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Get a Load of This Uprising On Board


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Unbelievable.....it makes me wonder what the people of other nationalities on board thought about this. What a disgusting display of ignorance.


Other nationalities? huh.The lady in charge was of spanish descent. I saw african americans, chinese, europeans , canadians all participating and your point is? Try not to be so racist and discriminating when you were not there. Never judge a book by its cover. The lady running it was a member of ACORN and a huge Obama supporter who believed like obama she gets whatever she wants whether it is wrong or not. By the way Honduras was a peaceful takeover ,unlike Castro on cuba. The el presidente tried to change the constitution after the supreme court told him no. He tried to become a dictator like Chavez and have no term limits. Honduras is now safer than it was.:)

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Other nationalities? huh.The lady in charge was of spanish descent. I saw african americans, chinese, europeans , canadians all participating and your point is? Try not to be so racist and discriminating when you were not there. Never judge a book by its cover. The lady running it was a member of ACORN and a huge Obama supporter who believed like obama she gets whatever she wants whether it is wrong or not. By the way Honduras was a peaceful takeover ,unlike Castro on cuba. The el presidente tried to change the constitution after the supreme court told him no. He tried to become a dictator like Chavez and have no term limits. Honduras is now safer than it was.:)



I may be wrong, but i think she meant... what other nationalities think of us, as Americans...



But i must add.. I never understood that sentiment.. Who cares what people of other countries think... they are not immune to this nonsense..

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Bunch of morons.........


Actually, they give morons a bad name:D


On my first cruise, we missed Costa Maya because the seas were washing over the pier. I may never get a chance to see Mayan ruins again, but you just can't dock under those circumstances.


The funniest thing about that was the poor lady who ran the 'jewelry by the inch' stand. The night before was the 'beach party', and she had partied hearty knowing she could sleep in on a port day. The knock came at 7:30 for her to open her stand as it became a sea day. She was not in very good shape that day:rolleyes:


I'm sure I also provided some entertainment trying to do Tai Chi in those sea conditions...:eek:



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I may be wrong, but i think she meant... what other nationalities think of us, as Americans...



But i must add.. I never understood that sentiment.. Who cares what people of other countries think... they are not immune to this nonsense..


Speaking as someone from another country who is married to an American - I will agree that other countries are not immune to this sort of thing, but since being in the US all the talk of "Freedom" and "Rights" has for some, morphed into a self-centred "What I want, when I want, and screw everyone else" attitude. You see it all over the place. I'm constantly astounded by all the ads on TV from lawyers who will get "you the money you deserve!" etc.


Now having said this, I enjoy living in America and get on very well with the vast majority of Americans, but as I commented on the youtube video, these people are examples of the loud-mouthed, entitlement complex driven Americans that give the vast, vast majority of polite, sensible Americans a bad name overseas.


I think this was the point of the poster who brought this up - also, I found the fact that this women presumed to speak for the entire ship (Americans and otherwise) rather obnoxious.

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Speaking as someone from another country who is married to an American - I will agree that other countries are not immune to this sort of thing, but since being in the US all the talk of "Freedom" and "Rights" has for some, morphed into a self-centred "What I want, when I want, and screw everyone else" attitude. You see it all over the place. I'm constantly astounded by all the ads on TV from lawyers who will get "you the money you deserve!" etc.


Now having said this, I enjoy living in America and get on very well with the vast majority of Americans, but as I commented on the youtube video, these people are examples of the loud-mouthed, entitlement complex driven Americans that give the vast, vast majority of polite, sensible Americans a bad name overseas.


I think this was the point of the poster who brought this up - also, I found the fact that this women presumed to speak for the entire ship (Americans and otherwise) rather obnoxious.

I agree with you... I am not sure what the other posters point was..

My point is people are people.. Good and bad and indifferent.. no matter where we are from

Those screaming freedom and speech rights have no idea what the true meaning is of those terms... :)

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After watching only a portion of that youtube video, I can only think of one response to those whom waste so much energy on negativism's. Be it unruly guests on a cruise ship, or forum posters whom like to aggravate others by acting as a 'pot stirrer'. And using my best Canadian accented version of a toque wearing redneck... (love Jeff Foxworthy's universal sense of humour) That thought would be.....


"Here's your sign" :rolleyes:


Life is too short. Make the most of every situation.


Life ~ Love ~ Laugh


Grab a Drink Of The Day, and raise your glass.

Cheers ;)



Love. Laugh live life to the fullest by all means but when you get stiffed out of part of your vacation plans people have a reason to get upset! Why were other ships rerouted to other ports and not this 1, surely carnival could of rerouted to at least 1 other port?

