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Not Safe to Fall Asleep on the Glory?


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I don't buy this. I have cruised enough to know that there are procedures that guests can easily follow to have problems remedied. This person did not do the following:

  • Identify the odor - were they painting, cleaning, or what? Did you think to ask the ship's staff what it was? Why did you not post what they told you it was? Did they tell you they did not know the source?
  • Escalate the problem - you demanded to speak with the "safety officer"? What is a safety officer? And when no one appeared you just let it go? You needed to talk with the Hotel Manager. ANY guest can personally meet with this person, who is right up there with the captain in terms of rank onboard. No guest would be denied this request if the guest went through the proper channels which you obviously did not do.
  • Talking about the money aspect - the cost of the tours, the amount of the credit, the "cost per gassing" tells me you are focused on the money angle and were not really focused on addressing the problem.

My guess is that Carnival is on to these people, has offered them fair compensation, and, wanting more money and not getting it, they come here to vent. It's a familiar pattern.


We have no way of verifying the truthfulness of the OP's account, nor the severity of the problem. However, if we are to believe it the way he says it, then I agree that the proposed compensation was woefully inadequate. I'm often on the cruise lines' side in these things, as "these things happen", but I would say that the VERY least a cruise line (or a hotel) owes its guests is a safe, healthful place where they can sleep. If that is not provided, then there is a big, big problem!



One other thing I'd like to point out. People seem to be okay excusing fumes of acetone, paint thinner, and other solvents in the air. Have you forgotten that Carnival permits SMOKING in their cabins? What happens if a person is smoking and then the cabin and the vents fill with these fumes? It sounds like a massive fire if not an explosion just waiting to happen...

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Trust me folks guest services is the same on all cruise lines. They do not think outside the box and most of the time they have no clue what you are talking about so its not just a Carnival issue. They are trained in their specific job only and anything different they cannot handle it. So you have to be persistant if its something you feel strongly about or I swear they will wear you down till you give up:)

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I totally believe your accounting and am so sorry that you had to endure this. But, prepare yourself for the 'Carnival can do no wrong' members to bash you.


Unfortunately you are so right. I find it sad how when somebody post something negatives they are ganged up on.


Just like the poor woman who got her cruise canceled by a PVP making an error.


Very sad indeed.:o:(



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Hmmmm, just for grins and giggles, I checked and looked at all the posts ever made by the OP. I really do not understand why he cruises as all his posts end up being negative and about horrid experiences he and his wife have had.


Now, since he is 7 months younger than me, I don't want to characterize him as an old fogey, but...................................



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Hmmmm, just for grins and giggles, I checked and looked at all the posts ever made by the OP. I really do not understand why he cruises as all his posts end up being negative and about horrid experiences he and his wife have had.


Now, since he is 7 months younger than me, I don't want to characterize him as an old fogey, but...................................





Old Fogey? :confused: Try difficulty in breathing due to noxious chemicals.

He should have gone to the medical dept and let them treat him and write it up.

If that happened in a US hotel OSHA/Hazmat would be all over it.

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My Daughter (19) was also on this cruse. She was also on Deck 2. She stated that her cabin DID have a faint smell of chemicals/gases a couple of days while they were cruising. She said it smelled like diesel gas to her. She said that their cabin was right above where they fuel the cruise ship, so they did not bother to complain. Also stated that they could smell it in the mornings & late afternoon. She decided it was "just like fueling your car up w/ gas smell". If did not cause them any distress or breathing problems. They had a wonderful cruise.


To OP, I believe you! No bashing here!:)

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Don't think DocF meant what you think he meant. He said it tongue in cheek - notice :p. He meant being an old fogey as in constant complaints. (no insult intended to you old fogeys out there that don't complain:))

LHP - I am surprised there were no fans available for your cabin. When we sailed on Destiny (old Aruba route) she was having a/c problems, and there were plenty of fans available for those cabins that requested them. But, thinking about it - the fans were probably there DUE to the a/c problems.

Hope the op follows up with Carnival. I am surprised nothing was done on board at the time. Maybe the ship was sailing full, and no cabins were available to be moved into. Maybe the smell just couldn't be traced or tracked down. Maybe the Carnival people the op spoke to just didn't do their job the way they were supposed to. Who knows? But I do hope the op finds some sort of satisfaction in the response Carnival gives.

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A lot of wannabe Perry Masons/Paul Drakes probably shouldn't quit their day jobs. A similar think happened to me on a different ship.


