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Wii Fit


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Hi everyone! I have had a Wii Fit but only used it sporadically!! I really need to lose 5 pounds and shape up within the next 29 days!!!!Help! I am a pretty healthy eater, but love carbs!! Is there a weigh in day??? Peg from Va. Happy 2010!

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HI all!

Welcome Gerri & Peg & welcome back Carole!

How's it going with the new programs?

Matt ~ have you tried the Just Dance one yet? Is it fun?

Sounds like everyone's doing great with their weight loss.

Candi ~ sounds like you're doing really terrific. Geez, I'd be happy to fit into size 12!;)

We stayed up to about 1 on NYE watching the ball drop in NYC. DH woke me up at 8:15 the next morning to come see 4 swans swimming out the back then later I noticed 3 Bald Eagles at different times. I love nature

(almost as much as food!):D

Deb ~ I made it to the ROM & AGO on Wed. Boy was it crowded for the King Tut exhibit ~ was it when you went too?

Take care & hope 2010 is a great year for all!

~Jo~ :)

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Hi everyone!! I have read most of this forum and really excited to join in the fun!~ I started using my Wii Dec 28th, and it has been fun. My goal for this year is to lose 1 lb a week through exercise, last years was to lose 50 by changing my diet. Almost achieved that, lost 42.


Looking to cruise in October, just have to decide on which one. I want to do them all !!!!



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Hi all!

Just popping in before I go do my Wii & see what she has to say.

Talus731 ~ welcome to the group! I love my Wii & think it's the best money I've ever spent. Congrats on your huge weight loss! What plan

did you use to accomplish that, please?

Well, take care & have a great day.

~Jo~ :)

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Hi to all, had a really good day yesterday, ate right, exercised and it showed on the scale this morning! I think I might have to get the Wii fit plus, don't have the Wii fit, but I haven't even seen it around anywhere lately. Looks like the plus has alot of the regular Wii, plus more. Anyone know for sure? Sharon

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hello everybody!! Glad to see everyone getting excited about being healthy in the new year! So far so good around here :)


Sharon- I am pretty sure that the wii fitplus has everything the wii fit has and like 12 more activities. You dont have to get the regular one- just get the plus (with the balance board if you dont have one)


Doing an hour and a half of yoga tonight. Yoga is so hard though. I much prefer running. I know its good for you though. I will just power through:D- its only once a week right? (next week I think it is on the schedule twice-eek!)My husband has finally started exercising regularily again. He wont admit it, but I am sure his lack of movement and choice of food has contributed to his colds this year. The girls and I have yet to catch one (knock on wood) I just cant say enough about the health benefits of being active and eating your fruits and veggies!


We are also tanning for our trip- which might not be "healthy" but it sure does make us feel better!!


Keep up the good work everyone!!



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Hi all!

Just popping in before I go do my Wii & see what she has to say.

Talus731 ~ welcome to the group! I love my Wii & think it's the best money I've ever spent. Congrats on your huge weight loss! What plan

did you use to accomplish that, please?

Well, take care & have a great day.

~Jo~ :)



My own plan ... lol. I have done the Nutri-systems, the Jennys, the WW, the beach and several others and when ever I went back to eating normally I gained it back. So I was determined to eat what I like and make it work.


At first I bought smaller dinner plates, had to learn how to cook for 2 people, not an army. IF there were leftovers, had the hubby put them away. I am so bad at finishing that last couple last bites in the pan. :( When we eat out I try and eat from the seniors menu, or I order what I want with an extra plate, cut it in half, and have the server take half away. If its not in front of me, I won't pick at it. I drink tons of water. Stopped buying soda and sugary drinks. No cookies, chips, ice cream or that sort in the house, BUT if I really wanted it, I made myself go get it, not the hubby. Usually the effort was not worth the gain ..


It has worked for me, and I don't feel deprived of anything.




At first it was tough, but it got easier as time went by.

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Hi all,


What a neat site! I just got the Active program in December. It has been great and you don't even need to have the board to use it. Hubby and I are doing the 30 day program, which adds a little more each day and tells you when to take a day off.


