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I live in Funchal - Madeira Island. I can advice

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Hello Biaria,


Could you please advise as to what is wheelchair accessible?


My traveling companion and I both use mobility scooters. Similar to picture below (less the comic aspect), 533 mm x 1003 mm. Is the public bus wheelchair accessible and if so, would there be space for both scooters at the same time? Also, is the cable car accessible?


For getting into town from the cruise ship, would we have to ride in the streets or could we use the sidewalk. I did read that there is a big drop off at the end of one walkway.


Any information you could provide on accessibility would be greatly appreciated.




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Hello Betty,


Sorry I didn't answer you straight away.


Funchal is not the easiest of towns for wheelchair users, however it's possible to use it.


Many side walks have a sloped edge area, so probably the one from the pier to town also has it. The big drop off you heard about is in an place that is under construction now and I'm not sure how it will be like afterwards. There is always the possibility of you crossing the street to the other side to avoid the drop off, if it remains there.


There are some new buses that are wheelchair accessible, but they don't do the touristic routes.


Now, the cable car. Wheelchairs go into the cable car, so maybe you'll be able to do it too.


The Market is also doable.

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Hello biaria,


Thank you so much for the information. It is the public buses that we would be interested in. Later on this summer, I will put together an itinerary and probably ask you for your opinion in regards to feasibility. We will not be there until October.


If arrangements could be made, would you be available for coffee or lunch?


Again, thank you,


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Hello again Betty,


In fact, the buses I made reference to are in the public transport. I meant buses to, for instance, the Botanical Gradens or Monte (both of them touristic places) are not wheelchair accessible.


Yes, of course, I'll be very pleased to give my opinion concerning the itinerary you choose.


It's so very kind of you to invite me for coffe or lunch, but as I have several posting conditions on these boards, I'm not sure if I am allowed to accept. Anyway, it was lovely of you to think of me.

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Biaria - One of the nice aspects of traveling is the opportunity to meet people from other cultures. Regardless of nationality, race or religion, I have found that people from all over the world are wonderful.


I doubt very much that Cruise Critic would object to someone meeting a person for coffee or lunch. Their concerns are people using the forum for business or to sell something.


On the map, I found the cable car from Funchal to Monte, however I have not been able to find the cable from Monte to the Botanical Garden. If they are close together, that would be an easy trip for us.



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Biaria – Me again...

I did find a good map with all the cable cars. http://www.madeiratourism.org/pls/wsm/docs/F456782024/081002-mapa-Funchal.pdf

Do you know if there is an accessible public bus that runs from the docks to old town? We operate on battery power so we like to conserve energy whenever possible.


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Biaria - One of the nice aspects of traveling is the opportunity to meet people from other cultures. Regardless of nationality, race or religion, I have found that people from all over the world are wonderful.


I doubt very much that Cruise Critic would object to someone meeting a person for coffee or lunch. Their concerns are people using the forum for business or to sell something.


On the map, I found the cable car from Funchal to Monte, however I have not been able to find the cable from Monte to the Botanical Garden. If they are close together, that would be an easy trip for us.




Biaria – Me again...

I did find a good map with all the cable cars. http://www.madeiratourism.org/pls/wsm/docs/F456782024/081002-mapa-Funchal.pdf

Do you know if there is an accessible public bus that runs from the docks to old town? We operate on battery power so we like to conserve energy whenever possible.



Hello again Betty,


Yes, probably Cruise Critic won't mind me accepting your lovely invitation, but I think I'll check with the moderators, then I'll let you know.


It must be very exciting for you to meet all those different people all over the world. Do you still stay in touch with some of them?


That's is a very good map and you can see the two cable car stations up there in Monte: the one to the right is the one that goes to the Botanical Gardens. They are about 300 meters away from each other, so quite doable by you.


Sometimes there are shuttle buses taking people from the pier to town and I belive they stop close to the Cable Car station, so try to find out if there is one available when you arrive.

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biaria – We have been fortunate to stay in contact with a few. Even though many speak English, it is very difficult for them to write in English. And those that we did stay in contact, it seems that over time our paths seem to part. We all seem to get tied up in our own daily lives.



Do you live in Funchal or one of the other communities? I have been looking at pictures and the entire island looks gorgeous.



I'm leaving on Saturday for an East coast cruise, so I may not be very active on the boards for a while. Internet cafes on the cruise ships are very expensive plus I have a lot of things to get done before I leave.




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Hello Betty,


It must have been very interesting to stay in touch with the people you met on your travels, even if it was only for sometime.


Yes, I live in Funchal, in one of the suburbs to be more precise. Thank you for your kind compliment and you're right, Madeira is beautiful. (Of course I had to agree ... this is my birthplace. LOL)


Nice to know you're leaving on a cruise so soon. Have a wonderful time and come back here when you return.