Being only a 1 time cruiser myself and seeing this BULL chit! would definetily turn me off cruising again. I go on vacation to avoid problems not to add to them and if crusing means you might not receive what you pay for , WELL? maybe you like to lose out but i don't and will seek other types of vacations that will be as advertised.

These people have every right to demand YES DEMAND at least 25 to 50 % of their money back when they only receive 2 ports instead of 4 and by the sounds of it Carnival didn't try very hard to help the situation .

I know this site has way too many cheerleaders that will cruise no matter what happens , well good luck to those who don't complain and take what they get which is getting RIPPED off for your vacation dollar! You can have it while i enjoy other forms of vacations that give you value for your dollar!

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Being only a 1 time cruiser myself and seeing this BULL chit! would definetily turn me off cruising again. I go on vacation to avoid problems not to add to them and if crusing means you might not receive what you pay for , WELL? maybe you like to lose out but i don't and will seek other types of vacations that will be as advertised.

These people have every right to demand YES DEMAND at least 25 to 50 % of their money back when they only receive 2 ports instead of 4 and by the sounds of it Carnival didn't try very hard to help the situation .


Well, apparently you boarded your ship not knowing there's no guarantee of ANY ports. You are paying for an "X" day cruise. I guess you got lucky. None of your fare goes to ANY of the stops, other than port charges. These are usually refunded if a port is skipped.

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Well, apparently you boarded your ship not knowing there's no guarantee of ANY ports. You are paying for an "X" day cruise. I guess you got lucky. None of your fare goes to ANY of the stops, other than port charges. These are usually refunded if a port is skipped.


And the REASON!!!! for other ships being rerouted and not this 1? There wasn't any given was there? WHAT a RIPOFF!! is all this is! Pay for something and then not get it, man no wonder Carnival makes lots of money ! I guess rest of you can wear and LARGE S on your foreheads for SUCKER!!!!

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Love. Laugh live life to the fullest by all means but when you get stiffed out of part of your vacation plans people have a reason to get upset! Why were other ships rerouted to other ports and not this 1, surely carnival could of rerouted to at least 1 other port?

Being only a 1 time cruiser myself and seeing this BULL chit! would definetily turn me off cruising again. I go on vacation to avoid problems not to add to them and if crusing means you might not receive what you pay for , WELL? maybe you like to lose out but i don't and will seek other types of vacations that will be as advertised.

These people have every right to demand YES DEMAND at least 25 to 50 % of their money back when they only receive 2 ports instead of 4 and by the sounds of it Carnival didn't try very hard to help the situation .

I know this site has way too many cheerleaders that will cruise no matter what happens , well good luck to those who don't complain and take what they get which is getting RIPPED off for your vacation dollar! You can have it while i enjoy other forms of vacations that give you value for your dollar!


:confused: They DID have every right to be upset, but they had NO right to try to incite a riot! Things happen, on a cruise OR a land vacation, and in this day of "there must be someone to blame, i think I'll sue" mentality, it's no wonder people think they are OWED something! I always taught my kids that true character is how you act when things are NOT going right, and that loud mouthed lady showed HER true character! These ARE just my opinions, of course, but some things are beyond our control! Oh, btw, I'm NOT a Carnival cheerleader...i just believe in making the best of ANY situation, and if I'm not happy about something, I talk to someone about it, i don't stand in the atrium of the ship i'm cruising on and yell and make a butt of myself!!:rolleyes:

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And the REASON!!!! for other ships being rerouted and not this 1? There wasn't any given was there? WHAT a RIPOFF!! is all this is! Pay for something and then not get it, man no wonder Carnival makes lots of money ! I guess rest of you can wear and LARGE S on your foreheads for SUCKER!!!!




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I would like to hear more from a Attorney as to what is & isnt allowed. I do know these facts;


1. When ship is in International Water, it isnt subject to US LAWS. Espically as it is flagged thru the country of Panama. So I would assume their laws would be applicable to a degree.


2. There are INTERNATIONAL MARITIME laws that govern all countries. If you want to see another extreme example of this, watch WHALE WARS on Animal Planet. They push those to the extreme in their endavours.


3. The CAPTAIN & his/her officers are the LAW on the ship PERIOD. Now once you dock in a port, their actions may be questioned & possibly they may face action. But they do have Broad powers to ensure discipline, safety & such while at sea.


Overall, while you may not be happy. There are things you can do to peacefully protest;


1. Start a petition & ask people to sign it without YELLING & SCREAMING.


2. Have all GRATITUTIES & other optional fee's removed from your S&S account. While this may hurt the people who do the work, it is a act of civil action that will be noticed.


