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what is the wildest,craziest thing you've ever seen on a cruise?


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:D Some years ago in Miami we stayed at a hotel owned by a famous ex quarterback, Don Sheula is as close as I can name. The staff must all have been

football players. Getting to our room from reception, entailed going through the main restaurant, and if meals were not being served, footballs were! Up to three, at any given time would be in the air, I believe that the staff would lie in wait, until travellers walked through. It put us in a great frame of mind for our cruise! :D :D :D john taylor

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Maybe not strange, but on the cruise I just left we were seated at dinner with a couple who actually live 5 houses from me.... they are across the alley, and I didn't know them, although i had invited them to a pool party I had last summer for everyone on the alley.


Guess this is one time when I WILL see my table mates after the cruise!

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As you know, every port town in Alaska has stores where you can get fur coats - mink, fox, etc...



So aboard Amsterdam on our last formal night, we're sitting in the Explorer's Lounge enjoying our after-dinner cocktails and watching the parade of folks exiting the dining room. Out comes a lady, head held high in her full-length beaded evening gown and gorgeous Crystal Fox fur coat - as she exits the room, we catch a flash of red: the large sale tag is still on her sleeve!

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Maybe not strange, but on the cruise I just left we were seated at dinner with a couple who actually live 5 houses from me.... they are across the alley, and I didn't know them, although i had invited them to a pool party I had last summer for everyone on the alley.


Guess this is one time when I WILL see my table mates after the cruise!

I have had a similar experience twice! While unloading our suitcases from our van to board a Carnival cruise in New Orleans, we see a family who lives about 2 blocks from us, whose son played soccer with our son for 8 years. We didn't see much of them on the cruise & might never have noticed if we hadn't arrived at the same time for boarding!

Then, last year on the Golden Princess, I ran into someone I had worked with 3 years previously! Small world, huh?

P.S. This also happened to us at Disneyworld!

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It was on the old Sony of Norway. We were cruising the North Sea

during an especially rough night. Most of the passengers didn't even

come to dinner, so the dining room was half empty.

My wife and I were seated at a large table, opposite another

large table. An elderly woman in a wheelchair was seated at the

head of the table. The stabilizers were working well to keep the

ship level, but there were sudden surges that you could feel.


All of a sudden, a large surge happenned and the ship tilted. The

poor woman in the wheelchair was rolling backward at high speed,

still clutching her knife and fork. The Maitre'd and waiters jumped

to chase her down. The whole room applauded when they stopped

her from rolling into the kitchen. It was hilarious. They rolled her

back to the table and the Maitre'd checked twice that the brakes

were now on.


-- Doug

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I think it was on the Norway ship years ago. We had to tender in St Thomas because there were too many ships in port. They had to use those huge 200+ passenger tenders that they had. The ocean was really rough and they tried for a long while to get the tender close enough to the boat to unload. Finally they had to abandon it on one side of the ship and move to the other side to try. It was a long process and finally they got hooked up. We had to all exit from the second level of the tender. As they were helping everone off the tender it got kinda dangerous because of all the rocking, rolling movements from the waves. The two boats would bang into each other and it felt like we'vd never get off that tender. They took forever because people were scared or there was just too much wave action. As one 80+ lady was walking on the drawbridge the two boats really moved causing the little old lady to be catapulted from the tender into the ship. Man was she flying!!! One second you saw her hanging on to the rails of the gangway/drawbridge and the next she was flying headfirst into the ship. Everyone screamed and envisioned the worst for the poor lady. It ended up she was okay and she poked her head back out and waved at everyone as she smiled. Later I saw her on the ship and she said she had been on 50 + cruises and this was one for the memory books. She thought it all rather exctiting. I thought it all rather hilarious but knew that someone really could have gotten hurt. She was fondly called Superwoman after that!!!

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This goes way back to the early 90's and I was on one of the first voyages of the Dream. The ship had some severe stabilizer issues and it was just tremendously rough. We were in the main lounge area waiting for the evening show to begin and the ship was bouncing all over the place. An older woman in a dressy evening gown fell right over while sitting in her chair. These are the lounge type chairs on the rollers and I would think normally very hard to tip over. As she fell, her dress flew up and me and my family got a peep show - seeing her underwear, slip, everything.

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I loved em.


I wish I could tell a funny story from our 1st cruise we went on 3 years ago...

but I don't remember anything funny.


I did have my pic taken with one of the cross dressers on this ship.


Good Lord, the man was tall in a short short skirt.


Maybe I can tell a funny one after this next cruise...but durn yall will have wait after Sept.

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My wife and I just happened to notice a South American gentleman drunk out of his mind moments after we boarded the ship. We noticed not cause he was drunk but because he was wearing Zorries (Flip Flops) with a suit!


No matter what he wore during the cruise, zorries were his footwear of choice.


