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Wii Fit


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Yep, it's a nuisance alright. I have adjusted where I wear it but it still happens occasionally. I do wear light weight cotton shorts too. Today my strap came untied from the holder, ouch! Just like a big rubber band hitting you. ;)


On a good note, I'm down another 3 pounds since last week. :)


Have a great week everyone!


I'm so happy to have found this thread. It's motivating and highly informational. I'm trying to get connected to the internet and can't get my Wii connected for some reason. Won't stop me from exercising though. LOL!



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Congrats everyone on the weight losses, I was down last week, then went up, now and back where I was last week...go figure. Didn't work out today, but got in a solid 45 minutes yesterday. Bloody machine actually told me to take a break, as if I would start up again after it broke my momentum!! Oh well, tomorrow will be a hellish day at work (locked up in a meeting room for 2 days straight) figure the boxing will be what I need to get out any aggresion that I can't let out in the meeting!! :P

Keep it up everyone!!


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Ok, I got on my WII fit yesterday and had a shock!

I had gained 9.2 lbs in the last 40 days.

I have been exercising with the DH doing the WII fitness trainer during that time ( we do the group workout so that way we can both exercise at the same time ) I have been doing the 30 cardio at least 3 times a week, and also getting at least a 30 minute walk in the evenings about 5 days a week.


I am getting more exercise than I have had in years, but I am eating out of control. It is late night bingeing that is killing me.


I leave for a cruise in exactly 4 months, so I am determined to lose weight.


I forgot to mention that since last November I have gained 25 lbs.


I would love to lose 20 lbs, but 15 is probably more realistic.


I will post on Saturday my weight change.


Congrates to all of you who are making the changes to their lives to get healthy. I am very thrilled for you and you have inspired me to do the same!

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Ok, I started doing My Fitness Coach for 45 minutes on Wednesday.

Since Wednesday I have lost 1.5 lbs.


17 weeks until my cruise leaves.


Beginning Goal lose 20 lbs.

Amount to lose to achieve goal -18.5 lbs.

Week l - down 1.5 lbs.


I am happy with my progress this week. I think bumping my workouts to 45 minutes instead of 30 minutes is the way to go for me.


Looking forward to seeing the results of others!

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Ok, I started doing My Fitness Coach for 45 minutes on Wednesday.

Since Wednesday I have lost 1.5 lbs.


17 weeks until my cruise leaves.


Beginning Goal lose 20 lbs.

Amount to lose to achieve goal -18.5 lbs.

Week l - down 1.5 lbs.


I am happy with my progress this week. I think bumping my workouts to 45 minutes instead of 30 minutes is the way to go for me.


Looking forward to seeing the results of others!


Congratulations on bumping it up a notch and your weight loss. Keep it up!

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Started my 2nd 30 day challenge yesterday. Also started a journal on everydayhealth.com, the calorie counter. Hoping it will help me to see what I am actually eating.


Watched The Biggest Loser tonight and it proves that I even when I think I am sweating and tired, I need to keep going!


Keep posting...it gives me motivation!!!:D

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I can't wait - going out tomorrow after school to buy me a Wii! I just started Weight Watcher's 3 weeks ago and have lost 5 pounds so I need to kick it up a notch! Winter is coming to Alaska so I need an inside activity and Wii sounds like it will fit the bill! Thanks for the motivation!


Here's a laugh: I teach kindergarten and a couple of years ago we were spelling words on the board and I wrote "We are going to moosic." One student noticed I had spelled "music" wrong. Another student waved his hand and said I had spelled another word wrong. When I asked which one, he said, "You spell "we" w-i-i!" LOL

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HI everyone, well I am in to my 32nd day with the Wii and love it. I just noticed though that they (nintendo) has finally decided to be competitive price wise and dropped the price. Here in Canada I bought my Wii for 279$ last month. It is now on special at Wal-Mart for 209. Guess what, will be returning it to costco and getting back 70$. That way...I can afford to buy the new Fit + or the Biggest Loser. Have you checked it out, looks good. So does the Jillian Michaels Ultimate 2010. My fear is that they haven't improved on the 2009 version which got horrible reviews.

