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NCL Cancelled My Cruise,4 Days Before Departure!


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Your post is very important as it details the need to double check all reservations before leaving. Im sure it caused alot of worry. I wish their was a way to have no mistakes made in the world but alas, not ever going to be that way. The person canceling your shore excursion I'm sure did not intend to cancel the cruise. I dont know if their is an amount that can compensate the amount of worry, its subjective to each individual but I see they did try to make up for the worry. When things happen that shouldnt I try to remember that I may be on the end at times of making the mistake & I hope that people try and understand & allow me to rectify & be able to go on & be happy.

If you stay positive I'm sure all will fall in place & you can enjoy your vacation with all the tension behind you. Let us know how your trip is please.

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What I don't understand, is how were you able to cancel your shore excursion? I thought you had to do that on the ship. I must have read that information incorrectly. Good to know.

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What I don't understand, is how were you able to cancel your shore excursion? I thought you had to do that on the ship. I must have read that information incorrectly. Good to know.


yeah can i jump on the same inquiry?


so the OP wanted to print edocs...and somewhere also (perhaps before wanting to print edocs) OP wanted to cancel a shore excursion. what excursion was it that was cancelled? (might be good to know if it isn't a popular one).


just trying to put the pieces together because the way i'm reading it...NCL assisted in the cancelling of OP's shore excursion, but accidentally wiped out the reservation?



also...perhaps in the future. hold on to that excursion reservation and cancel once on the ship (sometimes excursions do sell out). you won't get charged until the completion of the excursion.

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Isn't the Shore Excursion a seperate department anyway? They shouldn't have acess to modifying the cruise reservation.:confused:


Well, as long as it worked out for ya, that's all that counts...

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Scary, isn't it?


My next cruise is over 5 months out, so I wasn't too concerned when I saw my reservation disappear on NCL's website. I'd been working with the travel agent to change cabins and then change category as well. Apparently NCL preferred to cancel the original reservation and make a new one! So for a couple of days I could only access my "new" reservation by punching in the new booking number. I felt much better when I could see it when I logged in to "My NCL" though.


You know, the airlines are supposed to notify you of flight time changes when they have your email address. But it doesn't always happen. Once in a while when checking you will notice an "illegal" connection time, like 25 minutes between two flights. Or they will change your seat etc. without your knowledge, because they've changed equipment. Keep your eye on it. That doesn't mean you call them. Just check it on your reservation thru the website.


Here I am again, being reminded of yet another 'incident'! This really is a great thread for reminding people to keep on top of their travel arrangements.


On one of our more recent trips, when I went online to check our flights and print boarding passes, I found that our seats had been 'rearranged', so that we were all sitting in different rows. Now, for my husband and I, that's not really an issue; we're big girls and boys. Our daughter is another story. When I looked at the seating chart on the site, however, the only seats available had a charge assessed to them. I phoned and explained my issue and the agent wanted to 'sell' me one of these 'premium' seats (still in coach of course). I told her that would be fine, but that I would be expecting them to provide 'unaccompanied minor' services for my daughter. Suddenly two adjacent seats miraculously became available! :p

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Here I am again, being reminded of yet another 'incident'! This really is a great thread for reminding people to keep on top of their travel arrangements.


On one of our more recent trips, when I went online to check our flights and print boarding passes, I found that our seats had been 'rearranged', so that we were all sitting in different rows. Now, for my husband and I, that's not really an issue; we're big girls and boys. Our daughter is another story. When I looked at the seating chart on the site, however, the only seats available had a charge assessed to them. I phoned and explained my issue and the agent wanted to 'sell' me one of these 'premium' seats (still in coach of course). I told her that would be fine, but that I would be expecting them to provide 'unaccompanied minor' services for my daughter. Suddenly two adjacent seats miraculously became available! :p


Ah the ol' bait-n-swtich didn't work out for them this time. Good for you for coming up with a response like that!

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Here I am again, being reminded of yet another 'incident'! This really is a great thread for reminding people to keep on top of their travel arrangements.

