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Hi all!

Deb ~ have a great time in Buffalo. I remember when I was a kid people used to go clothes shopping over there. Never tried Bob Evans but like Olive Garden. Is the Olive Garden around Mississauga closed now?


I'm so sad today!:( We got a new digital scale & it shows 4 lbs more than our old one so I'm not as close to my goal as I thought. More Wii time for me.

~Jo~ :)

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Ok it's official, I am going to buy the wii biggest looser. I have had the rental for 4 days now and love it. Feel like I am getting a more intense workout in.

I will still use my plus though to enter my measurements, and to have a different workout to rotate in and out.

Have you tried the EA Active? If so, how does it compare to the Biggest Loser. I am using the EA Active now and it gives a good workout -- especially strength. I get bored easily, so am looking for my next game.


Has anyone tried Dance, Dance Revolution?

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I do own EA Active as well. I only used that for about a month when it first came out then, went on vacation and haven't used it since. I personally didn't like the leg strap that much, but it was a descent game / workout. just for me the leg strap would slide down and pull my pants down with it. It worked ok with shorts, but still had to adjust a few times during a workout.


Dance Dance Revolution. I have done @ a bowling alley with family for a laugh. Have not tried the home version, but I can see how it could get your heart rate up and you moving. It could be fun.

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Hello Gang! Made it back from Buffalo. I might not be any lighter but my wallet sure is! We did lots of shopping. I LOVE those American sales. I even picked up some Xmas gifts.

I did manage to stick to my diet much to my sister's dismay when I pored over the menu and even produced my calorie counter. They thought it was a joke but I kept to it all weekend.


Jo, all of the Olive Garden have closed across Canada. Have been for a few years now. :( Do you mean the one near Sherway Gardens? What a small world, we shop there all the time.

Sorry to hear about your 'weight gain'. I hate those dang scales. Do you not go by the Wii scale? It might be good news. ;)


Do you know that I have never heard of or even knew that any of these games/exercise tools existed? Had never heard of EA or Dance Dance Revolution although that one sounds like fun.


I had better get back to my Wii tomorrow. My instructor is going to be pi$$ed that I've been away for a few days. I am in for a scolding. :p

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Hi all!

Deb ~ glad you had a good time & started your Christmas shopping.

It's less than 2 months away now! :D That was quite a while ago we went to OG. My SIL lives by High Park & it was west of there.


Darn scales, now I have 3 different weights, none of them good!

I've never heard of all these things either but anything with dance sounds good to me!

I'm improving with some of my exercises but still suck at hula hoop, ski jumping & that darn bubble thing down the river ~ can't seem to get past the island!! I like the step routines the best. Which are your favourites?

Take care & Wii on!

~Jo~ :)

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Sounds like you had a good time in Buffalo Deb, congrats for sticking to your diet! :) Doesn't it feel good to have some of your Christmas shopping out of the way?


We celebrated our first Christmas this past weekend. My parents are heading to their winter home in FL as we speak so we celebrated early. I don't have any presents left to buy either as our cruise is our gift.


LOL, I like your view on the scales Jo. I like that my wii scale is lower than my regular scale.


The only thing I don't like about changing back and forth from wii active to wii plus is no matter which one you weigh in on, the other tells you you've missed a day. To bad they all can't get in sync.


Have a great week everyone!

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Hello Ladies

Jo, the world is even smaller. I live two streets over from High Park!! As a matter of fact, I was there walking home from Bloor St. this morning!! Now it would be just crazy if I knew your sister in law. Without giving too much away on the boards, can I ask what street??


I try not to weigh myself too often. It drives me crazy. Last week Wii said I was up and yesterday it said I was down 6 pounds!! If only that were true! I think it has to do with time of day and clothing. It keeps asking me to weigh in at the same time of day but it is impossible with my schedule.

I didn't stretch or anything before running yesterday and pulled the calf muscle. Ouch. I woke to it still bothering me so I went for a long hike today instead of getting on the board.


I can do the hula but darn if I can't catch those extra hoops. I have tried leaning, stopping, arms up, arms down, everything. I noticed that even when I lean, my avatar doesn't. Beats me how I am supposed to get them. Now I just swing away going for as many circles as possible.

Forget the Island. I can't get out of the gate!! I am so frustrated because I see which way to go and lean the opposite no matter how many times I've tried it! :o

I really prefer the Yoga, running, and strength training.


Sue, and I thought we began our celebrations early! Nice that you all have the chance to get together before the family heads south.

