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what is the wildest,craziest thing you've ever seen on a cruise?


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A few years ago my wife and I got married on cruise and they had a reception for all the honeymooners/anniversary people. They pair up the couple married the least amount of time with the couple married the longest. We were married negative one day and they (Ben and Judith) were married 58 years. Anyway, we get to talking and it turns out that the Ben used to be in the underwear business and had a factory in San Juan (the port we were pulling into.) It also turned out that he was the guy who invented days of the week panties and he told us the real reason why there was no Sunday - but i'll never tell.


Oh come on...............you're a tease!!!;)

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Tho this is not the funniest or craziest story... it was my first eva! cruise...

I had been sailing all my life and told my fiance that I should be "just fine" on a cruise ship!! having great "sea" legs and ego and all.

But the ship was a bit rocky the first day, unbeknowst to me, as we were in an inside cabin and I could not see the water. I found myself constantly bumping into furniture in the cabin.. losing my footing.. and trying so hard not to, noticing that he was not having any difficulty at all! I was secretly so embarrassed. By supper time, I am very upset with myself, rocking and rolling all over the place, I ask him to help steady me; and apologize for my "arrogance".

We head out of the cabin and down the narrow hallway and I am practically bouncing off the walls, and I look back ... there he is walking perfectly straight!! I think to myself.. get a grip! I say back to him, What's wrong why am I doing this? He says It must be in inner ear infection or something since the boat is sailing flat on the water. I flush. and continue to try to steady myself down the hallway. Along comes another couple towards us... and the lady is first and doing the same thing I am.. and I politely say to her.. Hello, guess we both must have inner ear problems!! She looks at me quite weirdly.. and passes by and we almost bump each other. The man goes next and he's struggling too.. So I say.. Hi, don't worry .. hopefully its only a head cold..and he looks at me and then at my fiance who just about cracks up.. I look back at him with the obvious question mark on my face.. and the man says to him.. You devil! and bounces by..

I say to my fiance.. What does he mean? and he responds, I'm sorry the ship really is rocking.. I just couldn't help myself..

I could have shot him.. I was so furious.. but he giggled and I made it out to the elevator and asked him.. How did he do it? He said . He was mustering every thing he had to appear walking straight.. till that couple came along.. then he said he just about peed his pants.

Funny guy...


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I've been reading this for about 3 hours at work and they've been making me laugh like crazy!!!


Unfortunately I don't have any funny cruise stories yet as i've only been one one (which was a disney cruise april of 2005), but I hope to post of some funny happenings when i return from my cruise in august :D



thanks for making my day brighter!

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...so I was walking down to the restaurant with my stuffed bird on the shoulder of my life jacket, trying to keep my Burger King crown on with one hand, when this wig comes at my face from nowhere....:D


Tuna, I just had to say thanks for the great laugh. :p The mental image of seeing all that at once was priceless... I think there is a Mastercard commercial in there somewhere...


Stuffed bird - $40.00

Life jacket - $100.00

Burger King crown - $1.00

Wig - $150.00


Seeing a man with a stuffed bird on the shoulder of his life jacket, trying to keep his Burger King crown on with one hand and a wig coming at his face from nowhere.... priceless...

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I have literally have been reading this forum off and on for 4 hours now.


On my first cruise, the Triumph back in 03' on the very last night there were some very drunk people. I guy jumped 2 levels into the neted up pool! And didn't break anything!


And on our past Triumph cruise this past March I was drinking and dancing the night away. My husband was gambling and got tired so he went to bed. Well 3 hours later I call it a night and go stumbeling back to my room. Well I tried. I couldn't for the life of me remember my room number!! So there I was very tipsy roaming floor #8 for a half hour until some girls we met knew my room number and told me. It is my funniest cruise story yet!


its interesting, I found all the stories so funny and should have been doing some things, but I can't becuae these stories are soo good. But this one really got to me. Jumpin off the deck into the pool. Sad to say that is how alot of these people that are missing at sea are really people who do silly things like that. Beleive me I am under 30 and LOVE to drink and have fun. But people do Stupid things. Its funny cuz he is not dead or missing but.... others have not fared well. Have fun, drink, do silly things, just don't do anything stupid.....

