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Pickpockets...is it really that bad?

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Never said only Europeans but Europeans as well. BTW I am European, 1st generation Italian. Maybe my command of the language as well as Spanish might help me. I understand there is a crime factor in tourist areas in both Spain and Italy and I am in no way making light or tryng to "paint a rosier picture" of the situation. I just wanted to start a discussion on experiences pro and con and what most have done and will do to avoid these crimes without spoiling thier vacations. Most responders seem to have understood that. I started this thread with a simple question, not an accusatory remark nor a negative statement. A question looking for an answer that many have responded, thank-you.

On our last visit to Barcelona we witnessed a Spanish gentleman being robbed in the airport so sadly I'm not sure that being able to speak the language will necessarily make much difference to a would be thief. :(

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On our last visit to Barcelona we witnessed a Spanish gentleman being robbed in the airport so sadly I'm not sure that being able to speak the language will necessarily make much difference to a would be thief. :(



I did say "maybe".


Thank you all for the responses. All were quite helpful.

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Have never had any problems whatsoever in Barcelona or any other European destination (and we've travelled extensively through Italy), apart from Rome. We were getting on the metro and my husband was holding the door open for us when he felt a hand go into his front pocket. He immediately brought his hand down hard and knocked the wallet out of the pickpocket's grasp (a young woman who disappeared into the crowd). Me and my son had to jump off before the train left and when we looked down on the rail, there was his wallet. The trains were stopped so someone could jump down and fetch it and, thankfully, nothing was missing, but it just goes to show how quickly these things can happen.


Needless to say, my husband was euphoric for having thwarted the would-be thief, but we did ponder how much aggravation it would have caused had she succeeded, not to mention ruining my birthday trip, and we did take extra care thereafter. We've never had any such experiences anywhere else.

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I am European.


I live in Europe too, fwiw. I should probably have said that in my original post.


I just wanted to start a discussion on experiences pro and con and what most have done and will do to avoid these crimes without spoiling thier vacations. Most responders seem to have understood that.


Sorry if it seemed like I wasn't answering the question. I thought I was contributing by explaining some of the things that make people more likely to be targets. If you were just after personal experiences of pickpockets, I can offer up the following.


My sister and I were waiting for the Metro in Paris (a city where we were tourists). It was quite crowded and when the train started to arrive, a woman with a large baby buggy started to shove her way forward, effectively railroading us up against the doors of the end carriage. When we all got on the train, buggy woman took up most of the aisle forcing the rest of us to stay behind her near the doors. A passenger on her way out needed to squeeze past both the buggy lady and ourselves in order to leave the train before the doors closed.


Immediately afterwards, my sister realised her purse was unfastened, which it hadn't been on the platform. Looking inside she realise the coinpurse with her credit cards was missing. The passenger had dipped into it as she squeezed past. The realisation came literally seconds after the theft, but the train was already moving and you can't make cellphone calls from the Metro so there was nothing we could do except get off at the next stop and cancel her cards.


In retrospect, the woman with the buggy was probably a part of the scam, identifying possible victims on the platform and moving them towards the thief's carriage using the buggy.


The things that made this a PITA rather than a full scale vacation disaster were that my sister was hardly carrying any cash and was very quick in noticing the theft and cancelling her cards. Pretty much all she ended up losing was a cute coinpurse...

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Just wondering if anyone here wears an insulin pump and how you managed to secure it from pickpockets. My husband wears one and usually keeps it in his pocket. On last years med cruise it wasn't a problem but this year we will be spending some time in Barcelona (staying on the ramblas) and if they snatch his pump, not only will it hurt, he will be without his very expensive means of survival.


I am also carrying a DSLR camera and want to use it in Barcelona, I guess the best thing to do is keep the strap around my neck and the camera in my hand.


All money will be in a neck wallet or his trusty flip flops that have a secret money compartment.

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I too have read tons of stuff and told hubby and I think I freaked him out a bit. Not quite sure how these places equate to NYC, but we go there a lot and are fine. I bought the Travelon Carry Safe messenger bag and am going to buy hubby a belt that hides money in it. I think that, along with simple awareness to our surroundings and we should be fine. I can't let it freak us out too much or it'll ruin our vacation! :)

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Before our cruise to Barcelona DH purchased a leather cross body travel bag that only opens facing his chest. there is a pocket on top for maps, etc., but nothing of import is carried there. Getting him NOT to carry a wallet was a feat, but he got used to his "man bag" and now he wears it on every trip, and agrees that it is much more secure. When it is chilly the bag is invisible under his jacket and the strap is steel reinforced so noone could just "slash and snatch". I have a little bra pocket that holds all my bills and change. NO unauthorized individuals will be getting near that!:)

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Just back last Friday, and sure enough, a "gypsy" got my FIL in Rome.