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We just got home from our t/a and our wonderful stop at your island. Your help was great. We were able to get to the gardens on the local bus. It is an exciting ride, with great view. wow, the gardens are still as beautiful as we had remebered. We glad to see that the island is well on its way back. We will return soon. Again, thanks for your help.

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Hello bcncanada,


You're welcome.


I'm so pleased to know you enjoyed your Madeira port day and that you're planning to return. Oh ... and that my answers were helpful. :)


That's right, Funchal is very much back to normal by now.

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We are currently on the Noordam arriving in Funchal this Saturday (May 26th) following our transatlantic crossing. We are there 8am to 5pm.

We have just been told that we will not be docked but at anchor with a tender service to the town.

Our plans were

  • Taxi to town. To the area near Blandys wine lodge to do some shopping before ,,,
  • Tour booked at Blandys Wine Lodge Tour at 11am.
  • Taxi to the market before it closes at 2pm
  • Madeira Story Centre for a 90 minute tour
  • If time, a visit to Reids Hotel

Will arriving in town by tender affect these plans? Where in the town (in relation to Blandys) do the tenders arrive?

I presume we are tendering as the Eurodam is also there on Saturday.


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Hello Carol,


Hope you're having a great time on your cruise!


Carol, Eurodam is not listed as scheduled to visit Madeira this Saturday, also as you say May 26th and this Saturday is May 2nd, I'm thinking maybe you're mistaking our port with another one.


Anyway, if Noordam tenders in Funchal, you will not need a taxi to take you to Blandy's, because it's not far away, however if it docks, I'd recommend you using some kind of transportation. An alternative to a taxi is a shuttle service to town, when available.


From Blandy's to the Market it's a 10 to 15 minute walk only, so no need to take a taxi. Madeira Story centre is, also, very close to the Market.


Now, from the Story Centre to Reid's you will need a taxi. You'll easily find one on the taxi line near by.


I recommend you having a map, otherwise you'll waste time asking for directions.


Have an enjoyable day on the Island!

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Hello Carol,


Hope you're having a great time on your cruise!


Carol, Eurodam is not listed as scheduled to visit Madeira this Saturday, also as you say May 26th and this Saturday is May 2nd, I'm thinking maybe you're mistaking our port with another one.


Anyway, if Noordam tenders in Funchal, you will not need a taxi to take you to Blandy's, because it's not far away, however if it docks, I'd recommend you using some kind of transportation. An alternative to a taxi is a shuttle service to town, when available.


From Blandy's to the Market it's a 10 to 15 minute walk only, so no need to take a taxi. Madeira Story centre is, also, very close to the Market.


Now, from the Story Centre to Reid's you will need a taxi. You'll easily find one on the taxi line near by.


I recommend you having a map, otherwise you'll waste time asking for directions.


Have an enjoyable day on the Island!



Thanks BiaRia

Sorry, I was getting confused. We are coming to Funchal this Saturday. I meant to say 22nd not 26th. The other mistake I made was the Eurodam. I believe the ship we are in with is Costa Mediterranea. It is Cadiz that we are with Eurodam.

Yes we are tendering into town so it sounds as though this will be better for us.

Where can we get a map (other than the ones the cruise ships provide which are not usually very good)?

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Sorry, I also made a mistake, I meant May 22nd not May 2nd.


That's correct, Costa Mediterranea is also visiting Funchal this Saturday, as well as Asuka II.


Our town is not complicated to do on your own, so maybe the cruise ship's map will be enough. Just make sure you find there what you need.

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I'm not too sure what maps you are supplied with on board. However, the Official Madeira Tourism Board maps are available to download from:




We have often used their map of Funchal and find it easy to use.


Hope that helps,


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  • 3 weeks later...

Biaria - Tell me about yourself. Have you always lived in Funchal? Do you have family there, and if so who? Have you ever done any traveling?



Our cruise was lovely. The weather cooperated and we got to see most of what was on our list.




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Hello Betty,


I'm pleased you had a lovely cruise, the weather was good and that you managed to see most of what you had intented


It's so nice of you to want to find out a bit about me, so here it goes...


I was born in Funchal, but when I was 18 I got married and I emigrated to South Africa, where I stayed for 10 and a half years. In 1989 I returned to Madeira with 3 children - and my husband also, of course. The following year I had my fourth child.


Almost all my relatives lives in Madeira, except for my mother's brothers and sister who live in Brazil with their families.


Yes, I've traveled quite a bit myself, already. I visited several European countries, as well as Brazil and California.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Biaria -


Summer us upon us here and it is time to be out doors. Tomorrow I am planning on taking a couple of the granddaughters to the County Fair.


Marrying and going that far from your family had to be an experience. I thought I did a big thing by being on the opposite side of the U.S. when I was 18. Do not know how well I would have done living in a different country.


I do admire your ability to write in English. My cousins (in Denmark) call on the telephone because they do not like writing in English.


