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WARNING! dangerous experience on Radiance Cruise!

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DAN coverage is secondary coverage. After any other coverage you may have' date=' DAN pays up to 100 percent of reasonable and customary costs of all remaining eligible expenses. [/size']


This is a very standard clause in a lot of insurance policies. I know it's the case with mine. All I care about is that I have total coverage, no matter who pays the bills. :D



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This is a very standard clause in a lot of insurance policies. I know it's the case with mine. All I care about is that I have total coverage, no matter who pays the bills. :D




DH and I have had DAN insurance for over 15 years. (Knock on wood), we have never had to make a claim! :)

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Firstly, before you all lynch me....let me just say that i really love this ship!...the Radiance really is one of my favourite ships!...but i feel i should make everyone aware of our the horrible situation experienced on our 14 night Valparaiso to Buenes Aires cruise which departed on 28th March 2009.

The story starts quite light heartedly but read down to get to the really serious bits.........!!

We flew from London UK to Madrid and then changed and flew Madrid to Santiago all with Iberia (before you ask, no, i wasnt impressed with the airline.) I took a group of 33 with me for a Dancing Cruise...something i organize frequently on cruise ships. It was all packaged by RCI so all hotels and transfers were included and handled by RCI. After a 2 hour delay at Heathrow airport, we finally arrived at Santiago, very weary and with no luggage....this was still in Madrid as had not made the connecting flight.

Now, before i go on, all of the RCI staff were indeed absolutely brilliant....apart from 3! ....2 of which were the RCI reps at the airport who told me to go to the Iberia desk and fill in claim forms for the whole of my group of 33 (not something i am used to doing) which involved writing long serial numbers from small stickers still partially stuck to our boarding cards....not only for my group of 33....but for the whole of the passengers who had lost luggage...think there was about another 20!

To be honest, i think the RCI reps could have done this or at least helped rather than leave us all to fight it out ourselves!

At the same time, my wife was arrested as a sniffer dog found an apple in our hand luggage which one of my 9 year old triplet daughters had put in.


My wife was taken for questioning for just over an hour where the apple was weighed and she was fined $300!! To be fair, there had been an announcemnet on the plane that no fruit and veg could be taken in but it hadnt sounded a big deal and no mention of a fine was made....my wife and i hadnt realised our daughter had not eaten the apple or that the rules would be applied so forcibly to just one apple....a suitcase full of apples might have seemed more suspicious!


We eventually arrived at our hotel in Santiago and was met by a very efficient RCI rep who turned out to be very helpful later.


Its now about 1pm in the afternoon and 9 of us decided to walk out around the town and to eat out at some quaint roadside cafe. No one warned us of the dangers.

We found a cafe about half a mile from the hotel on a lively, typically Chilian street and ordered our food and drinks.

Unknown to me, my mother in law (aged 74) foolishly had £1000 cash in her handbag in dollars, chilian pesos, argentinian pesos and sterling along with her and her husbands passports, her reading glasses, hearing aid, tablets, mobile phone and my childs ipod. (She later said that she hadnt been able to work out how the safe in the room had worked and so had hurried down to reception to join us on our stroll)

Having my own children with me to look after and my own bag, i never really took much notice of my in laws and what my motherin law was doing with her handbag.

We sat at the cafe chatting and waiting for our food. My mother in law had placed her handbag on the back of her chair (i know thats a foolish thing to do but i couldnt see it from where i sat and so was unaware she had done this)

A largish Spanish looking lady came and pushed behind her and sat at the table right behind her. I looked straight at her as it seemed an odd thing to do when there were other free seats in less crowded sections and so i watched her closely thinking that she looked a little suspicious (i still couldnt see that my mother in law had placed her bag on the back of her own chair). The Spanish lady (ill call her that cos i dont know what she was...er Hispanic?) got out her mobile phone and made a call. I still watched her. Suddenly, to my right a phone started to ring and another lady started to make a commotion and jump about. We naturally all looked to our right to see. When we looked back, the Spanish lady was gone! 2 Minutes later i heard the dreaded words ' i cant find my bag'!


After waiting in vain for the police to come for 40 minutes, we returned back to our hotel.

The hotel staff were now quick to tell us that no one should go out in this area with money, jewellery or passports as the area is known for crime. Another of our group returned from their walk having had their necklace snatched from their neck. The hotel said someone (not in our group) had also been mugged walking out of the hotel! To be fair to the hotel, many of our other group members had been warned by the doorman and reception not to wear jewellery or take money out....but sadly, we had not been told.