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I agree it was hilarious but please do not post just to say how funny it was. You might not realize it but many of us are subscribed to this thread. That means we get an e-mail every time someone posts to it. And we don't get anymore e-mail notifications until we go to the thread.


This means when two people respond by just putting "that is really funny" all those of us who are subscribing to e-mail alerts must visit the thread again or we don't get any more notifications.


So please, stop making comments unless you have a great story to add.



This is a message board and people can do as they please! If you are the one with the problem, you turn off your subscription, don't tell other people what do with their threads.

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I can imagine myself doing such a thing....although I normally don't get up until I see sunlight anyway :)

I agree! I usually did not go to sleep until late. But something similiar happened when I went to sleep at some un godly hour and woke up to what I thought was breakfast (I drank that night and felt suprised to be still drunk), i wake up and make my way out to get cofee to get rid of this hangover and its like only 45 minutes after I went to sleep!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Please excuse the large font as I am legally blilnd.

How about when I was at a restaurant and I called the Mariachi to come sing at our table....when he got close to me I realized it was only a waiter carring a very large tray. I thought the tray was his big mariachi sombrero. Everyone started to laugh, including myself and the waiter. I really thought he was a mariachi with a big black hat. Blame it on me being as blind as a bat.....Angel

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One of the couples we cruise with every Feb told us this story of what happened to them on a Feb 04 cruise.


J is about 6'7" tall, can you imagine....When he walks down the hallway he has to walk to the side or else he hits the ceiling signs. the water sprinklers are a real danger, he has the scars to prove it. Imagine him in the room shower. We laugh just thinking about him bent over trying to fit.


anyway, they were out all day partying at one of the stops the day prior. Next morning he is hung over and decides to just lay in bed, well on top of the bed with nothing on but a wet wash cloth over his eyes. Someone forgot to put the "Do Not Disturb" sign on the door. Imagine...If you will, 6'7" on a 6' whatever bed, completely naked....That poor foreign female cabin steward...I don't think it really even phased J. She, however, will probably have nightmares forever...but I'll bet she knocks before entering from now on.


Our last cruise with them (Feb 06) they had just had some alone time (whoopie, if you know what I mean, nudge, nudge, wink, wink) and the cleaning crew decided to walk in. They both ran and hid in the Shower. Once again, he is 6'-7" she's probably 5'-10". That's a lot of bodies for such a little shower. How come they keep getting caught? Showoffs!!!


I can't even imagine how he utilizes the small facilities in the cabin water closet, Lou, Bathroom, Lavatory, Head etc., etc.,

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...so I was walking down to the restaurant with my stuffed bird on the shoulder of my life jacket, trying to keep my Burger King crown on with one hand, when this wig comes at my face from nowhere....:D


oh tuna - i hope to see another post from you soon!!!

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I think it was on the Norway ship years ago. We had to tender in St Thomas because there were too many ships in port. They had to use those huge 200+ passenger tenders that they had. The ocean was really rough and they tried for a long while to get the tender close enough to the boat to unload. Finally they had to abandon it on one side of the ship and move to the other side to try. It was a long process and finally they got hooked up. We had to all exit from the second level of the tender. As they were helping everone off the tender it got kinda dangerous because of all the rocking, rolling movements from the waves. The two boats would bang into each other and it felt like we'vd never get off that tender. They took forever because people were scared or there was just too much wave action. As one 80+ lady was walking on the drawbridge the two boats really moved causing the little old lady to be catapulted from the tender into the ship. Man was she flying!!! One second you saw her hanging on to the rails of the gangway/drawbridge and the next she was flying headfirst into the ship. Everyone screamed and envisioned the worst for the poor lady. It ended up she was okay and she poked her head back out and waved at everyone as she smiled. Later I saw her on the ship and she said she had been on 50 + cruises and this was one for the memory books. She thought it all rather exctiting. I thought it all rather hilarious but knew that someone really could have gotten hurt. She was fondly called Superwoman after that!!!

I love your story. I have read this story on CC boards before. I loved it then and love reading it again.

Thanks for sharing.

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reading when I can.. and finished this entire thread.. Just too funny!!