I was making reference to a Madeira website when I realized they have made a minor error. http://www.madeira-web.com/PagesUK/churches.html They have the same set of pictures for two different churches, Capela de Nossa Senhora da Conceição and Corpo Santo Chapel. Would you happen to know which pictures are correct?


My traveling companion lives in California and I was born there. Now I live in Minnesota (nothern middle state). What part of California did you visit? Ruth lives in Santa Barbara which is just a little way out of Los Angeles.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Biaria - Have you ever been to the Monte Palace Tropical Garden or the Botanical Garden? I am sort of assuming that there will not be any flowers in bloom (29 October). The pictures of both gardens are beautiful. Monte Palace Tropical Garden looks like it could be a bit of a challenge for us to get around; a lot of ups and downs. I'm really interested in seeing the birds at Loiro Park.




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Biaria -


Summer us upon us here and it is time to be out doors. Tomorrow I am planning on taking a couple of the granddaughters to the County Fair.


Marrying and going that far from your family had to be an experience. I thought I did a big thing by being on the opposite side of the U.S. when I was 18. Do not know how well I would have done living in a different country.


I do admire your ability to write in English. My cousins (in Denmark) call on the telephone because they do not like writing in English.


I was making reference to a Madeira website when I realized they have made a minor error. http://www.madeira-web.com/PagesUK/churches.html They have the same set of pictures for two different churches, Capela de Nossa Senhora da Conceição and Corpo Santo Chapel. Would you happen to know which pictures are correct?


My traveling companion lives in California and I was born there. Now I live in Minnesota (nothern middle state). What part of California did you visit? Ruth lives in Santa Barbara which is just a little way out of Los Angeles.




Hi Betty,


Sorry I took so long to answer you.


Hope you had a good time with our grandaughters at the County Fair.


Moving so far away from my family, at least turned me into a more independent person.


I love writing, either in English or in Portuguese, and the more I write the easier it is.


I also learnt French and German - French since I was 8 years old, because I was attending a private school, and German in high school and in a languages' academy - but as I haven't used it for so long, since I was 18 to be more precise, I lost the ability to either talk or write (or even understand it at all, in the case of the German) . As I learnt French for a long time, I still understand most of it.


The pictures are of Corpo Santo Chapel. Capela de Nossa Senhora da Conceição was in Babosas / Monte, but it was destroyed by the February mudslides, maybe that's why they removed it from the website.


When I visited California, I stayed in Castro Valley with a relative from my mother-in-law's side. I remember hearing about Santa Barbara, but I'm not sure if we ever went there or even passed by. Guess I have to go look at my travel notes.



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Biaria - Have you ever been to the Monte Palace Tropical Garden or the Botanical Garden? I am sort of assuming that there will not be any flowers in bloom (29 October). The pictures of both gardens are beautiful. Monte Palace Tropical Garden looks like it could be a bit of a challenge for us to get around; a lot of ups and downs. I'm really interested in seeing the birds at Loiro Park.






Hi again Betty,


Lovely picture!


I never visited Monte Tropical Gardens, but I went once to the Botanical Gradens.


Even though you're coming at the end of October, there will still be some fowers blooming, Madeira has flowers all year round.


Yes, I'm afraid both Monte Tropical Gardens and the Botanical Gardens aren't completly visitable by people on a wheelchair, because of the uneveness of the ground. In fact, the area that you'll be able to visit, is rather limited. I'm so sorry.


Loiro Park is now part of the Botanical Gardens and the entrance is from there, which will bring you some difficulties, too.


Oh! There are some new buses in our public transport fleet and the other day I saw a wheelchair accessible one doing the Botanical Gardens' route. I thought of you straight away. The problem is, even though you may get there, you won't be able to see much.

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party-smiley-052.gifBiaria -



Oh, to learn so many languages. I never even learned English well. I was raised around Japanese, Spanish (Mexican), Danish and English and could understand the foreign within reason. Then when I was 11 we moved to Oregon where people only spoke English and I forgot the others.



When you were in California, you were in the Bay Area (San Francisco) which is quite a ways north of Santa Barbara.



Independence has its qualtities, but as one gets older you realize just how nice it is to have family nearby. My son and his family live downstairs from me. Other than that, my closest is a niece (foster daughter) a 1000 miles away.



Are all your children in Madeira? Or are some off in other parts of the world? My son joined the Navy and did get to do some traveling in his younger years.



Back to our travels:



The up and down hills in the gardens could really be hard on our batteries. For Ruth is not too much of a problem, but for me it is a serious problem (I'm rather bit heavy). Of course, I would really like to see that white peacock.



Thanks for the info on the buses. I will write to them to see if I can get a listing of the routes that are accessible. Their “English” version of the website is down right now. I am sure we would enjoy going at least one way on the cable car so I will check out possibilities of taking the bus just one way. I think it would be a lot less expensive.




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