My wifes parents were very shaken and upset. The RCI rep went with us to the police station to translate which was very kind. She then informed us that RCI would not allow them to join the ship next day! Today was Saturday, the ship leaves Sunday and the Embassy didnt open until Monday. The ship would then be at Sea until Wednesday.


They tearfully waved myself and my wife off, their 3 grandchildren and the other members of our group now totalling 31. I gave them all of my cash (so we had none) and instructions on how to get to the embassy on monday....not easy for upset people of their age.

The RCI rep obviously had to leave with us and so they were left alone. They were scared to go out, had to make 4 visits to the Embassy, get passport photos taken, be interviewed seperately by the commissioner of the police and endure a number of other unpleasant things. It was of course their own fault, not Royal Caribbeans and im not saying it was but i think its important for people to be aware of how this situation would impact if it happened to you.

They had to pay 3 extra days to stay in the hotel, for food and had to book flights and pay for those so that they could join the ship in Puerto Montt.

I was surprised to see that RCI offered no facillity to help them book flights or give advice on how to obtain new passports.


They eventually got their passports on Tuesday evening and so confirmed their flights and caught the 90 minute flight to the ship next day. Of course, there was no rep to now meet them at the airport so they caught a taxi to the ship. Myself and my family were out on a pre booked tour when they arrived but were dismayed to hear they had been refused entry to the secure compound surrounding the ship and had been made to stand for almost an hour in the pouring rain with their suitcases by their side and no shelter.

I complained to the hotel director that they should have at least been given shelter and somewhere to sit and that it was unacceptable for them to be made to wait so long. He said it was the Chilian authorities who had kept them waiting but said he would look into it.

He later offered to upgrade them to The Grand Suite from their inside cabin. It was a really lovely cabin which my in laws accepted but they were now so upset that they just wanted to go home. It was a feeling they kept for the whole of the cruise and were never their normal selves for any of the remaining days.


It was a sad lesson to learn and i hope you all learn from this experience. I think RCI could have handled it better though. There were apparantly 10 others who lost thier passports in Santiago! 2 got to the ship to find they could not find their passports but were allowed aboad as their passports were alledgedly in their cases.

My in laws are platinium members and have sailed with RCI a number of times.....does anyone know if there was any other way they could have joined the ship rather than be left behind to fend for themselves?


All that aside, everything else on our cruise was excellent, ...and i agree with what everyone says....the staff really are fantastic on this ship!

Flavia the group co ordinator was awsome and Matias the acting coach was brilliant!

I too have learnt a valuable lesson when I went to SA too in the 1980';s like yourself they are all theives there... I keep my passport in my panties on the left side of my leg. I have made panties with zippers on the side or velcro... this is for the ladies. I have also made money pockets in bras for the ladies too... so that if you have wads of money you can put the big bills in there 20.00 and above... you can not see it, its on the side of the arm, comfortable and is going to be a hot seller this spring. Its being patented as we speak...Its called Security for All. The mens I have it in the bottom of their socks and one near the opening of their underwears... so you would have to go to the toliet and get yours out or pull up the one near your side of your bvd's too.. BVD is the company I am working with on this. I never leave anything that I can lose, My purses I make myself or buy in Walmart or a cheap place, I know what to look for as I used to be in law enforcement. When i put my purse on the back of the chair I put a lock to it, and its a chain attached to my waist. so they got to take me too.

I went to Venzeula in 1982 and someone tried to steal my purse he grabbed me too... he went to jail and i proscuteed him. i am with money he went to jail... So Be aware of your surroundings do nto give grandma the passports, money or ipods they forget... sorry for all your problems, this will teach you a valuable lesson that these women work in pairs or groups.

its not everywheres but its hard to trust other countries when they are all starving without food.

when you go overseas next time leave the diamonds and good jewelry in the ships safe or at home... do not carry anything that is valulable they will kill you for a cheap watch that is how bad it is everywheres.

so if you have to put a waist band on a kids arm make one for your purse or wallet too, its where you know you are safe with your valuables


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I travel often all over the world for work. No matter where I am - either in the US, Europe, Asia, Middle East, etc, I always exercise extra caution with my personal belongings.

Ladies - never hang your purse over the back of your chair, or even sit it down beside you. Always keep it on your lap where you have control over it. Not the most comfortable thing to do - but well worth it when compared to the risk of having it stolen. Also - when you are walking around, keep your purse close to your body - not just slung over your shoulder. Don't be an easy target.

Men - move your wallets to your front pockets. Not as easy to be pick-pocketed this way. Also - if you are walking with women, walk on the side that they are carrying their purses - this makes it more difficult for someone to steal your ladie's purse.


