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Wii Fit


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No Wii for me this week. in Dallas for work, but using the gym at the hotel. Just have to watch what I eat.


Keep at it everyone!


Wish I was there with you, I have a grandaughter that works in Dallas and I haven't seen her for much too long!


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Whoa! I had lots of catching up to do. You've been a chatty bunch. I love it! :)


I haven't been Wii'ing lately. Last week I pulled a calf muscle goofing around on the Wii and then I went for a long hike and hurt it again rolling off of a small hill, so I have been laying off the exercising. It feels like one of those leg cramps that wake you in the night. A tight knot in the calf. Nothing seems to be helping, I think I am going to have to get a deep tissue massage for it so I haven't been popping by.


Babymomma, I hope that you are feeling better by now and the cold has run it's course.


Jo, Glad to see you over on the Canada eh? thread. I told you it was a nice group of people. ;)

(and any other Canadians that would like to come on by, you know where we are....)

Congrats on reaching your latest goal. clap.gif


Rose~ Welcome!! Good job on getting all hooked up. I didn't even attempt it myself. We can leave ours hooked up at the front of the t.v. but when I want to use it, I have to switch over from t.v. to video 3. If you have a button like that, try it and see if it works.


Sue. Great job on the three pounds!! Gosh, I wish I could keep that up for a few weeks. Every pound lost, I feel better but I don't know why my body and mind sabatoge each other. I haven't stuck to the diet this week. Although I haven't 'cheated' I haven't tracked or kept tally and it just seemed to get away from me. Are you doing any other plan besides the Wii?

I totally agree with you about wearing shoes. Even if it is just a light, soft soled shoe, it helps.


Jods, I hope you are enjoying your hotel stay and Dallas. It's not as easy when you're away from home. I know I wouldn't bother going to the hotel gym so I am really impressed with your determination. Good luck!


Bardstown, I haven't had any problem with my ankles bothering me but like Sue said, try the shoes and see if it makes any difference. Be careful to use your whole foot and palm and toes not just your heel. Wii warned me of that same thing in the beginning.


Snuggles. Love your graphics!! It's great that you've kept off the 20 lbs. Any tips?? Good luck, I hope you reach your goal and spoil yourself with a nice massage. Sounds good right about now.


Wishing everyone a great week. Deb.

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Hi all!

Well the Wii said I've made another goal so I think something's wrong!

I think the weight of the clothes might make a difference so should wear the same outfit each day. Do any of you do that?

I Wii barefoot & don't put my socks on 'til I'm finished.

Had a breakthrough on the hula hoop, if I sway to the left I can do better!

That's weird as I'm right handed!

Oh well, I'm still having fun with it even if I can't get past that darn island!!!:eek:

Deb ~ yes, I'm glad I came over to the Canada eh thread. They're a fun bunch & the trivia is interesting too!:D Thanks for mentionning it.

~Jo~ :)

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Linda, I just purchased my Wii and am having fun with it so far. I still haven't opened up 1/2 the things on there so it should hold my interest for a little while longer.

Noticed you on the Canada eh? thread. Glad to have you join us.


Went to W.W. tonight and lost another pound and a bit. I'll take it. I didn't think it would be a good weigh in since I haven't been working out and had a few extra glasses of wine on Halloween. ;)

Hopefully I will get back to routine and my Wii this week.

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Hi again!

Welcome Linda! I've been doing my Wii for over 150 days & I'm not tired of it yet. I still haven't mastered most of the skills. It's a lot of fun & gets me off the chesterfield!:D

Deb ~ good for you losing more weight even with the wine!


Does your trainer sometimes tell you he stayed up too late last night?

He should know better!:D

Night, night.

~Jo~ :)

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Hi Linda, I just got my Wii hooked up too so I think I will enjoy it for some time before tiring of it, then I'll just get another CD to keep interested.


Deb, thanks for the tip, I kinda thought that that channel 3 thing might have something to do with it, I'll try it.



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Hi all!

Where are you, too busy Wiiing to come on the thread?:p

Well I'm trying wearing an exercise outfit to see if that makes a difference to the weight.

I'm a little afraid to go on it today as I had Swiss Chalet & Burger King in the last couple of days along with some leftover chocolate bars from Hallowe'en!:eek:

Yesterday I bought Wii Fit Plus but won't use it 'til I get tired of the Fit. I've been doing it for 176 days & I'm no where near being bored yet.

Have a great weekend & keep on Wiiing!

~Jo~ :)

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Hi all!

