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help or criticize "newbies"


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I just finished reading 2 threads from OPs that had real questions for help and am amazed at all the criticism. I have received so much valuable info on these boards it has really help make my cruise experiences great. I do not visit these boards year round like some must with the thousands and thousands of posts, so when a CC member only has a few posts, why are they being criticized for their question because they don't have that many posts??


Sorry to all the veteran posters, we new posters may ask stupid questions,but if you think they are stupid or can not offer real help, then don't reply.


And thanks to the most of you that do,You have been great!!!!!!!!:)

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I so agree with you. While I have posted many things, I'm always hesitant, because of the replies I may get. I was once told that "no question is stupid, if you don't know the answer." Wish more people felt that way.

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We all need to remember that we were new once also. We always tell kids in school that there are no stupid questions. My feeling has always been if you can't say something positive then keep your trap shut.


The whole idea of Cruise Critic is for cruisers to help other cruisers enjoy their trips.;):D:rolleyes:

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I just finished reading 2 threads from OPs that had real questions for help and am amazed at all the criticism. I have received so much valuable info on these boards it has really help make my cruise experiences great. I do not visit these boards year round like some must with the thousands and thousands of posts, so when a CC member only has a few posts, why are they being criticized for their question because they don't have that many posts??


Sorry to all the veteran posters, we new posters may ask stupid questions,but if you think they are stupid or can not offer real help, then don't reply.


And thanks to the most of you that do,You have been great!!!!!!!!:)


IMO you will never find a new person who asks a legitimate question criticized. What happens is that some new people start off immediately complaining, or asking how to resolve an issue without giving enough information for the question to be answered. People then start making assumptions (ex. the my agent screwed up thread. It took about 40 posts before the OP got back on and clarified that it was not an agent but a PVP).


A lot of the language used on the threads is very precise, agent v. PVP. When the incorrect language is unintentionally used, a thread may get 30 or 40 posts before it get clarified. In the mean time a lot of people read a few of the posts and then respond, without realizing that the facts are explained better later on.


It is also very frustrating because people go off on unrelated tangents. It happens on almost every thread. Someone will ask if the pools are salt or fresh water. It is really a one word answer, but and within five posts we are hearing about the drinking water.


(Reading this it seems I might have gone on a tangent)


The bottom line is that new posters who ask questions are not criticized, but one who come in complaining or saying how bad things are and how much they are entitled to, etc. ad nausem are the ones that get blasted, and maybe with good reason.

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I must say I have over 500 posts and have yet to start an actual thread. I tend to prefer to review through the posts first and see if my question can be answered.


What I have mostly found odd is those who will start a new thread when there was one already on pages 1 or 2 that would have answered their question. That to me means people aren't really taking the time to review what information is already there. Also strange for the subjective type threads too - why start a thread asking how crowded will a ship be or how many kids will be on it. Nooone can answer those questions they are only guesses. Asking about bringing on sodas, smuggling booze, there are tons of threads that cover those topics already.


The other pet peeve is lack of details or facts when someone posts something negative. Yes you may want to rant but if you can't at least provide proper details and facts then get that together before you post. I don't think that is asking for to much from anyone here.

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As with a good bit of the internet, there are certain issues that are going to be hot-buttons no matter how innocent the OP is. Smoking, smuggling booze and passports amongth the hottest of the hot here. People have definitive opinions on these things and they're going to share them as they usually feel they are doing the public good, no matter how others disagree with them. Usually both sides dig in, repeat the same arguements ad nauseum until the message fall off the first page or everyone starts cracking jokes.


Other issues arise when the OP asks a question without doing any research either on the internet in general or this site in particular and they curt or short, precise answers, depending on how they perceive them. Is it always fair to the OP? Probably not, but it's good manners to research a topic before asking the question to avoid redundancy. Just like it's good manners to read a whole thread before posting.

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I just finished reading 2 threads from OPs that had real questions for help and am amazed at all the criticism. I have received so much valuable info on these boards it has really help make my cruise experiences great. I do not visit these boards year round like some must with the thousands and thousands of posts, so when a CC member only has a few posts, why are they being criticized for their question because they don't have that many posts??


Sorry to all the veteran posters, we new posters may ask stupid questions,but if you think they are stupid or can not offer real help, then don't reply.


And thanks to the most of you that do,You have been great!!!!!!!!:)



There are some people here who are overly quick to criticize someone for not using the search function or to call them a troll because the question asked might be a tad controversial. I suspect it's much the same with other forums on the internet... such is the cost of anonymity I suspect.

Fortunately, there are enough people who are willing to answer questions, offer assistance to make up for those who only want to bash.

I don't know how many times I've read a post where someone new asks a 'stupid question' and get the response 'there are NO stupid questions' and are warmly welcomed.

It seems that the generous folks outnumber the crabs by about ten to one...


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As with a good bit of the internet, there are certain issues that are going to be hot-buttons no matter how innocent the OP is. Smoking, smuggling booze and passports amongth the hottest of the hot here. People have definitive opinions on these things and they're going to share them as they usually feel they are doing the public good, no matter how others disagree with them. Usually both sides dig in, repeat the same arguements ad nauseum until the message fall off the first page or everyone starts cracking jokes.