Just my 2 cents and information gathered from reading MANY international travel books.



Like I said those of you who want to do make a place to put your money on you is the best and safest way to to do it, its not anymore uncomfortable to do this you can still wear skimpy panties too, and still have a place for it. or in your bra. lets do it ladies... lets protect what is rightfully ours.


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Like I said those of you who want to do make a place to put your money on you is the best and safest way to to do it, its not anymore uncomfortable to do this you can still wear skimpy panties too, and still have a place for it. or in your bra. lets do it ladies... lets protect what is rightfully ours.



Well I suppose that its one way of putting a bit of fun and smut on the boards, where will RED HOT ITALIAN TRAVELER think of next !!!......:)


Its a wind up !!

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they are all theives there...


do not give grandma the passports, money or ipods they forget...


hard to trust other countries when they are all starving without food...


do not carry anything that is valulable they will kill you for a cheap watch that is how bad it is everywhere...


Impressive. You were able to insult Chileans, poor people and old people all in one post!

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Wow. Thank you for the heads up. I am so sorry for your family! We had a similar event where my DH's passport was stolen and we had to leave without him, so I know what it is like to leave loved ones behind and incur the expense and stress of trying to catch up.


As for the apple, my gosh, it was a mistake of a child. An expensive one, for sure, but still, a mistake (and we ALL make them!)


I hope your next vacation makes up for this one! Happy Cruising and thanks for posting.

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Like I said those of you who want to do make a place to put your money on you is the best and safest way to to do it, its not anymore uncomfortable to do this you can still wear skimpy panties too, and still have a place for it. or in your bra. lets do it ladies... lets protect what is rightfully ours.



My wallet has been in my bra for years....I have a small wallet and it holds cash and credit cards. I don't carry a purse anymore. I know some cannot imagine being without one but you get use to it.

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So this "tab" is something that you can feel? I am very interested in this, as we use ATM's in foreign countries all the time.......


Often (but not always) the card is trapped in a pouch inside the machine which then reads the details off the magnetic strip. The customer most often behind you is the person who will retrieve your card and the pouch. The tabs are miniscule and a specific tool is used to retrieve both however they are not obvious and running your finger over the strip will sometimes highlight any difference in the 'feel' of the slot.


We were shown footage of both the card and pouch being removed, the culprit made it look like he was having trouble inserting his own card in the machine then walked away complaining about having card trouble, the people in the queue behind were none the wiser :(

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What I find interesting on the OP's part is with all the cruises he's been on, he never checked for travel alerts. Experience should never make one complacent. Even more so in this case being in charge of the welfare of over 30 people. Around the neck holders are the best deterrant against theft. Full proof? No, but better than a bag or advertising what one has.


From other posts I've read on all types of problems, sounds like the ship's people went beyond the call of duty.


Obviously, family doesn't come first with OP since he could have left the travel crew and family with his wife until he helped the in-laws get straightened out. Especially thousands of miles from home.

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Interesting thread.


As the mother of a nine year old, I very carefully watch what goes in the bag. When we are on the plane, I bring packaged snacks only-no fruit/veggies etc. Much easier and less messy usually too. I can see how with 3 kids this could have happened, but mom and dad should be asking where the apple was (or what was left of it).


As for the inlaws, I feel badly for them. A terrible experience to be sure. But again I am stymied as to why women take a purse on vacation. I barely carry a purse at home, much less when I travel. DH and I both have an AquaPac (the keymaster) Holds seapass, id, one cc (we each carry a different one in the event one is lost or stolen) and small amount of money. Its waterproof, so we wear them in the ocean, snorkeling etc. Never have to worry about losing our money/id. We each wear a cheap waterproof watch from Walmart and I dont even own good jewelry to wear, so that is not an issue. Maybe I am more cynical, but I always keep track of everything, hands on it at all times, no matter where I am, even the local mall.


DH and I discussed this, what would we do in Dancemans situation? I think my dad and his GF could handle catching up. Would I let them do it alone, that is another story. I personally would feel obligated to stay and help them. But that is just me.

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How can you leave to lod people in Santiago to fend for themselves. You should have stayed with them and get them back on the ship. You abandoned your loved ones, shame on you. I think that's pretty sefl'centered and selfish. I would have stayed with the unfortunate couple. You did say your the organizer of the group, what a leader.

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I went to Venzeula in 1982 and someone tried to steal my purse he grabbed me too... he went to jail and i proscuteed him. .