Oh wow is sure it! When I made my arrangements on for the Pearl cruise we will be taking in December, I went in to my reservations and noticed that my old cell number was in the form. Not wanting to miss a possible upsell call :p;) should it happen, I tried to correct the number on my own, but was unable to do so. I called customer service late one evening and the rep that I talked to was also unable to change the information in NCL's database. She told me that she would email someone that had access to change the information.


The next day, I went in to check my res to see if the number had been changed and all the information was gone with the exception of the reservation number. I couldn't do anything and I couldn't see what we had booked, dates, put any information in, nothing at all. I called frantically to NCL and the gentleman I spoke to said nothing had changed and to just give it a few days and he would see if he could get the situation corrected. I gave it a week and still just the number was showing. As my hubby and I were thinking about the shore excursions that were available to us, I emailed technical support and told them what the problem was. The next day, everything was showing again. I like being able to see the entire reservation and after reading the OP's original post, wow, I would have been totally upset!


I hope you have a great cruise in spite of all the confusion!

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lol i just knew somebody would say this;)




NCL cancelled it in error when shore excursion dept cancelled an excursion...they cancelled the ENTIRE cruise by mistake:eek:




thank you for understanding exactly how i feel:)


I am somewhat puzzled though as to not having any edocs, they tell me it's too late to get them up on web site & that i just need to show up @ the pier with my ressie info (#1 on the website sign in & id) and all will be well?

im confused as to where i will obtain luggage tags though...will the porters have them on hand?


At the very least have them fax you something with cabin # and brief explanation with a current date. ;)

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Well I am glad it all worked out in the end but thank heavens you checked your booking!!!

And I absolutely understand why you are still somewhat annoyed and stressed (after that experience I would be too!) - So I hope all goes really well on this cruise for you.


After the cruise is over (if I were you) I would write to NCL and describe what happened. Mistakes happen but I think this is a REALLY bad one and should be brought to the attention of the "powers that be".


Have a great cruise! After this stress you really deserve it!


Keishashadow, I am SO GLAD that you were able to straighten things out. You ARE a calmer, saner person than me, I think I would have been a "little" cuckoo with the mistakes........:eek:

Mistakes DO happen, it is just when they happen to YOU, well, rational, calm reasoning can go right-out-the-window.....!!!:eek:

I know it took a bit of time, but, everything worked out for you AND you came out "ahead" of where you were originally. Which IS a plus.....!!!sHa_thumbsup.gif

Enjoy your your cruise, enjoy your AF, the $250 OBC and the Dinner at a Restaurant. May I suggest Le Bistro, it REALLY IS, VERY NICE.....!!!table.gif

Make sure you take ALL the information you have of the booking/cabin change. The names of all the people you spoke with, numbers, etc.....

I hope you have a smooth embarkation and a FANTASTIC CRUISE.....!!!suitcase.gifsHa_surfing.gif

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:mad:almost had a heart attack when i logged in last night to reprint my edocs...no cruise ressie to be found!


I called TA in am 1st thing (who is one of the larger discount agencies), they insisted they never cancelled the ressie & said they'd work it out.


Just imagine if i hadn't rechecked my ressie! This is so totally unacceptable i just want to scream, thanx for the vent; now i guess i should do the packing i put on hold until this was sorted out.


I am lost. What is a ressie?

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accordingt OP it look like NCL did.


" Mid day received call from TA, with NCL on hold...they finally admited to cancelling the ressie by mistake when i cancelled an excursion with their Shore Department this weekend"



I guess I read it like this:


Mid day received call from TA, with NCL on hold. TA finally admitted to cancelling.... etc....




because, as we know.... if you have a TA... NCL won't cancel or change anything in the booking without the TA doing it.... including, I'm led to believe... Shore Excursions.