We are sailing on the 31st so I hope to tone up a bit before then.


I highly recommend the Active program.





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Hi Gang, Welcome to the newbies!!

I had some reading and catching up to do.

I haven't been as good as all of you. My sister's (both) have been sick and I had to do the cooking etc. through Xmas and the stress and lack of exercies has me up a few pounds. :eek: I am glad that I came back to the board for some motivation. I began eating to plan yesterday. My son gifted me with the Jenny Mccarthy workout video but we haven't got around to hooking it up yet. He's promised to do it on the weekend so I will start my exercising again then. Boy is my Mii going to be upset with me!

I love that you guys are all pumped up for your upcoming cruises. Mine is in April but at the rate I'm going, that isn't long enough away. :p

Thanks for the boost guys. I will try and check in more regularly.


Jo, No, it wasn't too bad when we went through the Tut exhibit. Glad that you made it down. What did you think of it?

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Help! I have a goal coming up in 8 days and still have 3 pounds to go to make goal! It sure is getting harder to lose weight now that i am in the "normal" range. I dont want to be at the topof the normal range- I want to be right in the middle so i have some wiggle room! I am going to switch up my workout routines this week and try to burn a little extra fat.


My fit has been weird this week too- even though my crazy weight watchers body fat bathroom scale thing says I have gone down or stayed the same everyday, the wii said one day that i had gained 3 pounds then it went down 2 then up one- I dont know, my chart looks like a zig-zag for the week. Crazy thing. I dont know what I did! oh well- at least I have my bathroom scale or I may get discouraged. Can't always trust the wii!


Kylie had a two0hour delay today because of snow so we are getting ready to head to school now. YAY! I just love going out in the cold! (That was sarcasm- I know its hard to tell on the computer!;)) Have a great day everyone!!



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Hi all!

Talus731 ~ thanks for the hints. I've noticed too that people who do

plans like HM, WW tend to gain the weight back. I like to count calories

& pay no one!:p

Susan ~ lucky you sailing so soon! I'd like to get away from this cold too!

Deb ~ I enjoyed the Tut exhibit. I really wanted to see the gold sandals

which I did. Ended up buying $50 worth of stuff at the gift shop. The only disappointment for me other than the crowd was the crummy ticket, the one from 30 years ago was pretty! I enjoyed Mandarin, as usual!:D


I'm going to have to look up all these different Wii offerings. DD got Wii Fit for Christmas but it doesn't seem to be the same as mine. I might see her this weekend (weather permitting, she's a 3 hour drive away) & see what she's got. She's one who did WW before her Wedding & is now at

her heaviest!

Well, I'm headed for the Wii again, just 2 weeks to lose 2 lbs or reset the goal!:D

Have fun getting fit!

~Jo~ :)

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last night i threw out all the leftover holiday goodies/junk food, and did Biggest looser for 1/2 an hour.


Tonight I did biggest looser for 1/2 hour then fit plus for 1/2 hour.

Hubby made a great dinner so gave me extra time to workout. :)


have a great night everyone

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Went shopping with the hubby today and got Biggest Loser and he got the Lego Batman game. Got home, went to change into my work out clothes, all excited to try it, come back out to the living room and he is playing HIS new game. *grumble* So I guess I will try it tomorrow!


Hoping everyone has a great day, and remembers to visit thier Mii.



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Hi all!

Talus731 ~ that's too bad you didn't get to try it, better luck today!

Yesterday I saw a site that mentionned all the diet plans & what they cost. Wow, some are really expensive!


Is anyone watching Biggest Loser? Some of those people are really big

but then lose 20 - 30 lbs in one week! Jillian & Bob are really hard on them but it works. I wish they told us how tall the people are & what they're eating there at the ranch.

Heading off to visit my Mii, hope she has good news!:D

Take care & try to keep warm!

~Jo~ :)

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Jo in my new issue of Ladies Home Journal, the one with Jillian on the cover, is a weeks worth of meals used on The Biggest Loser. It seems like a lot of food and much of it I don't like. I wonder if you have to work out as much as they do to eat those meals and still lose weight.