Where are you, too busy Wiiing to come on the thread?:p

Well I'm trying wearing an exercise outfit to see if that makes a difference to the weight.

I'm a little afraid to go on it today as I had Swiss Chalet & Burger King in the last couple of days along with some leftover chocolate bars from Hallowe'en!:eek:

Yesterday I bought Wii Fit Plus but won't use it 'til I get tired of the Fit. I've been doing it for 176 days & I'm no where near being bored yet.

Have a great weekend & keep on Wiiing!

~Jo~ :)

I just have the Wii Sports and am getting better at bowling, tennis and golf, not so much the boxing. I have been looking for the My fitness coach, Wallmart doesn't seem to carry it. The search is on! I just got my Wii system last week and I don't have any other programs, Wii fit sounds good too. Happy Weekend Sharon

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Yup, I read all your posts and then ordered the Wii fit plus bundle this morning - so excited!


As a non-Wii person (okay well, I played Dancing with the Stars with my nieces on theirs and Len was very mean to me :eek:) ... I find all the various packages and things very confusing.


I think I got what I would want, with enough bits and bobs so that my DH and I can do it together.


I don't understand the EA bit though - is it like Xbox where you can buy games from other vendors for your platform? In other words, are you buying workouts that you can use on the Wii from EA?


Any recommendations on programs to get? Has anyone tried Dance Dance Party with the mat? Already thinking about what to ask Santa to bring me if I'm a good good kitteh .... :D


I think I might be in the 9 rotations or fewer hula hoop club ... I'll keep you posted! Not sure how fit I can get before our Dec. 5 sailing but we'll see ....



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Hello from the UK Everyone !!


Please can I join your Club ??


My DS has Wii Fit, but I haven't tried it yet :confused:


So how does this work then, not the Wii Fit, This Club !!!!!


Appreciate any tips & advice !!!

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Hi all!

Welcome to the newbies from a slightly older member of the club.:D

I don't have much experience with Wii just did Wii bowling on a seniors league then decided the Fit sounds like something I might do.

I like doing it and you can do it at your time & level. BTW I finally got more than 15 hula hoop rotations by doing it to the left & didn't crash on the Island this time!:) Also with wearing the same clothes I had lost 4/10 lb which is better than nothing!

As I see it this thread is for encouragement, info & chatting about Wii ~ correct?

Have a great weekend!

~Jo~ :)

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I agree Jo, we're all here to chat and encourage each other along. It's nice to hear how everyone else is doing and get tips and egged on to try new things.


I am fairly new to this thread and the Wii as well. I've found everyone on here easy to talk to and quite welcoming.


Sharon, someone on one of the other threads said that they picked up different Wii games on sale at over half price at Rogers Video Store. I think that is just a Canadian outlet but you might want to try the video chains where you live.


HCBI~ Welcome to Wii and to the thread. I have no idea about anything other than the Fit. I am so not a video gamer and know nothing about it. I just know that the Fit is easy to use and follow. Congrats on your upcoming cruise. I wish I was cruising at this time of year.


Clio, 'allo, 'allo! Not sure that we are so much a club as a chatty group who are all trying to drop a few pounds before cruising. How come it is so easy to put on and hard to take off??

I can get lots of rotations on the hula if I put my arms up and make small, fast circles with my hips but I cannot for the life of me catch those rings.


Good luck to everyone and have fun working out.

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Good afternoon everyone and welcome to the newbies!


I haven't been on my wii in almost a week but I did get a good workout in this weekend. We finally got our cottage closed for the season but first we had to take care of lots of leaves. Yesterday we spent 4 hours raking and bagging them. We ended up with 20 fifty gallon bags of them and got rid of them today, took 3 trips to the site to do it too.


Looking to get back on my wii in the morning and getting ready for my cruise!

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Sue, I'd say you had a pretty good workout without doing the Wii this weekend!

I have still not been able to exercise at all. My calf muscle hasn't improved and I am afraid that I have been doing it more damage by walking on it so tomorrow I have an appointment at the doc's office. Today it went into a spasm and caused me to trip going up the stairs. I broke half my toenail. Can't have that happening when I am carrying around one of my daycare babes.

Wish me luck.

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Hi all!

Sue ~ I was thinking that was plenty of exercise! Good for you.:D

Deb ~ sorry to hear your leg's not getting any better. Yeow that sounds painful breaking half your toenail!:eek: Good luck at the Doctor's tomorrow.


I didn't Wii today either as my gym outfit's in the wash.:p I did take advantage of the great weather & walked home from Church though.