One night there was a storm a brooin'. We we told by the staff to avoid the upper ouside decks till they could get out of the storm. Our friend didn't listen. (Neither did we since we were there to see him.)


Suddenly a gust of wind hit the ship. The deck tilted and he was THROWN across the deck, slamming into a guard rail. He was still smilling and happy, but we later saw him in a cast. He must have broken his arm and at LEAST a rib or two. But he was still wearing the zorries, drunk and happy.

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1956 I was on the P/Fo Abbazia from Naples to Istanbul. (I was U.S. State Dept.) It was an old, small cargo-passenger ship (too insignificant for Allies to sink during the war?) with 4 classes of cabins and the only public area other then the dining rooms was a lounge/bar room. An American new college grad (Ill. U) and his Turkish bride were going to live in Istanbul and he was to be a bookkeeper in the new Istanbul Hilton. They were in 4th class and had 5-6 small alligators (18 inches) under their berths and had them up in the lounge/bar room showing them off. They planned on displaying them on weekends in Istanbul to suppliment his small salary. Of the 30 passengers on board he and I were the only Americans.

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We were aboard RCCL Grandeur of the Seas last winter out of New Orleans. There were about 25 cross dressing couples on our cruise. We would see them together as Men during the day, but at dinner the "women" would be in full regalia, some of them were even better looking than the other women on the ship. They were all over 50.


I love the dentures story!!


I was on that ship and saw them too! Infact, took my picture with them the lost the camera. It was never found.

G. Johnson

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We were on the Inspiration out of New Orlenas. One evening waiting for the doors to open for the show in the main lounge, there must have been at least 50-60 people. IT was a formal night at that. You could hear everyone talking in a soft manner if you listened. All of a sudden, you could hear this woman scream out................Hold your own coat and she ran off. She and her husband had apparently gotten into a tiff. It was very embarrassing for eveyone standing cause the poor man was thrown his jacket and just stood there. I know he was humiliated in front of everyone.

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Maybe not strange, but on the cruise I just left we were seated at dinner with a couple who actually live 5 houses from me.... they are across the alley, and I didn't know them, although i had invited them to a pool party I had last summer for everyone on the alley.


Guess this is one time when I WILL see my table mates after the cruise!


After we got back from a Caribbean cruise on Voyager, I walked out on our back deck to find our neighbor barbecuing on his back deck. Our decks are kinda far apart cause we live in the mountains so we were yelling back and forth. Found out he was making tri-tip and told him I was making chicken soup because I got sick on the cruise. The conversation went like this: "We just got back from a cruise". "Really? Which one?" "The Caribbean". "The Voyager?" "ME TOO!" He was on the same cruise and we never saw him. I don't know that I'd know what he looks like up close anyway. He's a nurse so our hours at home differ a lot. Small world, though!

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One day we were up on the top deck sunning near the jogging track and there was a little old man walking around the track with a fart machine in his back pocket!! My two teenage girls had such a giggle fest every time he came around that track....it only fed his impish behavior. They would try their hardest to not react each lap but they just couldn't help themselves.

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  • 2 weeks later...
:D Some years ago in Miami we stayed at a hotel owned by a famous ex quarterback, Don Sheula is as close as I can name. The staff must all have been

football players. Getting to our room from reception, entailed going through the main restaurant, and if meals were not being served, footballs were! Up to three, at any given time would be in the air, I believe that the staff would lie in wait, until travellers walked through. It put us in a great frame of mind for our cruise! :D :D :D john taylor


If you walked through Don Shula's steak house there, those were "menus" flying through the air. They paint the menu on the footballs and toss them to you. Not a cheap place to eat, but a lot of fun.

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On my husband's first and my second cruise, we were aboard the Royal Princess for a 14 day European cruise. The last night on board, I diligently packed our suitcases. I made sure to leave hanging in the closet for each of us a change of clothes for the following day. Unbeknownst to me, my husband thought I had forgotten to pack his clothes and he put his going home outfit in his suitcase. The next morning, after showering, my husband discovered he had no clothes to wear home. Amid much laughter and teasing, the helpful people at Princess located his suitcase and my husband was allowed to dress.


As bad as it was to be embarrassed by the Purser's personnel, when we finally got to breakfast all of our tablemates were discussing the hapless passenger who had packed all of his clothes! Neither of us admitted it was my husband, and we disembarked with our heads held high and our laughter contained. We still laugh about it, and every time we have cruised since then, the last thing my husband does before he goes to bed is to make sure he has his "going home" clothes. :p

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:):) My daughter and I have been laughing our heads off with these posts, the loudest was for the woman in the wheelchair the second the old lady on the Bananna Boat, the "mental pictures" are HYSTERICAL!!! It is OK to laugh, since no one was hurt, hopefully the woman are able to look back and get a chuckle out of their misshaps......