As for working out have been pretty consistent, about 40 minutes on average 5 days a week. My issue (which I think I have figured out) is that I wasn't losing at all. Would fluctuate up and down within 2 lbs. (Bloody maching kept asking me to think of a reason why...notice for us women there is no way to indicate that we are bloated!!) I went back to tracking my food intake on Sparkpeople (for those who don't know the site, check it out, great food tracker, recipes and plenty of great help and advice) and realized that I was barely hitting 1000 cals a day. STARVATION mode. Ok so that is now being checked and am trying to get in about 1300 and hope that helps with the loss.

So how are all of you doing? What are the best games out there for the Wii for keeping fit. I think that I will soon hit a peak with the fit as I am already using it on top of a 3 inch step to up the difficulty.


Ok keep it up everyone!! Will post weight info tomorrow!


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another .9 lbs down this week.


I will take any loss I get.


Would have been more if I hadn't had a huge dinner out with friends that included cocktails, appetizers, entree, and dessert.


Hmmm, I have got to stop those weekend entertainment meals or I will loss all the progress I have made in the week and half.



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I can't wait - going out tomorrow after school to buy me a Wii! I just started Weight Watcher's 3 weeks ago and have lost 5 pounds so I need to kick it up a notch! Winter is coming to Alaska so I need an inside activity and Wii sounds like it will fit the bill! Thanks for the motivation!


Here's a laugh: I teach kindergarten and a couple of years ago we were spelling words on the board and I wrote "We are going to moosic." One student noticed I had spelled "music" wrong. Another student waved his hand and said I had spelled another word wrong. When I asked which one, he said, "You spell "we" w-i-i!" LOL


Did you go out and get your wii? Love your true story, kids can be so funny!


HI everyone, well I am in to my 32nd day with the Wii and love it. I just noticed though that they (nintendo) has finally decided to be competitive price wise and dropped the price. Here in Canada I bought my Wii for 279$ last month. It is now on special at Wal-Mart for 209. Guess what, will be returning it to costco and getting back 70$. That way...I can afford to buy the new Fit + or the Biggest Loser. Have you checked it out, looks good. So does the Jillian Michaels Ultimate 2010. My fear is that they haven't improved on the 2009 version which got horrible reviews.

As for working out have been pretty consistent, about 40 minutes on average 5 days a week. My issue (which I think I have figured out) is that I wasn't losing at all. Would fluctuate up and down within 2 lbs. (Bloody maching kept asking me to think of a reason why...notice for us women there is no way to indicate that we are bloated!!) I went back to tracking my food intake on Sparkpeople (for those who don't know the site, check it out, great food tracker, recipes and plenty of great help and advice) and realized that I was barely hitting 1000 cals a day. STARVATION mode. Ok so that is now being checked and am trying to get in about 1300 and hope that helps with the loss.

So how are all of you doing? What are the best games out there for the Wii for keeping fit. I think that I will soon hit a peak with the fit as I am already using it on top of a 3 inch step to up the difficulty.


Ok keep it up everyone!! Will post weight info tomorrow!



The price came down here in the states too Carole. Seems like $199 is the new low price. I never thought about adding some height to the balance board. I do have a board that I got from Curves I could use I suppose, just not sure I have enough room to do that.


another .9 lbs down this week.


I will take any loss I get.


Would have been more if I hadn't had a huge dinner out with friends that included cocktails, appetizers, entree, and dessert.


Hmmm, I have got to stop those weekend entertainment meals or I will loss all the progress I have made in the week and half.




Congrats on your weight loss Jan! I'm like you on eating. Hubby & I are used to 2 meals a day and I've had 3 all weekend (meals a day that is). I'll find out tomorrow if I lost or not as I do my weekly weigh in on Mondays.