I actually recieved a Xmas card the other day. My husband e-mailed his freind in England to ask what's up. We thought maybe he was ill or knew something we didn't. Turns out there are talks of postal strike and they just wanted to be sure to get them out before it happens. I am one of those that love the holidays. I was prepared last year for this year! :D

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Wow, I'm not ready for Halloween, let alone Christmas.


I had work and family in town that kept me away from my Wii for a few days, But I will be back at it tomorrow.


Next week I'm in Dallas for work, wish I could take my Wii with me. But I am going to take my Pedometer and make myself walk an extra 1000 steps a day.

Or increase my steps by a 1000 everyday.

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Hi all!

I got up late & am trying to decide whether to Wii or watch things I taped!:D Okay, I'll Wii a bit.

Deb ~ my SIL lives on a little street called Norma Cres.

Do you know it? That made me lol about the Island! I can't catch those darn hoops either. Hope your calf muscle feels bettter soon.

Jody ~ I'm with you on that! I just got our treats yesterday for Hallowe'en. Christmas shopping at my place doesn't start 'til December but luckily I don't have many to buy for!

Did I tell you I'm on a Wii bowling team? I'm not very good but am having a lot of fun with the other "seniors"!:D

Well, off to see what she's got to say today!:eek:

Have a great day!

~Jo~ :)

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Jo, Yes I know the street. She is literally one street over and then right at the top, whereas we are at the bottom. A ten minute walk from us.

Most of my family (aunts, cousins, sisters) on my mother's side, live near or around Bellville, Madoc, Napanee. Up in your neck of the woods. It is a small world.

Okay, honestly, did you Wii or curl up and watch t.v.? It's that kind of miserable morning here. A stay in Jammies kind of day but unfortunately I had to dress for work.


Jods, Lucky you getting to go to Dallas where it's nice and warm right now (as long as you don't get the rains). We are planning our annual Face to Face with other C.C. members in San Antonio next year. I've never been to Texas and really looking forward to it.


Well ladies with your help, and I mean that sincerely, I managed to lose 3 pounds this week according to the Weight Watcher's scale (the only one I am going by) last night. That makes it almost 10 pounds in the last few weeks since I began. I would like to lose at least another 15 by the time my cruise rolls around in April. Now it starts getting busy with parties and celebrations around here, that's why I joined now instead of waiting for the new year. I know I am going to be enjoying the holiday treats but if I can stay to program now, it won't be so bad when those few added pounds show up.

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Hi all!

Deb ~ it sure is a small world! I'm in Picton but lived in Toronto for the first 40 years! Congrats on losing the weight! Do you go to WW? My DD

goes & also worked at one to sign people in or something. I DID Wii this morning (honest) & I got a little further around the island before crashing!

No weight gain or loss on sign in this morning but I also did not meet my latest goal!:( I usually get weighed on Thursday so will see what my original scale says ~ I like it's numbers better!:D

Take care & Wii on!

~Jo~ :)

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Jo, Yes, I have begun the Weight Watcher's program as well. It was there that I first learned about the Wii. I have only been going about 5 weeks now.

Good for you doing your workout. I opted to go for a big hike as I had to walk one of the little ones to school this morning, I decided to carry on and walk to the grocer's which is about 20 blocks away. I have two large stores within a couple of blocks but I needed some Blue Menu products from Loblaw's which is farther. I am hoping to get to my Yoga and strength after work this evening.


Do you know there is a Canada Eh? thread in the Floataway? Many of us, from all over Canada, have met up either cruising, or at Face to Faces all over the place. Some of us have really become close friends. We also intermingle with the Americans from the Ten Reason's thread getting together yearly for a large weekend gathering. You should pop on by and say hello. They are a really nice group and would love to have you stop in. :)


Okay, I had better get back to work. I am not yet retired and have a few more years of work ahead of me. I am counting down the days....

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Sorry I have not been on in a while. I have been having to study for a class I had to take at work for a new postion. And now I am sick. And have not worked out on the wii for awhile again. I need to kick my but into high gear and work out badly.

I am glady to hear everyone is doing good in their work outs. Keep up the good work.

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Hi all!

Well here we are at Friday again ~ don't the weeks fly by?!

Deb ~ good for you losing so much weight! I did check out the

"Canada Eh" thread & will pop in. I read a few pages & got some good info

& good vibes!:D What are "Blue menu" products? Are they lo cal?

I've been reading an Alaska thread with amazing pictures instead of exercising!:( I'm so bad, maybe I'll Wii later.

TTFN & have a great weekend.