Other issues arise when the OP asks a question without doing any research either on the internet in general or this site in particular and they curt or short, precise answers, depending on how they perceive them. Is it always fair to the OP? Probably not, but it's good manners to research a topic before asking the question to avoid redundancy. Just like it's good manners to read a whole thread before posting.


Don't forget "message in a bottle" ;)

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I'm glad this was brought up. I too have found so much valuable information here but I am more hesitant to post because I don't feel "welcome" here or I'm afraid that one of my questions may be deemed "stupid". I'll just continue to search various topics for my answers and if I can't find an answer, I'll hope that it is eventually answered.


I am no stranger to message boards. I am an administrator of a fairly large board for a NY Times best selling author and I've been a moderator for an NBC board for one of their hit TV shows. From my experience, there IS more hostility on this board than I have seen on other message boards.


The atmosphere here won't keep me from lurking or reading, but I am not likely to post much or join any of the "Crazy Cruises" that are organized.

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IMO you will never find a new person who asks a legitimate question criticized. What happens is that some new people start off immediately complaining, or asking how to resolve an issue without giving enough information for the question to be answered. People then start making assumptions (ex. the my agent screwed up thread. It took about 40 posts before the OP got back on and clarified that it was not an agent but a PVP).


A lot of the language used on the threads is very precise, agent v. PVP. When the incorrect language is unintentionally used, a thread may get 30 or 40 posts before it get clarified. In the mean time a lot of people read a few of the posts and then respond, without realizing that the facts are explained better later on.


It is also very frustrating because people go off on unrelated tangents. It happens on almost every thread. Someone will ask if the pools are salt or fresh water. It is really a one word answer, but and within five posts we are hearing about the drinking water.


(Reading this it seems I might have gone on a tangent)


The bottom line is that new posters who ask questions are not criticized, but one who come in complaining or saying how bad things are and how much they are entitled to, etc. ad nausem are the ones that get blasted, and maybe with good reason.


Sorry, but I think the OP has a good point. I think that sometimes people are criticized just for asking a question. Sometimes people give back snarky answers about using the "search" button. (And there is definitely a nice way to say it, and a snarky way to say it - I might have just made up that word.) The bottom line is, if you don't want to answer the question, don't. But then you don't need to say anything at all. Why take your time to comment or criticize. Who cares if there was a similar thread 1 page ago. Obviously, they didn't see it. If your time is too valuable to actually try to help by providing a real answer (or by telling someone nicely where a similar thread is located) why bother posting at all to something you think is silly, trivial or not deserving of a response. Just my opinion........

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I remember when I was a newbie...:) Thankfully, I was greeted with kindness and my questions were answered nicely. If I was treated the way I see some treated, I wouldn't have stuck around. I personally don't mind a newbie asking a question that has been answered in the past....It takes the same amount of time to just share the info as it does to tell the newbie to do a search....Many people don't spend quite as much time online as many of us do, and may have been doing good to even find cruise critic...much less use the search functions.

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I'm glad this was brought up. I too have found so much valuable information here but I am more hesitant to post because I don't feel "welcome" here or I'm afraid that one of my questions may be deemed "stupid". I'll just continue to search various topics for my answers and if I can't find an answer, I'll hope that it is eventually answered.


I am no stranger to message boards. I am an administrator of a fairly large board for a NY Times best selling author and I've been a moderator for an NBC board for one of their hit TV shows. From my experience, there IS more hostility on this board than I have seen on other message boards.


The atmosphere here won't keep me from lurking or reading, but I am not likely to post much or join any of the "Crazy Cruises" that are organized.



I completely agree! The info I've gotten from these boards has been invaluable in planning our first Carnival cruise! There are some great people here with lots of great advice!


However, I participate in several boards, and this one is definitely more hostile than others. It won't stop me from coming here, but it's just not as pleasant as other boards is all.

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I feel the same way... I came on this site about a year ago and it was very helpful and very friendly. But know it seems like the boards are filled with people that just want to flame others.


If anyone says anything bad. Or complains. Or thinks the deserve a refund. They are flamed.


I honestly feel like if I came on here an posted that my cabin steward spat in face and I deserve some sort of compensation, half the folks on here would say that its somehow my fault for not forseeing that my cabing steward likes to spit.... seriously though.. a lot of nonesense from a lot of people on here.. mainly though I found others to be helpful.

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Sorry, but I think the OP has a good point. I think that sometimes people are criticized just for asking a question. Sometimes people give back snarky answers about using the "search" button. (And there is definitely a nice way to say it, and a snarky way to say it - I might have just made up that word.) The bottom line is, if you don't want to answer the question, don't. But then you don't need to say anything at all. Why take your time to comment or criticize. Who cares if there was a similar thread 1 page ago. Obviously, they didn't see it. If your time is too valuable to actually try to help by providing a real answer (or by telling someone nicely where a similar thread is located) why bother posting at all to something you think is silly, trivial or not deserving of a response. Just my opinion........