Have a great week everyone!

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Hi All!

I just found this thread tonight & read through all 11 pages!

I discovered Wii when I joined the Wii bowling league at our

local Seniors office so went out & bought one.

I really like Wii fit but haven't done too much on it as I have an arthritic

knee that bothers me. I feel intimidated by some of the comments she makes & we can't answer back, lol.

Take care & keep up the good work!

~Jo~ :)

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Hi All!

I just found this thread tonight & read through all 11 pages!

I discovered Wii when I joined the Wii bowling league at our

local Seniors office so went out & bought one.

I really like Wii fit but haven't done too much on it as I have an arthritic

knee that bothers me. I feel intimidated by some of the comments she makes & we can't answer back, lol.

Take care & keep up the good work!

~Jo~ :)


Welcome Jo!

I like telling her off too, to bad she can't hear us! :rolleyes:



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Hi everyone. I would like to join in on the Wii fitness thing ya'll have going on here. I have Wii Fit and the EA Active - I much prefer the EA Active over the Wii Fit. I've lost 10 pounds during my first 30 day challenge a coupel of months ago and have been so busy with work and traveling lately I've been slacking on the workouts. I started my 2nd 30 day challenge a couple of days ago and hope to lose at least another 10 more before my Feb 7 '10 cruise. Glad I came upon this thread, I need the motivation!

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HI everyone,

AK Wife, I hope you waited until the price came down, and got it cheap, as for me guess what, sold out everywhere so will be returning mine to Costco shortly.

As for weight, have come down another 3.5 lbs. Yahoo!

My collegues think it's hysterical when I come in to work pissed off at the Wii. I swear I spend more time answering it back and getting mad at it than anyone else, but I VOW that in the end I will no longer hear any snide comments from the skinny little white board (haha). I also laugh at it when it tells me to do the Center of balance test with my EYE closed, I kill myself laughing when the thing tells me "open your EYE" Like not only do I have a weight problem, but yeah, I'm also a Cyclops! This hysteria usually starts before coffee and shower have been taken!


Now...the Wii Fit Plus came out yesterday, so I rented it today for 3 days. (also rented the Active) and will try them both out in the next 3 days.

The Fit plus has some nice features (counts approximate calories burned). The one thing I wanted was an advanced / updated / extended step ( if I could program that for 30 minutes would do it daily - got my highest score today... 625)

I don't know that I will buy it as of yet but some of the activites are fun. Will keep you posted on them :)


Ok gone for now, have a great week everyone and keep up the Wii!!!



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That's it. You've talked me into it. I just read back through most of the postings. I was on the fence when a friend told me about this. I wasn't a believer but I am now! I just started a weight loss regime and need to kick it up a notch. I will check out the stores tomorrow.

Hopefully I will be back here soon.

Congrats on all of the weight losses. Keep it up people! :)

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Hi everyone. I would like to join in on the Wii fitness thing ya'll have going on here. I have Wii Fit and the EA Active - I much prefer the EA Active over the Wii Fit. I've lost 10 pounds during my first 30 day challenge a coupel of months ago and have been so busy with work and traveling lately I've been slacking on the workouts. I started my 2nd 30 day challenge a couple of days ago and hope to lose at least another 10 more before my Feb 7 '10 cruise. Glad I came upon this thread, I need the motivation!


Welcome aboard FireMonkey and congratulations on your weight loss. I know you can lose another 10 pounds before your February cruise.


As for weight, have come down another 3.5 lbs. Yahoo!


Now...the Wii Fit Plus came out yesterday, so I rented it today for 3 days. (also rented the Active) and will try them both out in the next 3 days.

The Fit plus has some nice features (counts approximate calories burned). The one thing I wanted was an advanced / updated / extended step ( if I could program that for 30 minutes would do it daily - got my highest score today... 625)

I don't know that I will buy it as of yet but some of the activites are fun. Will keep you posted on them :)

Ok gone for now, have a great week everyone and keep up the Wii!!!