It was very obvious what she was doing- begging with one hand, the other covered by a shawl. We were yelling at her to leave, as was our private tour guide, but she was persistent!!!!


She got a small travel raincoat out of his pocket without him ever feeling a thing.


We had been prepared, and were using travel wallets inside our clothes, and had items such as this in our pockets as decoys just in case.


May she stay dry next time it rains in Rome.

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Just back last Friday, and sure enough, a "gypsy" got my FIL in Rome.


It was very obvious what she was doing- begging with one hand, the other covered by a shawl. We were yelling at her to leave, as was our private tour guide, but she was persistent!!!!


She got a small travel raincoat out of his pocket without him ever feeling a thing.


We had been prepared, and were using travel wallets inside our clothes, and had items such as this in our pockets as decoys just in case.


May she stay dry next time it rains in Rome.


I hope all those who insist that they will be safe keeping anything in their pocket will take this to heart....

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Just back last Friday, and sure enough, a "gypsy" got my FIL in Rome.


It was very obvious what she was doing- begging with one hand, the other covered by a shawl. We were yelling at her to leave, as was our private tour guide, but she was persistent!!!!


She got a small travel raincoat out of his pocket without him ever feeling a thing.


We had been prepared, and were using travel wallets inside our clothes, and had items such as this in our pockets as decoys just in case.


May she stay dry next time it rains in Rome.


That stinks. Seems like Rome. 2 of my friends on 2 separate occassions had their cameras stolen from their bags in Rome. Both times they were on their "subway" system.

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Just back last night from Med cruise. Spent 3 days in Rome first. Was nervous about theft before we left, but had no problems! Hubby wore a neck pouch, and we had a pacsafe backpack, but really never saw anything bad. Took trains, metro, walked a ton. Never saw "gypsies", roaming gangs of youth, anyone doing a baby scam, nothing! I felt very safe walking around, even at night. We stayed by the train station, again, no problems.

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Like others have said, you can never let your guard down. I am an experienced traveler, but it happened to me. Several years ago my daughter and I were on a trip to London and Paris. We knew to be careful, and signs warning about pickpockets were everywhere. We had a backpack with us, but watched it like a hawk. Whichever one of us wasn't carrying it was always keeping an eye on it. We were feeling overconfident I guess, because we were robbed on the last day of our trip. We were at the Louvre in Paris when it happened. We had continued to be SO careful -- especially in the very crowded room where the Mona Lisa is. I don't even know how it happened -- it must have just been a millisecond of inattention. We never felt or saw anything but the backpack was unzipped and my wallet was gone. At least I had been smart enough to stash money in several different places so it wasn't a huge loss but I felt stupid and humiliated. When we filed the theft report at the Louvre, they had a huge binder filled with hundreds of thefts of wallets, cameras, etc. I now always put money in a pouch that clips to the inside of a waistband and when I do need a backpack with me to put things in, I fasten the zippers together with a lock. I try not to carry the backpack, though, since it is such an attractive target. I do want my camera and videocamera with me, though, so I guess it's always a risk that they can be stolen. I am now much more observant. If you stand on the side of a crowded square you can actually see obvious pickpockets casing everyone. I have seen them in action in Barcelona, Copenhagen, and Rome.

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I understand and very much appreciate everyone's warnings. But, the question that no one is answering is how do you protect yourself on the days prior and post cruise, when you don't have a safe to keep your valuables in, or when you're dragging luggage through the airports and to hotels/port? And if you have a money belt under your clothes or tucked in your bra, how do you get to it when you do need money?

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I too have read tons of stuff and told hubby and I think I freaked him out a bit. Not quite sure how these places equate to NYC, but we go there a lot and are fine. I bought the Travelon Carry Safe messenger bag and am going to buy hubby a belt that hides money in it. I think that, along with simple awareness to our surroundings and we should be fine. I can't let it freak us out too much or it'll ruin our vacation! :)

We just got back from our 12 day Celebrity cruise of the mediterranean and I have to say it was FANTASTIC! I got some much great information from these boards and thanks to everyone for all the help.

That being said, I can not believe that people make such a big deal out of pickpockets in Spain and Italy!!! Granted, I am from a big city but after one day of wearing a money belt, my DH said "forget it" and got rid of it and carried cash in his front pocket. I only saw about two gypsies the whole time I was there and to be honest I find the homeless in our city MUCH more aggressive than in Europe. So leave your money belts at home, have a great trip and don't sweat it!!! :D

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I understand and very much appreciate everyone's warnings. But, the question that no one is answering is how do you protect yourself on the days prior and post cruise, when you don't have a safe to keep your valuables in, or when you're dragging luggage through the airports and to hotels/port? And if you have a money belt under your clothes or tucked in your bra, how do you get to it when you do need money?