Take care.

~Jo~ :)

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Isn't it frustrating when you want to keep doing something and your body just doesn' cooperate! I had bursitis in my left hip for quite some time a few years ago, and the Dr. kept saying rest and don't use it. Took a long time but I was finally able to get back to my exercise and walking. Hope your calf and toe get better so you are able to do what you would like to again. We were busy this weekend cutting grass along the fence line. Only have a few more fence panels to go and its looking mighty good. I am really stiff in some muscles today, thought with all the exercise I do I had hit all of them, but I guess a few haven't been used for awhile. It was a glorious weekend for November!

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21 weeks till I cruise and 20 pounds to go. :eek:


Well last week in Dallas I was able to work out all but 2 days.

I didn't loose any weight, but that was expected due to eating out for all meals.


BUT I didn't gain any weight either.


Back at my usual today. 2 bottles of water down 5 to go for today.

Not sure if any of you have Comcast for your cable TV provider, but my husband found some on demand exercises I may like. I'm going to give them a try this week and will report back.


Got to get back on my wii fit also, my wii trainer is going to scold me for not checkin in last week.

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Well it wasn't too bad news at the doc's. She sent me to emergency because she was concerned with the amount of swelling and thought it might be a clot because I had one years ago. After ultra sound and tests, it turns out it is just what I thought. I have a torn calf muscle and because I wasn't treating it well, it got worse. I have to keep it iced and elevated for 2-3 days and then I should be good as new. So, no wii'ing for me for a week at least.


Jods, I'd say not gaining weight while staying out of town is a win situation. I have about the same time frame and amount that I want to lose as well. We leave April 10th which is 22 weeks away and I want to lose 15-20 by then. It's going to be hard with the holidays coming up but I am hoping in the New Year, I can really get down to business.

If I can maintain I'll be happy, as long as I don't gain.


Rose, it was a glorious weekend here as well. Glad you had a workout and got things accomplished at the same time!


Sue, Congrats!!! I love your wii'ing all the way home line. :D


Jo, I'll have to remember that line about the wash. ;)


Have a great evening gals.

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Deb so sorry to hear about your injury. Good thing you went to the Dr. Now you know what you can and can't do and how to treat it. It sounds really painful, did you do it Wii ing?


I gave up finding the program "My Fitness Coach" at the stores around here, so looked on the internet. Found a good buy $14.95 at Target on line. I'm supposed to get it in 3 to 5 days and am really looking forward to trying it.


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Rose, I can't blame it on the Wii although it was involved. I had it out and was getting ready to do the run when a couple of our little kids came into the room. I was on the floor, not the pad, and starting goofing off pretending to run as fast as I could in a squat position, head down and in speedy motion. It was totally my stupidity. I hadn't warmed up yet or stretched and it was early morn so I should have known better. It cramped and hurt but I thought I could just walk it out and kept ignoring it for two weeks. Every night it would be so painful but in the morning it wouldn't be too bad that I couldn't go about my business. I should have heeded the signs and taken it easier. I re-injured it again on Sunday running up the stairs. So now I am trying to keep it up and walk on it as little as possible but you know that's not going to happen when I run a daycare out of my home.

So all of you have to do an extra couple of minutes on the Wii for me okay?? ;):D

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Deb sorry to hear about your injury as well, take it easy for awhile.


Rose, that is a good buy. I think I paid $30 for mine. I liked it but my DH said I had to many fitness games needed to trade some in because they were not getting used so I took that and the Jullian Michaels Fitness to Game Stop (a new and used game store) nephew picked out a game for himself to play when he comes over.

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Hi all.. I got back to my Wii this past week and am down another 1+ pounds!!! May not make the 10 by Thanksgiving, but I'll take any loss I can. Keep up all the good work all.

Deb-Take good care of that leg! Can't have you lagging behind on the ship! I'll do a few more min of Wiiing each day for ya! ;)

Hope all you who are "Veterans" have a great day!:cool:

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Deb sorry to hear about your injury as well, take it easy for awhile.


Rose, that is a good buy. I think I paid $30 for mine. I liked it but my DH said I had to many fitness games needed to trade some in because they were not getting used so I took that and the Jullian Michaels Fitness to Game Stop (a new and used game store) nephew picked out a game for himself to play when he comes over.


So what program are you using now? Did you find any you liked better? I was thinking the Jillian Michaels one should be good too, but also was thinking about getting a silly Marios brothers one. Might not be alot of exercise but looks like fun anyway.

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