When DW and I (without kids) travel, we normally just let the good times roll, we relax and be our alter personalities.. not wild, just a little daring.. anywho.. we understand that others do sometimes do the same, and when things don't quite work out perfectly, or wardrobe malfunctions we are sympathetic.. This happened on our Estacy trip.. There was a couple that we noticed when we boarded.. Come to find out they were table mates.. One of the casual nights we met in the dining room at our normal time.. DW and I were alread seated enjoying the people watching time.. He comes walking in and slips into his seat..


We ask about his wife.. Oh she'll be here in a few minutes.. She comes in dressed a pants of some type a button down shirt that was being just used as a jacket, but knotted at bottom and a push up bra.. (not that she needed it).. but she kind of leans over the table to give her hubby a nice view of her clevege.. and as she gets all the way over... they both pop :eek: out and on to the table.. Mortified as hell, she rapidly tries to stuff things back into place.. "They won't stay in.. "


She is beet red now.. and they start to leave.. DW touchs her hand and recommends to her that she just take the bra off and button up the shirt.. then give her hubby a big kiss.. like it was suppose to happen.. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


She did and regained her composure... Still had some shocked looks as she playfully handed her bra to her hubby, who dutifully stored it.. and winked back at her.. ;)


We laughed about it then, and the next night it was topic of conversation for our table..


Enjoy life, smile, and leave all your underwear at home atleast once..

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It was our Pre-Honeymoon cruise and we decided to take our "best friend couple" Along with us. Since it was "Pre honeymoon" we were lets just say "Practicing" safe sex as I had gone off the pill in hopes of soon<just not YET>getting pregnant. On the last night of the cruise we had gone back to the cabin to "yanno"...When we walked in the door on the floor was over a dozen hmmm well I hope it's okie to say Condoms<lol> many different kinds so forth and so on...Well we immediately assumed and were kinda thinking it was the cabin Stewert. Since maybe he might have noticed trash and all...The next day we saw him and soon to be hubby says" Hey man thanks for the wrappers as we had only 1 left" and gave him an extra 20...He just looked confused and said his good-byes. As we were flying home my girlfriend says to me "So did the extras come in handy"? I looked puzzled....HaHa it was THEM that put them under the door

p.s. that was April.....got married and pregnant in June..lil one is now 8 and going on her 2nd cruise in May with us.....

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On our first cruise with RCCL on the Naviagator my husband and I wanted to quick run up to the dining area and grab a snack before going ashore. Now keep in mind my husband spends more time making sure I'm happy then himself. So as he was scurring around the room packing, picking up, etc, he placed his shoes on and out the door we went. Once in the dining room we went separate ways to fill our plates, I sat down first and waved him over, once he got close enough I burst out in tears of laughter he just stood there trying to figure out what was so damn funny. I managed to squeak out you have your boxes on. He had walked the entire dining room and didn't realize he had forgotton his pants. We will never forget that trip. :eek: :D

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oh tuna - i hope to see another post from you soon!!!


I guess we all at one time have tried a wig or two. On our second cruise I purchased one of those hair ties made of hair. So off to the pool we go, and I put my hair up in a rubber band and then place my new purchase around the knot of hair. Now remember this off my look alot like a moving rat. Well as you know how windy it gets on the pool deck off comes my hair tie that looks like a fury rat and across the pool deck it goes, now I didn't know I had lost it until someone screamed and I looked and yelled to my husband "Thats my hair!", which he jumped to grab before it was gone. Everyone laughed and it was pretty embrassing I didn't wear it the rest of the trip. Thank God it didn't hit anyone in the mouth!!

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I think it had to be the women from my Christian singles group. We cruised on CCL's Fascination during Valentine's Day week, and we had a "pajama party" (separated by gender) on Valentine's night. The women, needing a spacious place to meet, were loaned a suite by one of the men in our group. Poor guy... he came back to find candy arranged in the shape of a heart on his pillow and "Thank You Ed" written in lipstick on the mirror. To add insult to injury, the next morning he found himself explaining to the neighbors why there were a dozen pajama-clad women in his room.


Meanwhile, my roommate collected all of the glitter confetti our leader had used as decoration and used it to "baptize" one of the men in our group, who was in the cabin next to ours!