1. When you are traveling, use your money belt. Keep a small amount of money accessible, but the larger part (along with your credit cards, passport, etc) should be in a safe place.


2. Most hotel rooms have a safe. Use it, or see #1 above.

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We just got back from our 12 day Celebrity cruise of the mediterranean and I have to say it was FANTASTIC! I got some much great information from these boards and thanks to everyone for all the help.

That being said, I can not believe that people make such a big deal out of pickpockets in Spain and Italy!!! Granted, I am from a big city but after one day of wearing a money belt, my DH said "forget it" and got rid of it and carried cash in his front pocket. I only saw about two gypsies the whole time I was there and to be honest I find the homeless in our city MUCH more aggressive than in Europe. So leave your money belts at home, have a great trip and don't sweat it!!! :D



Even savvy travelers can be pickpocketed. You can take a chance and be lucky, as you did. Or you can just be safe, rather than sorry. Certainly each person can decide for him/herself. But I count at least 4 people who've posted to this thread (including myself) who are pretty experienced travelers, used to big cities both in the US and abroad, who chose to take a risk and became victims. Of course it won't happen to everyone. But why take a chance that it could be you?

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So leave your money belts at home, have a great trip and don't sweat it!!! :D


I am glad you had a good and safe time and am looking forward to our trip, but I absolutely will not leave my money belt at home. From these boards and from personal experience, I know so many people that were pickpocketed, and so my money/credit cards(if I need them), will always be tucked inside a money belt or a little poucg I purchased that connects to bra straps.

That being said, it is certainly a personal choice.

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We just got back from our 12 day Celebrity cruise of the mediterranean and I have to say it was FANTASTIC! I got some much great information from these boards and thanks to everyone for all the help.

That being said, I can not believe that people make such a big deal out of pickpockets in Spain and Italy!!! Granted, I am from a big city but after one day of wearing a money belt, my DH said "forget it" and got rid of it and carried cash in his front pocket. I only saw about two gypsies the whole time I was there and to be honest I find the homeless in our city MUCH more aggressive than in Europe. So leave your money belts at home, have a great trip and don't sweat it!!! :D


Spygirl, I am glad this worked out for you, but IMO you are providing very poor advice. It is not the gypsies and the homeless that concern me when it comes to expert pickpockets. Why take a chance?

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I live in NYC, but in the outer boroughs. My neighborhood is relatively safe. When on the subways or in Manhattan I usually wear minimal jewelry and take only the cash and credit cards I need. I always keep my zippered top handbag secured & don't carry my regular wallet. Most of my cash, etc. is in the zippered inside compartment of my purse. If possible, I keep my house keys on my person, so if my purse is stolen I don't need to change my locks. My husband keeps rubber bands around his cash/credit cards, but this wouldn't help if someone uses a razor blade & cuts off your pocket or purse straps.

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Spygirl, I am glad this worked out for you, but IMO you are providing very poor advice. It is not the gypsies and the homeless that concern me when it comes to expert pickpockets. Why take a chance?

All I am saying is it is not as bad as some people are making it out to be! I agree you have to be aware and maybe they target larger tourist groups. We were on our own or with another couple and never had a problem. Just don't be afraid like I was before I went on the trip.

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All I am saying is it is not as bad as some people are making it out to be! I agree you have to be aware and maybe they target larger tourist groups. We were on our own or with another couple and never had a problem. Just don't be afraid like I was before I went on the trip.



Did you take ny kind of precautions while there? I agree that this is really starting to scare me:eek:

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Don't be afraid! I felt like you did before I left on my cruise after reading some of these postings! Just be aware like you would be in any big city..believe me it is not that bad! We only carried the euros we would need for the day and my DH had that in his front pocket. I had a small purse that I had draped over my shoulder with nothing much in it but NO ONE tried to steal it at any port we went to. We were off on our own and walking on back streets and NEVER had a problem! :D

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Just as a point of information. We THOUGHT we had been 100% successful thwarting the pickpockets since we both had money belts or a bra pocket under our clothing. But when we got home last February could not find my winter gloves after unpacking. I finally remembered that they had been in a zipper pocket in my coat. When I checked the zipper was open and no gloves, so I think they got "pinched" somewhere on the Metro or the bus our last morning in Barcelona!:eek:

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I put my money in a deep front pocket of my capris or jeans and then pin it with a safety pin. So far, this has worked. I, also, usually keep some quick money and change in a buttoned pocket on the front of my shirt. I would have to be groped for anyone to get it.......and, hopefully, I would notice!!:)

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