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ive spoken directly to shore excursions several times when making (and cancelling ressies - after i changed my mind & found one we liked better;)) never was i questioned as to whether i had a TA or not:confused:


i booked the excursion in question direct with the excursion department, and had been warned by their agent that it was one of the ones that had to be cancelled 5 days prior to sailing or it was non-refundable (over $200 pp so i sure didn't want to get stuck with it if we wouldn't be taking it)...otherwise I would've waited until onboard


fyi, i called NCL again & was told how to access my edocs thru the main NCL edoc web address, so im set. Only issue i see is all my other excursions were cancelled too, so i'll be in line @ the excursion desk ASAP:)


I have everything safe in hand, raring to go....still packing:rolleyes:who knew winter clothes took up more room in a suitcase:p.


My brain has adjusted, think the initial shock took a while to wear off, figure every trip has a few speed bumps, we just hit a doozie of one a little early, smooth sailing ahead:D

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ive spoken directly to shore excursions several times when making (and cancelling ressies - after i changed my mind & found one we liked better;)) never was i questioned as to whether i had a TA or not:confused:


i booked the excursion in question direct with the excursion department, and had been warned by their agent that it was one of the ones that had to be cancelled 5 days prior to sailing or it was non-refundable (over $200 pp so i sure didn't want to get stuck with it if we wouldn't be taking it)...otherwise I would've waited until onboard


fyi, i called NCL again & was told how to access my edocs thru the main NCL edoc web address, so im set. Only issue i see is all my other excursions were cancelled too, so i'll be in line @ the excursion desk ASAP:)


I have everything safe in hand, raring to go....still packing:rolleyes:who knew winter clothes took up more room in a suitcase:p.


My brain has adjusted, think the initial shock took a while to wear off, figure every trip has a few speed bumps, we just hit a doozie of one a little early, smooth sailing ahead:D




You've got a good, positive attitude. You're guaranteed a good time! Enjoy.

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Hi Keisha:


Thankfully, you had the presence of mind to check - and thankfully it's all resolved. I agree with other posters, put it behind you and enjoy. Focus on the outcome, no concerns about 'what could have been' and what in fact did not happen, thanks to your vigilance.


That OBC will come in very handy and have a terrific dinner in Cagney's, with a smile on your face, knowing that it is NCL's apology to you. These are benefits you wouldn't have had if this glitch hadn't occurred. Everything for a reason!


Who knows, you might enjoy the cabin you now have even more than you would have enjoyed the other.


And just to really help put the smile back on your face - here is a link to all of my photos on Webshots - I just got back from a GREAT trip on the Star. The "All photos" album is exactly what it says, but includes pics of family; if you'd prefer not to wade through those, just look at the other albums, sorted by shore excursion and general topics. I haven't had a chance to caption any of these yet, hope to do that this weekend.



If you see Ricardo in La Trattoria, tell him that the people who were in 14000 with "Mr. Dave" say hi to him! :)


Also, if you want to see some very short videos shot on our shore excursions, just click here: http://www.youtube.com/user/mooline1


Now - go get packin' and have a fantastic trip!! :)

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i d probably let the wife handle it..i d be too upset and probably say something id regret..


but, i do think their compensation was fair..


another reason to book thru the cruiseline..:D


Booking directly through the cruiseline seems to be the problem.


I booked on the Norwegian Gem for Jan 24, 2010 in January of 2009 through the cruiseline.( I gonna try to make an attempt to explain what happened, but it's too stressfull to remenice it all.) To make a long story shortened. This is a family cruise and were all on the same deck in close proximity. When I called to add people to my room, the reps. were removing and adding on promocodes that caused me to lose my perks, then gain my perks back, but with an additional $100.00 or more change in the in cruise cost. My booking dates changed from Jan. 09 to June 09. Each time I called back for a newly discoverd problem (of course you got a new rep.) I got a different story of what the promotion rules were. I finally called the Corporate Office and spoke with a Rep. Supervisor and asked her to please explain what was going on and why every rep. I spoke to has a different understanding of the promo rules..and why the listed promo rules (for the customers) on the website had abbreviations with no explanation of what they meant. She didn't know ( but in regard to the abbreviations, "we" are suppose to call them and ask them to explain it to us...huh..:confused:.) Anyway, after she looked at my account she said was sorry for the confusion and that she fixed everything. I lost the $99.00 perk for the third person because when they were removing promo codes the promotion maxxed out. Fine...I left from her laughing and telling her I'm gonna need two cocktails after this and thanking her for her help.