I didn't go searching for the source - not my problem. I did go out in the hall to check it and there was no discernible odor. A few other doors were wide open, but again, not my problem. That told me something was coming through the ventilation system.


I called the purser's desk, told them what I knew and told them that whoever was doing whatever had to stop and stop now! Not long after that, I was told I needed to vacate my cabin for an hour and a half.


During that time, they put an ozone generator in my stateroom and some sort of hall monitor (didn't look like security) to make sure I stayed out of the cabin.


I came back after an hour or so and everything in my cabin was back to normal.


This happened to be on a sea day and well after the first foreign port of call.


So it does happen!

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Smell seems to have hit a group of five cabins along the outside. We had windows and it was out from the air conditioner. Not sure why they could not just block the intake source while they worked. This is why I think it could have been the work in the passenge laundry. The door was blocked with safety tape and the noise was not unlike floor getting ripped up.


The ship is really starting to show need for repair. Seemed like they were replacing floor tiles all over the place and it was the most rusted cruise ship I have seen for awhile. Carnival is replacing her with a new 'big' ship in a few months so maybe they are letting things slide til a dry dock.


Not sure. As I said, the trip last year was great or we would not have repeated. And even on this ride, the staff where great, food was 'the usual' and we really had no complaints outside of getting gassed three mornings in a row. What burns me is that we were totally cool with it on the first day as accidents happen and I know that most of the maintenance crew are english challenged... Day 2 is when I got pissed.

I was just on Glory in Feb of this year. Must be some fast moving rust. I think the ship was in great shape. It is due for Dry Dock but Jumbo Screen and replacement of worn out Furnature etc. I think it is a really nice ship. PS....Maybe you should try a Cat 8 or higher at least you can have fresh air.

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Records need to start making it to the authorities and the ships need to be held to reasonable safety standards based on US/European laws and not those of these third world island countries.



You mean the third world island countries that you are going on vacation to and seem to be so upset that you had a horrible time in due to your "gassing"?


*wonders if he just had gas*

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OP has had some interesting cruise experiences, hasn't he? I liked the part about people "doing it" in the hallways on another ship.


As far as I'm concerned, we are hearing one side of the story. The ship offered a trip to medical and they also offered monetary credit to which OP "told them what he thought of their offer". Why was a move to another room not granted? None of us will ever know. Maybe there was a good reason; maybe not.


I think if I was as dissatisfied as OP was, I'd get a hold of the CD after a function on the ship and demand action from him/her. I'd make it a point to contact that CD at every chance I saw him/her on the ship to remind them of my issues.


Either way, hope OP has better cruises ahead. I'll leave it at that.

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Old Fogey? :confused: Try difficulty in breathing due to noxious chemicals.

He should have gone to the medical dept and let them treat him and write it up.

If that happened in a US hotel OSHA/Hazmat would be all over it.


You obviously missed my point. You also seem to have a problem recognizing sarcasm. I normally do not waste time trying to clarify, but you seem to have taken his word as gospel and the severity of his parties reactions to be exactly as described.


If his party was having respiratory distress to the extent he claims, they should have presented for treatment. They did not. Case closed.


He has a history of having horrible experiences on cruises. At least that is what his few posts indicate. I am discounting the severity of his problem because of his almost equally hysteric reaction to all the problems he has encountered on his other cruises. I'm sorry if you think I am being hard on the OP, but his history demonstrates to me that he has enough difficulties on cruises that I cannot believe he still goes cruising one or two times a year. This is not rational.



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OP has had some interesting cruise experiences, hasn't he? I liked the part about people "doing it" in the hallways on another ship.


As far as I'm concerned, we are hearing one side of the story. The ship offered a trip to medical and they also offered monetary credit to which OP "told them what he thought of their offer". Why was a move to another room not granted? None of us will ever know. Maybe there was a good reason; maybe not.


I think if I was as dissatisfied as OP was, I'd get a hold of the CD after a function on the ship and demand action from him/her. I'd make it a point to contact that CD at every chance I saw him/her on the ship to remind them of my issues.


Either way, hope OP has better cruises ahead. I'll leave it at that.


The CD is relatively low on the totem pole. Track down the Hotel Manager.

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While I was not there and certainly can not attest to the fumes....I have recently had dealings with the Purser's desk on the Glory (last month) and they were woefully lacking.


Our A/C went out in our cabin and got one of the biggest run arounds ever.


Yes, we had maintenance come to our cabin and "measure" the temperature. He said it was above the acceptable levels. (not that this did us any good)


All we were asking for was a fan....and the Purser's Deck could not pull that off. Maintenance finally got it better (after DAYS of trying to get it fixed) ... but no where near comfortable.