Laughter IS the best medicine for most things in life......



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Ok this is not as funny as the elderly lady in the wheelchair, but it gave me a good laugh. Our first cruise was on the Disney Wonder, we had an outside cabin with a HUGE porthole window. Before booking everyone told us how important it is to get an outside cabin because of the wonderful views we will have. And boy did we get a view. Upon arriving at our cabin the first day we opened our cabin door and the first thing we saw was a big yellow butt mooning us! Well I made sure to take a picture, to show everyone our " wonderful view". Althought I did not know this at the time, whenever Disney ships are in port they have window wahsers that wear bright yellow overalls to clean all the windows and our's was bending over the other way for some reason.

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Oh my god you guys....I have been laughing in the computer room all by myself.my husband is in the other room,like okay weirdo stop laughing so hard.

I was laughing so hard I had tears rolling down my face,if I saw the older woman in the wheelchair I would of wet my pants....too freakin funny.


okay here's my funniest cruise experience....RCCL...Voyager of the seas

9/24/04 sail date....the last day we were in a port (St.Thomas) me and my husband were hanging over our balcony railing watching the crew start to

un-tie the ship...Up pulls a white mini van...yes like the kind that you see all over the island to bring vacationers around....out comes this balck man, he

was in his 40's.....everybody was hollering jestures at him,like buddy there's a

hotel up the road....hope you have some travelers checks on you...what a retard.etc.


The next thing you know after about 5 minutes of everything shouting things at this man,the captain comes on the over head pa and says good afternnon

everybody we have been called by the men that work at the cruise pier,they

said that there is man that didn't get on the ship in time.and we are going to

go back for him...Do then everybody was sorting of boo-ing...He must of felt like the world's largesr ass.


At this point the ship was far away from the pier..but we were only using the

side thrusters to push us away...so we pushed the hsip back next to the pier to pick up this ya-hoo.


This was the last stop before arriving back in Bayonne,NJ....So he would of had a fun time trying to get home.


so two days later on Sunday...this was a 9 night cruise...well the morning

that we were leaving...everybody was all packed into the bars,clubs...sitting down.....SO big mouth here..yup me starts talking about I still can't believe that that balck man couldn't be back on board like everybody else did on time..it was his responsibility! So the other couple that I was with was also laughing about it..


I was sitting on a couch and in front of me was a black couple with their kids.

so finally when there color was called I waved goodbye the lady who I had said a few words to...and as she walked by me she said my husband was the

dumbs ass black man that didn't get his sorry ass on the ship in time..


I laughed so hard...it took me about 15 minutes before I could compose myself to tell th eothers...also this man got a $500 fine from the pier itself,and a $1500 fine from RCCL...


I hope that this story made you day... Kelly

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I don't know if this is the funniest. But people who have been married a long time may enjoy it. About 5 years ago, my husband and I were on the Carnival Destiny for our honeymoon. We woke up about 3am in the morning to alot of noise outside in the hall way. Screaming, banging, yelling... But because our cruise had already been ruined by alot of obnoxious people aready, we tried to brush it off and tried to go back to sleep. The next day we found out from our cabin stewart that a young couple a few doors down,who had just gotten married on the island the day before were having a lovers spat and were throwing chairs at each other in the hall way! Ah, young love. So after that night of little sleep we vowed to each other never to pick up a chair during our marriage! And 5 years later, we never have! LOL

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Ok, I know I already posted one on this board but I just thought of another funny one. It was on our first cruise one day durning the middle of the trip we were eating dinner, my family had a great table right next to a big window. Durning dinner we kept hearing these strange noises, well being our first cruise we were all a little un-easy about this so we asked the waiter what it was and he explained that it was the ship speeding up or slowing down or some such things so we went back to enjoying our meal. Well a few minutes latter we saw lights from another boat coming right at us, and rather fast at that. My sister, (who usually is the most classy compussed one of our group) called the wiater over and asked him what that was. Well the waiter looked at her then slowly turned his head to look out the window then slowly turned his head to look back at her and said, "It is a boat". Well fear must have really did something to my sister because she yelled for the whole dining room to hear, "NO SH*T IT'S A BOAT! I THOUGHT IT WAS A GOD D@MN BUS. I WANT TO KNOW WHY IT IS CHARGING AT US!" :eek: Well the whole room went quite and our poor waiter's face was bright red. It was all I could do to keep from laughing. My sister NEVER speeks like that, she is always nice to everyone and hates to be embarressed and boy was she ever embarressed! Well after she made such a scene our waiter explained that someone on the ship had had a heart attack and that boat was coming to meet our ship to take the man to a hospital in freeport. For rest of the trip people were talking about it.

this story may not seem too funny but trust me, my classy sister making such a scene was one of the funnest things i habe ever seen. I'm still laughing about it.:D

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