3. Contact people, media etc about this matter after you disembark.


4. Organize PICKETS with others during future EMBARKATIONS of the ship disrupting CARNIVAL's operation. NOTE: Make sure you do this in a LEGAL MANNER. Unions do this all the time when they go on STIKE. You just have to know the difference between PUBLIC & PRIVATE land. EXAMPLE: You can march back & forth in the entrance to the CRUISE terminal, but you may not be able to picket on the cruise terminal itself if it is PRIVATE PROPERTY. If however it is owned by the Local govt, then you do have rights to picket & protest there.


All these things are to put the HEAT on the corp in a LEGAL way. Espically #4. No company like for their dirty laundry to be shown in public. I have seen people PICKET Auto Dealers & other businesses & it is amazing when you disrupt their operations in a LEGAL manner how quickly they want you to go away. If you are exercising your rights (here in the USA) in a LEGAL way, you will get there attention & get them to sit down & talk. Because they want you to go away & they cant threaten you or have you at a disadvantage like you are when you are on their ship.

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And the REASON!!!! for other ships being rerouted and not this 1? There wasn't any given was there? WHAT a RIPOFF!! is all this is! Pay for something and then not get it, man no wonder Carnival makes lots of money ! I guess rest of you can wear and LARGE S on your foreheads for SUCKER!!!!


There were ships that didn't make ANY ports of call that week. Our government restricted all unnecessary travel to Mexico. Any idea what all the lines had to do to shouffle the ships around, all while keeping logistics in mind.


I'll wear my "S", as long as you wear your "U".

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Well, apparently you boarded your ship not knowing there's no guarantee of ANY ports. You are paying for an "X" day cruise. I guess you got lucky. None of your fare goes to ANY of the stops, other than port charges. These are usually refunded if a port is skipped.


Perhaps this is just too simple a concept for some to grasp!!

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I would like to hear more from a Attorney as to what is & isnt allowed. I do know these facts;


1. When ship is in International Water, it isnt subject to US LAWS. Espically as it is flagged thru the country of Panama. So I would assume their laws would be applicable to a degree.


2. There are INTERNATIONAL MARITIME laws that govern all countries. If you want to see another extreme example of this, watch WHALE WARS on Animal Planet. They push those to the extreme in their endavours.


3. The CAPTAIN & his/her officers are the LAW on the ship PERIOD. Now once you dock in a port, their actions may be questioned & possibly they may face action. But they do have Broad powers to ensure discipline, safety & such while at sea.


Overall, while you may not be happy. There are things you can do to peacefully protest;


1. Start a petition & ask people to sign it without YELLING & SCREAMING.


2. Have all GRATITUTIES & other optional fee's removed from your S&S account. While this may hurt the people who do the work, it is a act of civil action that will be noticed.


3. Contact people, media etc about this matter after you disembark.


4. Organize PICKETS with others during future EMBARKATIONS of the ship disrupting CARNIVAL's operation. NOTE: Make sure you do this in a LEGAL MANNER. Unions do this all the time when they go on STIKE. You just have to know the difference between PUBLIC & PRIVATE land. EXAMPLE: You can march back & forth in the entrance to the CRUISE terminal, but you may not be able to picket on the cruise terminal itself if it is PRIVATE PROPERTY. If however it is owned by the Local govt, then you do have rights to picket & protest there.


All these things are to put the HEAT on the corp in a LEGAL way. Espically #4. No company like for their dirty laundry to be shown in public. I have seen people PICKET Auto Dealers & other businesses & it is amazing when you disrupt their operations in a LEGAL manner how quickly they want you to go away. If you are exercising your rights (here in the USA) in a LEGAL way, you will get there attention & get them to sit down & talk. Because they want you to go away & they cant threaten you or have you at a disadvantage like you are when you are on their ship.


Airwolf you do speak with very good options to protest other then in the lobby area of the cruise.ship. Money talks when i wants to get a point across of not being very happy with what is happening!

I am sure if all the people on the cruise removed their auto-tips and also refused to spend any money on any extras on the ship that would of sent a good message to Carnival!

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I am sure if all the people on the cruise removed their auto-tips and also refused to spend any money on any extras on the ship that would of sent a good message to Carnival!


LOL. More things that would add ones enjoyment to a cruise. All while stiffing YOUR help, not Carnival's pocket. All makes perfect sense! :)

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Airwolf you do speak with very good options to protest other then in the lobby area of the cruise.ship. Money talks when i wants to get a point across of not being very happy with what is happening!

I am sure if all the people on the cruise removed their auto-tips and also refused to spend any money on any extras on the ship that would of sent a good message to Carnival!


Removing auto-tips has no impact on the company, the tips go to the employees that worked extra-hard and had to miss out on two days off they would have otherwise received. How would you feel if your boss came to you and said that you needed to work over the weekend and that you would not get paid for anything that you did during the whole week. In response to one of your earlier posts, the cruise fare is not charged based on ports rather the days on the ship. Now if you were on a ferry and you missed a stop I could see a reason to be upset. But not on a cruise.