And we are a family where 3 of our 4 members are Milestone Reward Members.

This was our 17 year old's 31st Carnival cruise.


Guess that doesn't even rate a fan these days.....


I think maybe everyone from your cabin should put on their jammies and robes and go to the purser's area and cuddle up with a blankie and sleep on their couches in front of everyone. Bet they would try to fix the air then. Worth a try and would get you some quick attention.

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As a retired Registered Nurse of 26 years in Emergency rooms, I have seen all kinds of people and to be honest some red flags have gone up for me about your story. They are that you refused medical treatment when Carnival offered it, if your breathing was worse the second day, I bet Carnival would have still approved for you to seek medical care, but since you didn't that would tell me that your breathing was not as bad as you claimed it was. Personally, I think you are looking for either a refund of your cruise or a free cruise in the future, but as I see it, you are going to have a hard time getting either one of them. Maybe a small credit, but not much more. Also, this is just my opinion, but I think you should give up cruising, since you have had so many unhappy experiences.

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As a retired Registered Nurse of 26 years in Emergency rooms, I have seen all kinds of people and to be honest some red flags have gone up for me about your story. They are that you refused medical treatment when Carnival offered it, if your breathing was worse the second day, I bet Carnival would have still approved for you to seek medical care, but since you didn't that would tell me that your breathing was not as bad as you claimed it was. Personally, I think you are looking for either a refund of your cruise or a free cruise in the future, but as I see it, you are going to have a hard time getting either one of them. Maybe a small credit, but not much more. Also, this is just my opinion, but I think you should give up cruising, since you have had so many unhappy experiences.



Yes you have hit the nail on the head.


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I do not know about the OP's experience, I wasn't there and I'm pretty darn sure none of the wannabe perry masons weren't, but the fact is, objectionable, and perhaps hazardous, fumes sometimes happen, and is not limited to a particular ship.



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Unfortunately you are so right. I find it sad how when somebody post something negatives they are ganged up on.


Just like the poor woman who got her cruise canceled by a PVP making an error.


Very sad indeed.:o:(




I agree. Some people are so knowledgeable about Carnival and cruising in general that they think that something like this would never happen to them. Certain scenarios play out different for each and every person. Fumes don't bother me(love the smell of gasonline), but if the A/C is not working properly, watch out!!! If my A/C was broken for an entire cruise I am positive I would have have huge compensation heading my way after I worked my way up the Carnival chain.

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I know when I was on the Triumph this past April they sent out notice to all us passengers on a port day and told us they needed us out of our rooms between 8-12pm because they were cleaning the outside and painting.


If my rooms were that bad I would have slept near the help Information desk myself if they didn't move me to another room.



OP it's a shame they didn't own up to their faults and handle it the proper way.

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where is op?



Why? So you people can pick him apart more? Reading these boards has gotten comical...anything negative and you jump all over the poster.


Frankly, I used to get so much information on cruising from reading the posts, but that occurs less and less. I spend much more time wading through threads of extensive defending and sniping.


To the OP, I had a situation very similar to yours (on another cruise line) so I know these things can happen. It gets very frustrating when the crew spends more time avoiding the problem than working to satisfy the customer's issue.

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Don't think DocF meant what you think he meant. He said it tongue in cheek - notice :p. He meant being an old fogey as in constant complaints. (no insult intended to you old fogeys out there that don't complain:))

LHP - I am surprised there were no fans available for your cabin. When we sailed on Destiny (old Aruba route) she was having a/c problems, and there were plenty of fans available for those cabins that requested them. But, thinking about it - the fans were probably there DUE to the a/c problems. Hope the op follows up with Carnival. I am surprised nothing was done on board at the time. Maybe the ship was sailing full, and no cabins were available to be moved into. Maybe the smell just couldn't be traced or tracked down. Maybe the Carnival people the op spoke to just didn't do their job the way they were supposed to. Who knows? But I do hope the op finds some sort of satisfaction in the response Carnival gives.



You and me both. I have read on the boards about fans for years and thought it would be no big deal. I was wrong!

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While it is impossible to dispute the OP's claims of fumes in the room, without some sort of documentation from the ship's staff, there is nothing he can do for restitution beyond what the ship already did.


Once you're off... What attorney is going to file suit on your behalf "Because I smelled something".


You didn't go to the Infirmary... there's no formal documentation of the work.


Sorry... ya, write the letter to Carnival Corp, but... don't waste your money on an attorney.

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