I had been looking for the Wii Fit Plus and all the stores around are sold out of them. I found one on line at Target so ordered it. I'm still working on Mario Bros. (got into world 2 finally) and My Fitness Coach. Also still doing the tennis, I find that as I get better so do the little guys I'm playing against.


Don't know if I'll get a chance to Wii today, DH brought work home so he wouldn't have to drive in this snow, and I've got some shoveling to do on the deck.

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I am doing the 30 day challenge on Wii Active. I chose the medium intensity... It is kicking my fanny!!! I really am enjoying it as everyday is a different program. Try it!!!
This sounds good too. Please tell me more about the 30-day challenge! Short-term goals are good for me. I'm good at beginnings and ends.


For those who've done a 30-day challenge, what kind of results did you have at the end of your 30-days?

Most of my weight is my stomach,waist and fat back.
Me too. Anyone offering advice on what I should buy, please feel free to tailor your advice to stomach, waist, and back specific programs. My abs are pretty much non-existant. I guess I need to do something non-wii for that.


I think I like the idea of the 30-day challenge, so I tried to go order it from Amazon.com . . . but I'm not sure exactly what I want. I see that I need the wii balance board. In addition to the Wii Sports Active, should I go ahead and get the Wii Fitness Plus so I'll have "the whole thing" and won't have to pick up individual pieces later for other items I might want to add on? Anything else I should order?


I also think I'd like the Gold's Gym Cardio workout, but I think the 30-day challenge would be enough for right now.




Oh, one more thing: Anyone who has a Kindle and wants diet/exercise books, they're offering 4-5 FREE right now on Amazon.com.

Edited by MrsPete
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Hi all!

MrsPete ~ I haven't figured out all the different Wii things either so am hoping to learn more.

I'm going to DD's place this weekend so will check out what she has (tells you how many calories you've burned).

Do have a great weekend & visit your Wii!:D

~Jo~ :)

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Good Morning!

Dave and I went out last night for our 5th annviersary and I was not allowed to diet. We went to this amazing winery that is about 15 minutes away and it was absolutely delicious!!! I had Mozz sticks- i know i know- but I have been crazy craving them, and then a salad. I told the waiter not to bring bread and caught heck for that.. lol. If its not on the table i cant eat it! then i had chicken broccoli alfredo- so rich and creamy, however I ate the chicken and broccoli and not a whole lot of pasta. The sauce I am sure had a ton of calories in it! just when I thought I was done, out comes our waiter with this beautiful wine glass full of raspberry sauce and white chocolate mousse with fresh berries on top- OH MY GOSH! It was PERFECT!!! Could only eat half, but we got to keep the glasses because they said happy anniversary on them. What a perfect evening! Also drank 2 glasses of wine and wow has my tolerance gone down since dieting. i am a cheap date now! I was scared to get on the scale this morning, but only gained about 1 pound- hoping some of it is water and after a couple days it will be gone. Didnt have time to work out yesterday but I shoveled the driveway instead of snow-blowing to burn some extra calories and I really cut back on breakfast and lunch. I just cant say enough about dinner though. I did tell him not to expect me to eat like that on our cruise though. If i did that everyday i would gain 20 pounds on the ship :) Hope you all had a wonderful evening- I sure did!

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Hi all!

Candi ~ belated Anniversary greetings! Sounds like you & Dave had a great meal/time!

Sharon ~ thanks for the magazine tip re Biggest Loser ~ I'll have to sneak

a peek at the library or book store.

Jody ~ after reading your post about the menu I had to go on Facebook & check out some menus from my ships.:D Isn't that sad?!

Well take care, guess you know where I'm headed!

~Jo~ :)

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Candi your evening sounds wonderful congratulations.


Jody, I didn't know you could check the menu on the ship before you went. Where did you find that? It would be good to know, so you could make reservations at an alternative restaurant if what they were having in the main dining room didn't appeal to you.

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