Isnt that a type of ham that you have with melon?:p


and oh.....i see someone said my wife could have stayed behind with her parents while i went with the group on the ship.....and who exactly would i have done the shows with each day?...could have hardly done a dance cabaret on my own!......maybe i could have looked in one of the ships shops for a blow up doll?

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and oh.....i see someone said my wife could have stayed behind with her parents while i went with the group on the ship.....and who exactly would i have done the shows with each day?...could have hardly done a dance cabaret on my own!......maybe i could have looked in one of the ships shops for a blow up doll?


Another good one Danceman :D


You guys are cracking me up. This all reminds me of the people who say this or that would never happen to me becasue I would have done this and I would do that. Or another favorite...I would never have done that...if that happened to me I would have.....:rolleyes:


That is the frustrating part of these boards. If you try to help someone by supplying some information someone is bound to jump all over you because you picked on THEIR cruise line or (without being there or actually knowing all the facts) they pass judgment instead or giving the OP the benefit of the doubt or even better then read all kinds of things into the post. Can't some people just read a post and take it for what it is? Information you can take and use or not.

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Like I said those of you who want to do make a place to put your money on you is the best and safest way to to do it, its not anymore uncomfortable to do this you can still wear skimpy panties too, and still have a place for it. or in your bra. lets do it ladies... lets protect what is rightfully ours.


We use neck safes when we travel and these IMO would be more suitable than stuffing item in a bra especially for ladies who are not well endowed it provide ample room for cash, credit cards, travel documents like passports and other items.




RED HOT ITALIAN TRAVELER, would you please stack your future cruise countdowns in your signature on top of each other instead of having them across the page as this makes your posts extra wide and difficult to read because the reader must scroll side ways.

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So basically you're just a troll. And that's what the "mean" responders are reacting to.


I would say it is about 60/40 troll or clueless.


I am a fairly cynical person, and I don't buy the story in any way. It may be a true story, but I don't believe it.


If it is true. I hope the OP learned something from this experience. I really don't need to read of danger on a cruise ship... when that is not the point of the thread. I would have read it just as closely had the title been fined, left behind and a dancer. :D


If it is not true... how gullible do some of you feel?:D O, I know ... it has to be true, everything you read on the internet is true.:D



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Alright... I finally got through the entire thread to this point, and have a few comments:


  1. As I said above, the "mean" posters are responding to the trollish behavior of the OP, not to his actual experience. He freely admits that his thread title was designed to incite RCCL "defenders". Not only did the problems his group experienced have nothing to do with the cruise line, but I don't even see where it was a "dangerous" experience. Having your purse taken is certainly annoying and an inconvenience, but I fail to see where anyone in his group was ever in danger.
  2. What is the real intent of the OP's post? He wants us to believe that his intent is to "warn others of potential traveling dangers". If that truly is his intent, then I guess that is to be appreciated. But I question whether his true intent (or, to give him the benefit of the doubt, an additional intent) is to "stick it to" the folks who really like RCCL. It seems that his thread title, along with many of his other comments, are designed to "tweak" people, and have nothing to do with bring travel safety issues to the forefront.
  3. Call me a skeptic, but.... By my count of his signature, the OP has some 58 (YES! FIFTY EIGHT!) cruises under his belt. With that traveling history, I am absolutely dumbfounded that the OP would (a) be surprised that there is crime in tourist areas of Santiago, Chile, (b) that he does no research on the areas that he is going to be traveling to, © that he wouldn't be advising less experienced travelers in his group to be vigilant with their valuables and (d) that with this apparent ignorance of the dangers of traveling abroad, he has never been subjected to petty crime in his past 57 cruises.


yep, I think you pretty much nailed it.



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So sorry to hear about what happened on your cruise. Thank you for sharing your story. None of us are perfect -- we all make mistakes and can learn from each other.


Hope you enjoy your future cruises!

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  1. What is the real intent of the OP's post? He wants us to believe that his intent is to "warn others of potential traveling dangers". If that truly is his intent, then I guess that is to be appreciated. But I question whether his true intent (or, to give him the benefit of the doubt, an additional intent) is to "stick it to" the folks who really like RCCL. It seems that his thread title, along with many of his other comments, are designed to "tweak" people, and have nothing to do with bring travel safety issues to the forefront.


I tend to take things at face value, not try to figure out if there is any hidden meanings........I am pretty cynical myself, but not that bad! :eek:

Why would the OP want to "stick it to" folks that like RCCL? What purpose would that serve? :confused: Certainly, nobody would cancel a RCCL cruise just because of this thread.