I can't wait to hear more about the Plus Carole. I also like doing the step program and wish it was longer. I'm going to have my hubby go pick it up for me this week since the price is about $20 US.



That's it. You've talked me into it. I just read back through most of the postings. I was on the fence when a friend told me about this. I wasn't a believer but I am now! I just started a weight loss regime and need to kick it up a notch. I will check out the stores tomorrow.

Hopefully I will be back here soon.

Congrats on all of the weight losses. Keep it up people! :)


Welcome Deb, glad to hear that we're the motivation you needed. :) I'm having more fun with my wii than when I worked out at Curves!


Have a great week all!



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HI everyone,

AK Wife, I hope you waited until the price came down, and got it cheap, as for me guess what, sold out everywhere so will be returning mine to Costco shortly.

As for weight, have come down another 3.5 lbs. Yahoo!



Congrats on the weight loss! I did not get the WII system yet. My husband wants to price compare. Of course, here is Alaska, it won't be cheap! And I have been fighting sickness - half my class was out most of last week with the H1N1 flu! Trying to stay healthy and I think I am losing the battle! :(



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Hi everyone, ok so today I did the workout with the Active and was a bit dissappointed, as it was a rented game, I didn't have the leg strap for the nunchuk and that screwed it all up. I did go and read the reviews on the Fit plus on amazon and they are quite complete (go read there as I need to get to bed :))

I was also looking at the new Biggest Loser game which was also released yesterday and so far the one review looks promising.

Will try to rent before buying and see what happens.

I don't know that I will buy the fit plus just yet as none of the improvements are to the activities that I like and I haven't yet gotten sick of the first version.


Does anyone else watch the show? I saw the pre-release videos and if they are anything to go by they look great. As does the 2010 version of Jillian Micheals Ultimate challenge. The danger there is that the 2009 version SUCKED from what all the reviews say. I will stay away from that for now. As for Biggest loser it also has a bunch of recipes included....check it out, I will be trying to find it to rent this weekend....


Let me know, and keep up the great work everyone.

To those just joining us, stay healthy and keep wiiiiiing (all the way home!!!)



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Hi. I bought a Wii and Wii Fit today. I joined Curves and counted calories before my August cruise and was in good shape for my cruise. I gained 4 lbs on the cruise but lost it pretty quickly after. We are spending the winter in Florida and I would like to lose about 5 more pounds by the first of the year. I'll keep going to Curves but I need a fun activity to keep me motivated to workout. Today I tried out bowling and did the strength and balance routines on Wii Fit.


I have a few questions for you Wii pros. How do you change the name it logs you in as -- my routines are being tracked as Guest C. What Wii Fit routines give you the best workout? Also, what are the best games for toning up and getting fit? Has anyone used the Dance Revolution?



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Hi Guys, Okay, I did it as well. I have purchased the Wii Fit not the Fit Plus that has just come out. Someone said that if you start with the basic Fit, you can add on the Fit Plus for only $19.95 so I will begin with the basics. I will be hooking it up this weekend and since it is our Canadian Thanksgiving, I think I will be needing it!

The Wii Fit was on sale at Costco for $69.00 (in Canada) for anyone that hasn't purchased it yet but is thinking of doing so.


Any tips or pointers before I begin? I am totally out of the loop as far as these game systems go. The last unit I used was the old Pong tennis thing. :D Luckily I have a computer savvy son that can 'hook me up'.


I will be coming back here to compare notes so keep posting.


To all of our American Friends out there, Have a Happy Columbus day!


and to all of my fellow Canadians... Go easy on the turkey!!

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Hi all!

Debathome ~ yes isn't it great we have our kids to help us?:D My DD set mine up.

Thanks for the info about price at Costco, my other DD is coming here for Thanksgiving & wants to try it out so might buy one.

Taking it easy on the turkey is easier said than done!:(

Happy Thanksgiving!

~Jo~ :)

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