information I learn about my destinations, I also enjoy seeing photos of the places I will visit - it adds to the pleasure of anticipation.

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