I think he was simply trying to give a head's up about being careful about security in foreign countries & to remind us to be extra vigilant.

No hidden agenda that I can see.

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I am a fairly cynical person, and I don't buy the story in any way. It may be a true story, but I don't believe it.


If it is true. I hope the OP learned something from this experience. I really don't need to read of danger on a cruise ship... when that is not the point of the thread. I would have read it just as closely had the title been fined, left behind and a dancer. :D





Well you said it....a cynical person!

I'm afraid every bit of its true and i should think that most level headed people can see that. Why on earth would i go to the trouble of writing such a long post if it wasnt true? I've nothing to gain and it was intended to warn people of the dangers which i think its done for quite a lot.

Maybe if it happens to you, you'll appreciate how it feels and then see the point of it all.

Yes, i have learned from this experience.

I disagree, i dont think half as many people would have read the post had i titled it 'fined, left behind and a dancer' -i only read the posts that catch my eye or are relevent to a ship im going on...this way, a lot more have read it.

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Interesting thread.


As the mother of a nine year old, I very carefully watch what goes in the bag. When we are on the plane, I bring packaged snacks only-no fruit/veggies etc. Much easier and less messy usually too. I can see how with 3 kids this could have happened, but mom and dad should be asking where the apple was (or what was left of it).



Well as you will have read, we have three 9 year olds. With hindsight, we should have checked for the apple.....but after a journey of 3 hours by bus, a 3 hour check in procedure, a 2 hour flight from London to Madrid, a 2 hour wait for the next flight and then a 13 hour flight from Madrid to Santiago...(a total of 23 hours travelling)....not to mention the collection of coats, Nintendo's and games, puzzles, pens, cuddly toys and general hand luggage.......i'm sure you can see how we forgot to say 'oh and what happened to that apple you had when we left the house' - just one child to deal with after that journey would have been enough never mind three! And not mentioning the 33 passengers i had with me!

It was our mistake, but i'm sure you can see how it was very easily overlooked.

A lesson learned though...no fruit in future on the journey!

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I'm not blaming RCI...it was not their fault these events happened.


I titled the post as i did to get attention to what i considered would be important for people to read...had i titled it Warning....danger in Santiago then probably it would have been people only visiting Santiago who read it whereas this way a lot more people have read it....and will hopefully make some more wary of having their valuables stolen. - it was not an attack on RCI....i thought that would have been obvious!


Then perhaps your title should not have been "Dangerous experience ON Radiance Cruise" but rather "Dangerous experience BEFORE Radiance Cruise."


It is deliberately misleading and unfair to RCI. You don't know how many people have now seen that title, not taken the time to read the real story, and now have a very false impression of the RCI/Radiance cruise. All because of a title was deliberately constructed to draw people attention to something that had nothing to do with the cruise. That hurts RCI and it's wrong.


I'm sorry you had such a miserable experience prior to your cruise. It would have upset me greatly to have that happen to me or a member of my family. It would serve us all well to take note and watch what we're doing in other cities/countries.

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that part alone says enough for me...you thought you were one that the laws meant nothing too...that it was no big deal UNLESS you got caught, and you did!!! I am glad you had to pay the fine, maybe next time you will listen and now have learned that they mean business!!


Wow how horrible and just to think WooWooGirl must be the most perfect girl in the world.

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Then perhaps your title should not have been "Dangerous experience ON Radiance Cruise" but rather "Dangerous experience BEFORE Radiance Cruise."


It is deliberately misleading and unfair to RCI. You don't know how many people have now seen that title, not taken the time to read the real story, and now have a very false impression of the RCI/Radiance cruise. All because of a title was deliberately constructed to draw people attention to something that had nothing to do with the cruise. That hurts RCI and it's wrong.


I'm sorry you had such a miserable experience prior to your cruise. It would have upset me greatly to have that happen to me or a member of my family. It would serve us all well to take note and watch what we're doing in other cities/countries.


Actually, i think thats a good idea....it would probably still have done the trick if i had called it that....will see if i can get it amended.

I think most people would have gone to read at least the first bit and so will have got the gist of it....that it was about the dangers of theft so im not sure it will have done that much damage to RCI....and what about the good points i mentioned?

Unfair to RCI?.....hmm, not sure. Do you think RCI or any cruise line should have any responsibility to warn pax about crime in the area? There were pax who had their passports stolen in Santiago on this departure i believe who all joined the ship in Porto Montt. It wouldnt have been that hard for the rep in the hotel to say to everyone 'watch your bags and dont go out with jewellery on and stay in groups in this area as has been a lot of crime recently'

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