Well said ;)

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I'm in my 10th year on Cruise Critic - not very many of us who have been here that long! Those who have will tell you that things have changed. It used to be more upbeat, positive and helpful, with far less criticism. IMHO the internet and its perceived anonymity (don't be fooled) allows people to behave badly without worrying about consequences. Fortunately the moderators can deal with the most extreme attitudes, but the snarky or cutting remarks exist. Some folks will post just to build their number count (really don't get this) and some folks just like to be nasty (use the ignore feature...it's awesome). But it is what it is - I love cruising and can't do it all the time. So I come here to get my fix and try to be helpful. I hope that's why the majority are here.

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I honestly feel like if I came on here an posted that my cabin steward spat in face and I deserve some sort of compensation, half the folks on here would say that its somehow my fault for not forseeing that my cabing steward likes to spit....



LMAO!! I ended up with some of my lunch on my computer screen after reading that... but it really is true.

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Other issues arise when the OP asks a question without doing any research either on the internet in general or this site in particular and they curt or short, precise answers, depending on how they perceive them. Is it always fair to the OP? Probably not, but it's good manners to research a topic before asking the question to avoid redundancy. Just like it's good manners to read a whole thread before posting.



Asking questions on this site is researching......

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The thing that makes me go bonkers is when people make bizarre assumptions about a person based on a post. A recent example is the post from a woman asking how to tell her husband she booked a cruise when she knows he would be angry because she has serious financial obligations. She was called everything everything from irresponsible to a bad parent to an abused spouse to a troll and everything in between, and I can't even go into the head of household rant :mad: I will admit the question made me roll my eyes, and I should have moved on without reading the responses, but I had time on my hands - lol. I was highly offended by a number of the posts and typed out a few responses, but then common sense intervened and I DELETED WITHOUT POSTING. More people should try that instead of adding fuel to a fire or being just plain nasty. If I posted every response I started to type, I too would be in the 10,000 post club, but I prefer my posts to have some redeeming value.


Oh, and another suggestion - Don't Drink & Post! Been there, done that - not pretty ;)

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Asking questions on this site is researching......


Well, I don't agree with you on that. Researching an issue would be running the key words through Google or Yahoo, and then running them through the search feature on whatever forum Google or Yahoo dumped you into. There are a lot of people who simply don't agree with this, and that's fine. I actually think it's a Web 1.0 versus a Web 2.0 culture clash. Back in the day, when your forum options were severly limited to AOL, Prodigy, and Usenet woe to the n00b who didn't lurk, search, and read before posting. However, in the age of the New Internet and user-generated content, this sort of thing simply isn't done.


I also contribute a good bit of this to the lack of FAQ on most forums these days. Used to be (and this makes me sound older than my 31 years), every forum and messageboard had a page of Frequently Asked Questions and answers that was usually a treasure trove of information and required reading. I don't know if these have fallen out of vogue and thus they aren't used or they weren't used and thus have fallen out of vogue.

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Well, I don't agree with you on that. Researching an issue would be running the key words through Google or Yahoo, and then running them through the search feature on whatever forum Google or Yahoo dumped you into. There are a lot of people who simply don't agree with this, and that's fine. I actually think it's a Web 1.0 versus a Web 2.0 culture clash. Back in the day, when your forum options were severly limited to AOL, Prodigy, and Usenet woe to the n00b who didn't lurk, search, and read before posting. However, in the age of the New Internet and user-generated content, this sort of thing simply isn't done.


I also contribute a good bit of this to the lack of FAQ on most forums these days. Used to be (and this makes me sound older than my 31 years), every forum and messageboard had a page of Frequently Asked Questions and answers that was usually a treasure trove of information and required reading. I don't know if these have fallen out of vogue and thus they aren't used or they weren't used and thus have fallen out of vogue.



Google and yahoo are going to lead you here.. to CA or to CM


The search function here does not work very well and will lead you into another world.. lol


Also there is a FAQ section here in the 2nd top tool bar..

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Some questions people ask here are... odd (I won't say stupid because that's not nice). I really don't understand when people ask "will I like X"" or "should I do Y or Z?" or any other question that is completely predicated on the OP's personal preferences. WE DON'T KNOW YOU! How in the world do we know what you will like? I can understand wanting to know other people's opinions, but in that case, pose the question in such a way that you are asking them what THEY like, rather than what you would like...


Or, better yet, the questions like "How should I tell my husband/wife/child/friend something?" really make me :confused:. Those are YOUR personal relationship dynamics! Why in the world would you expect strangers to have better insight than you do?! I just don't respond to those kinds of question.

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Asking questions on this site is researching......


I agree. Most of us enjoy answering questions and helping newbies out.


Well, I don't agree with you on that. Researching an issue would be running the key words through Google or Yahoo, and then running them through the search feature on whatever forum Google or Yahoo dumped you into.


Advising someone to use the search feature or research on their own is hardly the same thing as helping them. If someone doesn't want to answer a question or actually provide any assistance, they have the option to skip a post entirely.

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