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Was it Honduras??? For crying out loud - why would you want to go there in the middle of an uprising?? People are nuts! They must think they can get money back so they cause a big stink.


why would an uprising in honduras bother someone that can make a complete ass of themselves by their own "uprising" it is unreal what cruising has become. use to be a class act, now it is like street gangs.

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10 years ago, DH and I went on our first cruise. No computers, everything on paper, no CC, we were totally unprepared for what could happen on a ship. We went blissfully to our first cruise. I was looking forward to a beach day more than anything. We were on a Princess ship and we were scheduled to go to Princess Cays. I'm sure it was posted somewhere on the ship but DH and I never saw it but we couldn't go to the Cays because a few months prior it had been torn apart by a hurricane. We ended up in Nausau instead. Because we weren't paying attention we didn't realize we were in Nausau until all the excursion were booked and all transport was gone. None of this was Princess's fault. We spent a not so great 1/2 afternoon walking around Nausau and the rest of the day enjoying the the practically empty ship.

Last July on Miracle we were supposed to go to Tortola and ended up in Grand Turk because Miracle was having propulsion problem. I didn't enjoy Grand Turk that much either. Again, this was not Carnival's fault.

These people have no clue what they are talking about but they obviously know who to cause trouble. We're watching a video of the mob scene in the atrium (which is bad enough) but obviously these people were causing some kind of trouble before this because the Captain felt it necessary to send a letter and threaten them with legal consequences. But who did he send a letter to? That loud mouth lady? The other wowen said security was following people around. Why? They must have done something to cause Security to feel like they needed to be under survalience. It looks like we just saw the tail end.

Hopefully these morans will swear off cruising or at least Carnival and I would have to deal with them on my cruises. I'm going back on Miracle in November to 3 ports I've never been to before. I am really looking forward to each and every one of them. But if, for some reason, we can't make one, oh well. I can't miss what I've never had.

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Seriously, you are on a beautiful boat in the middle of the ocean....with great food, great entertainment, etc.


It happens, move on and make the best of things...


These remind me of the same people when you read hotel review sites or vacation review sites that pick at the little things and somehow those things ruin their vacation.


Its vacation...check your attitude and stupidity at the door.


Or better yet, drop those goofs in the middle of the Hondruas uprising..

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Seriously, you are on a beautiful boat in the middle of the ocean....with great food, great entertainment, etc.


It happens, move on and make the best of things...


These remind me of the same people when you read hotel review sites or vacation review sites that pick at the little things and somehow those things ruin their vacation.


Its vacation...check your attitude and stupidity at the door.


Or better yet, drop those goofs in the middle of the Hondruas uprising..


2.gifExcellent post!!!

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It's amazing how many idiots there are in the world. We went today to pick up some artwork (from our last cruise auction, lol) at Michaels, and there was a woman in her 40's or 50's loudly berating the frame department employee and her manager. She was unhappy with the mat job they had done on a piece of artwork she already had in an old, crooked frame. The manager kept calmly and politely explaining how the frame was the problem, and their machines will only cut things square. She was slamming the mat down and huffing and puffing and yelling - it just got worse and worse. DH, our kids, and I were mortified, as were the other people waiting in line. Finally we got to the counter and gave them our order number - the guy was looking around in the back and shaking his head, and my husband said uh-oh, I think our order isn't ready. And I loudly said, "Well, should I have a temper tantrum like a SPOILED CHILD, or should I just let them know we'll come back next weekend?" My husband was embarrassed, but everyone else in line laughed. I swear, the guy at the counter looked scared to tell us the order was late, I guess he was prepared for another screaming fit. We simply told him we'd come back next weekend - we were out in the area anyway, so it was no big deal. Of course on the ride home we used her behavior as a learning lesson for the kids, explaining how to go about fixing problems and having issues dealt with, and how NOT to.

;):D:D (bolding mine)

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No, I think you misunderstood... the uprising was happening on the ship, not in the port.


Actually there was an uprising in Roatan, labor unrest, which caused Carnival to cancel that port the day before the Legend was to port th ere. Also, because of the Swine Flu, Carnival was not porting in Cozumel. This created a 7 day cruise with 2 ports of call instead of 4. Quite a few of the passengers gathered together to voice their displeasure. This happened 2 weeks before our cruise on the Legend. They were not happy that Carnival only credited them for the port fees gor those two ports and for shore excursions not used. The passengers kind of felt they were owed something more.:( Just like society today, me me me and what can I get for perceived wrong doing.:(

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