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Hello everyone! I just finished reading this whole thread because yesterday I bought a Wii. I had been wanting to get one since I saw people doing it on the last cruise we took. Now that the price came down, figured it would be a good time. I might have to borrow one of your tech savey sons or daughters to hook it up though. Do some of you have it connected to the internet? Didn't quite get that. Can't wait to get started, some of you have had so much success with weight loss. I'll let you know how it goes.

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Good evening everyone!


Tomorrow I'll get my behind back on the Wii. The last 3 nights at work have kicked my butt. I did manage to get on for my testing today and I'm down another 3 pounds. :) For once it didn't say anything about weighing in the morning like I usually do.


Hope you don't have the flu that's going around babymomma, seems it's all over the state. What part of MI do you live in?


Welcome aboard Rose!


Way to go on the weight loss Deb!


LOL, every time I say I'll wii later Jo I never do. Did you get your workout in today?


Have a great weekend all!

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HI again.

Rose43 ~ welcome to the world of Wii! I haven't connected mine to the internet but have viewed pictures over it. I don't have my kids nearby to help so if anything goes wrong, I'll be up the creek! :eek:

sue ~ congrats on your weight loss! No I actually didn't get to Wii today. I was headed for the family room to do it but my DH was fooling around with the tv & computer in there. I did do some exercise with a can & peanut butter jar tho'!:D

babymomma ~ hope you're feeling better soon.


~Jo~ :)

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I did get the Wii connected and working- very proud of my non-technical self- only thing is I have to disconnect the red, yellow and white plug ins when we want to watch TV. Not a big problem since they hook up to the front of the TV, but maybe not just exactly correct. Anyhow, it works! I only got the sports disk with it so I bought another controller that came with several other games. I have been having fun with the bowling and tennis so far. I think I will have to buy the My fittness coach CD, as someone else mentioned it is real good. Turns out the fitness program on the one I have matched my own age! I'll have to work on that.

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Hi all!

Rose 43 ~ good for you setting it up by yourself! If my DD hadn't done it it'd still be sitting in the box! I like the bowling too & am on a Wii league!

Bardstowntraveller ~ no, I don't have any problem with my ankles but then I only have the "Fit" not EA Active. I avoid exercises that affect my knees since I have some arthritis in the left one.:(

Well, I DID Wii today & have met my goal already! Like I said set your goal low enough & you'll succeed!:D On to the next goal 1 1/2 lbs in 2 weeks!

Take care.

~Jo~ :)

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Happy Halloween!

Do you wear shoes when you wii (nothing personal) bardstown? When I first started using mine I would exercise in my socks and my ankles would get sore. Since I started wearing shoes they don't hurt anymore.


Did you have bread with your peanut butter Jo? :D LOL, I didn't set a goal this last time so I'm doing just great maintaining.


Congrats on getting your wii hooked up Rose. We too have a TV where we can hook the wii up in front. We can leave it plugged in and watch something else too.


Have a great night all!


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WOW, so many new ones here with so much success. That is so great!!!! Congrats to all for all your hard work!!!..

I've been lax again..hectic life for the past several months,.. but things have setteled down a little and I have made a promise to myself that if I can get 10 more pounds off by Thanksgiving, I get to have a full body massage!! So far I've managed to keep off the 20 that I lost, so fingers are crossed that I can continue to do this..BUT I need to get back on my Wii!:rolleyes: Why doesn't my body want to communicate and cooperate with my brain? :p

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Sue, my goal is to lose but like you I seem to be only maintaining! Seems my body is able to hold on to the weight it wants no matter what I eat or don't eat. Then I tend to get discouraged too quickly and go ahead and eat.


Linda, my brain does not seem to know either that I want to lose weight and it keeps thinking about all the candy and ice cream it really wants. I am so impressed though that so many of you have really lost a lot of weight and for the most part kept it off. Proves it really can be done with perserverance. So I will continue my Zumba classes and use my Wii sports and I will lose! Sharon

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Sue, my goal is to lose but like you I seem to be only maintaining! Seems my body is able to hold on to the weight it wants no matter what I eat or don't eat. Then I tend to get discouraged too quickly and go ahead and eat.


Linda, my brain does not seem to know either that I want to lose weight and it keeps thinking about all the candy and ice cream it really wants. I am so impressed though that so many of you have really lost a lot of weight and for the most part kept it off. Proves it really can be done with perserverance. So I will continue my Zumba classes and use my Wii sports and I will lose! Sharon


I love your positive thinking Rose. You will do it and it can be done. Have you tried low fat ice cream or fat free ice cream? My hubby and I are still losing the weight we want and enjoying some of the foods we've left behind. Fat Free ice cream isn't that bad if you add some vanilla to it. ;)

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