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One night we were on our way back to the cabin, and this very intoxicated man, all dressed up in his tux, was weaving first to the left and then to the right. We kept trying to pass him but it seemed like he always went the opposite way that we expected him to, so we were having difficulty trying to get around him. finally he lurched so far to the left that he bumped into the wall. As we were finally passing him he seemed somewhat embarrassed and slurred "These damn big waves, ya can't even walk like a normal person." Of course the sea was very calm. So every time we see someone walking a little unsteady on their feet, no matter where we are, we say "yep it must be those damn waves!" :D


On our first cruise (Norwegian Sky to Alaska) I was going from the casino to the restroom and back on formal night. The itinerary was up the inside passage slowly and down the outside rather quickly. At the time, I was considerably younger than most of the passengers and trying to appear dignified while tipsy in a long gown and fancy shoes. The ship shifted, and an older man careened out of nowhere and grabbed my arm for balance, slurring,"Am I thinker than I drunk I am, or is the ship moving?" I stammered something about "er, both?", which he thought was so funny I had to hide in the ladies for 20 minutes until he got tired of waiting for his new friend and left.

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Before desert was served I looked over again and EVERYONE of them had their spoons on their noses. Needless to say - People watching became my very favorite dinner past time.


This wasn't us - but on our last cruise we could tell that our waitress was having a very bad day one day (it turned out a relative had died back in her own country.) We decided to do something to cheer her up, and when she came out with our desserts, our table, which was 2 guys about to go off to college, my husband and I, and a group of friends 60-80 who were very dignified, were all sitting there with completely straight faces and spoons on our noses. She laughed until she cried, then told us what was going on; and thanked us for brightening her day.

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I was in college on a NCL boat, a spring break cruise, it was the naked guy in nothing but a cowboy hat (covering his...)...he was def. a hit, made it in a ton of people pics (he was all over the wall of pics the cruiseline takes!!)


Maybe things like that is why NCL cut out that 5 day caribbean cruise...those boats were huge hits with college spring breakers...(the boats would be 90+ college kids!)


those were the days...

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Just got off the Maasdam a couple weeks ago, and I've got a few for you. THis was our first ever cruise.


1) One of the couples at our table was well into their 80s and on their 59th wedding anniversary. The only thing I could think of when I met them was the story on this list about the 90 year old couple in the Not So Newlywed game and I kept thinking to myself that I needed to stay away from the Lido deck late at night. Heh.


2) Took a walking tour to the Emerald Pool in Dominica. Our guide, a nice twentysomething man, would stop at plants and trees to tell us what the Carib indians used them for (his heritage). He stopped at one tree and explained that it was an aphrodisiac and that men chewed the bark. He very happily and excitedly told our group, comprised of both major genders and all ages, (direct quote) "It makes your p**** stand STRAIGHT UP!" And he happily walked off.


3) The band in one of the bars is Filipino and has a slight accent. They are very good, don't get me wrong, but some words come out....differently. So, they are playing Beach Boys "Surfin' USA" and we get to the part about Bushy Bushy Blonde Hairdo...but the 'B' sounds like a 'P' and the 'sh' doesn't sound like an 'sh' at all. Conversations stopped briefly as we all silently (or not so silently) wondered 'Did I just hear what I think I heard?'


All in all, a great trip. :)

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since I have only been on 2 cruises I would have to say that it was the "Toga" episode on the Dawn ..... they were wrapped in their bedsheets singing Toga-Toga-Toga !!!! and needless to say they had a few under their belts....and not sure how much they had on under those sheets either.... :eek: ....but it was fun to watch them and they did get quite a few looks :eek:

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I didn't see this one - I hadn't yet been on a cruise - but my mom told me about it.


Mom and Dad were on their first cruise, on the Carnival Victory. As Mom was unpacking, Dad went into the bathroom. Mom heard him flush, and then a scream followed by a string of swear words. Dad apparently didn't realize that you shouldn't sit down when you flush the toilet on a cruise ship - there's so much suction that you run the risk of getting stuck!

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Love the thread, Read it all today.


First Cruise, my wife and I were on the the upper level of the tender leaving the private island to go back to the ship. I learned then that since you will never see the people around you again, you can wear almost anything. A VERY elderly woman was wearing a very small bikini that looked more like a one piece. Only about an inch of skin existed between the waist of the bottoms and the top. :eek: After getting over seeing 2 very small strips of cloth running horizontally you notice 4 vertical lines that went from where her chest was supposed to be and where it landed. Never been surprised by anything on a cruise since.:)

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