When I got my confirmation I noticed that my room was changed to a room that slept 3 instead of 4. She never told me that my room had changed! I would not have cared, but the pullman bed was not good for any of us because we have mobility problems and need the third lower bed (that was our plan from the beginning).

I couldn't get the rep. supervisor back when I called, so here I go with the regular rep. again and was told that my original room was gone and there were no more on the 10th deck. Ater all I had been through in this one day for several hours..that was the straw that broke the camels back. :mad:. I told them to please cancel my trip. I couldn't take anymore!!

I do want to go with my family on this trip, so when I received my refund, I booked the same trip through a Travel Agency instead because I no longer wanted to deal with the NCL reps.

And even though I have a TA rep. and we started everything from scratch I got my old room back that sleeps 4:confused:....they (NCL) still made another error! When I made an additional deposit .. I got a printout confirmation, my OBC was now gone my promo code was M.I.A !!:eek:. I brought it to my TA's attention and he had to call them and find out what was going on. The NCL rep. said it was their error and would be corrected. What the heck!!


NCL needs to look at what's happening in the customer service/reservations arena. They are the forerunners of first impressions for NCL.


Within the group of nine, seven of us are not new to cruising, but new to Norwegian Cruiselines including myself. Right now I have a bad taste in my mouth concerning NCL. If it weren't a family cruise, I would change cruiselines.:mad:

My brother and his wife use NCL all the time (but they always book through a TA) and assures us that they love their cruise experience with NCL. So, I'm trying to be open minded and not allow my NCL rep. experiences to make me prejudge NCL as a whole.


So, when I hear the story of the errorous canceled Alaska trip 4 days before sailing, I'm not too surprised. .

That's ten times worse than my experience. I'm scared also concerning my trip. But I will have my TA check all my information.

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Sorry to those who had problems. I hope that your cruises are fun.


I hope so too. :) I sure that by then the trauma would have subsided and I'll be able to relax and have a good time with my family.

All I've heard were good things about NCL Cruises and I look forward to the freestyle dining and all the other cool things they have on the ship.

We're in the process of planning our excursions. Can't wait to see all those beautiful beaches.

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Hi Keisha:


Thankfully, you had the presence of mind to check - and thankfully it's all resolved. I agree with other posters, put it behind you and enjoy. Focus on the outcome, no concerns about 'what could have been' and what in fact did not happen, thanks to your vigilance.


That OBC will come in very handy and have a terrific dinner in Cagney's, with a smile on your face, knowing that it is NCL's apology to you. These are benefits you wouldn't have had if this glitch hadn't occurred. Everything for a reason!


Who knows, you might enjoy the cabin you now have even more than you would have enjoyed the other.


And just to really help put the smile back on your face - here is a link to all of my photos on Webshots - I just got back from a GREAT trip on the Star. The "All photos" album is exactly what it says, but includes pics of family; if you'd prefer not to wade through those, just look at the other albums, sorted by shore excursion and general topics. I haven't had a chance to caption any of these yet, hope to do that this weekend.



If you see Ricardo in La Trattoria, tell him that the people who were in 14000 with "Mr. Dave" say hi to him! :)


Also, if you want to see some very short videos shot on our shore excursions, just click here: http://www.youtube.com/user/mooline1


Now - go get packin' and have a fantastic trip!! :)


Thanks for sharing your pictures, mooline! I especially enjoyed your Endicott Arm & Dawes Glacier pictures -- beautiful rainbow!


We went 2 weeks before you and it was fun seeing how much different Dawes Glacier looked! So much more ice when you went.

Here's our pictures:


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